The End of the World


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I feel like I could do this forever, but then Greg's mouth gently pulls away from mine and begins to plant gentle kisses on my chin, then my neck, and then down across my chest. I can't help but moan in disappointment as his cock moves away from my needy lips, but when his mouth latches onto my nipple, all is forgiven.

"Oh Jesus, Greg," I gasp, "that's so good." Greg's taking his weight on his elbows, but he's using his hand to gently knead my other breast and twist its nipple. The sensations coursing through me are enrapturing.

Without conscious thought, I tip my pelvis up and grind my pussy against Greg's hard, flat belly. My clit is on fire with its need. Greg murmurs his approval. The vibrations of his mouth on my breast serve only to increase the intensity of the pleasure.

Then, Greg's mouth leaves my breast as well, and begins to kiss its way down my body to my navel, which he tongues. I giggle this time, but again, I'm amazed at how good it feels.

Greg again heads south. The very thought of his mouth being there is about enough to drive me crazy, so the knowing that he's about to do it for real has me nearly frantic with desire.

Just before he arrives, he puts his hands behind my knees and spreads my legs obscenely wide, tipping my pelvis up to him. Under any other circumstances, being exposed so completely would have shamed me, but I want Greg to see and touch all of me. I hope he likes what he sees.

As if he can read my mind, he lifts his mouth away from me and looks me over. "Oh Lana," he murmurs, "you're so beautiful. I don't understand how I can possibly deserve to be with you."

"I'm the lucky one," I murmur back to him.

With that, he smiles and moves in. When the tip of his tongue touches my anus I nearly jump from the surprise, but then a moment later, the rush of erotic sensation surges into my consciousness. Greg doesn't linger for long, though, slowly and deliberately moving north across my taint, kissing and tonguing as he goes.

At last he arrives at my virgin opening and I feel him penetrate me just a bit with the tip of his tongue. "Oh Greg," I moan. It feels so amazing. He pushes into me just a little further, then has to hold me to keep me from wiggling. What he's doing is incredible, but it's stoking my need to a feverish, white heat.

Greg can evidently feel this, because he relaxes his hold on my legs, allowing my pelvis to lower itself a little, but it's for a purpose. My clit rotates cleanly into his waiting lips.

I literally shriek as Greg sucks my hard nubbin into his mouth and attacks it with his tongue. My hands shoot down and grab fistfuls of his curly hair, holding him in position. Now that he's doing the very thing that's going to make me come, I don't want him to go anywhere.

Greg evidently has no intention to be anywhere else either, and he works my clit with abandon. The sheer intensity of the sensations emanating from my little organ almost overload my nervous circuitry, and I feel myself explode into a massive orgasm, almost as a defensive response. It's like I've been hit by a truck. Greg never takes his foot off the accelerator either, holding me down and ravishing me as I come.

Earlier, Greg gave me an orgasm that overshadowed anything that I had experienced by bringing myself off, but the difference between that and what I'm experiencing now may be even greater. If someone had told me that I could ever feel like this, I wouldn't have believed them. He's taking me to places I never even knew existed.

Then Greg ups the ante even further, entering me with a long finger, even as I'm coming. A second finger enters soon after, and he begins to slide them in and out. It's a lot tighter than I'm used to, but it's good.

Eventually, I come down from my mountaintop, enough that I can gather my thoughts enough to realize that Greg is probably using his fingers to help prepare me for what's to come. I think it's working, because even now his fingers don't feel nearly as big as they did at first.

Greg's not nearly finished with me yet, though, as he never slackens in his ministrations. Incredibly, and much sooner than I would have believed, I feel myself rising toward another climax. At least I know what's coming this time, and as I near my peak, I can just bathe in the intensity of what I'm feeling.

Greg is a maestro at this, and is playing me like a fine violin. An image of him learning these skills between Courtney's thighs pops into my mind, but I feel no jealousy now. Instead, I mentally thank her for teaching him. It's that good.

Greg holds me at my peak for what seems like forever, but then, just as I'm starting down the far slope, he slips his fingers out of me and smoothly moves up into position. I feel the head of his cock press firmly against my opening. Then he suddenly stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Uh, Lana," he says, "I didn't even think about birth control."

I'm a bit taken aback. "Wow, neither did I," I admit. It honestly hadn't occurred to me. So much for that sex-ed class I took back in high school.

"Are you on the pill?"

"No. I'm, well..."

"You're a virgin," Greg finishes. It's more of a statement than a question, but I nod. "I was assuming that," he continues. "And I think it's wonderful, but it would be a shame if you got pregnant your first time out."

"Would it?"

Greg is momentarily speechless, so I go on. "I wasn't even thinking about it, but I'm in the most fertile part of my cycle. If you're not ready for kids yet, there are condoms in the nightstand drawer, but that's your decision. I'm ready when you are." Said condoms are of the "Ribbed, Reservoir Tip" variety of course, though I think I'll die of embarrassment if Greg makes the connection to Courtney's recommendation in the band room.

I realize that most couples have longer discussions about the right time to have kids, but I think I know what Greg wants. And it's what I want. Kids are a part of our future and I see no reason to delay their entrance into our lives.

Greg smiles. "Making a baby with you at the same time I'm taking your virginity may be the sexiest thought I've ever had in my head. And if we're going to have a whole shitload of kids, we're going to have to get started. You're not getting any younger."

I giggle. "Yeah, after September I'm not going to be a teenager anymore. You'd better knock me up quick before I hit menopause."

"I'll give it the old college try." He grins, but then I can see him getting serious again. This is a big deal. I feel him ready himself.

I'm as ready as I can possibly be. "Make me yours," I murmur, though I have always been his.

Without further hesitation, he presses inward. I know his manhood is far thicker than two, or likely even three of his fingers, and I can feel the roundness of his head and the slickness of my sensitive inner tissues combine to stretch me open to a degree that I've never experienced. It hurts, and I immediately clench, stopping all progress. He backs off.

"Lana, are you alright?" His concern is obvious.

"I'm sorry, Greg. It was just more than I was expecting."

"Look, we don't have to do this now if you don't think you're ready. Or we could try having you on top. It might be better if you're in control. The more you can relax, the easier this will be."

I lift my head up and kiss him. "No Greg. I want you to take me now. Just go slow and I'll do the best I can to relax." I lay my head back down on the pillow.

Greg nods. "Just tell me if you want me to stop." I notice that he doesn't say to stop him if it hurts. He knows he's going to hurt me, but there's not much we can do about that.

My eyes are closed, but the feel of his warm breath on my face alerts me that a kiss is on the way. I meet him with an open mouth and eager tongue. He holds still for a minute while we kiss. I love his kisses, and it almost takes my mind off what is about to happen.

Greg shifts a little, sliding an arm underneath my shoulders and moving his weight onto one elbow. I feel his free hand sliding down between us, then thumb and fingers spread my lips apart, helping to open me for what is to come.

I feel the pressure as Greg's swollen head presses into me, but I consciously relax my vaginal muscles for him, just letting it happen. He presses more firmly, and I can feel the stretch as his head wedges its way between my virgin lips. It still hurts, but it's accompanied by the glory of knowing that this is Greg who's entering me for the first time.

Now that he's got a beachhead, Greg moves back and forth in tiny, slow strokes, moving fractionally deeper each time. It's kind of like removing a Band-Aid slowly, feeling the stinging pull the whole time. My dad taught me a better way to handle that, and without really thinking it through, I apply that lesson now.

My hands slip down to Greg's glorious, muscular butt cheeks, getting a good grip. He moans his approval into my mouth, not realizing what I'm about to do. Then I pull him into me -- hard.

I'm not sure what exactly I was expecting -- maybe that he'd just move a little further and faster -- but what I get is a massive thrust that rams him into my body as deeply as I thought he would ever be able to go, and then a lot more. As for the pain, it is indeed about what I would have expected from my experience in yanking Band-Aids -- sharp and intense. I cry out.

Greg's eyes are huge with surprise and concern. None of this has been his doing, and he obviously hadn't anticipated my pulling this kind of stunt. Nevertheless, he looks stricken. "Lana, are you okay?"

I close my stupid mouth and do a quick survey. Yes, the pain had been intense, but now it's quickly fading as a new sensation takes over. It's an amazing feeling of completeness. Through this joining of our bodies, I can feel how we are also joined in every other way. I am a part of him, and he is a part of me.

"I'm so much more than okay," I say honestly, looking up into his eyes. I see that he believes me. Then he looks down and my eyes follow his. Unbelievably, he is buried to the hilt inside of me. I've somehow taken all of him. I'll bet you never managed that, Courtney!

Greg's eyes return to mine. "I'm complete now," he says simply, wholly mirroring my thoughts.

In those three words I know I've discovered how the rest of my life is going to be. We're going to marry, make love, have children and run our combined ranch until we're old. Then we'll let the kids take over while we sit together on the porch, reminiscing about the old days and loving each other as much as we did in our early years together.

"Lana," Greg says, "I have a confession to make."

"And that is?" I'm surprised that I can string coherent words together at this point.

"Courtney and I had a pretty active sex life for the years we were going out."

"Are you sure this is the time you want to talk about--"

"But there was one thing I always refused to do with her."

"What, you wouldn't go down on her either?"

"No, it was what we're doing right now."

Those words kind of just sit there. For a long moment, they're devoid of meaning, but then I understand what he's just said to me.

"Wait, Greg. Are you telling me that this is your first time too?"

I mean, that's not possible, is it? Greg is twenty-four years old. He's a former jock, and he may be the handsomest man on the planet. He can't be a virgin, can he?

But the sincerity on his face is real. "Yeah, it is." Then he gives me a goofy smile. "You just took my cherry too."

The joy that washes over me in that instant is almost indescribable. I can hardly believe that a man like Greg has waited for me this whole time. That may be the most amazing and wonderful thing I've heard in my whole life -- except for maybe that the world isn't ending today after all.

He can probably guess my reaction to his revelation by the beatific smile on my face. I reach up and caress his cheek. "I cherish this gift you've given me, Greg. I'm a little bit in awe of it. We're starting our life together with a clean slate."

He nods. "Every time I thought about being with whichever girl I was dating, my mind would instead imagine this moment with you. I wanted you to be my first and only." There's no embarrassment there now -- just complete sincerity.

I'm filled with joy, but I'm also very aware that I'm full to the brim with a very large hunk of Greg's dreamy body. The look on his face says he wants to be sure I'm okay to continue.

"Make love with me, Greg," I murmur. "I'll only ever do this with you, so let's make this first time memorable."

He smiles. "I'm sure it will be -- and I'll only ever do this with you too." He begins to slowly withdraw, evidently feeling for just how far he can pull out without losing our hard-won foothold. I can feel that he nearly pulls out too far, but then he reverses and slowly fills me again, pushing in at the end and wiggling his hips just a little to make sure I've got all of him ensconced in my warm, moist depths.

I can indeed feel every last inch of him, way up inside my body. The sensations are novel and intense, but most of the pain is now gone. I've accommodated my man and I'm prepared for more. "Fuck me Greg," I murmur. "I'm ready for you now."

With that encouragement, he begins to move with more authority. He's obviously taking pains to be as gentle as possible under the circumstances, but soon he's thrusting with long, smooth strokes. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose, but he's got his hips set so that he's gently rubbing his pubes against my clit on each stroke. Combined with the novel and intense sensations of him moving inside me, I know it won't be long until he makes me come again.

My hands are still on his butt cheeks, but now it finally occurs to me that since we're, like, having sex, it would probably be okay for me to do what I've longed to do for so long -- run my hands all over his amazing body.

I do just that, exploring, caressing, kneading and massaging, from his amazingly tight cheeks, across his broad back and onto his massive shoulders. His body is so different from mine, but I can feel how we're built for each other, complimenting each other.

"I love the feel of your hands on me, Lana," he murmurs.

"And I love touching you, Greg."

We're kissing when the wellings of my next climax warn me that I'm just about there. I'm determined that I'm going to keep kissing him while I come, and as my body goes rigid, I feel him push all the way into me, filling me completely as I come around his massive intrusion.

"Oh God, Lana," he pants, "I'm so blessed to finally have you as my lover." I want to tell him the same, but now I'm to the point where I can no longer form intelligible words, instead just crying out in a long, concentrated moan. Except for our kisses, both of our bodies go stock still as I come. Though I'm not thinking in actual words now, I wonder at how each orgasm he's given me has managed to be better than the last. Somehow he's managed to do it again.

Greg can sense when I'm coming down from my high, and he begins to move again. I'm so amazed at how attentive and selfless he's been through all of this. He's strong and self-sufficient, yet tender and caring. I figure I'm about the luckiest girl in the world, and it's time to show a little appreciation.

"I want you to come, Greg," I pant. "I want you to come deep inside me. Fuck me like I know you want to. I'm ready. Don't hold back."

With those words, it appears that I've unleashed a beast. He's still being careful not to hurt me, but he's letting his alpha male side take control. His hips are nearly a blur, thrusting, seeking, dominating, and letting me know that I'm with a man, not a boy. But far from being intimidated, I'm elated, knowing that his strength, in real life as well as in sex, is working for the both of us. Greg is not a man to be trifled with.

I can sense that at the pace he's moving, he's not going to last long, and that's just fine with me. My next orgasm is building quickly, and I'm not sure just how much of this I can take on my first time out. I just hang on tight and ride the whirlwind.

"Oh God, Lana," he moans, his breath coming in gasps, "I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come all the way up inside you."

"That's it baby," I gasp, feeling myself tumbling over the edge. "Give me your seed and I'll come with you." The thought that one of those seeds might just merge with my egg and create our first child makes this feel ten times sexier to me.

Greg gives one last hard thrust, and if feels like there was just a little bit more that he had been withholding before, because he's pressed hard against my cervix as he spews his hot issue. His moan is low and guttural as he holds himself inside me, as deep as he can go.

I've never had the shakes during an orgasm before, but I certainly do this time. I throw my arms around his broad chest and squeeze as tight as I can as I cry out in my ecstasy. Somehow he's done it again, and I'm experiencing a climax beyond what I knew a climax could be.

We're like that for a while, but then I can feel him begin his own shaking. He's been supporting his weight on his knees and elbows for a long time, and after a climax like that one, I can't imagine that he could have a lot of strength left. I guide him to roll over, and we manage to put me on top without ever losing our connection. I can sense that for now, he's welcoming my weight on him. I lay my head on his shoulder and just let my body go limp.

After an indeterminate amount of time, I feel the last of his softening manhood slip from me. I mourn its loss, but rejoice in the feel of my man beneath me. I tip my face up a little and he tips his down. We share a long, leisurely kiss as the last of the endorphins are washed away.

"So have you decided what you're going to say to your sister when we finally emerge?" Greg asks when we come up for air.

"Actually, I'm going to say something before we emerge."

"Oh, do tell."

I explain what I'd like to do.

Greg's face lights up with a huge grin. "That's delicious, Lana, and remind me not to get crosswise with you again."

"Oh, I can't imagine you ever doing anything that deserves something like what I'm going to do to Crystal. I'm eager to put it into motion."

"Sounds good, but I think we'd better shower and get dressed first. And you know, the shower stall isn't huge, but..."

"I'll be happy to wash your back," I giggle, "and anything else that needs it, but first..." I reach into the nightstand drawer and pull out a bottle.

"What's that?"

"Massage oil. Roll over. I'm gonna show you how I treat my man."

"Oh woman, you amaze me."

I've spent some time over the last few years watching online videos about massage (fantasizing about doing those things for Greg, of course) and practicing on my sister and a couple of my friends. They all claim that I've gotten quite good at it. This is the first time I've ever done a massage on a man, though.

I have Greg roll onto his stomach, then straddle his hips (something I didn't do with the others) and warm the oil in my hands before going to work. Greg sighs happily when he feels me begin.

Greg shoulders are massive and heavily muscled. He's not just a 3:2 scale version of Crystal, like I might have imagined. It turns out that men are totally different. I put a lot more weight and pressure into my movements than I ever did with my previous victims, but he just sighs happily. I don't know which one of us is having more fun. I work my way down his back, finding and treating knots, and glorying in the feel of his nude body beneath me.

It's even more fun when I have him roll over. His big unit is standing at strict attention and it's all I can do not to grab it and begin to play. Instead, I gently and lovingly massage his face, something I'm quite sure no one has ever done for him before, then work my way down his neck to his shoulders and amazing pecs. They're mounds of solid muscle.