The Erica Chroinicles


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“Erica!” I said. “Come and try this outfit on I have picked out for you.”

As she brushed by me I added softly so only she could hear.

“These are your new whore wife clothes darling.” I whispered.

It took Erica a longer amount of time than she normally spent trying on an outfit. I imagine that she was quite embarrassed by the sheer nature of the top and the shortness of the mini. She finally came out of the change room and she looked awesome.

“That’s the perfect whore look I was hoping for Erica.” I whispered to her.” You’re the perfect fuck-toy in that outfit sweetheart.”

“I feel so exposed.”

“You’re supposed to feel that way. I can’t wait to take you to a club tonight. Remember your promise Erica.”

Little did she know the club I had in mind .It was a famous place for wives picking up strangers, usually in front of their husbands. I had checked it out and it looked like a good place for Erica’s initiation, or at the very least letting her see the action as it happened. Erica knew I was serious about her screwing other men. She had happily played the fantasy game with me for over three years, but now it was time to actually show her the scene and the lifestyle in action.

Checkers was a perfect setting as well. It was a subdued lighted, very open club. It had a long bar that snaked through the centre of the room dividing off a dance floor section from a section that had several small well appointed booths. It was to this section that husbands escorted their wives to before wandering off to the bar to observe the action from a barstool. I had been there twice in the last month after finding out about the club through a contact magazine, checking out the scene and seeing the type of both couple and single men that hung out there. From what I had seen the outfit I had picked out for Erica was perfect for the setting she was going to be exposed to this evening.

Erica went back to the change room and changed back to the clothes she was wearing to the mall and we quickly left and headed back home. I decided that I was going to pamper Erica, so I drew her a bath full of bubbles and sweet smelling oils and lit some candles and had a glass of her favourite white wine waiting for her as she entered the bathroom. I told her to relax and let the bath warm and soothe away the tension of the day. I also knew that with her wanting to please nature she would be more inclined to do what I wanted after being so royally treated.

I left her in the washroom and proceeded to watch a wife sharing video to get into to the swing of things so to speak. I guess I had lost track of time because the next thing I knew Erica was sitting beside me her eyes glued to the video playing on the television screen.

The scene was of one woman who was being encouraged by her “Husband” to dance for his friends, that he wanted her to “entertain his buddies”. The scene shifted as the couple walked into the room where 5 other guys were all sitting. This was the first gangbang flick I had played while Erica was around and her whispered questions about what was going to happen revealed her naiveté. I told her to shush and just watch the screen. I could feel Erica tense as she watched the wife slowly strip for the men. Each time the touching and feeling became more intense the more rapid and ragged Erica’s breathing became. Soon the woman in the video began to sit on each man’s lap .As she did she was thoroughly felt up. Erica responded with a whispered “is she going to fuck them all?” when I silently nodded my head she shuddered.

For the next forty minutes or so Erica never once took her eyes from the screen she was watching. I could hear her gasp as the woman took each man in her mouth and then her pussy. All the time she was smiling to her husband and asking if this was what he wanted her to do. Erica’s excitement reached a fever pitch when she watched the woman first double penetrated then triple. Her breathing was so ragged and rapid I was concerned that she would hyperventilate. When the scene finally ended Erica looked at me with lust filled eyes and reached for my cock. I brushed her hand away and shook my head.

“Not right now sweetheart I want you totally horny tonight when we go out.”

“That’s not fair. You make me watch such an incredibly horny video and now you won’t fuck me.” She pouted holding her eyes downcast and averted looking at me.

“No one forced you to watch.” I exclaimed. “Besides you did not once take your eyes off the screen Erica so you must have liked it.” I chuckled.

She had a great pout, sexy, as hell and I had succumbed to it a many times over the years. Not however this day, it was four o’clock and that left three and a half hours for Erica to primp herself for our nights adventure.

She began to realize that I was not going to “do her” then and there and she began to move around the house still with her bath towel wrapped around herself. I suggested to her that she should start to get ready. I asked if she could use more make-up than usual and to take her time making herself up. She asked what she was supposed to wear.

“The outfit we bought today?”

“You know that’s why I bought it for you, to wear it out tonight?”

Erica did not answer me; she nodded her head and stood there seemingly frozen in place.

“Yes I know that’s why you bought me the outfit, to take me out and show me off.

“That’s right.”

“I’m scared honey, I don’t know if I can go out like that.”

“Remember your promise Erica?”

I had her Erica would rather die than not keep a promise. Early in our marriage she had promised a person to help, it ended up costing her a promotion because she refused to leave her friend in the lurch. I decided to push on.


It was practically whispered

“You’ll keep me safe?” when I nodded she firmly said, “I promise to do what you have asked.”

“Then get dressed and take your time. I want you as perfect as possible for this evening’s adventure.”

Erica nodded and disappeared into our bedroom. I decided to put more of my plan in action and called a contractor to get a quote on placing a one-way mirror between my study and our bedroom. It was something I had always wanted so I could watch her in action. I had never held back any of the things I wanted to do with her. Though she thought me very “strange “ as she put it for wanting to watch her fuck other men she did acknowledge that it was a real part of my sexual appetite and need. I bargained back and forth for about ½ an hour with the contractor finally settling on a price for the length and height of mirror I wanted and the installation.

He made a date for two weeks hence and said it would take a week to do the job. I told him I would arrange it from my end. I hung up the phone and went past our bedroom door and glanced in to see what progress Erica was making on her transformation. She was seated at her make up table staring at her in the mirror. She was working on her eyebrows and was so engrossed she did not notice me. I continued on and went into my study and checked out my e-mail and other on line stuff I needed to get done.

I also logged on to a wife sharing site I was a member of and sent a wife available for play ad I had been working on for a few years. The ad was very clear and straightforward. I wondered what response I would get from the on-line ad so I decided also to send a mail ad to the local contact magazine.

I must have lost track of time because I was jerked back to reality when Erica yelled my name and said if we were leaving at seven thirty I had better shower. I looked at the screen and saw it was six forty. I quickly finished the ad sent it via e –mail and paid the bill. I went down the hall quickly showered and shaved. I went into our room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Erica was deliciously standing with her breasts firmly thrust out clearly visible through the blouse, as were the tops of her stockings due to the shortness of her skirt. Her look and make up screamed, “fuck me”! I was impressed.

“Very nice, you can wear a blazer or jacket for dinner. That disappears at the club though o-okay Erica? The club we are going to caters to husbands like me Erica.”

“What does that mean?”

“It is a place that a couple of nights a week husbands can bring their wives to the bar to pick up and fuck single men. This usually happens in front of their husbands. Some couples enter as singles. Others enter as couples. The hubby seats wife at a booth has a drink with her, and then retires to the bar to watch wifey in action. Most of the time the husband gets a signal from the wife and heads home or a prearranged hotel room usually to watch from a closet or like we will have a one way mirror. Though so some men do participate joining into the action a lot just watch.”

I had decided to tell Erica up front about Checkers so she was not under any illusions about where we were going and what she would be seeing (at least) tonight.

“Will you be doing that this evening? Leaving me in a booth alone I mean.”

“We will have to see about that. I want you shown off for sure and I want you to dance with other men. We will see how you are adapting to the scene ok Erica. I want you to see what I am turned on by is neither that strange nor unique. Erica I have never lied about my desires to you but neither have I ever thought about forcing you to have sex with someone else. I want you to if you did so it was because you chose to do it.”

Secretly I was hoping to get Erica’s bald pussy stuffed with strange cock tonight but I was not about to put any kind of pressure on her by saying anything. It was going to be tricky enough as it was .I was under no illusions about this; it would be a difficult transformation, this evening’s adventure.

After about twenty-five minutes I was ready to go. Erica with her blazer on entered the black Porches we indulged ourselves with and we drove off. I had selected a nice place to eat about halfway to our destination. Checkers.

I was also determined to get Erica to lose more of her natural inhibitions and become more open and revealing (in more ways than one.) and used to being on sexual display. I had some ideas about where I wanted Erica to progress to, and although she was quite successful in her position at the corporation she worked at, I did have some other ideas about where she could be working.

Her reaction to the strip/gangbang hot wife video had also given me some idea that she was turned on by the actress’s exhibitionism. That was just the kind of idea I was looking for, because if I was going to turn Erica into my exhibitionist so she could satisfy my voyeuristic needs. I knew also what I was going to propose would be very difficult for starters so I was prepared for the long haul to accomplish my goal. That was also the reason I wanted Erica stuffed this evening, that and getting her used to being at the centre of male attention which was also one of the purposes to this evenings fun.

We were driving along as ran these thoughts through my mind and I was curious as to how Erica was feeling.

“Hey sweetie, how are you doing you have been very quiet since we got into the car. Are you alright?”

“I am fine Sean, although I feel like I am almost naked with what I am wearing.” Erica said ruefully.

“Well you do have the blazer for the dinner, and it is not like you are going to be under a spotlight at Checkers Erica, the lighting is very subdued there.”

“I am very nervous about all this you know. I still do not know if I can go through with being so exposed.”

“That's normal Erica, in fact I would be worried if you were not a little nervous. It is sorta like the athlete that gets nerves before a big game, it is the same idea dear. You will do just fine honey and we will take things very slow at the beginning ok Erica and I promise to keep you safe.”

Again I was being very gentle and kind so I could make some the ideas I was going to spring on her as easy as possible for her to accept. I wanted her to come to understand that I would also be pampering her more that she was used to. That mix should make a potent combination for helping Erica to cross the bridge I was already on the other side of, that being the Hot Wife lifestyle.

We arrived at the restaurant soon after and I made a great show about opening Erica’s door, gallantly offering my arm to her. I made sure I opened the doors and made a great show of seating Erica at our table. I could also see the maitre-de checking out my wife as he left us at the table. I caught his attention and in sotto voice asked him if we had a male server he nodded discretely and left us at the table.

We made small chat as we waited; Erica was quite taken at the restaurant and complimented me on my taste. Our waiter arrived and asked us if wanted a drink while we decided what we wanted to order. I decided to have a single malt Scotch and Erica ordered a glass of her favorite white wine. White wine has an aphrodisiac effect on Erica like it does on most women and I was glad she was consuming her second glass already today .I thought to myself that she would be well lubricated and have lessened inhibitions this evening.

We ordered our dinners and again returned to making small talk at the table. I made sure to compliment Erica on her look and how I had caught the maitre-de checking her out as he sat us at the table. Erica blushed at this and shook her head at me saying I must have been mistaken. I then told her about the two young men that had watched her walk from our car to the lobby how they had been staring at her exposed stocking tops as we had walked to the front door. Erica almost burst she was blushing so much. When I told her that the waiter had been on a couple of occasions trying to look down the front other jacket she smiled sweetly and said.

“Well that is what you want.” She smiled at me.

“Yes Erica that is true.” I responded.

“Do you want me to open my jacket for the waiter the next time he comes to the table?” Erica's eyes were dancing as she said this. I could tell that second glass of wine was having an effect.

“I think that would be a great idea Erica.”

Taking this as a hint I decided that then was a good time for me to go to the washroom. I excused myself and walked toward the washrooms. I noticed our waiter serving another table so I paused caught his attention and told him my wife wanted another glass of wine, he said he would bring it right over to her.

I continued my trip to the washroom deliberately taking my time there. I washed my hands and slowly made my way back to the table.

I could see Erica as I walked back toward the table. She looked slightly flushed as I approached the table. Her jacket that had both buttons fastened when I left the table hung loosely open. As I sat down I could clearly see Erica's breasts through the sheer fabric of her blouse. She smiled as I sat down and I as I looked at her I could clearly see the signs of sexual excitement in her gaze.

“Did he get a better view this time Erica? “ I asked her.

“Yes he stood here for at least two minutes pouring me my wine. He even had me have a small taste first to make sure it was the one I wanted. He starred at my nipples so long honey I thought they were going to explode just from his gaze.” Erica flushed a brighter red as she made this confession. “I hope you are pleased with me honey.”

“Yes Erica I am very, very pleased “

“I think you were right about the maitre-de Sean. He walked by the table twice when that waiter was pouring my wine and he came over after the waiter left and asked if everything was fine with dinner.

He starred straight down my top honey and I know he was looking at my breasts.” Erica almost shuddered when she said the word breasts.

“That’s wonderful Erica. See, I told you other men found you appealing.”

“Yes I think I am finally coming to see that you have been right about that.” Erica was giggling and her eyes were dancing as she spoke to me. I could see from her demeanor and actions that she was extremely turned on at the moment.

“Actually I think that you have known for years but were afraid to admit it Erica. Remember when we went to Malloys that night and you talked to the stripper about you dancing for me. When that group of twenty year olds asked you to dance for them I could see the “yeah me “ gleam in your eyes when you returned to the table.” I chuckled.

“Okay maybe a little that night.” Erica blushed bright red as she made this admission.

“Have you ever thought about what might have happened if you had said yes to them that night Erica.” I asked her softly.

“Not as much as I did this afternoon after we watched that video. Yes Sean I have often thought about it. I have thought about a lot of things in nine years as far as sex is concerned. It is so hard to explain. Sean I want to try all the things we talk about and role-play. To be very honest with you I would love to live every single one of the stories you have written about me in living colour.”

“Are you serious.” I interjected.

“Sean yes I am! I am also terrified and frightened of something. Even with the three guys I was with before you I thought I loved each one of them. It was the only way I could make love with them. Now yes you have told and taught me that there is a difference between making love and sex. The question I have is how I get there in a real life situation. That is what has always stopped me. Do you remember when we went to Aruba, there was a bartender there I wanted to fuck so badly. I wanted to tell you but this damn fear of not being able to see sex with other men as just sex stopped me.”


“Please Sean let me finish okay. What I am feeling inside right now I never thought possible. I am sitting here actively contemplating how to leave my phone number for the waiter.”

“On the back of the bill silly.” I smiled openly at her.


“That’s how you find out Erica by acting on those desires.” I responded.

“Are you sure you are okay if I do.”

“It is not about me Erica. Is this what you want to do.”

“Yes I do Sean.”

“We have always done things together love. That is so important.”

“You can also thank Angie for her suggesting light bondage to me. It really taught me to trust you Sean.”

“Well love, your potential sex toy is coming with the bill and the desert tray.”

I noticed our waiter making his way towards us. I think he was slightly nonplussed that Erica’s jacket still hung loosely at her sides with me sitting there with her.

“Thank you for beautiful service this evening.” Erica softly said to him as he came up to the side of the table.

“Thank you Mamn.” His cheeks noticeably turned red at her statement.

“My name is Erica.” She said with a sly look at me.

I just smiled and played along with the banter. Inside I was turmoil, as I knew I would be at this moment. Part of me enthralled at my wife and her approaching my dreams. Part of me knowing that things would never be the same but I had always believed that change was good and you grew in change. And I was not going to ever deny who I was. I was not really paying attention to Erica and the waiter when I realized that he had left the table. Erica informed me that she had used her card so she could leave her number.

“Good idea Erica.”

“I hope you were lost in dreams of what I will be doing with him.”

“No actually considering the change and yes I admit the idea you are about to make my fondest wish come true was there. So were other things.”

“Are you really okay with this or is reality scary for you too.”

“Of course I am scared. The unknown is always scary Erica. Shakespeare said, “Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once.” I have always believed that applies to life as well as to a soldier. I want to share you, your sex with other men. That means being valiant. I’m a hedonist Erica. I love the idea and most important I love and trust you.”
