The Ethical Slutmaker Ch. 07

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Goth Gamer Girl Andrea throws a party for her D&D party.
4.7k words

Part 7 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/30/2015
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Chapter 7: Tunnels and Trollops

Andrea walked into the waiting room, and blinked when she saw Rita behind the desk. "Hi. Where's Naomi?"

"Gone to LA to help look after her sister's kids for a few weeks," Rita replied. "Her sister broke her leg playing roller derby, so we couldn't say no, even though it was short notice. You didn't have a date, did you?"

"I wish," the goth grrl said dryly. "No, I'm just returning some manga she lent me."

Rita nodded. The busty and beautiful Naomi was an excellent receptionist, masseuse, and advertisement for their services: she was propositioned daily, and proposed to at least once a month. She would occasionally let men fuck her magnificent tits, or jerk them off between her tattooed feet, but she much preferred staying at home in the evenings with a vegetarian meal, a DVD, and one or more of the women from her lesbian Buddhist volleyball team and book club. "You still working at that piercing place?"

"Uh-huh. You want a piercing?"

"No thanks. I was wondering whether you'd like to fill in for Naomi 'til she gets back."

"I can do Monday to Thursdays..."

"That would help..." said Rita. "But I'm really looking for someone who can work weekends."

"No can do, but I can think of someone who could."

"Has she been here? We'd prefer one of our interns or trainees, or at least a client."

"No... at least, I don't think so. But she's worked as a receptionist."

"Is she hot?"

"Not as hot as Naomi, but she's cute, and her tits are bigger than mine."

Rita looked slightly more interested. "Girlfriend of yours?"

"Not really. We've made out a few times; she's bi... sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Okay, she's bi, but in this weird serial monogamy sort of way. She was dating a woman from my dojo who didn't like bisexuals, so she said she was strictly gay for a few months – probably believed it, too. Then they broke up and now she has the hots for a guy in our D&D group, but he thinks she's still a dyke."

"I didn't know you were into B&D."

"Dungeons and Dragons," said Andrea, sticking her pierced tongue out. "Not bondage and discipline – discipline was never my strong point - and not that sort of dungeon. I tried that, but it didn't do a lot for me."

"Oh," said Rita. "I would have thought you'd be more into Vampire: the Masquerade."

"I was," the goth replied, "but it's hard to find anyone around here who still plays that... well, not without holding a séance. Do you want me to call Zoe, ask her to come around for an interview?"

"We'll let you know," said Rita. "Alexis wants me to try our old interns first; they have a better idea of the sort of services we offer. If we don't have any luck, I'll call you. Are you coming to our Hallowe'en party?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Are you going to wear that Elvira costume again? That was fantastic."

"I have something even better in mind for this year – but you'll have to wait and see."

Rita smiled. "That sounds promising. What time can you start on Monday?"


Alexis looked Zoe up and down, from her slightly messy ash-blonde hair down to her Star Trek sneakers, and smiled at the slogan on her t-shirt – 'Then Buffy staked Edward. The End'. Her face, free of cosmetics, was cute rather than pretty, and her baggy clothes gave barely a hint as to her figure, but she might pass with a change of costume. "You're nineteen?"

"Twenty next month."

"Andrea says you've worked as a receptionist before."

Zoe nodded. "My parents run a motel near the airport. I worked the desk there sometimes."

Alexis smiled. "You must have seen some... interesting people."

"Well, no British Prime Ministers, but yeah, it's been educational in its way."

"Do any of them ever hit on you?"


"What do you do?"

"I tell them I'm underage. That scares off most of the men, and the creeps who keep asking and offer me money, I tell to fuck off I'll call the cops. Women aren't as easy to fool, but they don't get pushy, either. Some ask me out for coffee or dinner, and sometimes I say yes, but if I'm going to fuck, I do it somewhere else, not at the motel."

"Has Andrea told you what sort of work we do here?"

"Holistic healing. And she said it was the best place she'd ever worked."

"We enjoyed her time here, too," Alexis replied. "Anyway, we don't go in for homeopathy or reflexology or any of that nonsense here: it's primarily massage and sex therapy."

"And aromatherapy?" asked Zoe, noticing the odd but very pleasant perfume in the air.

"We do use some scented oils and incense that help our clients to relax," Alexis said, more or less thruthfully: the incense was actually a powerful aphrodisiac, containing synthesized human pheromones and an extract from a rare Dictyophora mushroom, among other ingredients. "I do mostly couples counselling, but not all of the couples are straight... actually, not all of them are couples. Some of them are triples or quadruples. And some of them have some unusual kinks, though nothing illegal. Is that going to bother you?"

"I think I can cope."

"Okay. If anyone does hit on you – well, what you do on your own time is up to you, but we'll always back you up when you say no. One more thing, though – we do have a dress code."

Zoe looked down at her T-shirt and jeans. "Sorry. I came here straight from class."

"What are you studying?"

"Comp sci and game design, with a minor in astronomy."

"Uh-huh. Well, jeans are okay and your shoes are fine – you'll mostly be sitting behind a desk, unless we need you to go to the bank or do a load of laundry – but as much as I approve of the sentiment, that T-shirt has to go. I think I have a top in your size, if you'd like to try that on..."


Zoe sat behind the desk in the empty waiting room, and tried to concentrate on writing her essay on cybersecurity and the Ashley Madison debacle. It had taken her most of Sunday afternoon to write half a page, and not because the place had been particularly busy. She'd found herself becoming increasingly horny all day, and not just because she hadn't had a date on Saturday night and hadn't been fucked in months. Maybe it was the amount of cleavage she was displaying in the scoop-necked top Alexis had given her (she'd tried wearing it with a bra on her first day, but this morning she'd given up on that, and found it much more comfortable), or maybe it was the way so many of the couples who emerged from their counselling sessions seemed so eager to rip each other's clothes off without waiting to get to their parked cars or the hotel around the corner, but her nipples felt as hard and tight as if someone had been sucking them. By three thirty, after adding another sentence to the essay and then deleting it, she finally gave up and logged on to her favourite site for slash fanfic. Alexis had made it clear that she wasn't permitted to play games while at the desk, but silently websurfing was okay. She started reading a story about a threesome in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon – Han, Chewie, and a twi'lek who was an obvious Mary Sue for the writer – and was nearing the climax when an attractive woman in her thirties and a slightly younger man staggered out of Alexis's consultation room to pay their bill and make another appointment. The woman had her tongue in the man's ear and was fondling his ass and inner thighs as he punched in his PIN without seeming to pay any attention to the amount he was being charged. They hurried outside a moment later, and Zoe rushed to the staff bathroom to jill herself off while fondling, licking and gently chewing her tits. A few minutes later, when her breathing and heartrate had returned to near-normal and her post-orgasmic flush was fading, she returned to the waiting room to find Rita sitting behind the desk.

"Oh, hi," the pretty blonde said, looking up. "I tried buzzing you, but you didn't answer, so I thought I'd better check to see when my next appointment was. Are you okay? You look a little flushed."


"How did Zoe do on the weekend?" asked Andrea, as she carried a load of clean towels to the massage room.

Rita smiled. "She seems to be having a good time. I caught her reading a story about someone being DP-ed by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Or maybe she'd written it."

Andrea raised an ink-black eyebrow at that. "Who got the ass?"

"Han. I gather Chewbacca is hung like a bantha, whatever that is – don't tell me, if I wanted to know, I'd have googled it."

"I thought you liked Harrison Ford."

"Yeah, but I like him better with his shirt off. Or when he kisses a woman. Or when he has that whip. Preferably all three. It's Zoe's birthday on Wednesday, isn't it?"


"Having a party?"

"Nothing like one of your birthday parties, I'm sure," said Andrea dryly. Rita liked to celebrate her birthdays by letting her lovers, male and female, lick cream cake from her naked body, and then getting fucked by one man for each year. Last year, she'd taken three cocks between her perky tits, five in her shaven minge, eight in her ass and eleven in her mouth. "She's playing D&D with us on Wednesday night, and her parents are taking her out to dinner on Friday night."

"I hope she's getting laid on the weekend, at least."

"Doubt it."

"Doesn't she have the hots for one of the boys in your, ah, dungeon?"

"Dave, yeah. And he has the hots for her, too – but he thinks she's gay, and she won't make the first move either. Basically, what we have here is a failure to communicate. You know what nerds are like: they'll never believe someone wants to fuck them unless it can be scientifically proven, so they've just been looking at each other like the samurai at the end of Sanjuro, in slow motion. If I knew where I could buy her a clue for her birthday, believe me, I would."

Rita considered this. "That may not be necessary. How would you like to hold your game here, in the conference room? Tell them you have to work a little late, or something."

"I could, but why?"

"I may have a solution to the communication problem... and the perfect gift for her birthday..."


Zoe stared at the corset nervously. "I've never worn one of those before. Are you sure it'll fit?"

"I think so, but there's only one way to find out. Take your shirt off and we'll try it on."

"Shouldn't I wear something underneath it? Or over it?"

"Nah. Trust me, this'll be perfect for the next time we go to Rocky Horror." She smiled as Zoe pulled her 'Keep Calm and Don't Blink' t-shirt over her head and unfastened her heavy-duty bra, revealing her spectacular milky breasts. Andrea smiled when she saw that her pink nipples were already erect, and restrained the urge to touch or kiss them. She helped her friend don the corset and fussed with the ties until she heard the doorbell chime. "I'd better go let them in," the goth said.

"This barely covers my nipples!" Zoe sounded faintly alarmed, but there was more than a hint of a giggle in her voice.

"You'll be fine. Come on." Andrea walked out of the conference room into the foyer, and opened the front door to admit the rest of the gamers – Seth, Meihui and David. Zoe emerged a moment later, moving very cautiously, and the trio stared for a moment, speechless. Then tiny Meihui squealed with delight and ran towards her. "Happy birthday!" she said, standing on tiptoes so she could hug Zoe without burying her face between her enormous breasts. "You look fantastic!"

"Yeah," said David, regaining his voice at last. "Uh... utterly b-b-beautiful."

"Spectacular," Seth agreed. "And, yeah, happy birthday." He held out the DVD box set he'd bought her as though it were a protective talisman.

Meihui released Zoe from her tight embrace, stepped back, and produced a gift from her backpack. Andrea broke the awkward silence that followed by asking, "Aren't you going to unwrap your presents?"

Zoe blushed, realizing she'd been staring at the growing bulge in David's jeans. "Yes," she said. "Yes, I will. Yes."


David, sitting opposite Zoe, looked down at his character sheet to avoid staring at her cleavage and the hint of nipple showing above the top of the corset, and concentrated on listening to Andrea. "I pick the lock," he said, rolling dice.

"The door opens, and you see a room roughly twenty feet square, completely empty apart from a pillar or obelisk of some sort of white stone standing in the centre. It's between five and six feet high and between two and three feet across. And there's another door on the far side."

"Detect magic," said Seth.

"Nothing, except what you're carrying."

"Detect evil," said Zoe.

"Nothing," said Andrea, waited for a moment, and then asked, "David, what do you want to do?"

"I want to suck Zoe's breasts and then fuck them," said David, and then turned bright red as he realized what he'd said. "I mean..."

The awkward silence that followed this remark was as thick as stone. Finally, Zoe found the courage to ask, "What DID you mean?"

"I didn't mean to say that aloud," muttered David, wondering why he had.

"But did you mean what you said?"

David drew a deep breath. "Andrea asked what I wanted, not what my character wanted... and yes, I shouldn't have said it, but it is what I want. Your girlfriend's going to beat the crap out of me, isn't she?"

"We broke up months ago," said Zoe softly. "I thought you knew."

"But you're still gay, aren't you?"

"I'm bi. And do you want to know what I want?" Before David could answer, Zoe turned to Andrea and said, "Can we have some privacy, please?"

"The massage suite should be unlocked," Andrea replied. "Is that okay?" She knew that the room was well stocked with oils, lubes and condoms – and, if she was misreading the situation, with a first aid kit.

Zoe nodded, a little stiffly, and walked out. David hesitated, looked around the room at everyone else's faces, then followed her. None of the others spoke for several seconds, until Seth murmured, "Game over?"

"I think so," said Meihui. "Without the cleric and the thief, we're screwed."

Andrea grinned, and leaned back in her chair. "Good idea," she said. "How do you want to do this?"


"Lock the door," Zoe said, as David followed her into the massage suite. "And help me get out of this thing."

"Sure, but... are you sure this is what you want?"

Zoe nodded, then said with more than a hint of exasperation, "Do you want to fuck my tits or not? Because I've been trying to say yes since... well, probably before you got around to asking. Yes, I want to do this. I stopped taking the pill and carrying condoms when I was with Claire, so I don't think we should fuck, and there aren't other men I want to fuck, but you... fuck, can we just do it before I chicken out and change my mind?" She turned her back on him, and for a moment, he thought she'd reconsidered, then realized she needed help with the laces on her corset. He brushed her hair aside so that he could kiss her ear and her neck while he fumbled with the ties.

"It's not just your breasts I like," he murmured.

"That's good," she replied. "Because I may not want you to stop there." She breathed out as he loosened the corset, then unhooked the front busk studs until she was able to remove the garment and free her breasts. That done, she spun around to face David, placing her hands under her tits and lifting them almost to her chin. "Is this what you want?"

"I -" he began, then kissed her on the mouth while wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her towards him. While they tasted and explored each other's lips and tongues, Zoe grabbed one of David's hands and placed it on her left breast so that he could feel the soft smooth weight and the stiffening nipple. He began kissing his way down her neck and chest until his face was between her boobs, then ran his tongue around each nipple until both felt as hard as his cock. He sucked as much of her right tit into his mouth as he could, and Zoe felt her cunt pulse in harmony with the rhythm. She scissored one of his thighs between hers, rubbing her cunt up and down until the pressure on her clit was enough to bring her to the best orgasm she'd had since her last night with Claire. She looked down at David with affection and a new-found respect: she frequently came from playing with her own breasts, but she couldn't remember the last time a man had been able to give her so much pleasure just with his mouth and hands. Maybe it was just that she was unusually horny tonight, but she felt that he deserved a reward. She kissed his head, and murmured, "Do you still want to fuck my tits?"

It took David some effort and several seconds to stop sucking her boobs long enough to gasp, "Yes!", but it didn't seem to polite to nod with her tit still in his mouth.

Zoe smiled, then cautiously stepped back and examined the shelf stacked with bottles of oil and lube as she removed her jeans and knickers. "Passionfruit flavour?" she suggested, amused by the selection.

"Fine, as long as they removed the pips."

She giggled, grabbed the bottle, and noticed a box of condoms behind it. Maybe later, she thought, as she squirted the liquid onto her rack and down her cleavage. "Okay," she said, "How do you want me?"


Seth looked at Meihui uncertainly, then openly stared at Andrea as she pulled her black Ouija board T-shirt up over her head, revealing a shelf bra and breasts only slightly smaller than Zoe's. "Would you rather I left?" asked Meihui, a little nervously.

"That's up to you," Andrea replied, "but I'd be very disappointed. I think the three of us could have a lot of fun together. Seth?"

Seth nodded, while looking from one to the other (women, not breasts) as though uncertain which way to turn. "You're both gorgeous," he said sincerely. "Incredibly hot."

"I've never had a threesome before..." said Meihui.

"Me neither," said Seth softly. "But..."

"Think of it as levelling up," Andrea suggested. "Double experience points."

Meihui stood, and walked towards her, removing her reading glasses and stripping out of her tee dress to reveal her sensible white cotton underwear, tiny tits, and perfectly shaped ass. "How are we going to do this?" she murmured near Andrea's ear. "We only have one man between us, and if I said I'll fight you for the cock, you'd kick my butt."

Andrea grinned, and replied quietly, "I can think of much better things to do to your beautiful little butt. Things I'm sure we'd both enjoy, if you'll let me – and you can have first go with his cock. Does that sound fair?"


David stepped out of his jeans and boxer shorts and sat down on the couch, and Zoe knelt before him and licked his circumcised cock from his balls to the tip, before kissing the head and sucking as much of the length into her mouth as she could accommodate. Then she sandwiched his cock between her silky milky succulent and oh-so-fuckable tits, tits so big that only the very tip of his cock protruded from her slippery cleavage. Unable to simultaneously suck him and titty-fuck him, she settled for running her tongue around her right nipple, then around his glans (now almost the same shade of scarlet), then over her left nipple, then back to his cock, repeating the pattern while rubbing her knockers up and down his dick. There was too much lube on her boobs for there to be much friction, but it was warm and slick and felt like the sloppiest sluttiest blow-job he'd ever had, and the sight of those magnificent mammaries wrapped around his cock soon sent him over the edge. Jets of semen shot skyward, and Zoe managed to catch most of it in her mouth as though drinking from a water fountain, but some splashed on her face and some dropped back onto her boobs. As he sat back, his senses reeling, he watched her lick his come from her cheeks and her nipples. "Wow," he said, when he'd recovered the power of speech. "That was fantastic – even better than I ever imagined it could be. You are fucking amazing!"