The Evening Do


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With one hand stretched to my right, it was more difficult to fend off Guy. He was relentless. The table was too low to cross my legs so I'd clamped my knees tightly together but undeterred, he simply eased my skirt up at the side a little, his fingers playfully stroking the exposed skin.

Eventually, we finished talking about our wedding plans and I turned back to him. He'd refilled his glass, and looked to be savouring the taste, half-listening to a conversation about cars across the table as his fingers traced slow circles on my outer thigh.

"Okay enough," I hissed quietly, I didn't want to make a scene so I forced my lips into a tight smile."You've had your fun, now stop."

He leaned in closer and I could smell a rich mixture of after-shave and cigar smoke as I inclined my head towards him so he could whisper.

"Come on Jen," he said, his voice sounding devilishly rich and silky next to my ear.

"You used to like having a bit of fun, taking a few risks."

I sighed. He was referring to a time when we were dating, both in our early twenties, a time when we were both a little younger and wilder. I always felt a little giddy at having a well-off boyfriend like Guy and relieved when he turned up in his bright red sports car, allowing me to briefly escape my parent's stiflingly middle-class home. There was a brief period when we experimented with risky sex. Nothing too extreme, and I should add that it was always Guy's idea, although I have to confess that at the time I was all too easily persuaded.

We might be driving along a country road on a sunny day and he'd casually slide a hand off the gear stick and onto my leg, stroking me as we snaked through the countryside, those confident hands easing a floral skirt up over my legs, handling me as well as the car, till I was drowsily aroused, enjoying the lazy heat as his hand slid ever higher. I'd retaliate by sliding a hand up over his knees and stroking him too, feeling the thrilling hardness growing urgently against his shorts, giggling and teasing him till he was forced to pull over into a secluded lay-by.

Although there was always that exciting frisson of danger I always felt safe with Guy; even if we were caught, he was the kind of man who could charm his way out of any situation. The kind that could charm the birds from the trees, sweet talk his way out of a speeding ticket or negotiate the best price for an antique watch.

We were only caught once. Once when we were making out at a local beauty spot, a police car did draw up beside us. I was terrified but, of course, it turned out that Guy had met the officer before. He'd been at a fund-raising event for the police benevolent fund that was run by Guy's parents, and once the policeman had established exactly who Guy was he was happy to let us off with a warning.

"Those days are gone," I say, briefly shaking my head to dispel those unwanted memories. "I'm happily engaged."

"Come on Jen, it's just a bit of fun," he says, his voice as rich and fruity as the red wine he's drinking.

Maybe it's the two glasses of champagne or the memories that are awakened by the all-too-familiar touch of his fingers, but despite my best intentions my knees drift apart a little and I take a quick sip of my drink as I feel his confident fingers sliding upwards and tracing deliberately slow circles around the inside of my thigh. It's like now I'm back here, I'm regressing to the young woman I was years earlier. In truth, I've always been a little submissive and excited by the naughty idea of doing something like this in public, and Guy knows that better than anyone, even Elis.

My fiance squeezes my hand drawing my attention away from what's happening beneath the table.

"I was just telling Eileen that we might get married back here," he says.

"Yes," I say dumbly, trying to keep my composure as I feel Guy's fingers ease a little higher. "Perhaps at Fairby Hall or Moreton Manor."

"Ooh, how lovely," Eileen enthuses, her head popping into view beyond Elis's shoulder and I return her smile.

"Are you alright? You look a little flushed," Elis says quietly, inclining his head towards mine.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, perhaps I'm enjoying the champagne a little too much," I say, squeezing his hand.

Elis smiles as he pours me a glass of water.

"Thanks," I say gratefully, taking a large sip.

As he turns back towards his new friend, Eileen, I feel Guy's wicked fingers slide even higher and I bite my lip barely suppressing a soft moan. I slide my fingers around his wrist trying to slow the steady progress of his fingers, but he's relentless and I wriggle uncomfortably, my skin tingling dangerously as his fingertips tickle the inside of my thighs and graze the edge of my panties.

"Enjoying it?" he says casually.

"What?" I say, my voice sounding dry as I wonder how he can be so brazen.

"Your dessert," he says nodding towards my plate where I've barely touched my mango sorbet and fresh berries. The sorbet's lost its shape a little, starting to dissolve into a sweet, gooey mess in the heat and beneath the table it's going the same way. I feel him gently ease my thighs apart another inch, then slide a confident hand upwards, caressing my inner thighs, and I bite my lip as his fingers become bolder, brushing my increasingly damp knickers again.

I know it's wrong, so wrong, but somehow I can't help myself, it's the most erotic thing that's happened in ages. I realise that I'm still that teenage girl who finds being naughty like this in public so exciting. Perhaps if Elis made more of an effort in bed recently I wouldn't be so tempted I think, shamelessly pushing the blame onto my fiance.

"Nice, isn't it?" he says, and I can't meet those piercing grey eyes as he licks his spoon with some relish, trying to provoke a response. "Really sweet and sticky, hmm?"

I struggle to keep my composure and I'm only saved from anything more embarrassing by the appearance of the waiters who swarm around us, removing my plate of half-eaten dessert.

As the music swells in the ballroom, it's undercut by the harsh noise of chairs scraping the parquet floor as guests start to collect their things and head towards the sound, like moths attracted to the light.

I take a long sip of water, trying not to show any emotion as I feel Guy remove his hand, slowly and reluctantly sliding it down over my leg as he leans in close again.

"You know, I was serious about that drink, come and find me at the bar later, I'll be there till it closes."

I know he's smiling even though I avoid looking at his triumphant grin as he gets to his feet and sets off, presumably in search of someone young and blonde to dance with.


A couple of hours later, I sit at the small dressing table back in our room and picture Guy standing at the bar downstairs, perhaps glancing at his expensive watch. Of course, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of going back down there but now I wonder if I should say something about what had happened earlier as I bend at the waist and ease my heels from my aching feet. The shoes are new and a little tight, and it feels good to remove them.

I twist sideways and watch in the mirror as Elis eases off his shoes, then loosens his tie and takes off his cufflinks. It would be embarrassing to admit what had happened and Elis would ask why I hadn't said something earlier and frankly, I wasn't sure I had an answer to that.

And yet, I didn't just want to quietly go to bed and pretend that nothing had happened, that nothing was wrong. I'd been thinking that a weekend away might just be what we needed to kick-start our love life, yet he we were getting ready for bed like an old married couple. In the end, surely it wouldn't be fair on either of us to spend the rest of my married life with me feeling frustrated and fantasizing about forbidden sex with my ex-boyfriend.

I get up, my bare feet sinking into the thick grey carpet.

"Guy groped me," I said, stepping in front of him, hands on hips, posed as if challenging him to do something about it.

"What? What do you mean?" Elis said, looking up.

"Guy, my ex, he, uh, he put his hand on my leg at dinner," I continued, explaining it like he's an idiot. It didn't sound like such a big deal now that I said it out loud, but perhaps that's because I hadn't shared the fact that we used to enjoy that kind of risky sex when we were dating.

"Okay, so why are you only saying something now?" he asked reasonably.

"Because I didn't want to make a scene at somebody else's big day," I say, my voice rising shrilly. "Why aren't you angry?"

"What do you want me to do? Drag him out of his room and beat him up for you?"

"No, I just want you to care, to believe me, to show some reaction!"

"I do believe you, I'm just not sure what I can do."

"Well do something, do anything!" I say throwing up my hands dramatically. "Be mad at me! Shout! Anything!"

"Look, it's been a long day, let's leave it till the morning, eh?" he says, holding his hands up placatingly.

"I don't want to leave it till the morning!" I snapped, putting my hands on my hips, my chin jutting forward. "Another man groped me in public, whilst I was sitting right next to you and you're okay with that?"

I was genuinely angry then although when I thought about it later, I was mainly mad at myself for letting Guy get away with it like I always used to and feeling guilty for enjoying it more than I should have.

"Come on Jen, we've both been drinking, let's talk about this tomorrow,eh?" he says wearily, avoiding my harsh gaze as he unbuttons his shirt.

"Well fuck, don't bother then! You know the real reason I didn't say something?" I said, prodding his shoulder, my fingertip dimpling the white cotton. "Because I kind of enjoyed it."

"Jen..." he muttered darkly under his breath.

"Yeah, it's the most exciting thing that's happened in months, " I continue, provocatively poking him again. I know I'm being crazy, but now I've started I can't seem to stop and all the frustrations of the last few months are spilling out.

"Stop it, I'm warning you," he says, his voice a low growl.

"Yeah, being groped like that in public, you know it really fucking turned me on, made me really fucking wet," I say crudely. I moved to prod him again, but quick as lightning he grabs my wrist, twisting it as he slowly gets to his feet, his lean body unfolding, moving smoothly yet menacingly like a wolf.

I take a step back. Without my heels he's a couple of inches taller, and I instinctively take another step back and use my free hand to try and prise his fingers away.

"Stop it, you're hurting me," I say, feeling a little flushed and giddy as he grabs my other wrist and as I try to pull away, I stumble backwards until my back bumps against the vanilla-coloured wall next to the window, preventing me from going any further.

"Now, stop it," he says evenly, like a parent scolding an errant child, his expression stern as his large hands push my hands tight against the wall, pinning me there. Elis wasn't as overtly muscular as Guy, he was more the slim, wiry type but he was still quite strong and easily held me there as I struggled half-heartedly. In truth, I've always been a little on the submissive side with a bit of a thing for the strong, silent type, perhaps that's why I was attracted to the arrogant Guy when I was younger and now I felt a mixture of fear and excitement as his lean, warm body pressed up against


"Let me go," I say, trying and failing to escape his tight grip as he leaned in closer.

"You're trying to provoke me, aren't you?" he repeated. He looked genuinely angry, up close I could see signs: the way his dark eyes were narrowed and the little vein throbbing on the side of his head. I know I should have felt scared but it was the first time he'd showed any real emotion in months and the mischievous part of me was excited to find out how far I could push him. And what he'd do to me.

"Maybe," I said playfully, my voice a breathy whisper. "Or maybe it really was the most arousing thing to happen to me in months, maybe he really did turn me on."

"Really," he said, and I struggled as he forced both hands high above my head, his body pushing even closer.

I feel my skin tingle as he lets go of one wrist and trails his fingers slowly down over the bare skin of my arm. I start to move my arm but he pins it back above my head and he doesn't have to say anything, the intense look he gives me makes it clear that I'm not to move.

With my hands stretched above my head and my back arched, my modest, but nicely rounded boobs swell against my tight dress and I can't suppress a triumphant, little smile as his eyes flick down, lingering on my buoyant cleavage.

I hold my breath, as he runs his free hand down over my neck, then tangle in my hair, gently but firmly easing my head back, my lips half-open as my breathing quickens. He kisses me, lightly at first, his champagne lips barely brushing mine as if gauging my reaction. I press my body against his, eager for more and soon we're kissing passionately, his body responding pushing me back against the wall, his strong hands grabbing my arse as we grind our hips together. I moan loudly as he eases my head to one side now, his hungry lips leaving a trail of hot kisses along the smooth, sensitive skin of neck, making me shiver hotly.

I'm still pressed back against the wall, my hands raised in willing surrender, loving this new masterful version of Elis as he slides a hand lower, his fingers briefly squeezing my boobs, then lower still, tracing the curve of my hip.

"So you quietly let that chinless twat Guy grope you?" he whispers as I feel his fingers slip beneath the hem of the skirt and stroke the smooth skin of my leg.

"Mmm," I murmur, feeling my cheeks flush pink and twisting my head to one side as his teeth gently close around my earlobe as if punishing me.

"Like this?" he says, sliding his hand higher.

"Yes," I confess breathlessly.

"He touched you here?" he growls, his breath feeling warm and moist against my ear as his fingers trace the edge of my knickers and my heart flutters with excitement.

"Oh fuck, yes," I hear myself sigh, my words tumbling out in one long exhalation.

"Christ, you are wet," he murmurs, his tongue tracing the curve of my ear as his fingers begin to stroke me through the damp green satin of my panties.

I can't deny it, I'm so turned on now. Guy's teasing fingers had started the job earlier, priming me for sex and Elis seems determined to finish me off. My breathing quickens, my boobs swelling against the tight dress even more as his fingers trace the contours of my swollen pussy lips beneath the clingy fabric, and I feel like I'm melting, my body becoming fluid and I risk sliding a hand down to clutch his shoulders to stay upright. I lean back heavily against the wall as I shuffle my feet a little further apart, my wanton legs spread wide, welcoming his touch.

The air feels hotter, and the only sound I can hear over my hoarse breathing is the distant thump of the music downstairs.

My panties are quite skimpy, barely more than a G-string and I gasp loudly as he roughly pulls them aside, and I feel his fingers caressing my naked pussy, sliding over my slickly swollen lips, a wet finger easing inside my tight hole.

He grasps my chin between thumb and forefinger, twisting my head to one side and I groan, as I feel his warm lips caressing my neck and I catch sight of myself in the mirrored door of the wardrobe. I look wanton, horny, my hair a tousled mess, my lipstick smudged, my slutty hips grinding against his hand. Elis is pressed tight against me, my dress halfway up my thigh, draped over his arm as it works back-and-forth between my hot thighs, driving me wild as he whispers all sorts of dirty thoughts in my ear: how hot I look, how he's going to make me get on my knees and suck his big, fat cock. I love it.

It's when his gruff voice is explaining exactly what he's going to do to me, how hard he's going to fuck me to make me forget Guy, his breath warm and moist against my ear, his thumb strumming the tight little knot of my clit that I cum. It's not a wild, earth-moving climax but it's delicious just the same and I grind my pussy hard against his hand and moan happily as I blindly clutch at his shoulders, my legs turning to jelly as my body shivers deliciously.

I feel his strong hands under my armpits gently easing me down, and I find myself kneeling feeling loose-limbed and breathless as I tug my skirt back down over my knees.My head is level with his loins and I watch through half-open eyes as he loosens his belt then unzips his smart suit trousers easing them down over his thighs along with his shorts and his dick springs out, almost poking me in the eye. I bite my lip to suppress a pleasantly surprised moan at the sight of his magnificently solid cock. Elis has a good sized dick, not overly long but quick thick with a shallow upward curve.

I lean forward a little, unable to take my eyes from his gloriously hard cock swaying an inch in front of my moist, hungry lips. His face is stern, his expression unreadable as I reach out and slowly run my fingers along the solid shaft from his swollen balls to the glistening tip. He grunts impatiently as I lick a finger and swirl it around the glossy head.

"Don't tease," he growls grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling my head back, the intense look he gives me making it clear that he's serious. I nod, eager to please as I quickly wrap my slender fingers around his hardness and begin to stroke the silky skin along his steely shaft.

I'm loving the feeling of his throbbing flesh beneath my fingers and the low groans of pleasure that he makes, it's just so sexy, the submissive side of me enjoying being on my knees as I pleasure him. I feel my temperature start to rise, and I squeeze my thighs together, not wanting to risk him catching me playing with myself and hoping he won't forget his threat to give me a good seeing-to.

"Fuck, yes," he moans, using a hand to steady himself against the wall, his hips swaying a little in time with my hand as I increase my tempo a little.

"Show me your tits," he grunts, his voice rasping and hoarse as he leans down and roughly tugs at the shoulder straps of my dress. He would normally say 'breasts' rather than 'tits', and his crude words only make me hotter.

I use my free hand to reach behind and tug at the discrete little zip at the back and feel my breathing become a little easier as the top loosens.I unfasten the clasp my matching green bra and ease both down, exposing my breasts to his hungry eyes. I'm rewarded as he leans lower, cupping one of my pert breasts, weighing it in his palm, fondling my soft flesh.I gasp as he flicks a thumb across my nipple, rubbing at it till it's erect and I'm wriggling with tingly pleasure.

He gives my boob a final squeeze and when he slides his hand up over my neck to the back of my head I know what he wants and I'm only too eager to give it to him. I can't resist teasing him a little, feeling his excitement grow as I provide a little token resistance, my hands pressed against his thighs as the slick cock bumps against my half-open lips. He emits a low growl of arousal as he eases himself inside my warm, wet mouth, his hand gripping my neck more tightly. I remain still, submissively feeling his cock ease an inch inside then out then back in a little deeper evidently savouring the feeling of my glossy scarlet lips stretched tight around his girthy prick.

"Fuck, that's so good," he gasps as he builds to a rhythm, fucking my slutty mouth, and it's such a turn on to feel like he's punishing me for all the things I said earlier, for confessing how much I enjoyed Guy's wicked fingers. I wouldn't normally do something like this, passively kneeling before him as he fucks my mouth, but tonight it feels like the normal rules don't apply.