The Exclusive Day 02: The Mistake

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Mistakes made in Brazen Bend, consequences are coming.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/23/2023
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I was reclining on the bed in my room, rubbing my breasts. A sheen of sweat covered my body. My pussy was throbbing- I was uncontrollably horny.

Suddenly, Craig appeared from my left, and walked to the edge of the bed, naked and erect. "I've been thinking about that handjob since the moment I finished all over you," he said. "It was the hottest moment of my life. I've wanted to see your tits since my first day working at the station and this week is a dream come true."

Without saying a word, I grabbed his cock and started jerking. I couldn't believe I was doing this again. Before it was a professional necessity, but now I had no excuse.

Ray appeared out nowhere from the right side of the bed. I let go of Craig and immediately covered myself. I'd been caught by my boss jacking off the intern. I was about to lose my job.

Instead, Ray smiled at me. "I saw you looking at my cock before, Kari. I know you wanted to touch it. Now you have another chance." He moved closer, dangling it in front of me. Tentatively, I touched it, grabbed it, started rubbing it. I picked Craig's back up too, beginning my first double handjob. This felt so naughty and wrong, and so good.

"I should not be doing this to you guys, I'm married," I said weakly, but my actions belied my words as I started stroking even more eagerly.

"Your husband thinks you're a slut, so show him a slut," said Ray.

He was right, I stroked harder. I wanted to punish Jeff for being so rude to me, and it felt so wrong but so exciting to do it this way.

Suddenly the lights came on and I realized the room was quite crowded. Jeff was watching. Paige and her husband Mike were watching. Many of my other coworkers from the station and friends from church and our neighborhood were there, too. I wanted to stop, to hide. But I was powerless to stop stroking these 2 beautiful cocks. "Jeff, I'm sorry, I want to stop but I just can't!" I'd never been so horny or so embarrassed. Jeff said nothing, but just watched, looking furious.

Then the cum started. Craig and Ray started spraying it. Dumping on my face, my mouth, my whole body. It seemed like there were gallons of it. The people in the room started to point and snicker as it leaked down into my pussy. Jeff buried his head in his hands as it covered me completely and formed a thick sheet that threatened to suffocate me.

I woke up. I'd been dreaming. None of it was real, except the sweat covering my body and the tingle in my pussy. I'd been masturbating in my sleep, and I'd leaked wetness all over the bed. It was soaked.

I'd never had such a vivid dream, and I'd never had an orgasm in my sleep. What was happening to me in this place?

I looked at the clock. It was 11pm, I'd been sleeping for just over 3 hours. I had to get back to work soon. I quickly showered and got ready.

A knock came at the door just as I finished getting ready. I opened it and let Ray in. It was time for me to go check out the nightlife of Brazen Bend. Jade had arranged a discount for one of the Bacheloretre parties if they agreed to let me join them on their night out. We'd air footage from the night out and my report on it tomorrow night as part of out coverage of the town's tourism industry.

We arrived at the bar to meet up with the party, and I was surprised to find Jade there. "It's been a while since I've had a chance to cut loose a little, I figured I'd join you," she explained. I was just glad for another friendly face.

We entered the bar, and met up with our bridal party. There were only 4 girls, and the bride was Kristen. Her body was like a barbie doll, perfectly proportioned. Nice, perky tits and a perfectly toned ass. She had dark hair and beautiful eyes, and looked like she might have some fractional Asian ancestry. I was introduced to her friends, but it was so loud that I didn't catch their names. There was a curvy, voluptuous bleach blond, a hispanic girl with big oval shaped boobs and a big butt, and a skinny and flat chested but pretty girl with sandy blond hair. The latter looked absolutely humuliated to be there and was constantly covering herself.

The bar was set up right on the river, and was themed as a beach bar, indeed the building overlooked a sand bar that jutted into the body of water itself. Patrons of the bar were scattered both inside and outside and there were bars and music in both areas.

We started in the outdoor "beach" area and were soon recognized by almost everyone in the place. The chieftess and the TV reporter were hard to miss. Pretty much everyone wanted to buy us drinks and shots, and I was soon feeling a good buzz.

No small number of college boys tried to hit on me, several asking for my number and some making comments and suggestions that were even more forward. I was polite but always in the end displayed my wedding ring and explained that I was married. "How does your husband feel about you partying naked out here?" asked one of them.

"He doesn't like it," I said with honestly that was probably fueled by alcohol.

"I wouldn't either. Have you seen any dicks bigger than his?" he asked.

"Tons!" I answered, again a little too quick with the honesty. It was true. I'd tried not to compare dick sizes but I couldn't help it. I'd certainly seen smaller dicks than Jeff's here but my best estimate placed him near the bottom quartile. I then realized that I was talking about my husband's relatively small dick to a stranger, and had subconsciously been sneaking glances to see how well endowed the guys around me were. I said nothing more and excused myself from the conversation.

Ray and Craig were filming footage of the crowd at the bar, including Jade and me occasionally. Ray checked in on me periodically to make sure I was ok. "Might want to slow down on the drinking," he said at one point. Was I that noticably drunk?

"Every guy who talks to you for more than 30 seconds gets a hard on," said Ray. "I don't blame them, but I just want you to be safe."

"That is for sure the weirdest compliment anyone has ever given me while staring at me naked," I teased.

Ray looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry Kari, its just a natural impulse I guess."

Soon Kristen, who was visibly drunk, came to tell me that we were going inside. We made our way to a private room with Jade, me, Kristen and her 3 friends, and 3 guys. All the guys, like Jade, wore purple bands on their arm. I made a mental note that I needed to ask what that signified. The room was relatively small. There was a couch, a pool table, a stripper pole, and loud music. And more alcohol of course. Kristen and 2 of her friends started dancing with the 3 guys. The skinny friend, who I'd learned was Annie, still looked miserable and went straight for the couch. That left me and Jade standing awkwardly, and so we went and sat on the couch beside her. I grabbed a bottle of water out of an open ice chest on the way over.

As I sat there, I realized Ray was right- I was getting too drunk and needed to slow down. Suddenly everything felt wrong- I felt so exposed, so uncomfortable naked in front of these strangers. How had this become normalized in such a short period of time? The leather couch felt suddenly cold against my bare legs and butt. Jade was talking to a guy who'd walked up, his dick hanging inches from her face and not that far from mine. This was so inappropriate- what was I doing? Could I get through a week of this? I'd never really even thought about any penis besides Jeff's since we'd been married and now I was surrounded by them. And all these strangers were seeing my body- it suddenly felt horrible. I looked over at Annie who was on the other side of Jade still looking visibly upset to be here, and I sympathized with her. I felt tired suddenly, with a headache coming my way.

I zoned out a little longer and saw the bachelorette was now on her knees and being goaded by her friends into touching the dick of a very well hung guy in front of her. My bachelorette party had been going to a Broadway play with a couple friends- we'd been home by 11. That was when I'd been head over heels for Jeff. This thought made me sad as I realized the implication was that I didn't love him as much any more. Of course I did, but it had become a little bit routine and well, boring.

I snapped out of it as I realized Jade was talking to Annie, who still looked angry.

"Why am I pissed?" Annie was saying. "She's marrying my brother next week and she's over there sucking some guy's dick." I looked over and confirmed, Kristen was indeed blowing the guy now.

"What's it gonna hurt? Let her get it out of her system," Jade replied.

"You people are animals," said Annie.

"Sounds like you need some dick," Jade said, surprising me.

"Excuse me? I have a boyfriend. He's pissed that I'm here. No one told me where we were going until the last minute. I'm humiliated to be associated with this."

Jade grabbed a guy passing by and pulled him over by his arm. "Annie," she said, "tell me you don't want to touch this dick." My eyes naturally went to the dick in questiom- it was almost comically large despite being flaccid.

Annie glanced down but then immediately looked at Jade indignantly, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "I don't want to touch it."

"Look at it, really look at it, and tell me you don't," said Jade.

She looked down. "I- I don't. I have a boyfriend."

"Touch it anyway," I said. "Compare to your boyfriend. If you still don't want it I'll leave you alone."

She glared at Jade, but then to my surprise, she hesitantly reached down and grabbed the head of the dick lightly with her fingertips. Then, slowly, she slid her palm under the shaft and wrapped her fingers around. I watched, transfixed, disbelieving my eyes that the prudish Annie had been talked into this so easily.

"Well," she said, "it is sort of nice. I guess I could touch it just for a minute. If you don't tell anyone." She moved the other hand, which had been covering her little tits all night, down and cupped his balls with it. Then she looked up and smiled for the first time of the night. She really was very pretty.

Jade stood and grabbed me hand, pulling me to my feet. "Let's go dancing," she said. She and I walked away, and I looked back to see Annie and the guy start to kiss, with her hands still on his dick. She pulled back at first but then gave in, sliding her toungue into his mouth. To my shock, I felt wetness between my legs. Was this turning me on? I realized the horrible feeling I'd had minutes before had vanished, and I was left with just the light buzz I'd felt, but without the headache I'd previously felt coming on.

Grabbing a beer for each of us, Jade handed me one and we clinked bottles. "We did a public service tonight," she said. I laughed and Jade said, "follow me."

We walked out of the private room to a balcony that overlooked the main bar. A rap song that must have been popular came on and the place went wild. Reenergized, I started to dance, as did Jade. Soon, the crowd below noticed the TV reporter gyrating next to their chieftess and started cheering. We faced each other and started dancing together, which pleased the crowd even more. Jade stepped toward me and pressed her chest to mine, and the people absolutely lost it. As we grinded on each other, I felt myself getting aroused. Not in a gay way, I'm by no means bisexual. But the feeling of having the entire bar in the palm of my hand, knowing everyone down there wanted to fuck me and Jade, it felt powerful. The alcohol buzz and that power combined into a life force that made it feel really good to slide my body against Jade's.

The song eventually ended, and the lights came up, it was last call. Feeling a little bit more exposed and embarrassed in the harsh white light, I reflexively grabbed Jade's hand and pulled her back toward the private room. Upon entering the room, I stopped short, my mouth gaping.

On the pool table were Kristen and Annie, each of them bouncing up and down reverse cowgirl on a dick. Kristen looked like a porn star, moaning as her tits clapped together each time she descended onto the cock. But it was Annie that caught my attention. Her face was animated with alternating expressions of shock, pleasure, and lust. "Don't. Ever. Stop. Fucking. Me!" she screamed, and shuddered through an apparent orgasm. As she finished cumming, she kept riding, but slower. "My boyfriend is never going to fill up my pussy again," she lamented.

Kristen came shortly after, clutching her

perfect tits as she trembled. When she was done, she climbed off the pool table and got back on her knees to finish off the dick that had pleased her. Before long, the guy spurted onto her chest, covering her tits. Her friends cheered.

I turned my attention back to Annie, who had now been picked up and was straddling her man, still getting fucked in midair as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lustfully. Watching this scene, I felt something strange. This prudish girl who had been humiliated just ten minutes before, hiding on the couch nursing a beer, was now having sex with a stranger, cheating on her boyfriend in a position that appealed to me visually. But it was more than that- the eagerness and familiarity with which she kissed him made it seem so much more sexy and scandalous. I realized I was horny, but also envious. Annie had been over this scene just like me moments ago but was now getting to take her frustration out on a big, beautiful, cock, and I was... uh oh. I was going to cum. Right here in front of everyone. I'd been so distracted by the scene in front of me that I hadnt realized I'd been caressing my nipples and lightly stroking my labia.

There was a hallway that led from the room toward the restrooms, and I made for it, suddenly desperate for some privacy.

As soon as I rounded the corner, it hit me. The orgasm felt like a tidal wave. I leaned against the wall, bracing myself on it with one hand while the other furiously rubbed my clit. I screamed through it, hunched over at almost a 90 degree angle. It felt like no orgasm I'd ever had but even as I experienced it I thought about how much better it would have been with a strange dick. I slowly came down from the high, panting and standing up, pressing myself flat against the wall.

"Kari, you ok?" To my horror, I looked up and saw Ray standing in the hallway that I'd thought was deserted. Shit, how long had he been there. His dick was fully hard, which told me all I needed to know. My boss had just seen me have an orgasm.


I woke up Sunday morning after a sporadic night of fitful sleep. I couldn't go on like this for five more days- I needed to make things right with Kari. I started composing a text to her. It took me almost an hour and I made more concessions than I wanted to, but in the end, I came up with the following:

"Kari, I'm sorry for what I said last night, I was struggling with jealousy and I'm just uncomfortable with the whole thing. Call me when you wake up and maybe we can talk without getting angry."

I tried to distract myself for the rest of the morning. Deep down I didn't think Kari would cheat on me, but it made no sense why she'd so eagerly agreed to an assignment that would put her in such a compromising position.

Just when I was thinking she'd never call, finally the phone rang around 11am.

Kari sounded sleepy. "Hey babe," she said groggily.

"Hey yourself," I managed, "Just waking up? I thought you were working this week, not sleeping all day." Secretly, I was certainly fine with her sleeping all day. Every minute she was alone in her bed was another minute she wasn't parading around naked.

"Yeah, late night last night," Kari said. She often worked hard poring over video of herself to improve so it didn't surprise me that she'd been up late.

"Look, Jeff," she continued, "thanks for sending that text. I know this week is hard on you, but I love you and I promise I only agreed to the assignment for professional purposes. It will be over before you know it and I'll be back."

"I know. I shouldn't be so jealous but all I can think about is all the other guys who are seeing the amazing body that only I'm supposed to see. And I know you're keeping it professional and you'd never do anything to hurt me but what guy wants his wife to see dozens of new dicks every day? Plus there's that guy Ray- I just can't believe you are hanging out naked for a week with that guy."

"I know, babe, but he's been very professional. Just try to relax and-," she cut off as I heard a knocking sound. "Hang on," she said. Someone's at the door."

I heard the door open, followed by a man's voice. "We need to go, your appoinment at the spa is next. We're going to do a simulated live interview with the anchor like we did last night. You won't really be talking to him but just speaking from a script and it will look to the viewer like a natural conversation. Kari, you should see our ratings and the engagement numbers with our website and social media. You're going viral nationally."

"Ok hang on let me go pee," she answered.

"Hey sorry babe," she said to me. "I'm gonna have to go in a minute."

I was annoyed that Ray had interrupted us but tried not to show it in my voice. "So uh... what are you doing at the spa?"

"Just a massage, and then I think we are doing a report from the sauna. Don't worry- I requested a female masseuse."

I heard the toilet flush and then water running. "Hey- you ready?" she said to Ray.

I heard the door open, and Ray's voice, which said, "Um, Kari, they aren't going to want you to bring that cell phone out of here, or your sweatpants either."

Kari laughed sheepishly and then said, "Hey, babe, I gotta go. I'm glad we talked. I love you so much."

"Yeah, um, love you too. Bye," was all I could manage.

As I set down the phone, I felt dejected. I could picture Kari at this very moment sliding out of sweatpants to once again reveal her totally nude body to Ray. And since he'd only mentioned sweatpants, I assumed she'd just been casually topless the entire time. I pictured her hurrying around her room, wearing only sweatpants, her perfect tits bouncing as she walked, all under the watchful eyes of her douchebag boss. I pictured her now, walking naked outdoors with him to the spa. Had she peeked at his dick? Had she compared it to mine?

As much as I hated these thoughts, at least she wasn't mad at me any more. As much as I hated her exposure, I really did believe she wouldn't be unfaithful to me or do anything that would be unprofessional.

I filled my afternoon with some chores I'd been putting off around the house, trying not to think about the evening news. I thought about not watching it, but at 6 I found myself in front of the TV.


I sat fully dressed in my room, ready for the news. I felt good- I was happy that Jeff and I weren't fighting any more and I made the decision to not expose myself in front of my coworkers any more than I had to. I'd even requested Ray and Craig bring shorts with them to my room to watch the news. It was silly of course since we'd seen all of each other but it was a small gesture I could make to help Jeff accept a situation that was difficult for him. Besides, I still felt pretty awkward around Ray after he'd seen me have an orgasm the previous night.

I'd spent a rejuvenating afternoon and felt fresh. During the first 20 minutes of the news before our segment, Ray talked nonstop about how I'd become an internet celebrity. The whole country was talking about a community they'd never heard of, and a reporter who was going without her clothes for a week to report the news for a legitimate news station. I couldn't look at social media myself, the comments were either nasty calling me an attention seeking whore, or almost creepy with flattery. There were some that praised my courage and talent but they were few and far between.