The Ex's Fault - Redux Ch. 01


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"Much better, now come back over here so I can kiss and nibble while I play with your ass." Ann just smiled and shook her head muttering 'crazy men', but she did sit on the arm of the chair. "Much better," I said and pulled her down for a redo of what we started with my hand now in the leg of her panties making her moan into my mouth. We broke our kiss, and she slid into the chair beside me where we could kiss some more while I groped her tits and nipples.

"You know, I think I may owe Darcy an apology."

"For what?"

"I thought she was a bit over weight the way she dressed in those baggy outfits, but she has a hot bod under there. A little more muscular than I prefer, but that doesn't make her any less gorgeous."

We heard a door close behind us, and she looked over the chair. "I think she heard you."

"Mannnnnn, I hope I didn't cause any problems with her..."

Ann managed to wiggle out without causing too much pain and see what's up.

After a bit she came back out with Darcy holding her robe tight around her body, "I'm sorry about the hot bod comment if it offended you, but you have to admit that most women that dress in baggy clothes are hiding fat, not hot."

"I'm not hot."

"Yes you are, my hard on earlier was as much your fault as it was hers." And I was getting harder right now. "I'm still thinking about how you looked with your robe open seeing glimpses of you." And my cock started to stand up a bit.

She watched my cock flexing with my pulse, and then ran back to her room.

That made Ann giggle, "She's not used to comments like that, her girlfriend keeps telling her she's too fat and has to work out more."

"Well girlfriend or boyfriend, she still has a hot body. I could see her in a nice sleeveless dress, low neckline, and a little above her knee."

That made Ann snicker, "I don't think I've ever seen her in a dress. She always wears pant suits to work."

"Well I'm assuming she runs around here with a towel wrapped around her once in a while."


"Does she look good like that?"

She gave me another strange look, "Actually...yes."

"Same thing but with straps and a narrower waist. In fact tell her I'll buy the first one if I get to go with her to pick it out. One or two for you while we're at it if you want," She didn't reply with words, but promptly eased into my lap where we cuddled and kissed a bit while watching TV. Ann warmed up a can of soup and after some more cuddling we made it to bed. We did have to switch sides so I wasn't laying on my sore side, but it was nice to cuddle with a naked woman and a tit in my hand after the days events.

The next morning was PAINFUL! I got aspirin and a warm shower with lots of assistance. I was glad the mall didn't open until ten so we didn't have to hurry. We made it in, and explained what happened to the boss so he understood I was going to be moving a little slow for a while. At least I would be able to work, if I had still been back at the warehouse I would have had to take a few unpaid days off or use up sick time. Ann even helped me fix a few things when I couldn't reach in and turn properly... And I got a nice view of her ass as she did! I really couldn't reach it... I swear!

By the weekend I was feeling well enough that I didn't look like a gimp when I was moving and we decided since the insurance company was only going to let me have the rental for another few days so I better go car shopping. I started looking at trucks again, when she asked why a truck and not a van or car. It made me think that I wasn't hauling stuff like I used to, but I wanted the option, so a van became a possibility.

Ann sealed the deal when we were looking at one that had the seats folded back to make a bed. She hopped up in and lay back giving me a nice look up her shorts to her tiny lace panties. We did the paperwork and she followed me back over to the rental company to drop the car off. Even Darcy was impressed.

By Sunday she had Darcy talked into going dress shopping. I'm not sure if it was for Darcy or her, but she was telling Darcy I wouldn't buy her her dresses unless she went along to get one as well. It worked, and a little after lunch I took two lovely ladies dress shopping.

We didn't go to one of the big fancy dress shops, but a nice one. I got to sit back and comment on dresses while Ann changed from one to another, Darcy sitting beside me making her comments as well.

Ann picked out one to wear and two more to take with her. "OK, Your turn now." Darcy was gasping and trying to find excuses, but while Ann had been picking out dresses she had also been pickling out ones for Darcy and showing them to me. I nodded to my favorite, a light yellow sleeveless with a very low neckline, and it was waiting in ambush for her in the dressing room.

They were in there quite a while more than it took to change clothes, and I was about to round up a search party when they came out. "WOW. You look gorgeous!" The sales lady agreed, but Darcy still didn't buy it. "Tell you what, you go stand outside the front of the store like you're looking at dresses, but watch the guys walking behind you in the reflection in the glass. I bet every one checks you out in that dress. If they do, then I buy it for you, and you two have to go out to lunch with me so I can show you off."

Darcy didn't have much choice when Ann drug her out the front door and stood her on the other side of the glass and ducked back in. We watched several of the guys checking her out, and even a few of the ladies. Darcy was about to chicken out again when a guy came around the corner and about choked on his drink, then went to a bench on the other side of the walkway and sat down to watch her with his shopping bag on his lap,

I went out and got her, bringing her back in to our vantage point. I pointed to the guy on the other side finally getting up to continue walking. "See, I'm not the only one that gets a hard on looking at you." The sales lady and Darcy gasped and Ann giggled and groped me. I paid for the dresses and we went to a nice restaurant in the mall. I made sure to seat the women where they could be seen, and they noticed the looks they were both getting.

After I got them back to the apartment the girls peeled out of their dresses just inside the door. All of a sudden Darcy realized she had stripped down to her tiny lacy panties in front of me and froze, nipples standing out nicely. "DAMN GIRL, if the situation was different I'd definitely be chasing you..." my voice trailing off as I took in her lovely body. Darcy blushed and Ann gave me a playful slap on the good shoulder. I took the Darcy's hands, gave each a quick kiss preventing her from covering herself while I ogled her tits a bit, then turned and took Ann into the bedroom, but left the door open. "You know I never enjoyed going shopping before, but shopping with two beautiful women is a totally different experience."

"But you were married for ten years, you should have gotten used to that by now."

"But up until today I never realized the difference. Natalie always shopped to cover and impress someone else. You two shopped to look good, and it was a pleasure to watch, especially when you asked my opinion."

"Of course we wanted to know, especially when you're buying!"

"Natalie never asked my opinion. I was just a man with no fashion sense. It was scandalous to suggest showing some skin so I could enjoy looking at her."

"That is sooooo wrong."

"Hey, we got married young, so I never knew better. Hell it took her wanting me to come back from the first separation to get her to let her nipples show when I was around."

"First, how many were there?"

"Depends on how you count it, three and the divorce. But I have to give it to her. If it hadn't been for her roommate during the third one I never would have realized the beauty of nice small tits with delicious nipples!" and leaned forward enough to lick the tip of her nipple.

"Well I'll have to thank her for that!" Ann pushed me back on the bed and sucked me down to make sure I was nice and hard. We had tried sex Friday, and I was still too sore to get any really good action, and she kept bumping my side and hitting the bruise on my hip.

This time she was able to keep her knees spread a bit more, and the front of my hip wasn't hurting enough to put a kink in things. She rode me to a wonderful finish, getting into it enough to get me going but not wild enough to make my hip hurt. Stopping every so often to grind her velvet pussy around and around, clamping and squeezing to hold me off until she was ready. I was getting close when I saw her tell tail sign. Quick breathing and nipples AND areola crinkling up. even with her coming down on my hip I still blasted off in her before I caught her starting to lean over on me and rolled her to one side. My left shoulder and bicep was still killing me if I moved wrong. "GOD I MISSED THAT!"

She just giggled at my comment. "But you guys still make a mess of a sweet pussy!"

Once we settled down a bit, and I could speak normally. "I have a question for you, and I want you to think about it before you answer."

"What kind of question?"

I had to smile. "Not quite that kind of question, but one you need to think about." Ann gave me a quick kiss and a smile. "I have to go to Mobile Alabama pretty soon, and if it happens in the next week or so I may need some help in taking care of myself. I still have trouble getting dressed and taking a shower. Would you be interested in accompanying me?"

"Wow, definitely not what I was expecting... What's in Mobile?"

"Manufacturer sponsored repair school. I believe it's a four or five day course. The boss is paying for it as part of my going up to the new super arcade. We'd drive down Sunday, come back Friday, or even stay a few days. We'd have to pick up the hotel for the extra, but if we don't splurge on meals the per diem would cover at least one or two extra days."

She looked at me for a second, "That could be interesting, a working holiday kind of."

"It could be. I'm not going to be going out dancing in my condition, and even if I could dance I'm just the typical guy. I do the slow dances, shuffle my feet, and grab butt."

That made her laugh, "I think I could go for that if I can get off work." and gave me a light kiss.

"I'll ask for you if it comes to that, I just didn't wasn't to assume without asking you." That got me a nice long kiss. "How abut we take a shower and then continue this?"

It was a nice shower and evening, she washed me, and I washed three quarters of her. My left arm was still not up to snuff and I still couldn't raise it above my shoulder without it bothering me.

I got to soap up everything from her shoulders down, and of course I enjoyed soaping tits and nipples, but she had to do her own hair and mine as well as my right side. Settling back in bed was nice to cuddle and kiss and touch, sensual this time instead of sexual. Very nice and relaxing.

We made it into work Monday, and I saw a large envelope from the school, I caught Ann between repairs and told her it was possibly in the works, and did she still want to go. I got a smile and a nod, so it was on. He caught me later in the day and told me the school was next week, I told him I would need to take Ann with me.

At first he said no, but when I told him I would have to put it off for another month or so to finish recuperating and that would put us in the middle of opening the new place he agreed. The weekend guys were going to split covering my day shift while I was gone, and would probably be doing that until he hired someone or just gave them the hours when I made the move up to the new place.

"We're on the road next week."

"Me too?!"

"All set."

"What should I bring?"

"Well if I had my choice only your birthday suit." That earned me a little slap, a look around, and then a quick peck on the lips. "I would say probably something comfortable for the trip, a couple of nice dresses to go out in, and then of course some bikini's, at least one skimpy and one scandalous of course!"

"Typical guy, what about you?"

"Well I only have some big trunks, but if you get the scandalous one you can get me something skimpy too, deal?"

"You got a deal mister." and groped my hardening cock with her little giggle before heading off to take care of a customer.

I caught up with her later and ran the idea of making it a lazy two day trip out instead of a long Sunday. That worked for her, so we were leaving Saturday morning, and then seeing how it went afterwards.

The rest of the week went pretty much the same. I did clean the van out, and stopped by a custom shop and got some clip-on curtains for the windows in case we needed some privacy. I also picked up screen inserts to keep the bugs out if we needed ventilation. I remember a night in the back of my truck with a torn screen in the topper, and it seemed like every mosquito in the county knew where we were... Never again!

We borrowed Darcy's big cooler, threw some blankets and pillows in the van, and we were off Saturday morning. "I like the van, but I miss the bench seat with you all the way over there."

Ann shuffled the cooler around a bit and threw a blanket on top of it, flipped the arm rests up, and scooted over next to me. I had to scoot to the left a little, but it let her sit next to me for a while. She didn't have the super loose top on like the day we went to the new site, but it wasn't far behind and I got several nice looks down her top at her delicious nipples. "Now that's a much better view!"

She pulled her top forward, looked down at her nipples standing out on the little bumps she had for tits, then looked up at me giving me a quick kiss still holding her top open. "You still think so do you?"

I gave her a quick kiss on the side of her neck. Then I lifted my arm to put it around her and up under her shirt to cup a tit; rolling her nipple between my fingers earning me a nice little moan from her. I pulled her closer making her cradle her head beside mine giving me an even better view. "Most definitely."

She snuggled in and started squeezing and rubbing my hardening cock, "I guess you do."

We drove like that a while, but Ann was getting a crease in her ass and had to move back. We stopped mid day for gas, and again later in the day for a little sight seeing, also know as window shopping... After out little excursion, and a quick bite, we got back on the road, and were going into a lot of small town slow downs on a state roads crossing between interstates.

It was starting to get dark, so I gave her the option. We can drive for a while until we find a hotel, or find a quiet spot and pull over and sleep in the van. Ann stripped off her clothes in the passenger seat and crawled in the back spreading out the blankets buck naked on her back with her knees up and spread.

Guess that answered that. I went on a little further and came across an old town that looked pretty well abandoned. There was an old gas station so I pulled in under the overhang in case it rained to cut down on the noise. It was old enough I stuck my head out the window to make sure I had enough clearance to pull the van in, then I crawled in the back to my naked woman.

Since we were alone out here, it was an interesting evening. I was crawling back clothed since I wasn't even going to try and get undressed in the van without help. That didn't prevent me from stopping between her legs and lapping at her pussy until she came. She was moaning slightly when I started nibbling behind her knee, and got louder as I worked my way to her pussy. It was already spreading a bit on its own and glistening with her juices.

Seems it had been on her mind from the cuddling and groping while driving. She couldn't stop her legs from trembling when I spread her lips to admire her pussy. But she lost it when I ran my tongue from her ass to her clit. I held on as long as I could hold her still enough to keep my tongue in her with only one good arm. Since there was no one around, she felt no need to be quiet!

I wasn't sure if she blew the windows out with that one, but then she had her legs clamped on my ears when she came. When she did let go of me, I finished crawling up beside her and flopped down looking at her half dazed smile. I enjoyed her sweaty sheen, and of course her tiny AAA cup tits and huge hard nipples rising and falling with her breathing.

"Need that just a little did you?"

She cracked an eye, smiled, and then rolled over and gave me a whopper of a kiss, even licking a bit of her juices off my face.

"Time to get you undressed mister!" I reached down for my buttons, but wasn't very fast one handed. Funny how well that hand worked for playing with her but trying to take care of myself made it hurt in all the wrong places... I must have been distracted by something. She only let me get one undone and I started on the second when she took over. Ann didn't waste any time getting my shirt off even with being careful. The pants were another story.

My hip bruise had gotten a lot better, and as soon as she had my pants and boxers pulled down past the bruise they came off so quick I hoped she didn't tear them. My shoes and socks came off as well somewhere along the way. She turned around and put her dripping pussy above my face and began sucking my cock down.

Ann was going to town on my cock taking me to the back of her mouth and slightly into her throat with every stroke. If I didn't distract her this was going to be over way too quickly. With my bad arm down beside me I reached for a nipple, and with the good one I reached around to pull her down to my lips. I wasn't sure who was distracting who the most, but it was wonderful drinking in what was left from the tongue lashing I had just given her.

About the time I couldn't hold back any more I pressed her rosebud with my finger, and she erupted into my mouth again, while I unloaded in her throat. Well at least the first few shots, then she had to pull back and held me between her lips to let me finish, but I kept her going until she was collapsing on me. My shoulder was hurting a bit with her on me, but a gaping dripping pussy in front of me made it quite tolerable. I leaned forward enough to give her a lick, and got a moan, I waited a bit and did it again and she jumped and then rolled off of me still panting.

"Sorry about that."

"Nothing to be sorry about, I got dessert twice!" Ann just giggled. "Grab me some aspirin and something to wash it down with and we'll call it even." She crawled up front and got the aspirin and a bottle of water from the cooler while I slid the curtains back and snapped two screens in.

The sun was just setting, lighting her up from the side in a way that was just breathtaking. The sweaty sheen on her skin, the glow from her orgasm, and a bit more shine from her juices working their way down the inside of her thigh.

She turned to crawl back and saw me watching her. "What?"

"God you're beautiful..." Ann gave me a soft smile and then gave me the aspirin and water, when I had swallowed them down she took a drink and stuck it beside the seat. She lifted my arm and curled up beside me to watch the sky darken and the stars come out. We drifted off somewhere along the way.

We went to sleep with the setting sun and rose with the rising sun. Her bright and sunny, me - bright and... sore. I rolled enough to grab the aspirin and water. For once I watched her wake up, the rise and fall of her chest and blissful smile on her face. Her firm nipples poking up inside the light blanket getting me hard. I tried to roll over to her, but I couldn't with my sore arm. I winced and evidentially made enough noise to wake her. Ann watched me watching her uncover herself, then rolled over me enough to put a nipple in my mouth just long enough to be a tease. Finally she held my cock up enough to let it slide in her.