The Ex's Fault - Redux Ch. 03


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"How the hell did you get those videos?"

I had to smile, "Like I said, Darcy was in the competition."

He got a bit wide eyed at that. "Was she in the showers?"

That made me laugh, "No, but she was the brunette in the black bikini in the first walk through, and the redhead in the green one in the last video."


"Yea. So do you know where a guy could get some posters made of a few pictures? I took several of her from the competition and want to get a few made."

"Jpeg's or video capture?"


"We can do them here up to twenty four by forty eight."

"What about framing?"

"There's a shop a few blocks away we get them from, what did you have in mind?"

"Something nice to show them off, not super fancy, but not just a cheap tin plated brass strip either."

"Sounds good."

He walked us down around the shelving to a small photo section I didn't even know was there, and introduced me to the young lady working it. "He needs some posters made. Use the good photo paper, and it's at my cost.", he said before turning back to the front of the store to a ringing bell.

She raised her eyebrows at that, but didn't say anything to him. When he left she turned to me, "So what do you need printed up?"

"I have some pictures from a competition Darcy was in and I want to surprise her with some posters." I held up the memory card, and she took it and popped it in. When the icons for the pictures came up we selected a few to look closer at.

These were all pictures from out front across the stage, and the one I really wanted was blurry. "Too bad you didn't have some closer ones that were clearer."

I thought for a second, then asked. "Who is going to see these?"

"Mainly me, maybe a few others. Why?"

"Could it be only you?" and held up the second memory card that had the photo secession from the back practice area.

"Uh...sure." As she took the second card and popped it in. We started scanning through them, and picked out a few in her bikini. "Oh that's a nice shot!" when we got into the third screen of icons she paused a bit as the nude ones came into view. "Oh..." She was scanning through them a bit slower now. She paused on one of her posing I took from the waist up, muscles standing out and gleaming in the light. Hard tits and nipples standing out nice and proud. "DAMN! I thought this was just some bikini contest."

"She's a body builder."

"I'll say..." She was slowly scanning through them in full screen now.

"She took second in her division and fourth over all." She had paused on a full length shot that showed her off naked body sooooo nicely. "I'd love that one for us or something like it, and a couple like it but with the bikini to hang in the living room."

"Let me go through them and I'll select a few for you to look at."

"Once we decide, how long until they are ready?"

"A few hours."

"And then I'd have to get them into a frame."

"I think I know just the frame for these."

I looked down at her, noticing her nipples trying to stand out in her top. "Call me when you have something for me to look at." and gave her my new cell number.

I went back and piddled with a few things back at work when my cell phone rang. "Hey babe."

"Hey, a couple of the girls are going to help with moving. Did you get a chance to reserve the trailer?"

"All set, just have to pick it up on the way this afternoon."

"They get off early today. Could they stop and pick it up on the way?"

"I don't see why not." I gave her the reservation number and she hung up to call the girls back.

I had no more hung up with her and the girl from the electronics shop called back. After a quick walk down to approve her selection, and her pointing out why her choices were better, it was back to work. I kicked back in the office for a bit, daydreaming about the competition weekend.

Now of course I was thinking about all the topless and naked women, I'm a guy. But I was comparing Darcy to all of them. And yes there were some hot babes there, but none of them were her. The look in her eyes, the smile on her lips, the touch of her fingers...

I got a text from Darcy. 'The girls said they should have everything packed up before you get to my old apartment and to get your bed out of the way at home so they can unload when they get there.'

'ok' All right... no drive down and back! And Darcy is coming HOME!

I stopped back at the electronics shop on the way home, and the posters were not dry enough to mount yet. "Give me a call when they are ready, I only live a few blocks away."

"Give me your address and I'll drop them off."

I paid for the posters and frames and headed home. First things first, I shoved all the living room furniture to the front wall to make plenty of space before tackling the bedroom. I stripped the blanket and sheets off, just balling them up and throwing them in the corner, then I flipped the mattress and box spring against the wall. I had just slid the frame to one side when I heard people coming in through the door.

I turned to see Dee Dee and two lovely mousy blonds. One very feminine with makeup and hair styling, the other more of the butch, Fabiana and Maddie, but both in muscle shirt and jeans. Dee Dee made introductions and then we walked the apartment quick.

After I put my frame in the spare bedroom Dee Dee and I moved my box spring and mattress while Fabiana and Maddie began bringing things in from the trailer.

Okay, yes, I'm a stereotypical guy, and once again I forgot the capabilities of these lovely ladies. I was clearing off the top of my dresser to move it to the spare bedroom when the girls came in with her mattress and flopped it on the Darcy's box spring. I turned away with the last of the things from the top of the dresser and turned back to see them walking off with it before I had unloaded it. I just smiled, shook my head... AND KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT!

It was rather comical a few minutes later. I was looking out the patio door watching them work when two guys from around the complex came up. I couldn't hear what was being said, but I would guess the guys were trying to hit on them by offering to help move the heavy furniture. Maddie got a bit of a look on her face, nodded to the Fabiana, they bent down and picked up the big heavy couch like it was a dime store cheepy, their muscles popping out like they were at a competition. The guys looked back and forth at the girls a bit, then at each other before beating a hasty retreat.

I was still sitting back on my couch laughing when they came in with her couch.

They were looking at me like I had horns, "What?" Maddie said still holding Darcy's couch.

"Oh you two are just ornery. Those two aren't going to be able to get it up for a week with that ego bashing..." and rolled back laughing again.

"Well he was hitting on Fabiana..." and then broke out in her own little laugh with her.

We were about finished unloading when Darcy called. "Hey gorgeous!"

"Hey handsome, how's it coming along?"

"Just about finished unloading, we have a living room full of boxes."

"Cool! Do I need to get anything on the way home?"

"Hang on," I turned to the girls. "Do we need anything?"

Fabiana and Maddie shook their heads, Dee Dee hollered out "PIZZA!"

I looked at the girls, "You girls staying for pizza?"

Maddie looked over at Fabiana, who said "Sure."

"Pizza for four with leftovers for the weekend would be good."

"OK, and tell them to be out of the shower when I get home."

"OK, see you in a bit."

I turned back to them, "She's grabbing pizza on the way and says to be out of the shower by the time she gets here."

We grabbed the last of the boxes and Dee Dee grabbed a bag from her car. The door had no more closed and Dee Dee was stripping down in the middle of the living room, Fabiana and Maddia looking at her like she was crazy.

"Hey, he's been to the competition so he knows what you look like.." and headed for the shower.

There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to find the sales girl from the electronics shop with a big flat package. "Well hello, you found the place."

"No problem."

I ushered her in and closed the door behind her. "So how'd they come out?"

"See for your self." She pulled the framed posters from the box. The first one was the full pose, the second was the upper body close up, both with bikini.

Fabiana and Maddie were admiring them over our shoulders, "And what about that third one?"

She glanced at the girls and then at me.

"It's ok, they're bodybuilders too."

She pulled out the third one, the topless version of the second. We just looked at it for a few minutes.

"Now that just makes you want to lean over and nibble on them..." Fabiana said slowly. Maddie snickered and the sales girl gasped then snickered as well.

"NOW THAT'S FUCKIN' HOT!" Dee Dee exclaimed. We turned to see her standing there with a towel on her head...and nothing else. She strolled forward and took the poster in her hands, holding it just under her big tits, the large gold rings dangling just above it. "Does she know about these yet?"


"Put them away and we'll surprise her later." She turned to the girls, "And you two better get in the shower before she gets home."

"We didn't bring a change of clothes..."

I looked at them with a grin. "Well you could always toss your stuff in the wash and just stay the night."

Dee Dee gave me a light slap on the shoulder, "You just want to see them naked." That got a gasp from both of them and the sales girl.

I just put my hands on my hips like it was stupid statement. "Of course I do, I'm a guy. And it's not like you don't want to see them naked either!"

The sales girl looked like she was going to have a heart attack and the girls just shrugged and began stripping down, tossing their clothes at Dee Dee. Muscle shirts and jeans first, revealing what I had been getting glimpses of all evening. Maddie in plain, but sheer, white bra and boy short panties, Fabiana in a light blue lace bra and matching sheer lace thong.

My cock was growing as they pealed off the bras to add to the pile, but the panties were thrown at me. I caught them and made a big production at sniffing them. "Ewwww..." They hollered in unison with grins as they headed for the bathroom.

Dee Dee took them from me and deposited the whole pile in the washer. I turned back to the sales girl, who didn't look like she had moved. "Sorry about that, they can get a bit carried away."

Dee Dee came back beside us, turned me toward her, "Like hell, you're the one that's over dressed." She grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head up to my wrists and stopped. While I was busy trying to finish taking it off, my pants were attacked, dropping them to my ankles.

I was standing there in my boxers and Dee Dee was reaching for them when I stopped her, "We have company..."

Dee Dee was on her knees holding my boxers around my hard cock to make it stand out even more. She looked up at the sales girl, "You mind?"

The sales girl looked at me, I shrugged, she turned back to Dee Dee at my feet and shook her head. Not sure if she didn't mind or if she didn't want her to continue, but Dee Dee took it as a sign to continue. She didn't even have my boxers down past my knees when she took me in her mouth. I took half a step back and leaned against the end of the couch, causing my cock to come out of her mouth with a pop.

"Oh no you don't!" and she scooted forward and took me in again. She was starting to get a good rhythm going, and I was watching the sales girl staring at my white cock going in and out of those black lips when Darcy came in the front door.

She saw what was going on and tossed the pizzas on the island. "Oh no you don't you hussy, I got first dibs on that tonight!" she pushed Dee Dee to one side, with an other pop of my cock coming out, and took right up where Dee Dee had left off.

I was close before, but with my redhead sucking me off, Dee Dee now leaning back with legs spread fingering her pussy and cupping her pierced tit, the sales girl cupping hers over her shirt, and now the two blonds standing in the doorway with Maddie reaching around and playing with Fabiana's tits and nipples I wasn't going to hold off. "Ahhhhhhhh..."

I let several shots go while she was smiling around my cock, and just when I thought I had shot the last into her she slid a finger in my ass to my prostrate. "Oh son of a biiiii..." I was spasming again and again while she worked my prostrate and jamming me in her mouth. When she pulled her finger from my ass I collapsed to the floor in front of her.

She leaned back on her heals and wiped a few dribbles from her lips grinning at me. "Now I really need a shower..." she pulled me to my feet, but not before I noticed a bit of a wet spot in the sales girls jeans...

Darcy was stripping as we went to the bathroom all grins. We got in under the warm water and began soaping each other down. "So how was class?" as I began running my soapy hands over her firm tits and hard nipples.

"Mmmmmm... the usual," as she was soaping my chest hair between her fingers.

I pulled her closer to be able to run my hands over her ass. "So when are finals?"

She put her arms around my neck and gave me a soft kiss. "Next Thursday and Friday, one each." rubbing her nipples in my now soapy chest hair.

I turned a bit to be able to put a finger down the crack of her ass to her rosebud and the other to her clit. "And graduation?" as I slipped the finger in her ass two knuckles deep.

"Ahhhhh..." she was panting a bit, "Two...weeks...after..." as I began working the finger in and out of her ass while flicking her clit from side to side.

"And after that you're all mine in the evenings." I slipped the finger from her clit to deep in her pussy and the one in her ass as far as I could, giving them both the best finger fuck I could standing beside her.

She held off for a few strokes, then grabbed me trembling in a nice little orgasm. "OHHHHH YESSSSSS..." she screamed.

I held her for as long as I could, but I'm not that strong...yet. We did manage to finish soaping up, and even did each others hair. We were toweling off and walking out front to a round of applause. She turned into my shoulder to burry her head and I did a bit of a bow as best I could with her plastered to me.

The girls meanwhile had pushed all the boxes to the wall, put the two coffee tables end to end and the two couches on either side. Having spread two pizza boxes out on the coffee tables we had out own little buffet! Dee Dee, Fabiana, and Maddie, were munching down.

"What happened to our sales girl?"

Maddie spoke up first, "She had to leave about the time you were making her scream in the shower," then took another bite giggling.

"OH GOD!" Darcy exclaimed as she put her head in her hands.

"I'll accept that..."

Darcy's head came right back up and she slapped me on the shoulder, and not a light play slap either, but I still laughed. She finally did to and it was munch time again. The girls were talking about how to arrange things in our place with lots of hand waiving and titty jiggling...LOTS of titty jiggling! Even a few glimpses of pussy.

Dee Dee tuned to me and winked, "So where are you going to put the awards shelf and pictures?"

I smiled knowing what was coming. "Probably up behind the TV, it's the only wall big enough to hold it all."

She turned to me, "What pictures?"

"Oh didn't I tell you, I had some of the pictures from the competition blown up to poster size. We can put two of them out here, the third will probably have to go in the bedroom though."

"WHAT pictures?!!"

I pointed to the box against the island, and while she was sitting there with her mouth open Fabiana got up and grabbed them handing them to her.

She lifted the already opened flap on the box and looked around at the girls. "I'm assuming you've already seen these?" the girls all grinned and Dee Dee gave her a thumbs up. She groaned and tipped her head back for a moment, let out a sigh, and then pulled them up out of the box.

"Oh wow..." As the first one came into view. "That turned out pretty good." She looked it over, running her hand across it a bit, then putting it aside for the next one, the upper body close up. She stared at it for just a bit before getting to the last one. She revealed the topless upper body close up and snickered, "You had to get that one didn't you..."

"It was a hard choice between that one and the close up of your dripping pussy."

Her head snapped to me, "YOU DIDN'T!"

"No, but I did think about it."

Maddie popped in, "Yea, we know what you were thinking about."

She turned to me and wrapped her arm around my neck, "You just wait mister..." giving me a nice kiss.

Then the girls chirped in, "Where's all the pictures... we want to see the pictures!"

"Oh all right..." she gave in. I got the laptop and hooked it to the TV and set it on slide show while we finished up. And yes they did stop the slide show long enough to verify her pussy was dripping when I was taking the pictures. But what really got their attention was the set of one of the woman from Wilma's crew. The first part was surprising, but they were hooting and hollering when she stripped her bikini off for a naked set as well.

Then Farrah had to ask, "What about the dance?"

Dee Dee's heads came around, "WHAT DANCE?"

So then Darcy had to go into the banquet evening after the first day, getting her hair done and borrowing a dress, while I flipped through the computer and found the folder with those pictures in it. "I haven't had a chance to go through these yet, they are straight out of the camera. No cropping or color balance or anything yet."

"Shut up and play the pictures..." Dee Dee spouted.

We kicked back to watch the slide show. Me on one end with Darcy cuddled back against me. Maddie with Fabiana cuddled back against her, and Dee Dee on her belly in front of us with her legs spread around ours.

She got hoots and whistles with the first picture of her in that dress. I was right, she looked like a runway fashion model. I could feel her nipples crinkling up in my palms as the girls complimented her on the look. It went off into more of what I took before the actual dance, and I was expecting it to end about there, but it seems someone had picked up the camera and taken a few of us together out on the dance floor.

I got some more whistles about my white dinner jacket, and the slide show ended on a nice one of us kissing on the dance floor. I just sat there holding her and looking at it in silence with everybody else, remembering it was just after I had slipped her new steel plug I her ass. I gave her tits a bit of a squeeze and leaned in close to her ear. "I do love you." I said softly before I kissed her neck.

She turned toward me a bit. "I love you too." And laid her cheek to mine.

"AWWWWWWW!!" came the chorus from the girls, then a lot of giggling and laughing.

We left that one up on the screen a bit while we picked up our mess. I shut it down before it burnt into the TV, and put some mellow jazz on the stereo and pulled her to me. We cuddled and danced naked in our own house, good friends around us. She was leaning against my chest, and started yawning. It wasn't as late as last night, but it was still after eleven.

I pulled her back from me, we said our good nights and went to bed...and there were no sheets! I picked up the ball of sheets from my bed and took them to the spare bedroom for the girls. When I came back Darcy was bent over putting a sheet on the bed when I came in. "Damn if I wasn't so tired..."

She looked over her shoulder grinning at me. "There's always tomorrow morning... no work remember?"

I came up behind her putting my hands on her hips and then helping her stand up so I could cup those delicious tits. "You got a deal gorgeous." We grabbed the comforter and pillows, crawled in, and said maybe ten words before we were out.

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TootsallTootsallover 3 years ago

To answer your opening question; I think the redux version is a serious improvement. It seems more intimate somehow and there is a noticeable reduction in the number of typos. Can’t speak for others but that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

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