The Ex's Fault - Redux Ch. 05


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Farrah got a hold of the base with one hand and spread my cheek a bit with the other. Giving it a bit more twist and a pull, it was close, but my ass didn't want to let it go. "I've got an idea, hang on."

"FUCK ME!" Farrah slid her thumb in my pussy and her finger between my lips. Fucking my pussy and clit at the same time she was tugging on the plug. I buried my head in my arms. My clit...AND MY ASS! She gave a few more serious tugs on the plug while burying her thumb in my pussy. Then drove her thumb home and PULLED.

It popped out and I collapsed, cumming around her thumb, barely in me far enough to keep me from sliding off the counter.

I staggered into the shower with her. There is something about showering with another woman, her watching you run your hands over yourself. Coming together and running your soapy hands over her. Tits against each other. pussy mound against thigh. The softest kiss when you come together, sliding hands down her back then onto her ass. Her moaning in your mouth when you squeeze her ass...


WHAT THE FUCK! We turn to look and there he is with the camera! 'FLASH' so that little horn dog wanted pictures did he?!! I cupped her tit and rolled her nipple, he grinned and kept taking pictures as we showered, soaped, and rinsed. Hands running over each other, sliding between lips, plastering to each other.

He's watching us, taking pictures of us, maybe, no - certainly, getting hard watching... 'grin' OH GOD I'M CUMMING THINKING ABOUT IT!!

We did manage to finally get out, and Charles kept taking pictures as we dried. I finally took his camera from him and handed it to Farrah, then dropped to my knees to take him in.

'FLASH' I hope he put the big memory card in! GOD I'M SUCH A SLUT! Sucking him down while she takes pictures of me taking him in. Imagining myself in a porn movie, seeing his cock go in and out, watching my throat stretch as it hit the back.

He's cumming in me! Feeling Charles shooting in my mouth as I swallow, my pussy running all the way down my thighs as he does...

We did actually manage to sit down for breakfast after that. And since yesterday was a jeans and t-shirt day, today it was dresses at the mall...VERY short dresses!

And yes we played a bit with Gwen again, but I could have beaned him! We came walking in, and he is VERY obviously trying to look down her dress. But that's not the worst! We get back to the dressing room, and she pulls her top open a little, teasing him.

"You really want to see my nipples?" like she thinks he's putting her on.

He leans down near her cleavage, "Nope..." she gasps in shock as he leans closer to give her a raspberry on her chest. "I want to nibble on them!" then tries to push her dress open with his face. "num, num; nummmmmm"

I could have killed him! But Gwen starts giggling and pulls her dress and real bra aside to let him nibble a bit.

I did get several nice outfits, and I even got one with a bit of a slit up the back that I could do the fake ripped seam thing... not sure when I'll get the courage to wear it. But it made me tingle thinking about it looking like I had ripped my skirt showing my stocking tops... and maybe a bit more....

We did take turns teasing him with tastes of pussy... just not directly! I'd wipe mine on Gwen's nipples, Farrah would wipe hers on me. Round and round we went, taking turns. But we did gang up on Gwen once, me fingering her pussy while Farrah did her ass as he was nibbling on her nipples! Didn't hurt we were also kissing her neck!

So went my last day as a free woman so to speak, Monday was the start of a whole new grind.

So that was three years ago, and in a strange way things have come full circle.

Gwen did start letting Charles nibble her nipples every time we went in. I think she really was looking forward to it, but she would never admit to it. She went from her mastectomy bra, to a super padded bra, to a little lacy thing. And last we heard, she's engaged! I told her she just hadn't found the right guy!

Dee Dee REALLY gave in to her sex slave fantasy and became part of an alternate lifestyle group. She did stop by on her way to a meeting, and gave us a real shock with her outfit.

Picture a dark chocolate skinned black woman with gloss white body jewelry and white lingerie. Add a white maid's cap, wide white collar and lace trim, white satin cincher, and white stockings leaving all the good parts fully exposed. BUT HER JEWLERY!

Her large gold rings in her nipples had been replaced with large extra thick gloss white rings, and a pair in her ears, and two each in her pussy lips with chains around her thighs to spread her lips when she spread her legs. She had also added a decent sized one in her hood above her clit. But the real shocker was a similar one in her nose with a leash that had a butt plug for a handle!

Our situation only got better. And to this day I still think my old law firm had planned it even though they deny it.

The first week back as an independent attorney was more settling in and getting my new office the way I wanted it.

The following Monday I got a HUGE file dropped on my desk. One of our more influential clients was filing for divorce, and they wanted me to represent the kids as advocate. Her husband was having an affair, and had become abusive.

The first day of court set the tone for the rest of my career to date...

"Well councilor, you look familiar, but I don't remember seeing you in my court before."

I was about to speak when my old boss did. "The advocate was formerly a paralegal with my firm your honor."

That got quite the glare from the opposing council and the asshole husband.

The judge turned to me, "And you feel you are qualified to represent the minors in this situation?"

"Very much so your honor."

But my old boss couldn't leave it at that. "She graduated second in her class your honor, as well as beating my bar exam score by three points, so by extrapolation..."

"That's quite enough councilor... you may proceeded."

I glanced at my old boss, who was smiling, and gave me a quick wink. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye about the same time I heard it.

The asshole husband had jumped out of his chair and was heading for one of us. "YOU'RE ALL OUT TO..."

That's as far as he got. I did the same thing I did before, just like my old sheriffs deputy boyfriend taught me. One hand to the throat, the other catching the raised hand, lift, turn, twist, twist, bring him down on his chest. Bring his hand up behind his shoulder blades as you kneel just below his elbow.

The bailiff was just walking up. "My I use your cuffs?"

"Ummm, uh...sure." He handed me his cuffs... while he was enjoying looking at my stocking clad legs! LOL

I leaned forward and got his other hand...and felt a NICE breeze up my skirt! I got the cuffs on and looked down. Not only had my skirt ridden up, but the side seam had split about four inches...and no it was not one of the ones I did it intentionally. But it was letting the top of my stocking and several inches of thigh show. Hell a couple more inches and they would have gotten a nice shot of my shaved pussy lips!

I looked back up at the bailiff looking at my stocking tops. He looked back, realizing he had been caught looking and froze. I just held my hand up, "Care to help a lady up?"

He just grinned and helped me up while one of the other officers took the asshole away.

The judge and my old boss were both trying not to get caught looking at my now exposed stocking top...let 'em look! But my old boss just couldn't let it be.

"I forgot to mention your honor, our advocate is also the regional bodybuilding champion in her class."

The judge looked at me wide eyed. "Is this true councilor?"

"Not exactly your honor," The judge started to scowl at my old boss. About the time I thought he was going to lay into him, I continued. "I came in second, not first."

The judge and about every other man in the courtroom turned to me with surprise. My old Boss turned to me with a grin... THE TURKEY SAID THAT ON PURPOSE! "My apologies for the...discrepancy..." and grinned again.

We all just stood there for a second, me looking at the judge, the other men looking at my stocking top, and the judge trying not to but failing. You'd think they'd never seen a pair of stockings and some bare thigh before!

He glanced down one more time at my stocking top, and then said. "Do you need a few minutes to...regroup?" and glanced at my stocking again.

I grinned back at him, "Not at all your honor, if my esteemed colleges are ready, by all means let's proceed."

I could have sworn everybody in the courtroom heard the asshole's counsel gulp... he was on the side letting my stocking top show... a bit of a distraction for some reason?

The judge hesitated for a second, and then broke into a WIDE grin. "Then by all means..."

We proceeded, and things went pretty well for the next few days, the wife got custody and a nice settlement. I did get a note later the first day from my old boss. Good work! BTW, you beat my score by three, I beat his by five!

That explained the little bit of back and forth between them at the start of things.

Shortly after that, things began to pick up for me, and a local reporter decided to do a puff piece, and I was it. As part of the interview, she was being a bit facetious, and she said I was a 'momma grizzly in hose'.

I gave her a look, and came right back at her. "Close but no banana honey. Momma grizzly in stockings." I lifted my skirt enough to show her stocking tops and a little skin. "ANY little girl can wear pantyhose." From her expression I would bet she was one of those little girls that wouldn't wear stockings...

The nickname stuck... and what the hell, I looked damn good in stockings! And I did from time to time let a bit of lace show, or wear a decent garter belt under a thin skirt to let the strap lines show. A smiling judge or a distracted opposing council never hurt!

I gained a reputation for taking the underdog side, be it the spouse or the kids. You get cheated on, I'm your girl, you screw around and I don't want to talk to you. I did have one interesting case as an advocate for three kids, and the mom was claiming he was screwing around. In talking with the kids something didn't add up, and after some investigating by an officer friend, I found out his 'affair' was a setup to get control of the kids' inheritance from the paternal grandfather. They didn't appreciate loosing their big fee when it some how came out and the wife lost the divorce BIG TIME! I still had my retainer so what the hell.

But the big windfall came in a completely different manner, from my old boss of all people.

As my case load increased, I spent more and more time at the office, even an occasional late night even though I had a light case load just starting out. One particular Thursday evening I was dictating some notes into my little recorder, when my intercom popped on.

I was about to kill it when I heard the voice of one of the male paralegals. "Oh yea, suck that cock down!... Oh yea, that's nice... you gotta suck it if you want a good fucking..." Sounds like they were using the bosses' office for a little hanky panky!

I heard him groaning like he was filling the little honeys mouth, making mine water, when I heard another voice, AND IT WASN'T FEMALE!

"Need that just a bit did you?"... THAT WAS MY OLD BOSS!

"Mmmmm, been thinking about that every time I saw you chewing on your pen..."

"And you know where this thing is going don't you?" he said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I heard noises like belts, then the first voice, "OH YESSSSS! FUCK MY ASS!"

WHAT! The boss... with a wife and kids... fucking one of the MALE paralegals!

This I had to see! Part of the office arrangement was the attorneys office doors had peep holes in them so you could see if they were with a client before opening the door. I walked softly up to my old bosses' door, closed thank God! And I got the show of my life looking through the peep hole.

There was the paralegal, bent over the desk with my old boss pounding away at him. Now part of me was tingling with the thought of my own ass being fucked, but my brain was saying GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

I staggered back to my office, and just sat there listening for the last few minutes while they finished up. Just staring at the phone. when they were about done I grabbed my recorder, some files I was working on, my jacket, and headed for the door.

I know I drove home, but I don't remember actually doing it. I sat there in the parking lot, trying to wrap my head around what I had just witnessed. If it wasn't for the recording I wouldn't have believed it either!

I woke Farrah up a little early. She wasn't happy, but once I started explaining things she was wide awake. She called in sick and the three of us talked and hashed through things until almost two in the morning.

I worked from home the next day, and Charles called someone in to cover his shift at the arcade. By the end of the day we had a plan. I was going to keep working late for a while and see if I could find a pattern or if this was just a random thing.

It quickly became pretty apparent, and over the next four months it turned out it was an every other Thursday event like clock work. I didn't get a chance to record things like I did before over the intercom, but they were loud enough to get bits and pieces through the door and establish a pattern.

And then it was time to set the trap so to speak. You see one of the things that made this so incredible was my old boss. In public he was a big religious guy, completely anti-gay. Making a big deal out of being the councilor of one of the largest churches in the city. And I had him on record of enjoying one of the male paralegals at least twice a month for the last five months.

So on an evening I knew my old boss and his boyfriend will get together I'm all set. I have a file he's been asking for, but hanging on to until tonight. I wait until they are hot and heavy into it, walk in, plop the file on the corner of his desk, say 'Hi' to both of them, then return to my desk like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

There were the sounds of a mad scuffle down the hall, the paralegal scrambles by NOT looking at my open door. A few minutes later the old boss comes in with a very worried look.

His shirt is a bit off, but after having just been caught porking the hired help he wasn't bad. He tried to say it was just a spur of the moment thing, but once he realized I knew about the every other Thursday arrangement, he collapsed in my chair.

"What do you want?" he asked dejectedly.

I looked at him, trying not to grin. "The real question is what do you want, or more importantly what you don't want."

"I...I'm not sure..." He was grasping for something to say. Luckily I had this already planned out.

"Think about it for a few days. I'm working from home tomorrow and spending some time with my fiancés." I'll see you Monday."

I stood up and got my coat, he was just standing there like he had been gut punched. I was in an ornery mood, so I took my thumb and ran it over the corner of his mouth like he had a dribble and brought it to my mouth. "Mmmm, he does taste good doesn't he!"

I think I heard him slump against the wall, but I didn't look back to see.

We had a nice three day weekend, and when I got back to work Monday the old boss was all bluster, saying who would ever believe a young upstart like me, it would be his word against mine. I just smiled and tossed him a thumb drive.

"What's this?"

"That's a copy of you two about five months ago when you hit the intercom while making out. And just in case you get any bright ideas it's also loaded onto an internet deadman's web site. If I don't log in weekly it will go out to all the local newspapers and your church clientele." I hadn't really, but he didn't know that!

Talk about deflated! He just slumped in the chair. "Why?"

"Why what? Why did you decide to fuck your paralegal? Why did you decide HE had a nice ass. Why did you get on your knees and suck him off? Those are questions only you can answer. My only question, and it's more for my curiosity than anything, do your wife and children know?"

He got an expression like he was going to come over my desk after me, I just held up another thumb drive and wiggled it at him. "Go rethink your position councilor, and see what you want to do about it." I opened up a file on my desk and began reading. He sat there for a minute or so, not used to being the one being dismissed.

As he got up to leave, I almost wanted to tell him to say 'Hi' to his wife for me, but I didn't want to be vindictive. But I did make the remark, "You know, I'd really like to not be in snow next Christmas..."

He came back to me Wednesday with an offer and a non-disclosure. I looked at the offer and handed it back to him. "That's an insult... get real. And by the way, Saturday is my last day this week to log into the deadman web site."

He did come back Friday with a bit more reasonable offer; one that told me his wife did not know. I had an initial payment, and another payment in three month when I left the firm office, "Preferably the city!" he spat at me. I accepted the offer, and with the help of a realtor Octavia knew, we made the transition to Las Vegas in November.

The transition went nicely between the settlement and several nice prominent cases he somehow felt inclined to send my way when I asked...LOL

So here we are, living in a house south of town. I still have a decent law practice with Farrah as my partner. Our closest neighbor is five miles away, we're almost a mile off the road, and twenty minutes from town.

Charles has made quite a business refurbishing older arcade machines in his barn workshop, and even made a bit of a 'play room' upstairs for us! He's made some 'interesting' furniture for us to sit on while he takes advantage of us! Don't you just love a man with such a creative deviant mind?!

Oh the come full circle thing... when we got together, he was looking at pictures of my old roommate, his cum running out of her spread pussy.

Right now, it's Christmas Eve morning, and I'm standing with legs slightly spread naked as a jay bird on our sun porch. Farrah is lying beside him cleaning his cock on the lounger behind me. We have decorations hanging from out nipples, I have my big green plug in and she has her red one for extra Christmas colors... and he's watching his cum running down my thighs from my flooded pussy in the morning sun...

Maybe Santa will give me a load in my ass for Christmas!... ;-)


This will probably be the last redux I do. For all the clamor for names to make it more readable the voting for the redux series has seen significantly lower voting numbers than the original series without names.

The other series are coming along. I had promised the SciFi series next but those charters have decided to go on strike. A short, for me, two part story will post soon, and then we'll see who gets completed first.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I think he buries the blackmailer. End of story. Too implausible to be a good read. Besides given the time frame he simply could have packed up everything, taken all his liquid assets and disappeared. Like I said. Poorly thought out. Badly done.

fanfarefanfareover 8 years ago
In my opinion...

ac....after reading both the original and the 'Redux' versions of "The Ex's Fault", I could see from the comments in the original story why you made the effort to redo the story. However, I do not agree that it was worth the time and effort you put into it.

I think the original story, in your unique experimental style was fucking brilliant. It had a real personality, with strongly written characters and sharp dialogue and piercing introspection, that I think is lacking in the second version. It seems to me that you tried to hard with the rewrite, attempting to please too many opinions besides the only one that really counts, your own!

A few years ago, I was asked to do a rough draft of a couple of early stories of mine as possible movie scripts. Since I didn't have a clue what I was doing, I signed up for a variety of film classes at Orange Coast College. They have a renown program being so close to the Hollywood industry.

One of the things that struck me as important but usually overlooked in the futile rush to the illusion of perfection. That the very best performances were often the full dress rehearsal or first recordings. Repeated re-does wound up being mediocre performances afterexhausting that first attempt edge.

Yes, the first version of 'The Ex's" demands some extra intellectual effort and parsing of character's actions but I think that is a good thing. However I am notorious as a Sadistic Bastard who deliberately torments my readers with obscure language just to amuse myself.

In my instructions to the Literotica staff I include this doggerel: " i wrotes what i writes. rite or wrung it saids what i means & it means what i saids it means!”

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