The Fall of York Ch. 63-67


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She stood and headed to the tree line to collect some firewood, if she could find any dry enough. She brought what she found back to the men. Then she gave Lafleur an odd look. Millie reached into the folds of her dress, where she had hidden the fortune that Mr. and Mrs. Orr had given her. She pulled it out and hid it within his shirts. Nodding her head in satisfaction, she smiled at the thought that she had repaid this man for saving her and Jacob. She had no idea how she would ever repay Mr. and Mrs. Orr for everything they had done for her and that thought troubled her.

Eventually, the two men woke. The three of them sat and collected their strength for awhile. Millie was relieved that Lafleur had not noticed the small, wrapped bundle tucked away in his clothes.

"Have you any idea where we might be, Lafleur?" asked Jacob.


"Alive and healthy on the shores of Lake Ontario, Jacob," observed Millie with a big smile.

Once day began to break, the Frenchman stood and stretched. "I will go this way," he said pointing westwards. "At worst, I will reach the Niagara and cross it back into Upper Canada. At best I will make my way around the lake and back to York eventually."

"What do you think, Millie?" asked Jacob.

She blinked and then remembered he had seen how Mr. Orr treated his wife. Jacob's comments about the men and women in his own family also came to her mind. "I go wherever you go, husband."

"Then we go east, Lafleur. We either reach the Niagara and cross it into America or we're already in America and we eventually head south to my - to our home." Jacob stood and offered his hand to the Frenchman. "I wish we could give you something to show how grateful we are, but we lost everything in the storm just as you lost your fine boat."

Lafleur shrugged and shook Jacob's hand. "When I get back to York, I am sure Major Orr will recompense me for my losses. He liked you, American, and the Orr's are very fond of Millie. God go with you!"

They parted, and Millie and Jacob began to walk along the beach, hand in hand. They were tired and hungry, but they were together. After awhile they headed inland to avoid climbing over larger and larger stones. Jacob hoped that they would find a farm, from which they might beg some food. They did find a small stream and they quenched their thirst and washed their faces.

Millie sat upon some moss and sighed. She stretched out her legs and rubbed them while Jacob splashed cool water upon his brow and the back of his neck.

"Why the sigh?" he asked, stepping up on to the embankment.

She tilted her head and looked up at him. "I had thought it unlikely to ever have such a fine wedding and now I have had no wedding night, husband."

"Ah." He sat down beside her. "You didn't expect to be spat upon some foreign shore like Jonah," he said with a smirk.

"Why, no," and she coloured as she realized where the conversation was drifting. "It's just that there are certain...wifely duties I must submit to on my wedding night and..."

He lifted her chin so their eyes met. "I do not ask for submission, Millie. All I want is your love."

"Oh, I do love you so Jacob, how could I not? Propriety demands I behave in a certain manner and yet..." she turned away from him.

"And yet...?" He waited patiently, but she said nothing for a full minute. "We are husband and wife, joined unto death beloved Millie. Is there any reason you should not speak freely to me?"

She looked down and ran her hands over the soft, green moss. She bit her lip and then, recollecting Mrs. Orr's admonishments, she opened her mouth to speak. "With all that was said about me in York...I don't want you to doubt my character."

"Go on..." suggested Jacob.

"Well, a wife is supposed to submit to her husband's...needs. And yet Mrs. Orr told me such things! I am curious, but would not have you think badly of me, Jacob."

"Ah. You think that it might be sinful for you to enjoy the relations between husband and wife because you have been told that they are sinful?" Millie nodded in response. "Well, I would rather have you enjoy our intimacy. Did God not command that we be fruitful and multiply across the Earth?"

Millie turned to him to see if he was jesting with her, but his face was serious.

"We shall not have a child every time we lay together, wife. And I intend that we should have many children. What did Mrs. Orr tell you?"

Millie's cheeks reddened. "Only that...well, a husband and wife might...that we might..."

"Did she suggest that there was pleasure to be had in laying together? I see no harm in that." Jacob looked about at the trees surrounding them and the burbling creek a short distance away. Sunlight fell through gaps in the trees, warming small patches of moss. "We appear to have some privacy here."

"Privacy, husband?"

"Privacy." He took her in his arms and pulled her tightly against him.

"We haven't had any until now, have we?" she asked with a small smile.

"Hmm." He leaned forward and kissed her lips. They were soft and promising and she hummed in approval. His hands left her and he removed his jacket, letting it fall to the ground.

Her own hands pulled off her cap and then tugged at the strings of her blouse, trying to undo the knots. Their breathing quickened as the kiss continued. They were both afraid to break the kiss, but they were also having trouble removing their clothes.

Millie's hum of approval transformed into a grunt of frustration. Jacob struggled to kick off his boots.

At last he pulled away. "Millie, this just isn't working!"


She looked at him uncomprehending as he untied his own shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing a sleek torso with some dark hair in the middle of his chest. She wanted to run her fingers across his bare flesh, but remembered that she was still fully dressed. As she concentrated on undoing the knots of her blouse, he reached down and pulled off his boots.

As his second boot came off, Jacob lost his balance and rolled a short distance away. Millie laughed, covering her mouth to hide her merriment at her husband's misfortune, and then slipped her arms out of her loosened blouse and pushed her dress over her legs. Jacob stood, proudly holding the boot for her to see. He was rewarded with a small clap and more laughter.

Millie's remaining blouse and underskirts followed her dress to the mossy ground, and then she kicked the clothes away. "Voila!" she said, spreading her arms. Then her face went red as she realized that she had just shamelessly stripped and exposed herself for this man, even though he was her husband. She threw her arms across her body and turned away from him.

"Don't be ashamed, Millie. You're my wife and I think you're beautiful, just like that girl in that story of Ancient Rome."

She looked back at him over his shoulder as he pulled off his trousers. Her eyes took in his thighs and the sight that lay between them that slowly rose and grew larger. She averted her eyes. "I don't know who you mean, husband."

"That girl! The one they went to war over. She was kidnapped or ran off and an army gathered to attack the city she was hidden in. And there was something about a giant wooden horse and everyone being drunk."

"You mean Helen of Troy. That was a Greek story."

"Oh, well Gran told me it a long time ago. You're more beautiful than her."

Millie forced herself to turn around and let her arms drop to her sides. She raised her eyes and looked at Jacob as he walked purposefully across the moss towards her. Mrs. Orr had given her some advice about the wedding night and she hoped that it was good advice.

Jacob went to her legs and crouched, and Millie stared down at the top of his head in surprise. Was he bowing to her, she wondered? Then she felt a tug on her boot.

He loosened the laces on one and then the other. Then he ran his hand slowly up the back of her leg, from her ankle to just below her knee. He lifted her limb and slipped off the boot. He did the same for the other leg and then rose to kneel directly in front of her.

"I'm a little scared, Jacob."

His eyes darted around her face, then down to her breasts and then back up to her face. "So am I." He put his hand on her cheek and drew her to her knees, until they were leaning against each other. Millie's heart hammered in her chest as she wondered what he would do next.

Jacob's own heart beat just as quickly, but he fought to keep himself calm. The mere feel of her breasts against his chest and her thighs against his was raising his manhood. She jumped slightly when it touched her inner leg, but she otherwise showed no sign of being scared. His member continued to rise and harden until it stopped, halted by the convergence of her legs.

Jacob licked his lips and then felt Millie slip her arms around his waist and pull him a little closer. He tilted her face up a little and then leaned forward and kissed her again. All of his senses focussed on two points, his lips and his penis. He could feel her hands on the small of his back and other places were their flesh met, but those sensations were mere peripheral feelings.

Millie's senses were focussed on those two points, as well. Jacob's lips were hot and assertive. They almost seemed to flow over her own to the point where she felt as if the kiss were something she had no control over. She felt herself shift her knees apart slightly, spreading her legs just wide enough that his erection rose a little higher against her. She sighed as she felt the tip of him against her lower lips and he pushed gently, parting her slightly. Mrs. Orr had spoken to her of this: the joyful betrayal of her own body as it hungered for what her husband had to offer. She had been told that Mr. Orr almost always seemed to be in control of himself as the two made love and the thought that she was the source of passion and animal cravings was as exciting as it was sinful. And now, she understood exactly what her former mistress had told her.

They were moving, somehow. She didn't care; all she wanted was him. She felt herself being lowered down to lie on the soft moss. Millie's eyes flashed open in surprise to see her husband kneeling over her, between her legs.

Jacob leaned forward and slipped his hands beneath her round bottom. He lifted and then pulled her a little closer. Grabbing one of her ankles, he lifted it until her leg was fully extended. Then he put his lips on the ankle and slowly kissed his way down her leg to her knee raising a small moan from his wife.

Millie looked down between her breasts and spied his member, fully erect with a purplish-red helmet atop it. From what Mrs. Orr had told her, this meant he was ready to take her. She could feel her own moistures readying her body for his size. She hadn't expected it to be so big, though.

Jacob noticed her glance. Placing his hand over her sex, he could feel the heat and moisture that promised everything he had dreamed of since he had first met Millie. He drew himself closer to her, still holding one leg up, until his erection waited just outside the folds. He used his fingers to spread her silken flesh and ease his passage, as he pushed himself in.

Millie shuddered and arched her back for a couple of seconds. The feel of him entering had been slightly painful, but oh so satisfying, just as Mrs. Orr had promised it would be with a caring and kind husband like Jacob. He hesitated, as if concerned that he might hurt her, until she was desperate for him to enter more deeply.


He slid in slowly, enjoying the feel of her moisture lubricating the tight passage. His eyes drank her in. Her own eyes were closed. Her neck was arched and her chin was raised. Her mouth formed an 'o', but no sound came out. Her skin was smooth and soft. Her breasts were firm mounds, topped by brown nipples. Her form was as beautiful as he had imagined. And she had eagerly consented to be his wife!

Jacob slid in as far as he could and then released her ankle. He placed his arms on either side of his wife and lifted his hips, sliding himself out of her somewhat. He could feel Millie lift her own hips, as if to entice him to stay deep inside of her. In answer he gently pushed down and her back arched again.

Millie could feel no sensation but the incredible friction and filling of her vagina. Something within her, that she could not name, seemed to be building. With each thrust, it grew larger and more dominant. She didn't care for propriety and she didn't care for her good reputation. If someone happened by she would simply wave at the person happily and beg her husband to continue.

Mrs. Orr had warned her of this feeling, this pinnacle of pleasure. Millie recalled that she was supposed to stretch it out and let it build as high as she could make it. The longer it took the more incredible everything would feel. As her husband thrust again and again, Millie struggled to keep control of her conscious mind. However, everything just felt too good.

Jacob could feel Millie's total surrender to him. He had asked her if he was pushing too hard, but she hadn't responded in any way. So he sped up and pushed harder, assuming she would tell him if he was too rough. He had no idea how long he'd been pumping himself into her, but his energy seemed to be boundless. And the happy look on Millie's face made the effort so worthwhile.

Something happened. She suddenly felt as if a dam had shattered and sensations flashed throughout her body. Her muscles relaxed as if from exhaustion and her mind was fuzzy. She knew Jacob was there, but she didn't know exactly where and she wondered if he had stopped making love to her. Then another wave of pleasure rolled through her and she realized the first one had been so strong that she had almost fainted. Jacob was there, thrusting into her frantically.

Millie's back arched and arched again. A great sigh escaped her lips as her hands squeezed his shoulders. He could feel a sudden tensing and release within himself, and then his own muscles tensed again. Putting his arms under her back, he lifted Millie and sat back on his legs. His erection pulsed, like water gushing from a pump and he lifted his hips, pushing into her as deeply as he could. His seed pulsed out again, but this time he didn't have the energy nor the strength to push into her.

Millie felt Jacob holding her tightly and willed her slack arms to obey her commands. She wrapped them around her husband and she cried into his ear, "Oh, thank you! Oh, thank you!" But she was not sure whether she thanked Jacob for his considerate and considerable efforts, or God for granting her husband the ability to bring her such pleasure.

It was some time before either of them stirred. Their backs grew cool and they could hear the soft sounds of the forest. Jacob spoke first. "Millie? Perhaps we should dress so we do not grow cold."

"Hmm," was her response, but she released him and her arms fell like dead weights. Jacob found that his own arms and legs were not following his commands as they should, but the two managed to collect their clothes and they slowly dressed.

Afterwards, they sat beside the stream, hugging each other, and watched its gentle current carry leaves and bubbles away.

"Was I pleasurable, husband?" Millie asked shyly.

"Most definitely. I assume that you have no complains?"

She pondered this for long enough to worry Jacob. "If you do not think me too forward, husband, I think that we shall need a very sturdy bed if we are to try and have many children." And she gave him a smile.


The several days that followed were idyllic, if exhausting. The weather was suited for walking through the hilly forests and pastures they came across. Encountering isolated farms and the people who owned them the two quickly learned that they were in the United States of America, and Jacob was able to get his bearings and lead Millie south toward his family farm.

Millie found the people friendly and much like the people of Upper Canada. They were offered food at every farm they found, in exchange for news and the story of how the two came to be wandering across New York State. Sometimes they slept in a barn and sometimes by a fire on the open ground. Millie would rest her head on Jacob's shoulder and they would talk quietly as they relaxed their aching muscles.

Eventually, Jacob recognized some landmarks and excitedly led Millie to the crest of a bluff. He pointed out and named a river and some farms for her. She felt herself smiling in response to his enthusiasm at being so close to home after such a long journey.

"We'll follow that river for a while until we come to my Uncle Joshua's farm," Jacob said, his voice louder than normal. "He'll see us safely home."

Millie surveyed the countryside. It looked so much like the land she had left forever. "What then, Jacob?"

He turned to her in surprise. "Why, we'll start farming."

"On your parent's farm?"

"Oh, maybe, at first. But there's a great deal of unused land around here. My family will help us clear some land and build our house. They'll even get us started with some seed and livestock." He looked away and into the distance. "Nothing too fancy. Probably an acre or two to begin with, and maybe a couple of chickens and a cow."

"An acre or two..." Millie had no idea how big an acre was, but it sounded enormous.

Jacob took her hand. "I know it's not much, Millie, but we'll work hard and my family will help. In time, we'll have fields full of crops and livestock everywhere. Things will be so good that we'll need help to harvest! Though we'll have to help the others, as well."

Millie was silent. I'm a farmer's wife, she thought. The idea hit her fully for the first time, right at that moment. A very short time ago, she had been a penniless, orphan girl with no prospects of marriage. And now...

"Are you all right, Millie?"

Jacob was staring at her with concern. She blinked, and then rubbed some tears from her eyes. "It's perfect, Jacob! Everything's perfect!"

The End

I wish to note that it was catbrown who suggested writing a story with two couples when I mentioned that I wasn't sure if I could write another story with Lawrence and Abigail. Also, thank you to my wife who came up with the idea of a duel that got me past a bit of writer's block. And a thank you to searchingforperfection who advised me that my original ending was too long. It did indeed go on, and on, and on, and on.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

It has been a wonderful story with depth and tenderness. I hope to see more stories by yoy

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