The Fall Pt. 03

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Cyd makes her fall from grace and comes to a decision.
11.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/31/2022
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The Fall. Part 3.

"What on earth did you say to Mark?"

"What do you mean Marge?

"Cyd, c'mon, what did you say? He came here tonight like a scolded schoolboy. He didn't even fuck me! He said you two had words today at work, he wouldn't say more. He said ask you......well?"

"Sorry Marge, it was nothing, really."

"Has he tried it on with you?"

"Well, he tried."

"Oh I see now, he got his hand slapped, he is not used to that, ha.ha."

"You are not angry?"

"Well, I am not over the moon that he wanted my best friend but no, I am not angry. Not with you anyway. I told you I know he sees a few women."

"Why do you put up with it Marge?"

"I also told you he is the best fuck I have ever had, and I have had a few. But he is much more, so much more. I am starting to have real feelings towards him"

Cyd sat pondering her best friends words, she had turned him down flat. She could tell he was not used to that, "It might just do him a bit of good." She thought.

Unknown to Cyd, Mark had in fact loved that she turned his advances away. He enjoyed the chase as much as the rewards.

Cyd was full of trepidation on Monday morning, she knew Mark might be a bit funny with her but she was ready for him. She decided she was going to get the upper hand, turn the tables and tease him. She would wear her sexiest business suit with a high waisted tight pencil skirt and very sheer nylons, her highest 5 inch spike heels to flaunt what was within his reach but was unobtainable.

Cyd sauntered towards the lifts, she oozed sexiness as her heels clicked loudly on the marble floors

"Morning ladies."

"Good morning Mrs Morris, Jenny went up 30 minutes ago she is waiting for you."

Cyd smiled back at the incredibly glamorous duo. "Thank you, and please call me Cyd, not Mrs Morris, Mrs Morris is my mother."

"Sure thing....Cyd."

Ping! The lift doors opened to her floor and as she walked into the company foyer Jenny was waiting for her with her latte and a notepad.

"Morning Cyd, Damn you look hot!"

Cyd smiled, "Thank you Jenny, that's the look I was aiming for. You look seriously good in your new clothes too my dear. I have a few deals to sort out today regarding the firms bonding days so I want to look my best."

"Yes your first one in is at 10am it's the Kayaking company. I have a spreadsheet on your desk with prices, and days available for you to look over before they come in ok. We have the camping people in this afternoon, I don't want to sway it but I love the idea of us all going camping. I'd love to see what Joan looks like first thing in the morning after a night under canvas."

Jenny walked away grinning.

Just as Cyd was walking into her office Joan came out of Marks.

"Good morning Cyd, I am so glad you and Mark cleared the air last week and I am very happy you put him in his place and decided to stay. I love the look by the way, stunning!"

"Thank you Joan, I love it here and Mark needed telling."

Joan smiled and turned on her heels walking towards the breakfast buffet.

Jenny had been busy over the weekend, these spreadsheets were seriously impressive. She had all the ammunition she needed to get the best deals possible from them.

Buzz, Buzz. It was Jenny, "Cyd, Mr Andrews asked if you could spare ten minutes before your first appointment today."

"Yes tell him I'll see him in 30 minutes ok, I just need to go over your figures first. Great job Jen, you could not have done these better."

"Thank you, I tried my best,"

Cyd knew with the numbers she had in front of her she could shave a great deal off of their prices especially with the number of staff they were thinking of taking. Armed with her spreadsheets and numbers in her head she walked into Marks office confident she could pull off a deal he would go for.

"Morning Cyd." Mark said not looking up, his head buried in paperwork.

"Good Morning Mark, I have all the facts and figures here if you want to look them over before I meet the clients."

"No, No, I trust you. You are more than capable of dealing with it, after all its what I took you on for."

He finally looked up to see her standing before him, Her hair tied up, flawless makeup in a beautiful pale pink blouse, tight skirt, stockings and heels. The sight took his breath from him.

"You ok Mark?"

Mark sat just staring at the vision before him silently.


"Sorry Cyd, yes, sorry. God you look stunning, I mean stunning. I know we spoke last week but you cannot come in here looking like that and expect me not to stare. My god you look amazing."

"Why thank you, these old things, I've had them years." She said looking down at her clothes twisting the pointed toe of her stiletto into the carpet.

She walked over to the desk and placed her paperwork in front of him leaning over as she did. Purposely leaning over Marks shoulder adjusting the papers knowing he would look down her blouse as she did. He did not let her down, his gaze was directed in that vicinity as she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Her pink flowery bra was just visible with the amount of cleavage she had showing. Mark so wanted to run his hand up her nylon covered legs into the gusset of her panties as she stood next to him, but he knew that would cross boundaries not open to him.....yet.

"Right, we have a number of things on our side with the Kayaking day such as...."

Mark interrupted her, her was still looking at her chest as he spoke.

"Cyd, I trust you, do it. whatever you need its yours. My god Cyd, you are a stunning woman."

Cyd stood upright pushing her chest towards him saying,

"Mark we have been through this last week. You know how I feel."

"I know, I am sorry but I have been thinking of you all weekend and you said nothing of me not looking did you?"

It was working, she was teasing him rotten she knew he was probably hard or at least had a chubby and she loved having the upper hand.

It was 10am and Cyd's first perspective client had arrived. Jenny showed Mr Archer into her office and he too was awestruck as he surveyed the beauty in front of him.

"Tea, Coffee?" Jenny asked.

"Latte for me please jenny, You Mr Archer?"

"Tony, please call me Tony, and a latte sounds wonderful please, two sugars."

He said outstretching his hand to Cyd, he noticed her perfectly manicured fingernails as he held on to her right hand.

"Please sit down Tony, I hope we can do business today."

"I am sure we can come up with something." He said smiling.

He took a small laptop from his briefcase and placed it upon her desk as she started to tell him what she expected from his company. Cyd noticed that he had one eye on her legs and one on the laptop as he tried to concentrate on the business in hand. She milked it for all she was worth and kept crossing and uncrossing her ankles rubbing her legs together as she did. Jenny came in with a tray of coffee and cakes placing them on the desk in front of Tony, she leaned over him as she placed the coffees in front of each rubbing herself on his shoulder as she did. Cyd noticed this and smiled to herself. Clever girl.

The negotiations started at £185.00p per person if over 50 people for the day with lunch and drinks. After much debate and leg showing Cyd had Tony down to £115.00p. She still thought she could get more so she tried a leaf out of Jen's books and walked very sexily around to Tony's side of the table.

"I am sure we could get more off of this price, what if I added more people, say another 25?"

She again leant in close bringing her paperwork to his side of the desk alongside his laptop. Cyd had him wrapped around her finger, she noticed a slight twitch in his crotch area as she leaned in.

"Are you coming too? I am sure I could be one of the instructors if you are?" he asked a bit too hopefully.

"Yes, I would love that, maybe you could show me the right manoeuvres and strokes to use?" she said seductively.

The twitch was much more pronounced now and a lump was definitely growing.

"Right!" said Cyd, "it's all down to the numbers, what is your best price?"

"I think for 75 people, two hours Kayaking with lunch and drinks we can do....." he tapped at the laptop keys...... "£108.00p."

Cyd sat silently, she picked up her pen and slowly slid it over her red painted lips sucking it into her mouth, she again crossed her nylon legs in view of her prey.

"Hmmmmm....could we get below £100.00p?"

"I cannot get that low, my boss would have a fit."

Cyd leaned back into her chair and again sucked the pen seductively between her lips looking like she was thinking, this time nearly kicking one of her stilettos off of her foot, leaving it tantalisingly dangling off of her toes. Tony's eyes were darting between her mouth and her shoe his mind going completely off of the negotiations.

"Ok," She said. "I think I can get my boss to agree to 75 employees for £103.00p......Deal?"

Cyd held out her dainty hand across the table.

................"Ok, deal.....if you come too!."

Tony shook her hand and held onto it as long as he could before she took it back.

"I would not miss personal instruction from you for anything Tony."

Tony left feeling on top of the world not realising she had totally shafted him. Cyd sat back into her comfy chair feeling very satisfied with herself.

She took Jenny out for lunch to celebrate.

"Don't think I missed your titty arm rub tactics earlier you little minx."

"Ha Ha, I am learning from the best."

They both had a lovely lunch and headed back to the office.

"You have a Miss Abbot at 2.30pm about the camping trips ok Cyd."

"Aha, different tactics needed then eh?"

Joan was just coming out of Mark's office as Cyd returned looking rather flustered and adjusting her skirt. They made eye contact and Cyd smiled knowingly, Joan looked to the floor and hurried down the hallway. Even now embarrassed as she obviously was, she looked so glamorous.

Cyd's afternoon appointment didn't go quite so well but she still got the client down from £450.00p to £290.00p for a three night weekend stay with meals thrown in for 50 employees.

It was 4.30pm now and getting towards the end of her day, she couldn't wait any longer to tell Mark the news of her conquests so she got Jenny to sort it out to see him before home time.

"You can go now Jen, great work today. See you in the morning, Good night,"

Knock, knock, "Come."

Cyd strode into marks office with her days work in her hands, paperwork clasped to her chest.

Mark was still taken with her appearance even after a day's work she looked incredible.

She began..."It is expensive," laying her figures in front of him "but you get such returns for this outlay with contented employees."

"Cyd, how the fuck did you get this at these prices? This is the same kayak company I tried last year and the lowest was £165.00p, it was too dear so we didn't do it."

"It's my womanly charm." She said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"I do hope you have not promised him something you cannot deliver on.....or can you?"


"Ha, Ha ok sorry, I could not resist it. But seriously Cyd this is unbelievable work. This is the reason I took you on, on these two deals alone you have saved us near 10 grand today. Fantastic work."

Mark stood and gave her a big hug, he stepped back, "Sorry I hope I didn't overstep the boundaries?"

"Don't be silly, I think I deserved a big hug after today."

Mark went in for another, "Slow down big boy, one was enough."

"Cyd I hope your John knows how lucky he is to have such a sexy, fantastic business woman like you as a wife."

"He does, and he might just get lucky tonight if he plays his cards right."

"He is a lucky man to have you Cyd....I am envious."

"You, ha ha, you could have any woman you want."

"Almost any woman, not the one I want." He replied.

Cyd stepped away from his desk and saw Mark adjust himself, "Shit he is hard." She thought to herself.

Mark reached for his intercom, "Joan, has everyone gone home? would you come in please, I have a problem that needs addressing urgently."

Cyd smiled to herself and spun on her heels to leave, Joan almost bumped into her as she was leaving the room.

"Oh hi Cyd, sorry I thought you had gone too!"

"She is leaving now Joan, come over here would you. Thank you Cyd you can go now.......unless"......

"See you tomorrow Mark,"

Cyd made her exit and closed the door. She lingered outside for a minute of two but heard nothing. She picked up her belongings from her office and made her way to the lifts.

Whack, Whack, Whack, there it was again followed by groaning. Cyd stopped outside Mark's door and listened,

"You dirty girl you need this, you want this, say it. say it!"

"I need this please, please spank my ass harder."

Whack, Whack,. "Count!" Whack "one." Whack "two." Whack "three."

Cyd stood motionless not daring to move or even breathe, She could feel her pussy get moist at the sounds imagining what was going on the other side or the door.

"Fuck me Sir please fuck me."

"Not yet, you do not deserve it yet."

"Please master, I need your cock, fuck me."

Cyd couldn't believe what she was hearing,

"master? She just called him master?"

Here she was standing outside her bosses door. She wanted desperately to touch herself she was very wet, but not here no she couldn't. She was rubbing her thighs together straining to hear more, it had gone quiet.

"OOOOOOOHHHH GOD YESSS" came the cry from Joan.

Cyd heard the unmistakeable sound of flesh against flesh.

"Fuck." This is insane, what am I doing?"

This had gone completely wrong, she had come in today with the intention of teasing Mark. Now it had turned on its head and he was teasing her without even realising he was doing it.

Cyd looked towards the door and then to the lifts, she made her mind to go to the lifts, and almost ran to them.

Mark was inside his office with Joan they were both looking at the monitor showing the hallway where Cyd had been standing listening at the door. He had Joan bent at the waist over his desk thrusting his hard cock into her from behind as they watched Cyd, her hand between her legs before she ran to the lifts. Mark smiled thinking, "I have her."

Cyd spent the whole journey home going over and over what had happened behind that door, in her head she pictured Mark spanking and fucking Joan. It excited her, it overwhelmed her, it had snuck up on her from nowhere. She had no idea this would be how she felt, her whole successful day faded into the background and all she could think about was sex. All she could think about was Mark!

The kids soon snapped her out of her daydreams wanting this, that, arguing with each other, life was all about them. If you have children you know what they are like. When John got home her mood changed again, she could not wait to tell him about her day, about the deals she had bartered and how good Mark thought she was.

The problem was John had two contracts cancelled on him that afternoon, one was a huge steak restaurant chain, over 100,000 chairs. It was a multimillion pound contract, he was not in a good mood. To be honest the last thing he wanted to hear was how Cyd's job was going. When he shut her down coldly it upset her. She knew John well enough to stay out of his way that evening. It soured her day.

She decided about 9pm to have an early night she snuggled up under the covers and her phone rang.

"Cyd, well done. Mark has been gushing about you telling me about how you saved the company a fortune today."

"At least someone cares."

"Sorry, what do you mean babe?"

"I tried to tell John, he just blanked me, he didn't want to listen."

"Well, I can tell you that your boss is over the moon with you, I am happy too because he just gave me three wonderful orgasms Ha Ha."

"Too much information if you don't mind."

"No seriously though Cyd, he cannot stop singing your praises.

"I did well today, I really enjoyed it and I came home expecting praise and what do I get, the silent treatment, fuck him!"

"Give john a break he probably had a bad day or something, we all get bad days."

"Yeah I know, but I really wanted a great evening and maybe a sexy night tonight, but at least one of us is getting some eh."

"Getting some! ha,ha, I've had enough for a month, I dunno what came over him tonight, he is like a rampant bull."

"I am jealous, he there?"

"Yeah but he is in the shower. I am just recovering with a nice glass of white wine in bed, ahh it's a hard life.....OOOOOHHHH Fuck, Mark, I thought you were showering, I am on the phone!"

"What's happened Marge, you ok?"

"OOOOOHHH God, OOOOHHH, fuck stop it will you, OOOHH."

Mark whispered, "Who is on the phone?"

"Shhhh Cyd will hear you, it's your star employee?"


She heard a thud then the voices got quieter.

Marge asked Mark "Have you put the phone down?"


Unknown to her he had just placed the phone on the bedside cabinet but left it connected.

Cyds head was spinning, what was he doing to her? her hand drifted into her knickers and she started to masturbate to the sounds.

"OOOH Fuck, yes, there, right there yes."

"Right there what?"

"Right there please Sir."

Whack! "OWWWW!"

"That's better next time I won't tell you to say Sir, next time it's just punishment with no orgasm do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir."

Cyd couldn't believe her friend was saying these things like this.

"Get up on your hands and knees slut, suck my cock and lick my balls. Give me your wrists, tonight you are going to be tied up and used for my pleasure, do you understand?"

There was silence for a few seconds, Cyd thought her friend was not going to do it but......


Whack, Whack, Whack, "OOOOWWWWWW!"

"I told you."

"Sir, sorry Sir, sorry yes, yes use me please Sir."

Cyd was shocked at the response of her friend. Her pussy was dripping onto her bed now and her fingers were buried in it as she strained her ears to listen. Mark was giving a running commentary purely for her benefit over the phone.

"That's it slut, you look so sexy tied up on your knees with your hands suspended above your head. Stick your ass out further,"

Whack, Whack. "OOOHHHH."

"Let me feel your wet pussy, mmmm, nice, you are soaking my pet, do you want my fingers or my cock?"

"Your cock Sir, please fuck me."

"Fingers first I think,"

"OOOOHH, that's my ass, ooooohhhh oooohhhh god that's too big, ooooohhhh!"

"Whack, Whack!"

"Sorry Sir, Sir, sorry, oh god, fuck."

"Relax, its only my thumb but you will be getting my cock in that tight hole soon."

Cyd's pussy was flooding like never before, she had the phone glued to her ear as her other hand was smashing her clit to bits.

"Let's see how you like the riding crop flicked on your pussy my pet, that's it push it out."

Cyd could hear the soft sound of leather being smacked onto her friends pussy over and over while she groaned, tied by her hands unable to escape the onslaught.

"AARRGGGGHHH, OOOOHH FUCKKK," she heard Marge orgasming over the phone line as she feverishly fingered herself.

"Get ready for my cock, ass or pussy first, your choice."

This set cyd off, she was picturing her friend tied up being abused by her boss and her friend was loving it. This was so erotic it was the nastiest thing she had ever done or heard and she found herself coming hard on her fingers, so hard that she dropped the phone. When she eventually came down from her own orgasm she picked up the phone to find the line dead.

"My god, that was soooooo nasty. He knew I was listening and did that intentionally, how am I going to face him tomorrow with him knowing I was listening to that."

Cyd drifted off to a deep sleep. She didn't even stir when John came to bed.