The Fate of Terra Ch. 07


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Takeshi was livid. 'How DARE she hit him? How dare she show such lack of respect to her father? How-' He stopped, seeing the tears in his daughter's eyes. His tough exterior crumbled. 'What was he doing?' He'd already decided not to force them to marry. He only wanted what was best for them. 'Why could he never find the right thing to say,' he thought to himself tiredly. Rin turned and ran to her sister who held her while she cried. 'Her sister,' he thought. 'Innocent, pure Aki. Such a free spirit... that had been secluded and hidden away.' He realized the depth of the precautions he'd taken and the damage they'd caused. 'A dungeon Rin had called it.' It's no wonder they felt smothered. 'It's no wonder they ran away,' he corrected himself.

Michael glanced up and saw that Rin had at least worked out some of her frustration. Not exactly the family reunion he'd hoped for, but he could work with it. He walked up to their father, who looked morose and seemed to be contemplating the mistakes in his life. "I think perhaps we should talk, Mr. Matsushita," Michael said, gesturing his hand out for them to take a walk.

Takeshi looked at him for a minute, then nodded his head and followed him, his curiosity getting the best of him. As they walked, he looked at the young man that his daughters had been spending so much time with. Takeshi saw by his movements that he practiced the sword, something he'd failed to impress upon his girls, and his curiosity went up. He'd been unable to identify this person using all of his resources. He suddenly realized that this was probably the person his technicians had been so scared of.

Michael led them through a pair of glass doors into a closed dining hall. There at a corner table next to a plate glass window, sat two chairs, two glasses of water and various binders and manila envelopes. Michael took one of the seats and opened what looked like a portfolio. Recognizing this as a business meeting, Takeshi calmed down and took a seat.

Michael began by outlining his company, naming specific figures and growth estimates for each of his departments and placing sheets of paper in front of him representing what each section was working on and what the predicted market change looked like. Takeshi realized he knew more about his own company than he did, but recognized enough information to agree that it portrayed an accurate picture.

Michael nodded, than began placing a set of papers showing an explosion of growth in every sector, and quite a few new ones. Takeshi furrowed his brow, not knowing what would cause such a drastic change. Even if they'd joined with the Takamori family, he couldn't have hoped for a fraction of what he was seeing. Michael took out his phone and opened up the holographic display, drawing a gasp, and began navigating to different files he'd set up. When they opened, a set of 20 different devices and gadgets were splayed out on the table in 3D models.

Takeshi tapped the model nearest to him and it shifted, opening up and displaying a list of specs and functions. One by one he examined each device and knew any of them by themselves would make the inventor very rich. Together, they would destroy and repave whole markets. He looked up and gave the young man sitting across from him a curious look.

Michael shrugged and said, "I need a way to break the Japanese market. Your country isn't doing so well right now between the lack of economic growth, the birth decline, and the fact that your citizens are refusing to buy local goods, you need a way to revive yourselves. I'm willing to provide you that way by licensing these devices for you to manufacture and sell."

Takeshi couldn't believe what he was hearing. If the young man could really provide what he was showing him, it wouldn't matter what the board threatened. He'd show them the figures and anyone stupid enough to still make an issue out of it would be fired on the spot. Still not wanting to seem too eager though, he hedged and mentioned the Takamori family wouldn't be happy about it.

Michael's eyes flashed and he tilted his head stating, "Haven't you heard? There isn't a Takamori family anymore. They got caught trafficking in the sex trade."

Takeshi's eyes grew wide and he exclaimed, "They're too big to be taken down by something like that," though inwardly he recognized a warning when he saw one and knew this wasn't someone to be played with. He decided not to bring up the other marriage offers for fear they too might be 'removed.'

Waving airily, Michael said, "Let's just say the evidence was very... compelling."

Takeshi felt a shiver run down his spine at the cold and efficient way this young man had removed his competition. He might not be Japanese, but he was showing exactly the kind of ruthless qualities Takeshi knew kept a business running and a family together. 'Family,' he thought to himself. He'd already lost his daughters once to his business interests, possibly forever. He wasn't going to make the same mistake again. "I- I'll need to talk to my daughters first and see if they're willing to stay before we go any further," he said hesitantly.

Michael grinned at him. "There may be hope for you yet." Gesturing for Takeshi to go see his daughters he watched the man's retreating form. 'Any problems with giving away this technology?' he asked in his head.

'No, master," Pandora replied, 'It's all considerably less advanced than our current developments, though the projectors may lead someone to discovering a way to transfer energy in another ten years or so.'

Aki and Rin were speechless. They were burning with curiosity to know what Michael had told their father. When he'd come out he'd been apologetic, asking them if they were alright with staying with Michael, which they of course were, not believing their luck. He'd said he was sorry for the way he'd treated them over the years and if they would give him a chance he'd like to visit them often so he could try to make amends. Finally, he'd hugged them both and given them each a kiss on the cheek, then pulled out his cell phone and left with his bodyguard.

Michael came out a little while later and kissed each of his girls, ignoring the inquisitive looks he got. That night the five of them ate at the balcony table in their room. After they'd finished dinner and the conversation had died down, Michael spoke up, "Okay girls, decision time," he said looking at Aki and Rin. "You're free to stay with us or you can go back with your father tomorrow and be free of any marriage obligations. If you want, I can even set you two up anywhere in the world with any career you'd like."

Aki shouted, "I want to stay!" Kat and Aurora laughed at her enthusiasm.

Rin looked into Michael's eyes and asked softly, "Do you want us to stay?"

Looking back into hers he said, just as softly, "More than anything."

She blushed and turned away. When she'd collected herself, Rin looked back and nodded.

Michael took an opened bottle of champagne that Kat recognized and set it on the table. Retrieving three flutes he poured and gave one to Aurora, Aki, and Rin, receiving questioning looks in return. He then retrieved a bottle of red wine and glasses for him and Kat. When he was finished he raised his glass and said, "To new beginnings." The four echoed his statement, Kat grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and drank.

Afterwards, Michael extended his hand to Rin, who gave him a hopeful look. He nodded and said with a smile, "It's time." So saying, he led her to the master bedroom, the other girls trailing behind him. He turned and undressed Rin, devouring her with his eyes when he'd finished. Grabbing her by the waist, he picked her up and placed her on the edge of the bed causing her perky tits to bounce delightfully. He then pushed her backwards and dipped his head towards her wet snatch.

While Michael was eating out Rin, her sister was being kept warm by the two other girls who'd stripped her in record time. Aurora sat in the plushy chair in the corner of the room and made Aki sit on top of her so she could fondle her mouthwatering tits and kiss her neck. Kat got down between their legs and began a teasing torment that touched everywhere but the girl's clit. She moaned and tried to shove her hot button wherever she felt Kat's tongue, but was skillfully avoided, prolonging her anguish.

Michael had avoided fingering Rin, not wanting to break her hymen, but as he felt her grow close he grazed a finger over her tight rosebud, causing her to jerk and push her over the edge. Hearing her sister climax from Kat and Aurora's attentions, he bit down gently, but firmly, on her tiny nub and wrapping his arms around her legs, he felt her curl in a ball at the intense stimulation his tongue was giving her. She moaned, unable to pry him away from his prize and shuddered for almost a full minute until he finally released her. She lay on the bed motionless and drained.

Motioning for the other three he stepped back and watched as Aurora and Aki each took a nipple while Kat dove for Rin's pussy, leaving her aching clit alone. The three girls working together brought a reluctant Rin right to the edge of another orgasm. Kat looked at him and nodded, rubbing some pussy juice along his throbbing prick. Michael placed the head of his cock at the opening of Rin's dripping cunt and Kat started frigging her clit, pushing her over the edge. As Michael plunged into the fleshy barrier, Kat twisted the screaming girl's clit and... and... she blacked out. Michael stopped and looked at her, frowning. Aki giggled and Kat rolled her eyes, telling Michael to finish it; that's what she would have wanted.

Shaking his head at the unexpected outcome, he continued to plunge into her until he'd reached as far as she could take him, then he began a slowly increasing rhythm. As he picked up steam, Rin's eyes fluttered open, then widened as she realized what she was feeling.

"Welcome back, sis," Aki said, cradling Rin's head in her hands. As Rin started moaning and panting, Aki covered her mouth with her lips, fire bursting forth from their touch. Aki never in her wildest dreams thought she could be with her twin during her first time. She was looking forward to when Rin would hold her while she was in the throes of passion.

As Michael plowed into the tight, nubile young woman, Kat and Aurora had gone into a 69 position on the other side of the bed. Kat squeezed the older woman's ass, enjoying the shaved pussy she'd been presented with. Aurora ran her hands up and down the girl's firm legs appreciatively as she savored her meal.

Michael felt Rin about to explode as her moans turn to shrieks. His hand snaked down to pinch her clit just as Aki's fingers tightened on her sister's nipples. Rin let herself go and the extra stimulation caused her entire body to wrench and convulse. When she came down from her high, she lay there inert, the occasional aftershock shuddering through her body. Michael used a towel to clean himself and Rin's pussy off, then gave it a soft kiss.

Turning to Aki, Michael raised an eyebrow and glanced to the two enjoying each other's pussies. Aki shook her head, "I want my first time to be just you and me." Michael grinned and lay down aside Rin, holding out his hands to help Aki mount him, her pussy already glistening from Kat's mouth.

She lined up Michael's cock to the opening of her womanhood and took a deep breath. Then, before he could say anything plunged down as hard as she could. Michael gaped in shock at her action and she squealed in pain, tears coming to her eyes. He sat up quickly and hugged her tightly, cooing in her ear, "Shh, my brave little bird. You did it. Breathe, the hard part's over. That was very courageous." Kat and Aurora were staring at her in open-mouthed admiration as Michael snaked a hand down to rub her clit, trying to combat the pain with pleasure.

When the pain finally began to fade, Aki nodded to Michael and he lay back. Aki tried to lift herself then winced in pain, but continued to rise. She began a slow up and down rhythm and it wasn't long before she stopped feeling pain. She started trying to fuck him full tilt but couldn't get the tempo right, moaning in frustration. Michael grabbed her hips and slammed her down hard while bucking his hips up, causing her to shriek in pleasure and release. As Michael set a fast pace, Aki's hands went up and pinched her nipples, shuddering in ecstasy. By the time Michael finally exploded into her, wrapping her tiny frame in his arms, her limbs had given out and she flopped sideways, cum oozing out of her.

Leaving the twins sleeping side-by-side, blissful expressions on their faces he retired to the balcony. Kat, having tired out Aurora, joined him and mounted him saying, "It's a good thing our enhancements give us more stamina, otherwise I don't think we'd have managed it tonight." Michael chuckled, knowing that if need be the nanites could even keep his prick hard through multiple orgasms, and ran his fingers through her trimmed pussy hair, sighing.

"You ever think we should do more for humanity?" he asked as they fucked comfortably, in no rush to achieve release.

"Mmm," Kat moaned. "What *pant* curing starvation isn't enough?"

Michael laughed and Kat saw that he was serious. She sighed and recited, "What about that time you *pant* probably stopped a nuclear war by finding that nuke heading to Syria from Iran? You've *gasp* cleaned the environment; Found clean *pant* forms of energy. What more do you want? No one expects you to create world peace, most wouldn't even wan-" she shuddered as another climax ripped through her.

Michael pursed his lips and said, "Something Pan's been worried about. She thinks there's something big on the way. Bigger than anything we've faced before. And somehow, I don't think peace is going to be in our future." He'd given a lot of thought on the subject and felt that if he released his weapon capabilities now, before they had a common enemy, the world would plunge into chaos. All he could do now was prepare and plan contingencies.

Kat leaned back, resting against him, giving the hard cock inside her periodic squeezes. Michael wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. They both looked up at the stars and thought back to that night after prom where they both held each other like this and watched the sunrise.

Kat reached back and rested her hand on the side of his face and told him, "I don't know what the future will bring, but I know you'll carry us through it. I'll stand by you every step of the way and support you as much as I can."

Michael listened to her words and felt her devotion to him. His resolve hardened. He would not fail and betray the trust she placed in him. He swore it.

The next morning, Michael awoke to a heavenly feeling. When they'd gone to bed the night before, he and Kat had wedged themselves into the pile of naked limbs atop the master bed, Michael not minding in the least as two sets of tits were pushed into his face. Now, the owners' of said pair were licking his stiff morning wood like it was a magical lollipop that would disappear at any second. Opening his eyes, he saw Rin and Aki moving up and down his shaft, teasing him with hot breath, licks, sucking, and kisses.

He let out a moan that was abruptly cut off as Aurora threw her leg over him and straddled his face. "Oh, that's it!" she hissed. "Just a quickie before I have to go relieve the watch." Michael complied vigorously and dived into her juicy cunt. Her scent, combined with the twins' attention, soon had him shooting his cum skyward, drawing gasps and delighted giggles.

After Aurora's morning dew flooded his mouth, she rolled off him and Michael looked down to see Aki and Rin licking his cum off of each other. His flagging hard-on suddenly rocketed upwards again. His vision of them was blocked as Kat deftly took his unclaimed cock and plunged herself down on it. Michael's head dropped back to the bed and thought, 'This is one hell of a way to wake up.'

The twins had just left to get changed when Aki burst into the shower that Kat, Michael, and Aurora were sharing, yelling, "My boobs got bigger!" She promptly pushed them together in front of Michael so he could see and his mouth watered.

Kat chuckled, "Well, are you going to thank him?" Aki giggled and gave Michael a kiss on the lips, his cock wedged between her thighs, just below her pussy, as she stood on her tiptoes. He felt a mouth lock onto the tip that was sticking out behind Aki and looked down to see Rin on her knees, face against Aki's ass, sucking and swirling her tongue around the exposed part of his prick.

Aurora glanced over and said, "I wasn't going to say anything but... the champagne?" Michael just nodded absently, trying to lock this memory away for all of eternity. Kat filled them in on the effects it would have while Michael was incapacitated. "Good," Aurora said, "I was afraid I was pregnant." Kat laughed and said the nanites took care of that unless Michael 'wanted' fertile sperm.

The ship was at sea that day and the twins had gone to eat breakfast with their father, Aurora had left to captain the ship, and Kat instinctively knew he wanted to be alone and made herself scarce.

Michael walked to the bow of the ship, looking towards the horizon. 'What's the production schedule look like?' he asked in his head.

'We'll reach the 20,000 mark soon,' Pandora replied, displaying a chart in his vision.

'Anything to worry about?' he asked, trying to see all possible outcomes of the future.

'You mean besides the 17 shipments of steel from different countries that have been 'lost' over the past two years?' Pandora sniped. "Or the uranium we 'acquired' so I could develop the new isotopes."

'I was a little more worried about all the unstable plasma you've been handling,' Michael shot back, half serious.

Pandora snorted, 'Still doubting me, master? I told you my calculations are flawless. I'd be more worried about that "Tokamak" reactor in France... Some of the scientists there might as well be hitting bombs with hammers to see what sparks.'

'Will we have enough of the new isotopes ready to bond with the metal if I get us more shipments?' he asked.

'Well, yes. But-'

'I want the construction bots that can leave orbit produced ahead of schedule and double their number,' he said, leaning over the railing and looking at the sea below.

'That increases the risk of exposure dramatically,' Pandora warned.

'It won't matter if we survive the first wave if we can't get our endgame together... Do it.'

'Yes, master.'

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There's a serious flaw in Michael's identity protection system, as demonstrated by the fact that Takeshi realized that Michael was probably 'Fate'.

It's basically the same as the myth about identifying vampires by their lack of a reflection. Attempting to find out who Michael was should have come up with an identity, even if it was a fake identity, otherwise it flags him as unusually special.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After going to extraordinary lengths to protect his identity as 'Fate', and with the seriousness of the potential consequences, it is ridiculous that Michael trusts Rin and Aki with those secrets so quickly. Even if the nanites make him and Kat almost unkillable it still doesn't make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Oh yeah!

Looks like shit's about to get serious!

jarheadcamperjarheadcamperover 8 years ago
This story just gets better

As it goes along. It is easy to follow has human interest, is somewhat Techy and not too awful violent. I'd sure like to get some of those Nanites LOL!

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