The Father's House Pt. 03

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Fear, fun, and folly at the Father's House.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/03/2023
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This is a story that involves a bit of incest, though it is not the only theme. It is possible an evil creature, of some type, is involved in the story. It is strictly a sexual fantasy, if it is not your cup of tea, so be it. Read something else.

The Father's House (1998)

1. (December 27th)

Michael did not appear from the twenty-fourth through the twenty-sixth. Everyone was a bit nervous, so their Christmas was a bit anticlimactic. All through the twenty-sixth many of the ladies paced with nervousness. The pacing caused some of the ladies to become anxious and caused some frayed nerves. This was until Maryanne finally instructed them all to go to their rooms.

All the women except Dawn. She had gone home to be with her daughter. She enjoyed her time home with Kelly, and they spent Christmas with Norma. But, the entire time, Dawn could not get her mind off of Michael. She was infatuated, but more importantly, she was in need of him. Of his cock, his mouth, his hands. She could not think of anything else.

The night of the twenty-fifth, Christmas, she could barely sleep. When she finally did, it was a fitful sleep, with dreams of him.

It was late in the afternoon on the twenty-sixth. "Mom, what's up? You have been distracted ever since you got home."

Dawn did not know how to respond so she decided to deflect. "Oh..., it's nothing. Just things. I will be fine. Did you enjoy your Christmas? I mean the watch, the coat."

Kelly came over and hugged her mother. "Of course I did. Even dad's crap gift is fine. He tries."

Dawn smiled, deciding not to say anything negative about her father. She did not want to be that kind of divorced mother.

"Yes, he does try. Give your dad a break."

With a smile, she responded, "I just did, mom."

Dawn laughed and then decided to go to her room. "I am going to do a little reading, love. Thanks for the new book, by the way." Dawn lay back on her bed and again, all she could think about was Michael. She did not understand herself, for she had never been obsessed with a man before. But, then again, this was no normal man. He was magnetic, and dare she say, he had powers? As crazy as the thought was, she knew it was true.

2. (December 27th-Rhonda)

Father had just left the room she was staying in. She felt a bit guilty about not being around her home or office. She had called a friend to check in on Lilly and made excuses. She told her friend Karen that she had to take care of business here, and would not be home for a few days. She called her back again on the morning of the twenty-fifth and asked her to take her for a few days. It was a big imposition, but Karen agreed.

Father mentioned to her that there was to be a ceremony the following morning at three am. He would not go into particulars, but she suspected it had something to do with his powers. The sex. The sex was beyond anything she thought was ever possible. She had to stop obsessing.

3. (December 27th-Late afternoon)

Maryanne was worried. She and her daughters had been discussing things all afternoon. None of them were hiding the facts as they saw them now. They were all part of his harem, and none seemed to mind. They knew they really had no choice in the matter, he had some sort of power over all of them. Maryanne was a realist. She was now fifty-four years old, and though his powers seemed to have slowed her aging slightly, she was not as young and attractive as some of his other girls. His own daughters included.

"Mom..., you suddenly got quiet." Tracy broke her train of thought.

"Oh, sorry. Just thinking, worrying about where Father is."

"Mom, we know who he is." It was Stacey who interjected. "We know he is your father. It's okay, we don't care. He is..., powerful."

Maryanne blushed. They knew..., her daughters knew that they were having sex with their own grandfather, she thought to herself? "I..., I don't know what to say."

Tanya replied, "Mom..., it's magic. There is no other explanation. He has us under a powerful spell..., I think. I mean, I should be angry..., or at least upset. I am not. I am his to do with what he wants, and I know it. There is no use in fighting it, mom."

Just at this point, Lila walked into the room. Apparently, she had overheard their conversation, at least the last little bit of it. "I..., I, I know it is not my place... I mean we live in the cottage. We are not family or invited guests..."

It was Stacey who responded. "Lila..., you and Genoa are just as much a part of this... I mean you are members of his..., I guess harem is the word? We all are. I for one really appreciate everything you do for us. Both of you. As for the cottage, enjoy your privacy. You won't get any of that here."

"I just don't want to speak out of turn. Also, I wanted to ask a question, if I may. Miss Maryanne?"

"Go ahead, Lila."

"Well..., do you ladies know where Father is?"

She responded, "No..., we were just discussing that. He has not been heard from in a couple of days. You either..., or Genoa?"

"No, I am worried. Anyway, I need to start on dinner."

It was Stacey who replied, "Lila, take the night off. I am going to order a bunch of pizzas from the local joint. Okay?" Stacey looked over at her mother.

Maryanne replied, "That's a good idea, we are all a bit nervous. Lila, tell Genoa to relax. Both of you take the rest of the day off. I believe we all have to meet here at midnight anyway. If Michael..., Father shows."

4. (December 1971)

Michael finally decided to go through the ceremony. Some would probably think him crazy..., that what he was going to attempt was absolute folly at best, insanity at worst. But he had faith. His years of reading, and his examples through the years of research, lead him to believe he would succeed.

Through this research, he learned that December, around the pagan holiday now known as Christmas, was the best time to attempt his conversion. It was prophetic in his estimation. Every twenty-seven years he would have to renew the ceremony, and the digits for 1998 added up to twenty-seven. Twenty-seven years from that will be the year 2025, and though not exactly the same, two plus zero plus twenty-five also added up to twenty-seven. He just knew it would work.

Maryanne, his beautiful daughter was already pregnant with their first child. Though he had not gone through the ceremony yet, he prayed that the first child would be a daughter. He did not want a son. As it turned out, Tracy was born in August of seventy-two and Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt his powers growing during this time. Two years later he began to change form. But only slightly, and only at night. It was stronger, his powers, as December came closer to the twenty-seventh. He knew that over time it would fade. His Powers. This was the time that his second daughter, Tanya was born. He was so happy, it seemed that his conversion did as he had expected. He could only sire female children, which was what he wanted. Girls that would become women that he could add to his harem.

In 1978 Michael died. Before his third daughter was born in 1979. It was exactly on December twenty-eight that he died. He was buried in the family plot back in the forest away from the house, to the south. The trees here had grown so thick, the underbrush never controlled. The cemetery was so dark and foreboding, that no one regularly visited the place.

Maryanne was left alone and bereft. Yes, she had her daughters and the staff, but she so missed her father. Her lover. It was all she could do each day to awaken, to arise, and face the day. She managed and slowly began to heal. Their first maid, Sarah, was very attentive during these years. She would later die and be replaced by Lila and Genoa.

Then, exactly seven years to the day of his death, December twenty-eighth, he came to her. He ravaged her, almost violently using her for his first release. She was no longer bereft. He began to come to her nightly, never filling her with his seed, as he did not want a fourth daughter from her. In 1989 Susan died.

For a time Maryanne took charge of the house. She enjoyed cleaning, cooking, and the care of her children. Over time it became a burden, and finally, in 1998 her father requested she hire two young maids. She had a modern cottage built behind the house for the two young ladies to live in.

Michael saw them both and wanted them. Eventually, he would take both and they would become part of his harem. He now had three women for his harem and he was very pleased. It would be later that year, that he finally took his three granddaughters. This was because, in the intervening years, his powers had begun to wain. He worried that he might fade into nothingness, then came the events of that year, and his powers began to grow exponentially. He was amazed and happy. So many lovers had been added to his harem, and he now knew the renewal on December twenty-eighth would grow his powers even more. The twenty-eighth, at three a.m., was the twenty-seventh hour, of the twenty-seventh day. This was the precise time of the ceremony.

5. (The appointed hour)

"I have to go. I probably will not be home until late tomorrow evening. You will be fine, call me on my cell if you need anything. Okay?"

"Mom, you are being very mysterious. Are you seeing someone? I mean, you should..."

"Eventually I will explain. I promise. Just be good, okay."

"Mom, there is no one more goody-two-shoes than me. I promise. Just have fun. Whatever you are doing."

Dawn smiled at her daughter, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and headed out. She knew, in her deepest soul that her life was to change forever this night. It left her with a feeling of excitement and a feeling of foreboding. This entire experience was beyond anything she had ever been part of, or even expected.

The drive there was uneventful. As she came up the road in the fading light of dusk, she felt herself begin to anticipate the evening ahead. She did not know exactly what was to happen. All that she knew was there was going to be a ceremony of some type. All she could think of was old movies with the virgin on the dais to be sacrificed. She was being a bit morbid.

The weather had come in. Bitterly cold, a sprinkle of snow began to fall. Dawn hoped the ceremony was an indoor event, she did not look forward to something done out of doors. She parked her car at the end of the vehicles on the long curved drive. As she walked up to the house, the camera above the big doors followed her and Genoa came walking out.

"Welcome, Miss Dawn. We are all in the back living room. We have not seen Father in a couple of days. We are all a bit worried, to tell you the truth." She said all this as Dawn came abreast of her and they walked into the huge house. "I hope I have not been too forward, Miss Dawn."

"It's just Dawn. You are fine, I am not a member of the household. At least not yet. All the formal language of the rich is beyond my ken. Don't worry about offending me." She said this just as they arrived at the room where all the other ladies were in attendance. The first couch had Tanya closest to her, with her mother Maryanne next to her, and finally Stacey at the opposite end. On the couch across sat the lawyer whose name escaped her at the moment, then Tracy. Behind that couch stood Lila.

"Come..., sit." She motioned to the last spot on the couch for Dawn to come sit. Realizing they were all staring at her, she came and sat in the spot apparently designated for her. Just as she sat down, Genoa came into the room and stood near the fireplace, warming her hands.

The group was quiet, it seemed they were all deep in their own thoughts, wondering what was to come. Finally just as the clock struck midnight, in walked Father; Michael. He appeared in his human form and all the women felt themselves flush at his appearance. He looked at each in turn, taking their eyes into his gaze. Finally, he spoke, "Okay my sweets. As part of tonight's ceremony, you must all wear a white gown. They are one size fits all, a couple of you might have to watch your step so as not to trip on the hem of the gown." Michael turned sideways. Behind him was a cart with a stack of those gowns. He motioned to his women for them to take one and then each in turn retrieved one of the pull-over gowns. They all dressed in those gowns and he had them line up in no particular order at the front door.

"Okay, ladies. For the next few hours, you will be very uncomfortable. First, everyone take off your clothes under the gown; including your shoes." His women looked at each other, but none argued. They had learned at this point that they would do whatever Father wanted. It took a few minutes, but all of his ladies were down to just their gowns. "Now follow me out the front door, we have about a thirty-minute walk in inclement weather. I am sorry, but it is necessary."

He lead his entourage out the front door, across the drive, and then the lawn. The walkway by the wall was covered with snow, and Michael knew the ladies' feet must be frozen. It would be just a little while. His women would soon be warm enough.

Rather than following the trail around the wall and to the barn, the group tentatively climbed up the hill in the opposite direction. Eventually, they saw a feint trail that lead up the cliff. The cliff climbed away from them, but the group stayed on the lower ground. The trees grew thick both on the cliff and as they walked below its rising height. There they found a feint trail between those trees The trail lead to a meadow below the point where many years before a young wife's body had been found.

Michael had carried a flashlight to the meadow. In the center of the meadow was a circle of stones. Twenty-seven stones of a very special type that he had gathered from the four corners of the world. Agate, Amber, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Hematite, and so many others. It had taken him years to collect each of these stones. They were placed in a precise order to enhance the magical circle that would form. There were eight torches, long burning torches, that were placed at the four cardinal positions and each point in between. He lit them and looked at his watch. It was quarter to one in the morning, and the torches were rated for two and a half to three hours long. Maryanne had purchased them from a local garden store. He walked around the meadow and lit each one. He walked back to the center of the circle and looked around at his eight women. He walked each to a position to the right of each of the torches.

"I am very powerful tonight. Can you feel my heat, my sweets?"

They all either nodded or replied yes and he turned in a circle smiling at each one. He pointed each to stand to the right of each torch and they quickly obeyed. He watched, his ladies' faces a bit white in the cold. Tanya danced, lifting one foot and then the other from the cold ground. Some of the women just shook, either intentionally or because of the cold. The discomfort of his women actually aroused him, or perhaps it was just the idea that he had complete control over his harem. "Maryanne. Come, here to the middle. I know it is cold, but you will be warm in short order." She came to him and he took her in his arms. He kissed her passionately, Michael still remembered the first time he had taken his daughter. He was so aroused, "I know it is awkward. Pull up the gown and on your hands and knees, my sweet."

The ground was cold, and hard, but as always Maryanne did as she was told. With her gown around her waist she looked back and suddenly her father, Michael, was naked. He squatted behind her, her pussy was so wet in anticipation of his manhood. As everyone watched, he grasped her waist and pushed his cock into his daughter. "Yes..., my sweet." He said as he began to pump her. "You are still so sweet..., your tunnel so welcoming to my cock. This is not the ceremony, I just want to make all my women release tonight."

Maryanne was no longer cold. It was as if his incredible member warmed the entire interior of her body. God..., it feels so good. My father is the best at sex in the world, she said to herself. She moaned out loud, making a noise of pure pleasure. "Yes.., oh yes. Oh y-yes. Harder please, Father." Michael did not say anything, not at this point. He began to pump her harder, his hands gripping her waist, holding her in place as he pounded his large cock into her.

"Are you going to release, my daughter?"

"Yes..., f-fuck yes. Oh G-God, I am cumming Father. Yes, I am c-cumming. Oh God yes..."

She finished, falling to the earth her gown now dirty, no longer pristine white. But Michael knew this was not important, only that they represent something. This ceremony would make them his Brides. Every woman that was his must be represented at this ceremony, as his wife. "Okay, each in turn. Next will be my granddaughters. By age, oldest first."

For the next two hours, he took each of his women. He never released. He did not cum in any of them. He was saving that for the lawyer. He had decided that this night he would release his seed into her. He would make her pregnant. This would be at the end of the ceremony.

It was just a few minutes before three am. He looked at each woman in turn, "You are mine. You must all say, I belong to you Father. I am your wife. I will always be yours." In turn, each woman said the words, the last the lawyer. He then motioned to her, "On your knees my sweet. It is time." As he finished his sentence his body completely transformed.

The creature that stood before them was completely inhuman. By torchlight, what stood before them was different. They had seen him in this form in flashes before, but not complete as he was now. His legs were thick, but straight, more like a horse than a goat. Those legs were covered in hair, as were his arms. He had a short beard, his face long, longer than any normal human. His eyes piercing, deep blue, and unearthly in their color. But it was his erection that caught all of their attention.

His cock was even bigger and appeared to glow red. Perhaps a trick of the torch light. But it was so much larger than any the group of women had ever seen. It did not become so until this very minute as it seemed to grow, to become longer, and to thicken. They each looked, one to the other, for it seemed his manhood glowed even brighter as time passed. They had all felt it this evening, but it was to be Rhonda's turn. She went to her hands and knees anticipating that which was to come. He growled, like some otherworldly monster and dropped to his knees. He placed his hands on her waist and in one powerful thrust, pushed his cock all the way into her body.

"Oh, f-fuuuuck!" She screamed. It was hard, and incredibly fat in her canal. "Oh..., oh my God. Your c-cock is so hard. Oh my God, Father..."

He slowed at this moment to let her become used to his large cock. He pumped in and out of her, slowly, her love canal adjusting to his very large manhood. It was one minute until three am, and he knew he would have to say the words as he used this beautiful woman. "Are you adjusted, my sweet?"

"Yes...., yes father. Yes..., fuck me father."