The Favour

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My best mate and his wife have a strange request.
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The Favour

This is very loosely based on actual events. All people are over 18.


Long before I met and married my current wife Ruth I was married for a number of years to Rebekah. Things were great at the start but we married far too young and after having our two children the strain started to show and we eventually split.

I was the one who left so I got the blame of course. I had tried for a long time to fix the marriage but Rebekah wasn't interested. All she cared about was the kids and the fact that she was a stay at home mum. The pressure was all on me to earn the money to keep her in the lifestyle she was accustomed too. Apart from working long hours and coming home to an untidy house and no dinner every night, our sex life was practically non-existent. Rebekah told me at one stage she wouldn't care if she never had sex again. That left me sorting myself out several times a week, fantasising about friends, neighbours and celebrities. We had moved into separate rooms by this stage so I went to sleep dreaming of what could be most nights.

This story is based on a weekend away that we had with friends of ours. It happened a few months before we split but I think it was probably the beginning of the end.

My best mate Mark and I both worked for the same company. We were managers in a small printing firm and things had been going really well business wise. We were regularly called in to give us pay rises or bonuses and it was a great place to work.

Mark and I also socialised quite a bit outside of the office. It tended to be just the two of us but occasionally his wife Leanne would join us.

Leanne was a gorgeous looking woman. She was around 5ft 6" and had an amazing figure. If anything I think she was a bit on the skinny side but she had long brunette hair, swarthy skin and stunning brown eyes.

Mark and Leanne had been married for 6 years and had been trying for a baby since before they got married. Mark had told me of a couple of occasions where Leanne had miscarried and it was taking a toll on them. They had paid for three rounds of IVF and the last one just didn't take at all.

They both loved kids. They had three nieces and nephews and spent many a weekend treating them like they were their own.

One day in work after a particularly frantic few weeks the bosses called us both into the office.

They wanted to show their appreciation of our hard work and had booked a weekend away for Mark and I and our wives in a fancy hotel.

We were more than happy and thanked them very much. It's always nice to work somewhere where you are appreciated for what you do.

I went home that night to tell Rebekah the good news and let's just say she was less than thrilled.

She started making excuses about how she would have to get someone to mind the kids for the weekend and asked could I not just go on my own instead.

It ended up in a huge row and I told her that I was tired of coming last in her list of priorities and that if she didn't go then I couldn't see our marriage lasting. To be honest I think she didn't want to go for the fear of me expecting sex from her. That ship had long since sailed though and I never bothered asking anymore. You can only take rejection so many times...

I phoned my mum later that night and she jumped at the chance to mind the kids for the weekend.

I told Rebekah that I had the kids sorted and all she had to do was pack a bag and try and enjoy herself. Everything was getting paid for so it should have been a great weekend.

The Friday came and I had offered to drive us all to the hotel. It was about 90 minutes away and after picking up Mark and Leanne we headed down the road. Conversation was great between Mark, Leanne and I but Rebekah hardly said a word.

Leanne tried several times to engage her in conversation but all she got was one-word answers.

What a weekend this was going to be...

After arriving at the hotel and getting checked in we made our way to the adjoining rooms agreeing to meet in the bar in half an hour for a couple of drinks before dinner.

Rebekah and I got into our room and I immediately asked her what the problem was. Why was she being so quiet?

'Apparently' she was missing the kids.

This was our first and only weekend away without them since they were born and I found it very hard to believe that was the problem.

I just tried to brush it off and told her they would be fine and to get dressed ready for dinner.

After hanging up the few clothes I had brought I got a quick shower and changed into a smart but casual shirt and dark jeans.

Rebekah had worn probably the un-sexiest outfit she could find. A loose-fitting pair of grey trousers and a baggy long sleeved top. It did nothing for her...

Over the last few years she had started putting on a bit of weight and no matter how many times I tried to encourage her to go walking with me and the kids to get some fresh air and exercise she was never interested. I was past caring as there was only so much I could do.

We left our room and I knocked on Mark and Leanne's door so we could go to the bar together.

Leanne answered the door and my mouth just fell open.

She was wearing a stunning electric blue sleeveless cocktail dress. It came up to the middle of her thigh and showed off her incredible legs.

"I take it you approve then?" she asked, as I stood there drooling.

"Absolutely, you look incredible." I replied, "I feel a bit underdressed now."

"You're fine." replied Mark, coming to the door in a shirt and jeans, similar to my own. "Leanne just felt like making the most of the weekend."

Rebekah was standing to one side listening to the whole conversation but not saying a word.

We made our way to the bar and found a table in the corner.

Mark and I asked the girls what they wanted to drink.

Gin and tonic for Leanne and water for Rebekah....

I didn't even question her and Mark and I headed to the bar.

We both ordered pints of Coors Light.

"So what's up with Rebekah?" asked Mark.

"Just the same as always." I replied. "Being the life and soul of the party as usual. She didn't really want to come and I think she's making that pretty obvious."

We looked over to where the girls were sitting and Rebekah was looking anywhere but at us or Leanne.

"It's going to be a long weekend." I sighed.

"Just you enjoy yourself." replied Mark, always trying to look at the bright side. "Sure we'll have a few drinks tonight and if Rebekah wants to go to bed early just let her. We're the ones this weekend was for. To thank us for all our hard work so make the most of it."

"Oh I will." I replied. "Cheers." I added raising my glass to his as we went back to the table.

In the end we had a good night. The drinks kept flowing and the food in the restaurant was amazing.

Rebekah didn't really say much all night but the rest of us were determined to enjoy ourselves and pretty much ignored her.

Around 10.30pm Rebekah announced she was really tired and was going to head to bed.

We all told her good night and let her go.

"So what's that all about?" asked Leanne, as soon as Rebekah had left.

I had told Mark about the problems Rebekah and I were having and he had told me about the fertility issues he and Leanne were having but I wasn't sure how much Leanne knew...

"Rebekah and I have been having problems for the last few months." I replied. "I'm not really happy and she doesn't really seem to give a damn. She didn't want to come on this weekend but I thought it would be good for us."

"Why did she not want to come?" asked Leanne, a bit shocked.

"I think the main reason was because she thought I would be expecting sex." I blurted out.

"What?" gasped Leanne. "She's afraid to have sex with you?"

"It's not that she's afraid." I replied, "she's just not interested. She told me if she never had sex again she wouldn't care."

"Are you doing something wrong?" Leanne asked.

"Well I've never had any complaints in the past." I laughed, "There have been lots of VERY happy ladies in my life so I don't think it's me. I honestly just think our sex drives are so far apart. Mine's really high and her's is non existent."

"So what do you do?" asked Leanne, slightly embarrassed.

"What any other man would do in my situation." I replied, "I fantasise a lot and I wank a lot."

That broke the serious atmosphere and we all started laughing.

"Well Mark has no problems in that department." she smiled, "he gets plenty. Don't you darling?"

"I can't complain." smiled Mark.

"Lucky you." I laughed, "You don't have to rub it in you know."

"So what, or who do you fantasise about?" asked Leanne, going back to my previous statement.

"Just the usual," I replied, "friends, acquaintances, celebrities."

"Do you ever fantasise about me?" she asked, blushing slightly.

How the hell was I supposed to answer that?

"Thats not really fair to ask." I replied.

"It's ok Pete," replied Mark, "I'm curious to know. No recriminations."

"Ok then, yes I have." I replied, blushing slightly. "And probably will tonight with you looking the way you do in that dress."

"Will you be wanking tonight thinking about me?" asked Leanne, raising her eyebrow.

"Would that bother you?" I asked.

"Not at all. I'm just glad I have that effect on other men." she smiled.

"Right then, enough about my sorry sex life," I replied, changing the conversation, "What's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Well I for one am going to spend a lot of time in the pool and sauna." replied Leanne.

"Sounds good to me." I replied. "Why don't we spend the morning in and around the pool and go into town in the afternoon before coming back here for something to eat?"

With our plans decided for the next day we finished our drinks and headed back to our rooms.

When we got to our rooms we said our good nights and Leanne gave me hug and a kiss on the cheek.

It was a bit unusual but I put it down to the amount we had to drink.

I let myself into our room and could hear Rebekah snoring so I stripped off and went into the bathroom as quiet as I could to go to the toilet and brush my teeth.

I climbed into bed beside her and tried to get some sleep.

An hour later I was still wide awake. I couldn't stop thinking about how loveless our marriage was and my mind kept wandering to Mark and Leanne. They seemed so happy with each other, even the problem of not being able to conceive didn't seem to cause them too many arguments.

My mind played over the discussion we had earlier and before long I had a hard on thinking about Leanne and what she would be like naked.

I gently played with my cock, slowing wanking it as I thought about how it feel to fuck Leanne.

After a few minutes I decided I really needed to cum so I got up and quietly went to the bathroom, using the torch on my phone so I could see.

I closed the door gently without locking it and went to town on my cock. It had been a few days since I had a good wank and couldn't wait for that familiar feeling of release.

I imagined Leanne bent over in front of me, my cock buried in her tight pussy as I fucked her hard from behind.

I turned towards the toilet and grabbed the edge of the wash hand basin with my free hand to steady myself as I felt the cum work its way to the tip of my cock.

Just as I thought about cumming over Leanne's face and her swallowing my cum my cock exploded. Spurt after spurt of cum landed in the toilet and over the seat. Some even hit the wall. It had been a while since I had cum so hard and I wasn't sure just how quiet I had managed to be.

I cleaned myself up, washed my hands and went to open the bathroom door before slipping back into bed. The door was slightly open though... I was certain I had closed it. Had Rebekah heard me and got out of bed?

I convinced myself that I mustn't have closed it properly after all and I climbed back into bed.

Rebekah wasn't snoring anymore but her eyes were closed. Was she pretending to be asleep?

I put it out of my mind and was fast asleep within 5 minutes, now that I had my release.

The next morning I woke bright and early. Rebekah was still sleeping, or at least pretending to be.

I quietly went to the bathroom and got myself shaved and showered, ready for breakfast.

Went I came back into the room Rebekah was awake.

"Are you getting up for breakfast?" I asked.

"No, I've got a terrible migraine. I think I'm just going to spend the morning here with the curtains closed." she replied.

I wasn't sure whether I believed her or not but I was way past caring so I asked her if she wanted me to bring her anything before going for breakfast.

I went to knock next door to see whether Mark and Leanne were up yet but just as I raised my hand I could hear voices coming from inside. "Thats it. Fuck me harder. I want to feel you cum in my pussy. Oh yes, that's it... Fuck, I'm cumming..."

I decided to leave them to it, feeling even more envious before going on down for breakfast in the restaurant.

I had finished my breakfast and was on my second cup of coffee when they arrived.

I waved them over to my table and told them where they could get everything.

"You're up early." said Mark. "We knocked your door but there was no answer. Where's Rebekah?"

"She has a migraine apparently." I replied sarcastically, "I went to knock your door before I came down for breakfast but I think you were busy."

Leanne's cheeks turned pink and I could see her nipples harden under her tight t-shirt.

"Did you hear us?" she whispered.

"Not much." I replied, "All I can say is Mark is a lucky man."

They both laughed and went up to the buffet to get their breakfast.

We chatted over coffee just about this and that, nothing in particular before heading back to our rooms to get ready for the morning.

I grabbed a towel and my swimming shorts and checked with Rebekah to make sure she didn't want to come. She didn't...

After knocking next door we all headed towards the pool.

Mark and I headed to the mens changing while Leanne headed to the womens.

We were changed first and were already in the pool when Leanne came out wearing possibly one of the smallest bikinis I have ever seen in my life.

It barely covered her boobs and had a thong back which showed off most of her cute ass.

My mouth just hung open at the sight of her as she walked over to the ladder at the edge of the pool.

I got an instant erection as she turned round and lowered herself down the ladder. Her ass moving hypnotically from side to side.

"Fuck me." I sighed, a little louder than I had thought.

Mark hit me a thump on the arm. "That's my wife you're drooling over." he laughed.

"Sorry," I replied, "It's hard not to stare when she looks like that."

Leanne swam over to us and put her arms around her husbands neck. "What are you two talking about?"

"Pete wasn't really talking," he replied, "more like drooling. It's just as well we're in a pool otherwise he would be soaked."

"Were you watching me climbing into the pool?" asked Leanne.

"Well you're hard to miss in that bikini." I smiled.

Leanne, smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek and kissed her husband on the lips before swimming a few laps.

Mark and I messed about a bit with a ball that had been left in the pool before I decided to get out and get into the jacuzzi for a bit. Mark went to swim a few lengths.

We were the only ones in the pool at that time of the morning and I just relaxed in the jacuzzi and watched as Mark and Leanne did a few laps.

After a while Leanne climbed out of the pool causing me to get another erection.

She came over and climbed into the jacuzzi opposite me. I had to cover my erection in case she noticed.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"I'm good thanks," I replied, "Just enjoying the heat and the bubbles."

"And the view?" she asked.

"Yes, and the view." I smiled. "You look incredible, Mark's a very lucky guy."

"Did it turn you on this morning listening to us fuck?" she asked.

"I can't lie, it certainly did." I replied.

"What about now? Are you turned on now looking at me in this bikini?" she asked.

"How could I not be?" I replied.

She then bit her bottom lip and slid down in the jacuzzi lightly. The next thing I felt was her foot in my crotch. It made me slide back slightly and I looked over to see what Mark was doing.

"Wow," whispered Leanne, "You really are turned on. You cock feels huge."

"Thanks," I replied, blushing slightly, "But Mark is right there. You shouldn't really be doing that."

"Did you have a wank last night thinking about me?" she asked, moving over beside me.

"I might have." I stuttered, wondering what the hell she was doing.

"Did you cum?" she asked as she grabbed my cock under the bubbles.

"Leanne, you need to stop." I whispered loudly. "Mark is my best mate. I can't be doing this."

I moved round a bit from her trying to get some space. I was tempted to get out of the jacuzzi and get back in the pool but the tent in my shorts was stopping me.

Just as I was wondering what to do next Mark got out of the pool and came to join us.

"What are you two chatting about?" he asked, getting in beside us.

"I was just asking Pete if he had a wank last night thinking about me." she replied.

I was stunned that she had just come out with it.

Mark just laughed. "Stop winding him up. You know he's not getting any. It's probably weeks since he's had a good fuck."

"I wish it was," I replied, sullenly, "it's more like months."

"Really" they both replied at once.

"Well my birthday was in July so how long ago was that?" I replied.

"Holy fuck." gasped Leanne, "That's not good."

"You don't have to tell me." I replied. "Not much I can do about it though."

"You could just fuck someone else without Rebekah knowing?" suggested Leanne.

"I don't know if I want to go down that road." I replied, "Believe me I've thought about it many, many times. I'm not sure we are really going to get past this. The only reason I'm still with her is because of the kids."

Just then another couple appeared from the changing rooms putting an end to our conversation.

We spent the next hour messing about in the pool and doing lengths before getting out to get changed and ready for the rest of the day.

Arriving back at our room I discovered Rebekah sitting up in bed with the curtains open and looking through her phone. It looks like her 'migraine' hadn't lasted.

"You feeling better I take it?" I asked.

"It's not as bad as it was. I'm just tired now. I didn't sleep well last night. I got up a couple of times to use the bathroom but one of the times you were busy using it."

So she had seen me wanking off last night thinking about Leanne.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I replied. "Are you up for going into town this afternoon?"

"I'd rather just stay here and relax." she replied, "Go you on ahead though."

"I've already spent the morning feeling like a bit of a third wheel with Mark and Leanne." I replied, slightly cross. "Can you not make a bit of an effort?"

"Sorry, I'm just not up to it." she replied, not even caring what I thought.

"Whatever." I replied, before heading to the bathroom for a shower.

It was more than obvious that Rebekah just didn't want to be there so after I showered and changed I left without saying goodbye. I knocked on the room next door and told the others just to go on and I would see them when they got back.

They tried to persuade me to go with them but I told them I was going to go for a long walk round the grounds and go and grab some lunch in the café.

I spent a nice relaxing afternoon around the hotel. I walked the extensive grounds and sat in the sun reading my book for a while. I had lunch on my own not even caring whether Rebekah was hungry or not and went to the bar around 5.00pm for a drink.