The Fifteen Year Awakening Ch. 02


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"Michael, I must say the same goes for you." Rebecca smiled and teasingly licked her lips.

"Let's eat. I smelled Ellen's Chicken Provencal when I came back in the door!"

We all sat quietly and enjoyed Ellen's meal. She's a great cook. As we finished the meal, I offered a Sambuca on the rocks and everyone accepted. We sat in the living room. No one was ready to speak first. Finally, Becca spoke up, "So, Ellen, where does Michael stand on the fantasies?"

"We didn't get that far. I told him about most of them, and we've had a busy week, but I'm sure he's had time to think about them." Ellen looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

Becca chirped in, "Michael, can you tell us now how you feel about them?

"Boy, that's really a loaded question. Can we talk about them one at a time?"

Ellen jumped in the conversation saying, "Yes, lets just take them one at a time. Good idea Michael."

They both looked at me as if to wait for me to get the conversation rolling. I thought a minute then spoke my piece, "This is all so new to me, I'm not sure what I think about a lot of it. I do know that I have no problem with the way the two of you have talked on the phone. I'm not really sure how I feel about participating myself, but if the two of you want to explore each other, I won't stand in your way."

Ellen asked, "Will you at least be in the room with us watching?"

"It didn't bother me watching you and Peter, so I'm sure it won't bother me watching the two of you...That is if you want me to watch."

Rebecca and Ellen chimed in together, "Yes, we want you to watch!" Ellen continued, "And, if you feel like it at any time, we want you to join us."

Ellen got up and went over and sat on the edge of the chair Becca was occupying. She leaned over and kissed Becca softly on the lips. Becca welcomed Ellen's embrace and pulled her in closer, sliding her tongue into Ellen's open mouth. Their tongues flirted and flicked at each other, then their mouths locked together tightly.

"Let's take this up to the bedroom," Whispered Ellen.

We all strolled up the stairs to the master suite. Ellen unbuttoned her jacket and put it on a hanger. Becca loosened the buttons on her blouse and they came back together in a passionate embrace. Both women were moaning already and mostly were still fully dressed. I pulled up my comfortable reading chair next to the bed as they fell on the bed, locked in their embrace. Ellen's blouse was off next, followed by Becca's. They had their bras released immediately, and the two of them lay snuggled on the bed topless. Both were caressing each other's tits and softly kissing exposed skin anywhere they could reach.

They just kissed and caressed for a few minutes and Ellen spoke up, "Becca, let's get out of the rest of these clothes and see how many times we can make each other cum!"

In a flash, they were both totally naked. Becca looked over at me asking. "Michael, are you sure this won't bother you? You know you can come up here and join us anytime you want."

I just sat there and watched as Ellen and Becca made passionate love to each other. Ellen turned Becca on her stomach and licked down her spine, pausing at her ass, then licking her rosebud with the tip of her tongue. Becca cried out at the touch of Ellen's tongue on her ass but pushed back toward her as if to say, "MORE!"

Ellen buried her tongue in Becca's ass, thrusting it in and out. She reached around and put two fingers in Becca's pussy. It only took about sixty seconds of that to have Becca screaming in ecstasy with her first orgasm of the night. Becca turned over and took Ellen in her arms and buried her face in Ellen's womanhood. Ellen was ready as she started bucking and humping immediately. Ellen reached a tumultuous climax within minutes.

Ellen jumped off the bed and came over to me with a soft, wet kiss. "Michael, will you come up here and fuck me please?" How could I refuse that?

As I stripped off my clothes and jumped on the bed, Ellen flipped around and took my hardening cock in her mouth. Just a few sucks, and it was up to full size. She begged me, "Fuck me now, Michael, fuck me hard and fast."

I entered her with an easy thrust. She was so wet, there was no resistance. After a few quick and hard thrusts, I could tell she was building quickly, so I slowed down. Ellen just moaned and wiggled around on the bed. As I continued, slowly fucking Ellen, I could tell it would not take long for me to explode. I slowed some more. As I slowed even more, I felt a hand on my back, too low to be Ellen. I just continued my slow pumping, and the hand stroked my back. Then it felt like a tongue on my ass cheeks, then searching for my asshole. As tongue found its mark, I exploded, filling Ellen with my cum.

I fell off her and immediately Ellen took my cock back in her mouth. She was between my legs and had my balls in one hand and my cock filling her mouth with the other. My eyes were closed, and I felt two hands on my chest. Touching, tickling, and teasing my nipples. Then Becca's mouth took one of my nipples and sucked on it. I was back to full hard again. Ellen came up to my mouth and kissed it again, then asked, "Will you fuck Becca now?"

I was too far gone to refuse. Becca left me on my back and mounted me, facing me. She bent down to kiss me and I pursed my lips tight so she'd see I didn't want that. She quickly leaned down and whispered, "Will you suck on my nipples?"

"Yeah," I mumbled back. She immediately pushed her right tit toward my mouth. I sucked the eraser hard nipple into my mouth. It looked hard, but was deliciously soft to my tongue. I sucked it in hard, then released it and she offered the other. It repeated the actions on alternating tits. As I fucked her and sucked on her tits, Ellen came up behind me and inserted a finger up my ass and one up Becca's ass. We both bucked at the feel of the intrusions. Ellen started to back off and we both yelped, "No, keep it up."

Becca came first, with a low, loud groan that built to a crescendo. That brought on my second orgasm and I filled her pussy with my cum. As I rolled over, Ellen dove in to lick my cum from Becca's pussy. The two of them made love for two more hours while I dozed in the chair. I felt a tug on my shoulder as they were waking me to go join them in the hot tub.

The hot tub felt great, and only served to relax me more. Somehow it energized the girls, and they were all over each other, touching and tickling, and pausing for some kissing. After about thirty minutes, we all went back inside. I begged off the activities telling them to enjoy each other and I headed for the guest room to nap a while.

About four o'clock in the morning, I felt a body snuggling up to me, then another on the other side. They were both kissing me to wake me up. Finally, when I was awake, they begged me to come back in the master bedroom with them so we could all snuggle up together and sleep. I could tell I was going to get no peace until I complied, so I rolled out of bed and walked down the hallway to our master suite. The lights were low, but I found the bed and flopped on my back. Immediately, they took hold of both of my arms and pulled them toward the headboard. I felt something soft around my wrists, then I could tell they were tying me to the bed. I was too tired to resist. They bound my wrists with some of Ellen's scarves and tied my feet to the foot with rope.

There was to be no sleeping, so I asked what was going on. "Don't say a word!" Ellen warned.

I demanded to be told what was going on, and Ellen said I didn't heed her warning and stuffed her panties in my mouth and duct taped my mouth shut over them. Once I was secured to the point I could hardly move, they started licking and kissing all over my body. Then they were tickling with their fingertips and nails. Becca started tickling my scrotum with her nails. Ellen tickled my cock with her fingers, then her tongue. I was once again rock hard at attention. Ellen had Becca Fuck me first this time, and it took me only about five minutes to fill her with my cum. She held the cum in with her hand as Ellen helped her straddle my face. Ellen ripped the tape off my face and pulled her panties out. Then Becca sat on my mouth and drained all my cum into my mouth. Ellen immediately replaced Becca's pussy with her own mouth as she kissed me with her tongue searching out all the remaining cum for my mouth. The girls then released my bonds and snuggled up to me from both sides kissing me softly on the cheeks. We slept.

It was mid-day before we awoke,. I was the first awake, but didn't want to move. I just enjoyed the two beautiful naked bodies snuggled into to my sides. Ellen woke next, saw my eyes open, leaned in kissed me and softly whispered, "Thank you my darling, I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are the best husband in the world."

Ellen rolled out of bed and signaled she was going to make coffee. Becca soon awoke, and she swung up on top of me and slid down to take my cock in her mouth. She had me hard in seconds, and I was feeling her tits. She rolled over and begged me, "Fuck me in the ass Michael, please fuck me in the ass."

I obliged her request, and had just deposited my load deep in her bowels when Ellen came in the room with a pot an three mugs for coffee. "Well, it looks like I missed something!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, it was nothing," Becca chuckled, "Michael just plugged a leak for me...In my ass."

Ellen smiled. We all smiled. We just enjoyed our coffee and all hopped in our two-person shower, all three of us together. We soaped each other off and rinsed well. We were in no hurry to get dressed, so we just lounged around most of the day naked. We walked through the living room naked, and through the kitchen. By evening, we jumped in the hot tub again, then a quick shower and we finally dressed for the day. The evenings activities were more relaxed. I think we all had our fill of sex for the weekend, so we just enjoyed each others company and talked. By the time I needed to leave for the Wilson's to get the kids, Becca was packed up and leaving for home, so, Ellen jumped in the car with me for the trip to the Wilson's.

Ellen talked mostly on our way to the Wilson's. "Michael, this was a wonderful weekend, in fact, two great weekends in a row. I have to thank you for letting me have those experiences, but truthfully, as exciting as they were, I don't think I want to repeat them. What these weekends did for me was to show me what a wonderful husband I have and show me how much I really want only him! Will you be upset if we don't do this again, at least not any time soon?"

"Ellen, you will find no argument from me on that point. I do hope there are some things from these two weekends we'll keep though."

"What things?"

"Ellen, we have learned we can talk to each other about anything and everything. We learned we have no shame with each other. We learned that it is fun to dress up a little once in a while and to be ourselves, not some conjured up person we think the other expects."

"Ohhhhh Michael! You really are the greatest! Now come here and kiss me!"

As I bent over to kiss her, she giggled a little. Our lips met as we sat in the driveway at the Wilson's. There was a rap on the window, and a voice saying, "Mom and Dad, Get a room!"

"We'll do just that as soon as we get home. Now both of you get in the car, we're anxious to get home." Ellen laughed.

"Mom and Dad, REALLY! You guys are too much. How can you still be google-eyed over each other after all these years of marriage?" Suzy was asking with amazement in her voice.

"Yeah, I don't get it. Most of our friends say their parents hardly talk to each other, and you two are always making out!" Tommy was equally amazed.

Then I spoke up, "Kids, your mom and I still are as deeply in love as we were the day we got married. The real secret is open communication. We aren't afraid to say anything on our mind to each other. It wasn't always that way, but we've learned that is the best way to keep a marriage really alive."

"Whatever!" Suzy exclaimed. "But I guess there must be some truth to what you say, 'cause you guys are always hanging on each other anymore. It seems like even more lately!"

Ellen spoke up, "Yes kids, even more lately. The longer we're married, the more we understand each other and the more we love each other. When you guys are ready for a relationship, we both hope you'll be as lucky as we've been."

Next it was my turn to speak up. "You know we dated through high school and into college. We got married as sophomores, but not for the right reasons. We avoided going 'all the way' through high school, but we decided at the start of our sophomore year in college to complete the sex act. Your mom got pregnant from our first encounter. We got married immediately, then she got sick. She ended up miscarrying and not being able to conceive after that. That's when we got lucky and found the two of you. We just hope we can keep open lines of communication so you guys don't make the same mistakes some of your friends are making. We know sex is a heavy topic at your age, and we want you to be able to talk to us when you have questions."

"Wow, that would be hard," Suzy quietly said. "What if we ... Well, you know, do it with a date, then wish we hadn't?"

Ellen smiled and looked Suzy in the eyes saying, "Of course, it is always better to wait, but I understand your dilemma, sometimes the pressures of the situation just overwhelm you, and you do something you later regret. Let me ask you a serious question, Suzy, have you already done something you wish you hadn't?"

"Well, sort of, but not all the way."

"Suzy, are you comfortable talking to us now with Tommy here?"

"Yeah, I guess, Tommy and me talk to each other a lot. We've been as much like best friends as we have brother and sister. We really don't have secrets from each other. I just hope I find a guy as sweet as my brother to spend my life with."

"Yeah," Tommy added, "Suzy and I both feel we are lucky to have each other. We do talk about everything."

Suzy spoke up next, "Mom, you know Brad, the guy I've seen a few times?"

"Yes, I know who you mean."

"Well, we kinda play around a little. You know, touching and kissing. Up till this year, when I turned eighteen, I never did anything more than tongue kissing. Brad is different. He and I are growing really close. His hands feel soooooo nice when they touch my tits and 'down there'. I'm afraid we'll get carried away, and I really don't want to get pregnant."

Ellen looked her in the eye and asked, "Suzy, do we need to get Doc Adams to start you on birth control?"

"Really? You'd do that for me? I know I'm just eighteen and a Senior in high school, but I think Brad is really special."

"I'll make an appointment tomorrow. We need to get this done before you end up pregnant. Can you wait until we get the pills started for you?" Ellen then looked at Tommy and said, "Tommy, how about you? Are you near the same situation with Carol?"

"Naw, Carol and me, well, we just pal around. I'm not sure I'm ready for a real girlfriend yet. Carol feels the same way so we hang around together so we don't get hit on by other guys and girls. Everyone thinks we are an 'item' so we're left alone."

"Good thinking," I chimed in.

"One more thing Suzy," Ellen's voice got serious, "You know we'd still rather you wait, at least until you're in college to go all the way, but we won't put you in jeopardy of getting pregnant."

"Thanks, Mom, I want to wait too, but it's hard when you start making out to stop. I'll not feel so much pressure knowing that if I slip, I won't end up pregnant like Sherry or Judy."

Two weeks later, Suzy had 'the pill' and was anxiously awaiting Brad to pick her up. When Brad arrived, He came in and we told them to be home by midnight. They left.

Ellen and I hoped we'd done the right thing, but we knew if we hadn't taken this step that it could easily lead to trouble. We also realized that with her on the pill, sex was more likely to happen sooner than later. All we could do was wait and see.

Tommy, on the other hand didn't seem to be a problem for the time being. He also told us he'd make sure Suzy told us if anything happened with her.

Now we'll watch what happens over the next few months. But now, it was time for bed, and Ellen winked at me as she headed for our bedroom. As we hopped in bed, she leaned over to me, pulled my face to hers and kissed me with open mouth. She then whispered, "I have a few more fantasies we can try out next weekend. They are just things for the two of us to try...What do you say?"

I had to agree that fantasies can be fun, especially if it is just the two of us. My truth is that just being married to Ellen is my greatest fantasy!

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26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Looks like

Looks like Ellen was just a whore for a day.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 6 years ago
but honey...

Her pussy is so much tighter than yours I can't give it up.


But honey. she gives blowjobs so much better than you do I don't want to stop.

Some cans of worms are better left unopened.

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago
Marriage getting back on track

This couple was very lucky that Ellens lovers weren't better or bigger than husband. I knew of a couple that decided to do some swapping and the wife managed to get a lover that was almost. 2 inches longer and considerable amount thicker. Once she got settled down on that and it found new spots that hadn't be touched and he was also a good lover. It severely injured there marriage because she compared lover to husband and didn't want to give up lover. This is the gamble you take adding lovers outside of marriage. Also if you do never take lover to marital bed because that is supposed to be a couples sacred area.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well totally unrealistic

She finally put the ring in the neutered bulls nose and leads him around as necessary. She gets what she wants and she throws him an occassional bone to keep him content and working to pay her way in life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago



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