The Film


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I took a deep breath, and broke into a run. I did my best to look terrified and vulnerable, and then I burst through the last bit of undergrowth, deliberately tripping on my own ankle - a little bit of clown business I'd picked up - and sailed forward through the air before landing on what looked like the forest floor, but which exploded in a vast, gooey spray of thick, grey, pearly fluid. I sank into it, face first, feeling it push up my nose and into my mouth and filling my eyes, and the shock of it receiving my body. It felt slimy and lukewarm and disgusting, and yet also weirdly sensual. I moaned, despite myself, and after a moment lifted my head out and tried to blink it out of my eyes.

There was a pause, and then Vanessa cried "Cut!"

I couldn't see anything, but I heard the other girls laughing, partly with relief. I had to laugh, a little, but I waited for someone else to let me know if I could wipe my eyes.

"Fucking brilliant!" said Vanessa. "Alex, how was that for you?"

"It's okay," I said. "It's pretty comfortable. Can I wipe my eyes?"

"Not now," she said. "Wait till we go again. Daisy, position, okay?"

I heard movement, and then Vanessa shouted "Action!" and it wasn't any stretch of acting to moan with disgust and wipe the gunk out of my eyes. But then I felt the vines curling around my limbs, and I looked over my shoulder and mimed Alex's horror at realising that he was trapped. The trapping bit took a little while, and then Vanessa was looking anxiously at the sky and saying "Okay, are we good to go for a take? I really want to get this in the can if possible."

"I'm good," Kelly called.

"I'm good too," I said from my undignified position on my belly in the pit of goo.

"I'm fine," said Daisy.

"Okay, great," said Vanessa. "Now, we want it quick and aggressive, like we rehearsed, okay? If you feel like going with a moment, go with it, but Kelly, I really want us to feel like this is really happening to Alex, okay?"

"Understood," came Kelly's voice.

"And you know what to do," said Vanessa to me, smiling more warmly than I could remember her doing. "Just go for it. Maximum vulnerability. Remember to keep breathing, okay?"

"Okay," I said, my face covered in slime apart from my eyes, my back still more or less clean, my trunks still protecting my modesty.

Vanessa called action. I started to writhe and moan. It wasn't hard to fake, because Daisy was operating pincerlike vines that were tugging at the waistband of my trunks and I knew that any second they would split, and I would be the only one of us who was naked in the pit and about to be violated.

The MONSTER creeps forward and its vines grab ALEX's trunks and rip them, stripping him naked. He screams in fear.

I squirmed in the pit, feeling the sharp tips of the vines on my skin, and then they were hooked on my trunks and they pulled, and all of a sudden I felt the fabric parting as Daisy had planned it would, and my trunks fell away from me uselessly, exposing my bare bottom, and I was finally naked in the pit full of goo. My female friends were videoing me about to undergo a simulated "rape" at the hands of a plant monster. I screamed with a mixture of stage panic and real nervousness.

Remembering my choreography, I looked up and moaned in fear at the sight of the bulbous flower of the plant descending. It was the size of a hairdryer in a salon and had been designed to fit loosely over my whole head. I scrambled for a grip, trying to get out, but I couldn't get one. I was aware of Vanessa kneeling to video me as I stared up in horror at the flower descending, and then it was touching my head, and then still going, and it was closing over the top of my head and sliding down my mucky forehead, and I squirmed and moaned in protest.

And then I felt the thick, bulbous "phallus vine" sliding between the tops of my thighs. I remembered the moment in rehearsal when Vanessa had said to me, in all earnestness,

"Alex, I think it's really important that we really get a sense that this thing is, you know, penetrating you, so I do want to see that, or something resembling that - is that okay?"

"But it's not actually going to," I said.

"Oh god no," she said. "But I think we need to see the tip of it going between your

buttocks - would you be comfortable with that?"

"I think we can manage that," I said with a casualness that I was now regretting, because the huge flower bud descended lower and as I gasped with horror it lowered over my eyes and then stopped, clamped there, blinding me, while I felt the tip of the phallus vine pushing gently between my slippery naked buttocks.

I had never let either Kelly or Daisy do anything like this to me, although I'd been tempted. That had been one of the places where this film had come from. And now I was pretending that it was really happening. I shuddered, for real, and I moaned "Oh no, oh god, ooooh," as the tip of the vine slithered up between my tight bum cheeks. I clenched my anal muscle tightly shut. I was quite glad that my penis was safely hidden beneath me in the pool of muck because it was stiff. The thought of what the girls would think if they could see that I had an erection made me moan louder, especially as I was now blind and basically helpless - I couldn't get my head out of the flower and the vines were holding me down in the pit.

I squirmed and gasped and begged for mercy, but the vine began to slither delicately back and forth, as if it were penetrating me. I was aware that I'd failed to act a moment when it actually went in, and I felt annoyed with myself, despite the torrent of sensation and humiliation and arousal that I was feeling.

But then, all that ceased to matter. I don't know exactly what happened, perhaps Kelly's hand slipped on her control panel, or maybe I moved in the wrong direction, but I felt a sudden flow of liquid over my face inside the flower and it was filling my mouth. I jerked convulsively and gagged and moaned, and my body must have flinched backwards because all of a sudden I felt the bulbous, slippery, narrow tip of the phallus vine pressing, pressing hard against my tight anus, and I spat out a mouthful of liquid and squealed in alarm and panic, rising my naked body up on my hands and knees, my nude body now fully exposed and dripping goo, and then my anal bud relaxed and the thick plastic vine pushed up horribly and urgently and irresistibly, parting me, penetrating my anus, slithering up inside me, and making me squeal again with animal arousal - "OOOOUUNNH!"

I couldn't believe it, it had really happened, it was happening to me, for real, I was being gunged and stripped nude and genuinely ass-fucked for Vanessa's camera. The vine was right up inside my rectum and I felt it in me, the most intimate penetration imaginable, and I shook and moaned in real, unfeigned abandon.

Daisy had caught the moment it had happened; she had been focusing on the vine tip between my buttocks when suddenly the vine and I went in opposite directions and she'd videoed it penetrating me. She told me later that she felt a pang of something like sympathy, but that it was also "very, very hot". Vanessa had been doing a medium shot of me squirming naked in the gunge as the flower descended onto my head, when suddenly I convulsively jerked my hips backwards and up, and as I then panically tried to lift myself up, the vine had pushed up into my ass, impaling and transfixing me.

For an eternal moment I remained there, trembling, on hands and knees, the flower covering my head down to the bridge of my nose, the rest of me naked and filthy as the vine throbbed mechanically in my ass - and Kelly was throwing panicked looks at Vanessa, who was motioning her to keep going, don't stop, and also watching me to see if I was in trouble and needed to stop it - but I hardly knew who I was or what was happening, and at the same time the piercing sexual humiliation of it was so intense that I couldn't help being fiercely aroused by it. Because, beneath me, my penis was sticking out like a unicorn's horn, bouncing off my lower belly as I shook.

"Unnhhh . . . unnhhh . . . unhhh . . . uhhh . . . uhhh! Uhhh! UHHH! UUUUH!" I squealed as I felt myself yielding utterly to it, and then after a moment Kelly threw some switch and my head was engulfed in a flood of some lumpy, fruit-tasting fluid, which cascaded over my face and down my neck and bare chest and I couldn't bear it any more but arched and stretched and felt the flower descend over my whole head and I gave a muffled scream as I felt myself coming, copiously, into Kelly's carefully prepared pitful of gunge. My stiff prick spurted thick ropes of cum as I gave in to the most intense orgasm of my life, and then I didn't care any more and merely whimpered as the flower pulled off my head and I slumped, face-down, in the gunge.

There was quite a long moment while I just lay there, nude, filthy and violated, aware that my body had betrayed me to the girls, and then I sensed rather than felt Daisy re-entering the scene and attacking the monster before she very gently pulled the severed vine from my asshole and turned me over. I was blinded, nude and exhausted, but also sated.

"Oh my god, Alex," I heard her breathe, and it was her dialogue, but it was also true, "are

you okay?"

"I'm not sure," I muttered. "I hope so."

"Let's get you cleaned up," she said, and she helped me stand.

"Cut!" Vanessa said, and the girls flocked around me.

"Alex," said Vanessa urgently, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, think so," I said, wiping the gunk from my face. I was exhausted and spent and

my ass was tingling, and I could feel that my face was burning with embarrassment.

"It looked as though it, uh . . . "

"Yeah," I said.

"Did it?" she said, grimacing with sympathy and embarrassment herself.

"Yep," I said. "I mean, that's why I . . . you know."

"Oh my god," she said. 'this is so awful. I'm sooo sorry. I didn't mean that to happen."

"Jesus, Alex, I'm really sorry," said Kelly, hanging her face in shame.

"It's okay, guys," I said. "It was liable to happen. Was it a good take?"

"Well . . . " said Vanessa, and for a moment I had the terrible suspicion that she'd tell me that we'd have to do it again, " . . . yeah. It was bloody amazing. I mean, it was so real."

"Well, then, it's in the can," I said. Daisy brought me a towel and I wrapped it around my

waist, glad to finally cover myself up.

"But," said Vanessa, 'do you mind us using it?"

"No," I said, "we can just pretend that it's faked."

And I smiled at them. They smiled back.

"You're the best," said Vanessa. 'really the best. I'm taking us all out to dinner tonight."

"I think I'd rather have a quiet night in, thanks," I said, and I made my way back through the undergrowth to the car, where there was water and soap to wash myself off.


After that, the film was never quite the same. I think we felt that we'd all gone much, much further than we meant to, and that we were going to need to keep doing so if we wanted the film to be any good.

Vanessa and I talked on the phone one night.

"I'm so sorry about what happened, but I'm really glad you've decided to go ahead with that take," she said. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't wanted to."

"Well, it's only practical," I said. "I didn't really have another take in me."

"Right," she said. "Because it was really your instinctive reaction to being . . . you know . . . penetrated, that made it brilliant."

"Mmm," I said.

"And I was wondering, um," she said, "would you mind very much if . . . if next time . . . "

"What?" I said.

"If next time," she said slowly, "we . . . you know. If that's something that we might do deliberately instead of accidentally."

I was silent. I had been thinking the same thing myself, but hadn't wanted to say it out loud.

"I mean, not if you're uncomfortable in any way, of course," she added hastily.

"No, no," I said. "It's not that. I . . . um . . . I suppose that while I don't want to think that that's what the whole scene is about, but we need to do whatever we have to do to get a good scene. And if that's what we have to do, well . . . "

"Okay," Vanessa said in her most infuriatingly reasonable tone. After all, it wasn't like anyone was going to be sodomising her in this movie. She was safe and clean and clothed behind the camera. I wondered if there was any way at all that I might do something about that.

"So let's just think about how we're gonna approach the next scene," she said. "Just bearing in mind what we"ve discussed. Is that okay?"

"Sure," I said, not really wanting to talk about it anymore. We said goodbyes and rang off.


The truth was that the next scene was highly problematic. In the scene, my character was supposed to be alone in his apartment when he was suddenly assaulted by an invisible ghost that ripped his clothes off, forced him down on the bed and sodomised him. That seemed like a great idea, back when we were brainstorming, plus it referenced a scene featuring Barbara Hershey in The Entity - but now that we'd achieved spectacular realism with me being genuinely butt-fucked by our plastic plant monster, it was almost impossible to imagine that we could do that again with just me thrashing around on a bed and no special effects.

Between ourselves, Kelly, Daisy and I agreed that the scene probably wouldn't work. We could never make it work in rehearsal, but Vanessa always insisted that that was because we just weren't in the moment enough, and once we were on the set, in the moment, with me naked, it would be fine. But I didn't think it would be.

For a start, the scene served no real purpose in the movie. It led into a scene where Alex and Daisy were to break up for a while, after Alex recovered from his assault and complained that she hadn't helped him. I thought that this robbed him of sympathy and seemed contrived, but Vanessa was in love with the whole idea of me being raped by an invisible ghost and she claimed that it said all kinds of interesting things about narcissism and was a metaphor for masturbation and it was subversive, but she never seemed to realise that it didn't really work as part of the story. There was no explanation for why Daisy wasn't there to help Alex, and her entering just at the end seemed too convenient. Nevertheless, Vanessa insisted that we keep it in the story. She was in love with the idea of a scene in which a man was sexually assaulted by an unseen assailant.

Nevertheless, Kelly and Daisy and I began to talk about coming up with an alternative. And after some late night email exchanges, we got one.


We convened in our flat one morning with the camera gear.

"I think it would be good if we did a couple of run-throughs without the camera,"

Vanessa said, 'so we can get an idea of how this is going to work."

And so we did. I had practiced at home by myself, and had got pretty good at removing my own clothes without making it look like it was me that was doing it. I duly flung myself on the bed, while the girls watched, and as I struggled with an invisible attacker, whimpering in protest, I stripped myself naked and then proceeded to mime being held face down on the bed and sodomised, jerking my hips to indicate the thrusts of the attacker.

After a couple of goes of this Vanessa called a halt, and I got under the sheet to preserve my modesty as we sat down to discuss it.

"I dunno," she said. "I honestly thought it would be great. But I'm not so sure now. It just doesn't look right."

"No, I don't think so either," I said. "It doesn't feel right. I mean, I can get, you know, aroused, doing that, but I don't think I could . . . I don't think I could come."

"It looks like you're having a fit," Kelly said sardonically.

"Yeah, it does," said Vanessa.

"I just don't have the tech to make it look like someone's groping him and holding him down," said Kelly. "In The Entity they did it with hot air guns on Barbara Hershey's tits. It looked like someone was feeling her up. But I don't have any."

"Fuck," muttered Vanessa. "Not your fault, Kel, sorry. I was sure it would look much better."

"Sorry I'm not better at acting it," I said.

"It's not your fault either," she said. "Director's a fucking idiot. We'll have to think of something else."

"Well . . . " said Daisy, "actually, we did have a bit of an idea."

"Oh yeah?" said Vanessa, looking hopeful for the first time that morning.

"Well," said Daisy, "y"know, we were talking about how the breakup between me and Alex isn't very convincing? We were thinking, what if we're actually having sex, and then the magic interferes and it splits us up? Something so bizarre or so nasty or weird that one or both of us can't handle it and we break up."

"We said no girls in sex scenes," said Vanessa, looking cross. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, we said a lot of things. But Alex has taken one for the film in a big way so I don't mind doing it too. It's only fair."

"What sort of thing?" asked Vanessa.

"How about," said Kelly, 'they're having sex, bam bam bam, it's all lovely, but then Alex starts to come and it's like, this unstoppable fountain. He comes like, gallons all over both of them and Daisy is so freaked out, or they're both so freaked out, that they can't handle it and they break up. I can do that easily."

Daisy smiled ruefully.

"I like it," said Vanessa after a pause. "It's mad. It could work. It could be very funny though."

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," Daisy said.

"Do either of you mind getting really messy?"

I shrugged. "I'm gonna get messed up every scene we do, so . . . "

"To begin with, I was all about doing it to the guy and staying pristine," said Daisy, grinning. "But since the pond scene it doesn't seem fair that it's just Alex who has to take everything. Yeah, I'll do it."

"I get the feeling," said Kelly, 'that before this is over, every single one of us is going to be in this movie."

"Well, trust me, that's definitely not going to happen," said Vanessa in her most irritatingly self-righteous way, but then she considered it, and said "Fine. It sounds good. At least it's doable."

And so Kelly spent an hour rigging up her hoses, while Daisy and Vanessa and I quickly wrote and rehearsed a rudimentary scene in which "Alex" and "Daisy" were having a tender morning in bed which culminated in her stripping me naked and sitting astride me and mounting me. Vanessa wanted Daisy to keep her t-shirt on, but Daisy said that that was the kind of bullshit double standard that she always hated.

We shot it the beginning of the scene and soon Daisy was tenderly undressing me, and Vanessa's camera took a long, lingering shot of my naked body as Daisy pulled the sheet off me, dragging her tongue down my belly to my cock, which to all our surprise, especially mine, she took in her mouth. I didn't have to fake the squirming and moaning, as Daisy gave very good blowjobs. Soon I was fully erect and she sat up, stripped off her outsized t-shirt and then, looking down at me fondly, sat astride me, my cock between the tops of her thighs, not actually in her - we didn't want to make this into a regular porn film. I drank in Daisy's lovely, lithe naked body with my eyes as she bounced up and down on me, and I soon found myself about to cum. She looked down at me, smiling, and just as my whimpers peaked, she raised herself up and took my cock in her hand, and I was beyond being embarrassed when I came, my cum splashing over Daisy's glistening pink belly.

And then Kelly kicked in her machine, and the hidden pipe squirted more opalescent liquid over Daisy's stomach and breasts, and she looked down in comic alarm and then there was more, this time squirting directly in her face, and she sat back with moans of disgust but I carefully feigned uncontrol and more of the fake spunk was squirting over Daisy, now drenching her chest, and she was scrambling off the bed saying "Ugh, oh god, Alex, please, no, stop, I don't -" and I continued to shake and squirm helplessly as Kelly's second pipe kicked in and a positive hose of gooey liquid cascaded over Daisy as she stood by the bed, and she shrieked. But it was falling on me, too; Kelly was making it look like my cock was helplessly spurting in all directions. Daisy gasped and spluttered and started to run for the door, and I rolled onto one side and caught her with a huge blast of the goo, and she slipped and fell on the floor. I had a huge splash of the stuff in my face and I blindly crawled off the bed, Kelly following me so that I was spurting all over Daisy prone and naked on the floor. Daisy was screaming and trying to hide her face. She squirmed as I landed on her and rolled on her back to throw me off, but then Kelly turned it on full force and a continuous stream of sticky grey fluid poured over Daisy's face and bare breasts for a full fifteen or twenty seconds, before I recovered enough to get a grip on my penis, whereupon it went in my face too.