The Final Score


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"Shelly, don't you think it's always best if you finish a job you've started?"

Shelly looked back. She thought everything had looked okay. Maybe not?

"Yeah, sure."

Robbie said nothing. It was so fast, the blur not so much physical as it was mental.

Within seconds Shelly felt a warm hand on her arm, a light kiss on her mouth.

Wow! Whoa!

All of it bounced off, drove in, mentally caressed.

What the hell was Robbie doing?

It was a small space and the touching shifted, first an arm around the waist, then a hand on her hip as he reached around her. A second kiss came with a slight brushing of her breast.


She spoke his name softly in a defensive tone and made sure she didn't do anything. In the time she was thinking that, his arm had already gone around her, his hand landing lightly on her ass.

She tried moving away but that one arm steadied her, keeping her close while the other explored. It was around the waist at first; just rubbing the lower part of her back, sliding his hand down on her hips some, back up the full length of her back. Shelly wasn't denying the little sensation it caused but she was really wondering what was happening and where this was going.

The free hand slipped in front of her and gently rubbed her stomach. Shelly pulled away abruptly and he stopped. She assumed he had the idea and that it had come to an end. She tried to walk past him. "Shelly."

He spoke softly.

"I watched you and Anita."

There it was. No doubts, no guessing.

Shelly froze in place. There should have been an overpowering sense of fear, of escape. Instead, that persistent little nagging between her legs seemed to dilute everything.

Shelly was confused, was totally without direction.

Robbie was not. He may have time enough to explore but certainly not to romance.

Again he made an advance, running his hand slowly up and down her leg outside her skirt before his hand carefully began to inch her skirt up her legs, his fingers very slowly bunching up the thin cloth. When the cloth ran out and he touched her bare leg she knew for sure that she had a situation that no eighteen year old could handle.

"Robbie, please," she said to him quietly. Again she tried stepping away but his left arm was around her waist and he didn't let go.

To her dismay his hand slowly continued moving up her leg. He was in a hurry but was trying to prevent alarming her any more than he must. Both hearts were beating like crazy and the silence was almost intolerable. There had to be some movement, some advancement or retreat. Anything!

It took Robbie only seconds to react.

His arm went back around her waist and lifted. He slowly but with total control spun her around and pushed forward. Shelly found herself suddenly on her knees up on the bus seat, her arms folded over the back of the seat.

Through all of this she looked around to see if anybody was about to "drop in" to the bus. It was not out of the question even if the doors were closed. Feeling like a trapped animal, her heart was beating fast and tears began to form in her eyes. How had she gotten into this? What had she done or said that would make him think she would allow him to do this? Her reactions and self-examination didn't stop his exploring hand. In spite of her hand trying to stop his, it had very slowly continued its advance up her leg. He suddenly reached the top of her legs and his hand hit her crotch.

"O-o-o-o-h." His hand made a few small circles and there was an audible gasp. He looked at her through slightly closed eyes. His fingers had just made contact with a very wet pussy, her thong soaking from the manipulation Anita had provided.

Shelly flinched, too. Even though his hand had been creeping up her leg it was different when it actually touched her pussy. She was in a combination of shock and dismay by that time. Her thoughts were where it was going, how she could get out of it.

The one that seemed to stay with her the most was "why am I not as repulsed as I should be?"

Robbie was a really attractive man, but not only did he have no rights to her but he was a teacher. What he did have was a really slow, soft wonderful touch and Shelly was feeling every bit of it. As it was, through her constant but quiet objections and her ever increasing attempt to dislodge his hand, she was more than aware of the reaction from her own body.

Whether her small town morals objected or not, she knew herself well enough to know that the moisture was forming. Her shock at the situation didn't change the fact that she could feel it. This was not going well at all!

That old saying, "The silence was deafening," would have fit them perfectly. Shelly was screaming at him to stop without saying a word and he was telling her how excited he was without speaking, relating it to her through his now shaking fingertips.

His fingers were slowly finding new places, new excitement. There were slight touches with her upper legs but only a few brushes. He concentrated on that wet crotch, moving ever so slowly. It was starting to become a blissful torture for Shelly. Although it wasn't her own will she was rocking her body back and forth a little, either in an effort to get away or an unwanted reaction that kept an instinctive rhythm with his touches.

Another fleeting thought. Maybe it was her fault. How could she have allowed this to happen?

"Please, Robbie. I don't want this." Her voice had no conviction.

He smiled softly and said, "Okay," but his hand remained between her legs. After what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes his hand went under the leg band of her thong and slightly touched her, barely sliding his finger between the lips of her labia. As she suspected, she was very wet.

"Oh, my goodness," was all he said. He began stroking her very softly, brushing her with his fingertips, feeling the dampness and enjoying her feeble attempt to stop him. He teased her unmercifully before he moved to her clit. Shelly's knees almost buckled.

"O-o-o-h-h-h." This time it was her emitting a small unintended sound. No matter how upset she was or how much she had anticipated this move, she jumped and let out a real low moan that he had to have heard. She had become extremely sensitive.

He was masterful. His touch was knowing and unbelievable soft. He brought Shelly up to a level she couldn't believe and just left her hanging there for a long time. Although she slowly moved her head side to side to try to drive off the sensations, her hips were thrusting against his hand and she was ready to explode.

Shelly looked around one last time to see if there was a rescue in progress. Since there was obviously not, she pleaded softly one more time.

"Please, Robbie. Don't do this to me." It was very soft and quiet, her last stand, more emotional than physical.

Rather than answering her, he simply increased the speed and pressure on the sensitive little bundle of nerves. It was more than Shelly could stand.

She came. It couldn't be stated any other way. She just came, putting her head down on her arms to stifle the sounds when it washed over her. Her hips went from following his hand to jerking like crazy, driving her ass up and down and twisting back against him in huge circles.

Using his other hand he pulled her skirt back and up to her waist and held it there.

He kept it up for a few minutes until she knew she was on her way to coming again. It was so unexpected. She had no idea her orgasms could be like a snowball, getting bigger and faster until she would have no power to stop them. Just as he slowed down and she thought it was over, his hand left her clit and his finger drove deep and hard inside her. It was like everything was starting all over again.

Robbie sensed a total surrender.

"Relax and enjoy it, Shelly. Doesn't it feel nice?"

It wasn't so much that she was following his instructions but rather her mind couldn't control the physical part of her any longer. Folding her arms over the back of the seat she put her head down and started gently shifting from one knee to the other. Her body swayed, convulsed, and she started to come again. This time the orgasm washed over her like a flood.

"A-a-a-h-h-h-h," her mouth moaned softly into folded arms. Nobody could hear it but him, but he heard very well. All gentleness disappeared and he assaulted her pussy fast and hard. He was totally immersed with watching and hearing her reactions to his touch.

Other than looking up occasionally to survey the bus her thoughts were only on his fingers. Any repulsion of the situation was gone, her conscience vanished! The only thing she was aware of was the constant high-speed ramming her pussy was getting, the short trip they would make to her swollen clit for a while, then back down and in, roughly entering in long strokes. Shelly was caught in the middle, had no control over it, and he wouldn't stop. Finally, he slowed down to a slow, deep stroking. He removed his hands and she was surprised when he spoke in a very soft voice.

"This is nice. So nice."

It was too late for Shelly to be a nice girl. They both knew that something special had started and it was not at all unwanted. When she didn't move, didn't respond to the sudden absence of his hands he took her silence as approval.

Shelly heard the unmistakable rustle of his zipper going down. He lifted her skirt up again, pulled her thong down to her knees, and she felt his swollen head as it gently nudged her. Slowly, slowly, oh so slowly, he moved it up and down her wet channel. The wetness was providing so much lubrication his skin felt like silk.

He spoke, breaking the silence and giving out the invitation.

"Do we stop now?" he asked her.

Her only answer was an unintelligible moan. Maybe she was trying to maintain some sort of dignity or innocence?

"Do you want to go home?" He asked again.

After a few seconds, Shelly could only shake her head. She still had her head buried in her arms as if trying to hide from her situation.

"You've not answered me," he said. Robbie smiled. He knew he had the power here.

"No," she said very quietly, intoxicated by the moment in hand.

He had his answer. It could still get him fired but it least it was consensual.

It was like he froze in place for a few seconds. Then he teased her for a few seconds, his swollen head gently stroking in and out a few times with very little penetration. Shelly thought she was ready.

She was not.

Suddenly he slammed unmercifully into her, driving deep with one long hard stroke.

"A-a-u-u-h-h. O-o-o-o-h-h-h my-y-y-y god-d-d-d." It just sort of swooped out of her. He seemed so huge!

Robbie would have loved to tease her. Her pussy was tight, a wonderful scabbard that stroked back at his cock as if she had done it for years. He knew it was just instinct on her part, a thoughtless reaction to the pleasure he was serving.

He was past the point of foreplay or being able to hold back. It was too much, her body too wonderful, her reactions even more wonderful. He began an immediate pounding, every stroke almost coming out before again plunging deep into her reaching pussy again. Each time he mined deep, drilling until Shelly could feel his balls against her and his cock grinding down against her exposed ass.

There was nothing that she didn't feel, didn't absorb. Every tiny thing, every breath, every caress caused a reaction. Robbie was breathing hard and making little noises and she started to whimper again. Robbie felt her moving back against him in perfect rhythm to meet his strokes and for the first time he paid attention to her breasts. There was no gentleness about it. He pushed her skimpy bra up and started rolling her nipples roughly between his fingers and thumbs.

Through it all came his soft encouragements. He continued to set the pace, his hands going back and forth from manipulating her nipples to gently guiding the motions of her hips as they rose and fell with his strokes. He was standing almost straight up most of the time, bending over her only when he wanted to kiss her neck and pay more attention to her breasts. His attention to her nipples was always at the very perfect time. She realized that the man was exactly as she had dreamed. He was her sexual god. How could any girl not get off on him?

"Is this what you wanted, sweetie?" He knew it was a question that would never really be answered.

All Shelly cared about right then was that wonderful cock that was deep inside, the strokes full and fast. Even the inexperienced girl knew she had an orgasm steaming very quickly up the line.

It happened so fast it was almost embarrassing. It was all she could take. Her stomach convulsed, she froze momentarily in place, and she came for him as if she had done it dozens of times before. There were no reservations, no boundaries. Shelly let it go. Her body quaked. Her pulsating pussy walls sucked his cock with no intentions of letting him go.

Mostly, though, she moaned. Bellowed might be a better word. Nothing was held back, nothing smothered.

Standing just outside the bus in the chilly air an excited Anita was as stunned as she was thrilled. He had done it!

Her fingers that had been slowly accommodating an excited pussy under her skirt became frantic. This was much, much too good to not be a part of it. A hidden little third party wouldn't spoil the night, would it?

She would come with them.

In the dark bus wave after wave came across Shelly as she shook all over. She had lost all awareness except his massive cock pumping hard into her, his hands twisting her nipples so hard it was painful. That night young Miss Matlock found that in the chaos of sexual throes there can be times that pain can be translated into intense pleasure.

Suddenly Robbie froze for just a few second, the hesitation followed by an explosion deep inside her. When he came he emitted a very long, guttural moan, bucking forward so deep she thought she could feel his semen spurting against her cervix. Not that she had ever quit coming before but the pressure and magnitude of his orgasm kept her shaking and constantly spewing little sounds. Was this the way it would always be?

No, Shelly, it wasn't. This was not the sweet love that you would some day experience. This was a hard, hard driving fuck between two people and it was unbelievable!

He wasn't so much getting any part of her heart as much a total abandonment of her body and senses to him. Whatever it was, it was wonderful and Shelly couldn't seem to stop coming. He was almost punishing her with his force and they moaned constantly. Her body drove back to meet him with every stroke. It just wouldn't stop for either of them. Come was running out of her, spreading out on her inner thighs. Shelly felt insatiably nasty. At the end, he crashed down hard on top of her, totally spent. After a few minutes, he slowly removed himself, turned her around and found her mouth for the first time since they got started. He never left it for minutes, long and hot, his tongue and hers becoming one. Shelly realized right then that, if she wanted him, he was hers as much as she was his.

And suddenly she realized that was what she really wanted. For the first time in her life she seemed to have control. To have been so controlled she now felt dominate.

All of a sudden it was over. Just like that. The pleasure was certainly lingering but through their euphoria the new sensation was danger. Both knew...both understood without speaking.

And that was that.

A phone call brought her Mom.

As they drove away and left the two coaches standing there Anita took Robbie by the hand and headed towards the unlocked gym. There were some thick mats on the floor there and she wanted to make good use of them. She knew it would take a little time. She had heard Robbie wailing as well as the newly fucked senior. She'd coax it hard again.

It was a short drive to Shelly's house. Her Mother tried to slip in some small talk. Shelly wasn't interested. She was in her own world. Instead of just oozing, come was now coming out of her in globs and she knew her little thong wouldn't hold it back. Hopefully it wasn't penetrating her thin dress.

What had she said? Anita?

"Be careful for what you wish". Yeah. That was one.

And later. She could hardly remember but it was pretty much something like, "Remember, this is what you wished for."

Shelly let it sink in.

Anita was right. Now that it was all over the fact the she had not planned for it meant nothing. In the end it was exactly what she had wished for. And the memory sure as hell wasn't going to be left on the graduation stage when she walked across in a few months.

Nope! This was it. That elusive "thing", that earth shattering event that she would remember through life. Her one memory that would most tie her to the little town.

They were home. Maybe she could sneak in.

Not so.

Her Dad looked up long enough from his television to feign interest.

"You win?"

"Nope. Got beat 42 to 38."

"You score any points?"

"Yeah. Six." She had cleared past the two of them. She was safe.

"Were you scored on?"Her Dad was big on defense.

All at once Shelly busted out laughing. It was such a monumental day in her life.

"Yep," she threw back.


The End

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