The Floating World Pt. 02


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Amanda was fuelled by movement. "I'll be back, don't worry."

Adam didn't worry. He smiled at her back as she flitted into the room, watching her swirl within the crowd. She was a natural at it, and charmed people in her silvery blue silken dress.

Adam sipped from his glass, stepping forward to read a label describing the painter's approach to the work in front of him. As he slowly moved back, he became aware of a presence beside him, so close. Before he could speak, the young man beside him turned away, looking across the room, nervous agitation in his tapping fingers. Adam followed his gaze, and there was Amanda circled by several men, hipsters and cool.

Ah, thought Adam, I see. He waited for the boy to turn back. "You must be Antony. Hello, I'm Adam."

"Yes, hello. How did you know?"

"Oh, Amanda's talked about you. She adores you." Adam knew he had to charm Antony and flatter him. "You do know that, don't you?" He paused. "It's in her eyes when she says your name. Ant, that's right, isn't it? She loves you. Surely you know that?"

"What are you...? I mean, yes. Amanda..." Antony lost track of what he was trying to say. He was still confused as to who Adam was, and was surprised to find the other man older than he expected. He had conjured up images of meeting Adam, confronting him, this other man getting between him and Amanda. But the last thing he expected to hear was that Amanda adored him, loved him. "What? Wait. Amanda said that?"

"No. She hasn't said anything about love. She doesn't need to. It's in her eyes whenever she mentions your name." Adam looked around. Amanda had seen the two of them together, and was making her way to her men. Antony saw Adam looking away, and turned his head to see.

"God, that's a beautiful dress." Ant couldn't help himself, he had to say something.

"No," Adam said. "Amanda's a beautiful girl wearing a dress. It's just a dress, Antony, just a dress." He stopped talking, because he knew damn well it wasn't just a dress.

"Ant. What are you doing here?" Amanda was between the two men, instinctively separating them. "How did you get in?"

"I know the guy on the door."

"Oh. OK. You've met Adam, then."

"No, not really. He knows me, but I don't know who he is." Adam heard the tension in Antony's voice and wondered if the young man was aching for a fight. He wondered if Ant knew that Amanda had spent a night with him.

"I told you," replied Amanda, "Adam buys coffee in the mornings, and we went to the Gallery to see that Tate exhibition." She paused. "The one you didn't want to go see."

"But I..."

"Not now, Antony. You didn't want to see it. Adam did, he was going anyway, and we bumped into each other outside the cafe. So he took me."

Adam wondered if Antony heard her double meaning. He looked at the boy, and wondered if Antony was hearing anything at all.

Amanda stood between them. Adam remained silent, impressed by the girl's control, waiting for her next move. She looked at both men, so different, both hers at that moment.

Amanda decided.

"Adam, can we go now, please?"

She turned to her younger man, and Adam saw her eyes soften at the sight of his lost, confused look.

"Antony, I want you. Tonight and tomorrow, and the day after that, I want you." Amanda wasn't a cruel girl, but she was determined. "But I'm not yours, not ever, for you to decide what I do." She took Antony's hand in hers, and he didn't pull away, not this time.

"But tonight, you're both mine."


Both mine.

Amanda walked between them down the hallway. In the base of her belly her cunt was blooming, aching to be filled. She was wet already, her heart pounding with heightened expectation. Amanda knew that Antony would be fast and impatient, his youth and misunderstanding getting in the way, his heat and energy untamed. Ant didn't know how to seduce her, either slowly or fast. He was unformed and beautifully careless.

She knew, too, that Adam would be slower, patient, far more deliberate. He would tease and tantalise her higher and higher, so high she would soar. Adam would handle her with the greatest delight and care, a delicacy. He would be the one to reveal her from his dress.

Amanda had turned the shimmering blue cloth over in her hands before slipping it over her head, the silk a shivering cold on her skin, and saw the faint stain on its hem. It was a vintage original, delicate and faded in places where Amanda looked close. Her thank-you to Adam, his first delight, would be to reveal herself to him in the dress. Antony could watch (she would see his cock thicken and rise), but her eyes would be on Adam. He had chosen the dress for her. Amanda wondered who wore it first, when it was new.

Amanda also knew that Antony was still uncertain of her motives. She remembered his powerful sexual response earlier in the week, so aroused at the idea of her with someone else. She didn't care if it was jealousy or an alpha male thing to prove himself, all she saw was his arousal and uncontrolled explosion of lust. That was enough. A response from him, on her terms; enough for the time being, at least. A sweet fuck, Ant was her boy.

Even though Adam was still and brooding, a darkness in him sometimes with his long, unknown and silent past, somehow Amanda felt on safer grounds with Adam. She had discovered that Adam was a Leo, and the star sign suited his nature. She could safely play with him like a little cub plays between a lion's paws, her little teeth and claws sharp, but all the while cradled safe. Even in his darker places, Amanda knew she was Adam's girl and always safe.

Amanda wondered how she would be, spun between their molten mercury and liquid gold, her own incandescent silver threading them all around. Alchemy was in the air, magical threads shifting and mingling between them.

She smiled at her thoughts. More truly I'm like a young lioness in heat, rolling on my back before him, my legs spread and my belly exposed.

Now though, Amanda was beautiful in her lovely dress, and two men to do with as she desired; one because he loved her, the other because he indulged her.

Shutting the door with a solid click, Amanda spun before Adam and Antony, a pirouette on a high toe. She kissed their lips with her finger tips, and darted to a seat by the window. She saw her reflection in the glass, and reached to the back of her head, unpinning her hair and it fell like a fall of silk past her shoulders, a long twist to her waist. Amanda leaned back in the chair, and her eyes were wide and black.

"So," she said, her voice husky with her own lust, "why are you both dressed?"

Antony stumbled at her command, and bent down to pull off his shoes, standing to pull the shirt from his jeans. Amanda smiled at his eagerness, his desire to please her. She could see already the shape of him, angled down. A thread tightened around her clitoris, pulling a tight stab of pleasure upwards. She shifted in the chair, her thighs widening just a little, her lips reddening with heat between her legs.

"Slowly," she heard Adam's low voice. "Tease her. Make her wait."

You beautiful bad man, she thought, you always know what to do, know what I want.

"Adam," she asked, "what colour was your hair, when you were young like Antony?"

"Like Antony?" Adam wondered. "When I was twenty-two, twenty-three?" He looked at Ant's fair hair, cut short. "At that age, it was going darker already. I liked it best when I was twenty, it was long and blond, a golden blond in the sun." Amanda loved his crooked smile as he remembered himself. "I was a blond golden boy in summer, tanned and bleached from days by the pool, by the sea."

Goodness, the girls must have loved you, a blond poetry boy, your head in the clouds.

"Was there an Anna, back then?" Amanda remembered his first guess at her name, back in the cafe. You look like an Anna.

"Anna? No, there's never been an Anna, not for me." He smiled at her, understanding now. "Oh, I see. No, you didn't remind me of someone else. Just the name, it would suit you. I don't know why." Even as he was speaking, Amanda watched him slowly undo the buttons on his shirt.

"Turn around, away from her," she heard Adam say. He turned, taking his hands away from her sight.

"What? Oh..." Antony, keep up, she thought. And he did. She gazed at their backs, these two men undressing before her. She admired the tight curve of Antony's firm, hard bum, muscles taut and tight from his soccer. He was slimmer than Adam, not so tall, and his young fit body was firmer, harder.

Oh fuck, thought Amanda, I want to press myself against your back, reach around and feel the heat of your cock, undo your belt. She shivered as Ant's hands disappeared in front of him, where she could not see. He was undoing his belt, and she saw a long strap of leather in his hand as he pulled it from its buckle.

A quick image flashed across Amanda's mind: her wrists strapped with that belt, her hands behind her back, kneeling on the carpet...

With one swift movement Adam pulled his trousers down, his underwear at the same time, to reveal his long legs. His body was thicker than Ant's, broader across the shoulders, but softer. He was his age, but wore it well.

Like he always did, Antony pulled his jeans down first, hopping from one leg to the other to peal the tight cloth away. He always left his briefs on for a moment, and was strangely shy, turning away from her look to pull them off. Now, he was already facing away, but was still strangely shy. Amanda could see from the tilt of his head that he glanced down towards Adam, and wondered if he saw the older man's thicker cock hanging down.

Adam leaned in towards Antony, whispering something in his ear. Amanda saw the boy flinch away, Adam whispering still, and Ant's body lost some of its tension. Amanda wondered what Adam had said. Whatever it was, Ant was happier. They stood motionless, their backs to Amanda.

She shifted in the chair, leaning back into the cushions, her thighs creeping apart. Her nipples tightened and she watched the tableau unfold. Adam was a showman, and she was learning the delight of her gaze.

Antony leaned over and pulled the briefs down his legs. Amanda loved his taut ass, and would grip those cheeks with her hands as she pulled him into her, fucking in the morning, tight and hard.

Fuck, they were teasing her, she wanted them to turn slowly so she could see their cocks. But they didn't turn, they were denying her. Ant glanced over his shoulder, but Amanda didn't really see. She was feasting her eyes on his ass, waiting, waiting.

The girl knew that Adam was orchestrating everything for his own jaded pleasure and for Amanda's delight. She wasn't quite sure where Antony might fit into Adam's plans, but he didn't seem surprised that Ant was here. Maybe it was inevitable there would be a confrontation.

Oh my, thought Amanda, I wonder what Ant thinks about that? Adam had run his hand slowly down her boy's side and around to the base of Ant's belly. Oh fuuuck, Amanda sighed, as she figured out where Adam's hand had gone. Antony, you're hard already, Adam has your cock up against your gut, I can see from the angle of his arm. Antony confirmed the geometry of limbs and angles by the arch of his throat, his head thrown back in pleasure. Amanda whimpered, I want to see.

She sank back further into the soft chair, pulling the dress up high to reveal the tops of her thighs and white stockings. Amanda cupped her cunt with the palm of her hand. Adam had admired the shape of her bare bum when she dressed before him in the morning, and she wore no knickers tonight. Her fingers dipped and she moaned.

Antony moaned, and Amanda stroked her clit hard. Ah fuck, Adam was on his knees in front of Antony, he must have her boy's cock in his hand, in his mouth. Amanda writhed. She saw Ant's feet shift wider, and oh bliss, there were Adam's fingers shifting over Ant's tight balls, curving up four fingers over one ass cheek. Amanda watched entranced as Antony shifted his weight up onto his toes, lifting his cock deeper into Adam's mouth, it must be deeper. His body dropped and Amanda knew, she just knew, that Ant had dropped his hot asshole down onto Adam's thumb.

Amanda and Antony often played with each other's asses, both enjoying the tight grip and musky taste, and here was Ant, opening his tight channel to Adam's thumb. Amanda shivered, dipping her fingers into her hot wetness, pressing hard against her clit. Oh sweet fuck, she might get Ant to lick out her ass tonight. He didn't do it often, but sweet goodness, Amanda loved the dark taboo of his tongue and fingers there.

Adam, she thought, does Adam like ass too? She'd never thought of that before. Adam spoke about learning from his women. Did he have some musky darkness in his past he might want again? Men and women? She didn't know.

Amanda's mind raced with the thought of hot cock and tight holes. She thought of different combinations. Oh my, I think I'll be sore by the time I'm done with two cocks tonight. Her fingers dipped deeper. Amanda heard Ant's moan, she heard him moan for Adam, "more."



Adam had the shaft of the young man's rigid, hot cock in his hand and the red heart shaped end of it in his mouth, his tongue swirling, sucking. This was his first cock for a long, long time and Adam took his time with it. Closing his eyes, Adam's senses focused on taste and heat and the hot flesh filling his mouth.

"More," Ant moaned again, and his hands went to the back of Adam's head, holding his sucking mouth onto the rock hard prick. Adam bumped Antony's thighs apart, then snaked his hand, his spit wet thumb, over Ant's tight balls to cup his tight ass. Adam delicately placed the pad of his thumb on the younger man's hole to entice and tease him. Adam felt Antony rise and fall, his weight opening his fierce hot place onto Adam's thumb, and Ant succumbed to the pleasure.

Adam had Amanda's boy pinned in a delicate place, and he marvelled at the speed the boy's anger had turned to shameless gratification. Adam thrust his thumb up deeper, a short hard fuck into Ant's ass, but this night was for Amanda, so the fuck was short and sweet. Antony gripped Adam's thumb and tried to hold him, but Adam's will was stronger and he pulled away, emptying Ant's hole. Adam stood, his fingers still around Ant's heated cock, his breath on the boy's neck.

"Kiss me," he whispered, "and we'll turn to Amanda." He paused, and gripped Antony's prick. "She wants to see, it's her turn now."

Adam pressed his bigger body up against the youth's finer frame, and kissed Antony hard on his lips, fucking his mouth, taking him with his tongue. Antony tongue fucked him back, and their hands trailed down to their asses. "Turn sideways so she can see."

With a slow turn (Ant was beginning to understand the slowness of time now) they moved so Amanda could see. And they saw her. Amanda had abandoned herself to the visual pleasure of the men together in the room. She sprawled in the chair, one leg resting on the arm to widen her sex, the other straight out before her. Her fingers dipped, and she tasted herself.

Adam's cock was thick and long, and throbbed as he saw the girl. Ant's cock was slender and smooth, but Adam liked cunt so much more, he always had. Tonight, though, was Amanda's fantasy made real, seeing two men with hard cocks before her eyes. "Press them together, your cocks, let me see."

She knew Ant's cock well, its slim inches sliding between her fingers, slipping into her cunt, spurting cream on her breasts when she was too tired to take him. She remembered Adam's longer shaft from their evening together and wanted to compare shafts and thicknesses, longer inches, deeper thrusts.

"Show me now, please, please show me," she begged.

The men moved close to her chair and stood so that Amanda could see and touch them, right before her eyes, and take them into her hands. Her fingers were pussy wet, and she anointed the wonderful, beautiful pricks before her.

"Lovely," she murmured, "your cocks are so lovely." Amanda crouched forward in her chair. "Come here," she whispered, "let me feel you on my cheeks. So soft, oh god, the skin is so soft. Soft and hot."

Both men looked down at the girl, her face veiled behind her hair. She took one cock in her hands, both hands, and it was Antony's heat she took. She kissed the head of his cock and held it to her cheek. She knelt before them, and took the other shaft into a hand, and it was Adam's. She held his shaft against her cheek, thick and hard, her fingers a long, slow caress.

"So beautiful, so hot. Adam and Antony, Antony and Adam." She kissed and licked each prick in turn to her sing song song, and her cunt wept with the love of them. "Will you fuck me now, Adam? I want your long cock to fill me, fill my cunt." She stroked and caressed Antony's cock. "And my ass, Antony, you in my ass, oh fuck I'll be filled with you both." Her voice was slow and dreamy, as if in her mind she was already there, between them, fucked by the two of them.

"I'm in your dress, Adam, I need to get out of the dress." Amanda was nearly delirious with the idea of them both inside her. "Help me out of the dress."

Antony stood back and watched, knowing that the dress had some meaning to Adam, even though the older man insisted, it's just a dress. Ant thought it was some ceremonial thing, a special revelation of a beautiful girl within a beautiful dress. Adam had the honour of slipping it off Amanda's slender body. Antony watched, and finally understood that the girl was beautiful and he should tell her so. He never did. She was proud, he'd not fully seen that before, he'd never really seen her. Antony gazed upon Amanda with new eyes.

Her eyes were closed, she was languid, almost in a swoon.

Antony looked at Adam, and saw how he gazed at the girl with fondness, and something else Ant couldn't place. Perhaps a memory, or maybe a memory being made. Or a memory lost.

Adam leaned over Amanda, helping her to her feet, his hands at her waist. Amanda slowly placed her arms around his neck and turned up her face, not for a kiss but to rest her cheek on Adam's shoulder. He held her delicate grace in his arms.

"Dance with me, Adam, dance with me in your arms." Amanda's eyes were still closed and she clung to him.

They moved slowly around the room, silently dancing, one turn and another. They danced for a moment, a memory; they danced to forget, a slow pirouette. Amanda's heart ached for this man who held her, and the depths of her belly, too. They stopped by the bed, and Adam carefully slid down the zip at the back of the dress, down to her waist.

Antony, siting on the bed now, saw that Amanda's back was bare, bra-less. Adam slowly ran his hands up and down the nubs of her spine, and she shivered. His hands were feather light on her skin, so soft, so gentle. He moved his palms up her sides, tenderly sliding the cloth from Amanda's arms so that her upper body was covered still by the dress, her small breasts cupped by the bodice.

With a swift move of the cloth, Amanda's torso was bared, those tight nipples exposed. Her breasts were a delight for Adam when he looked down. He leaned in to her mouth and kissed her. She was hungry in return and her tongue pushed. Adam thickened against the warm silk of the dress and Amanda felt his heat against her.

On the bed, Antony stroked his cock slowly, staring at Amanda's breasts pulled tight by her nipples. Her skin was dusky, some gypsy in her blood, and her breasts were firm and small. Her nipples, her hard tips Antony knew so well in his mouth, were tight and dark and he loved her.

Amanda opened her eyes, as if she could feel the pull of Antony's gaze, and saw his look. Her heart melted, he looks at me, finally, like Adam looks at me. She smiled and her eyes softened. They both adore me. She bathed in it like Cleopatra in her milk.