The Florida Trip Pt. 07


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"Not if Ben gets you first," Sarah said.


We stopped for lunch in South Carolina -- just a roadside McDonald's. Nothing special. I think a few of the girls were thinking about taking me back to the bathroom for a little fun, but the facilities were not in a condition that anyone could consider using.

"So, Ben you're headed for Rutgers in the fall?" Chloe said. We'd grabbed an outside table, a bit of shade under a yellow umbrella. The air already felt colder. Dammit.

"And Sarah, you're going back to art school in NYC, right?" Kelsey said.

"Hmmmm, interesting," Chloe said. She pointed a fry at us like Sherlock Holmes, solving the case. "That's pretty close don't you think?"

"I'm still back in Buffalo," Julia said. She said the city like it was a curse.

"So am I," I said, "For another six months."

"Typical Ben," Kelsey said, "Can't commit to one place."

"That's not fair," I said, "I can't help it if both New York and New Jersey have things I like about them."

"Pennsylvania's nice, too," Kelsey said.

"See?" I said, "I love all the states equally."

"Eventually, you'll have to choose, though," Julia said, "Right? We all will. No one can live everywhere."

"I don't see why I can't pick somewhere in between and get the best of all of them," I said, "Eventually. Once life allows it."

"You make it sound so easy," Julia said.

"If it's what you want, then easy has nothing to do with it," I said, and I smiled, realizing it was true. I wasn't sure how it was all going to work out, but the fact that it was difficult was also what made it worth working for. Like anything in life.

Sarah reached across and grabbed my hand. Julia grinned at me.

"Fucking hell, Ben," Kelsey said, "You've got to be the only person on Earth who thinks that New Jersey and Buffalo are places that are worth fighting for."

"The heart wants what the heart wants," I said.


Back on the road, Julia gave me the keys. I think she was hoping it would keep the dirty things under control. Instead, she immediately became part of the problem. Because as soon as we were off, Julia climbed onto the way back bench and started making out with Chloe.

It didn't take long for the high school girl to spread her legs and Julia ducked in between them. Chloe's shorts flew off to who knows where and both girls shivered with anticipation.

"What happened to keeping the car clean?" I called back.

"What's done is done," Julia said, her head bobbing up and down.

"Apparently, the thing that's getting done right now is my little sister," Sarah said.

"What about your brother?" I asked Julia, "His immaculate car?"

"I'll pay to have the car cleaned when we get back," Julia said between licks.

"You may need to get it fumigated, too," Kelsey said.

"Oh you're eating me so GOOD!" Chloe cried out.

"Maybe we'll just buy him a new car," I said.

"Oh FUCK right there. Rub my little clitty. YES!"

"Boy, Chloe really cannot keep quiet, can she?" Kelsey said.

"Yes, she's on track to graduate summa cum loudly," Sarah said, "We're all very proud."


We stopped again for dinner in Virginia at another Outback Steakhouse. I guess it was a bit of a tradition at this point. The now-familiar exhaustion of doing nothing tugged me down till I was dragging. I swore to myself, if we ever did this again, we were flying somewhere. All this driving was for the dogs.

We got a large round table near the back of the restaurant. I ended up sitting next to Kelsey. I noticed she looked a little fidgety. Everyone had gotten off on the drive except for her.

"You hear at all from Alyssa?" the beautiful blonde asked me as we looked at our menus.

"Not really," I said, "Though she'll have to text me at some point. Some of her stuff is still at my apartment."

"I say burn it all," Kelsey said.

"I can't be mad at her," I said, "It worked out way too well for me. What about you? You hear from Kevin?"

"Hell no. Here's hoping I never do."

"He didn't... It's not entirely his fault, Kel."

"Really?" Kelsey said, "You really want to take his side?"

"No," I said quickly, "I want you to stop being angry and enjoy yourself. He fucked up. No doubt. And he handled it in a really shitty way. But so long as it bothers you, he wins."

Kelsey stared at her menu, but I saw she was nodding slowly.

After we ordered, Julia stood up. She grabbed my hand and pulled me from the table.

"We have to use the bathroom," my athletic roommate said.

"Classy," Sarah said, but she smiled and waved us off.

Julia dragged me past the other booths to the back. Serious deja vu. She pushed me into the 'family' bathroom and slammed the door behind us. No family stuff going on in here, no sir.

As soon as the lock clicked, Julia pressed her lips to mine, pushing me hard against the tile wall.

"Gently," I said, but she just jammed her hands down my shorts.

"God, I've wanted to grab hold of this all day," Julia said, "Chloe's tongue is awesome, but it isn't enough sometimes."

I reached into Julia's jeans and did my best to find her dripping pussy. Girls have less to hold on to -- at least on the bottom half -- but I did my best. Got my thumb on her clit and started smushing it side to side.

Julia jammed my dick back and forth, almost too hard. A need and energy that didn't exactly feel good, but that I appreciated all the same. So, I focused myself on her clit. After a moment of furious rubbing, Julia stiffened. I felt warm liquid splash my hands. The athletic brunette slumped forward on my shoulder.

"Sorry," she said.

"For what?" I asked. I leaned down and kissed her on the mouth.

"For attacking you," Julia said, "For not even making you cum. God, I'm like the worst."

"Julia, I'm not going to say I know what we have," I said, "I don't. But that's OK. The whole point of this is figuring it out."

"And if you figure out that you hate me?" Julia asked, "I mean, I hate myself all the time. For what I do to you. For Chloe. I mean... How can you love someone so shattered?"

There was a knock on the bathroom door. Insistent. Either someone really needed that bathroom, or we were all getting kicked out of the Outback Steakhouse.

"Some people might look at a perfectly good hunk of rock -- smashed and cracked, broken and molded and then broken again -- and say it's a shame," I said, "But most people would call that a sculpture. A work of art."

Julia looked up at me, eyes shining. She blinked and a long, thin tear ran down her pink cheek. The door banged again, even harder. BANG BANG BANG.

Julia wiped her face with her arm. I reached over and unlocked the door. A young mother was standing there with two little boys, looking really put out. I shrugged as we walked past.


Back in the car, we all settled down. Sarah got to drive the last stretch and so I sat up front with her. Julia climbed into in the way back with Chloe, while Kelsey sat by herself in the second row. I heard the three of them talking, quietly. As Sarah pulled back onto the highway. Streetlights flickered in our windshield, like winking us past. The low hum of the car a constant lullaby.

"I just don't get what it means," I heard Julia say.

"It means he loves you," Kelsey said.

"No duh," Julia said, "But, I mean... What about Sarah? What about you and me, Chlo?"

"Isn't the fun of it figuring all of that out?" Chloe asked.

When I wasn't eavesdropping on the girls in the back, I stared right at Sarah's boobs. They were way better than anything I might see on the road. The brunette's incredible breasts continued to amaze me, even after seeing them (and feeling them) so many times.

"They're just breasts, Ben," Sarah said.

"How could you say such a thing about my preciouses!" I said. We both laughed.

"I don't want to be just a pair of funbags for you," Sarah said, "Seriously."

"Oh, you're way more than that," I said, "There's your squeezable butt and your tight little pussy. Those kissable lips. And your eyes. Your heart. I think that's my favorite part of you, actually. Your love. The way it envelopes everyone around you. I feel so lucky, just thinking that I get to share a little part of that."

"Dammit Ben," Sarah said, sniffling, "Trying to drive here."

"Is Ben making all the girls cry again?" Chloe asked from the back.

"God Ben, get it straight," Kelsey said, "We're supposed to make liquid shoot out of you, not the other way around."


We got to our hotel at about 11pm, burned down to the nubs. Sarah dropped me off at the front to check us into the hotel while she parked the car. We had two rooms reserved, a remnant from back when we were seven instead of five. Still having enough space for everyone seemed like a bit of a luxury.

Everyone walked into the lobby, dragging their bags behind them. I started to hand out the keys, but Kelsey stopped me.

"Actually, um, I think I'd like to have a room to myself," the beautiful blonde said, "You know. If that's OK."

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked. The concern on her face was genuine.

"Nothing," Kelsey said, "It's just... The four of you kind of, I don't know, you're not a couple exactly but you're all something and I want you guys to get some time to work it out together."

"Seriously?" Julia asked, "Kelsey you're as much a part of this as anyone."

"No, I know," Kelsey said, "But it's also different? I don't know. Emotions are stupid sometimes. I'm not going to be able to explain this without hurting people's feelings, am I?"

"It's OK," I said, "If that's what you want, I respect that. But it should be for you, not for us."

"It's for all of us," Kelsey said, "Honestly, in some ways I'm looking forward to being alone for a bit. I guess I still need more time in my cocoon before I'm ready to come back out and be the little slut again."

"I worry for the fate of the world when that happens," Sarah said, "We're all doomed."

Kelsey laughed. I handed her the key. The girls all gathered around, giving Kelsey hugs and kisses. Julia pulled at my arm, anxiously. "Come on, dammit," my athletic roommate said.

"I get it," I told her, "You're tired."

"Fuck that," Julia said, "They have a pool."


We got undressed in our bedroom and threw on our bathing suits. We didn't bother to pretend at privacy. It was all so familiar now.

We raced down the stairs and into the pool area. It was late and the whole hotel felt empty. Cavernous. Our voice echoed as we splashed into the cold water. None of us wasted any time. Like changing in our room, there was no pretending now.

Chloe swam over to Julia and wrapped herself around the athletic brunette, the water holding her up. Sarah swam over mirrored her sister, climbing up and kissing me on the lips. She held onto me like she might get sucked away in the placid water. Ran her hands across my chest.

Slowly, Julia and I sidled over so that we were standing together. Sarah broke her kiss with me, then leaned over and pressed her lips into Julia's. Chloe did the same to me. It had been a while since Sarah's little sister had kissed me. I remembered that first time, in the car, and I tried to mimic that moment. Let her feel through my lips how lovely I thought she was.

Chloe and I broke apart and we both watched Sarah kissing Julia. I have to admit, it was pretty hot. Though I also felt a little left out. So as soon as they separated, I quickly kissed Julia and Sarah in succession. Just in case either of them might have trouble remembering me.

The four of us stood in a circle, watching each other like some weird, sexy faceoff.

"Hot tub?" I asked.

Sarah shook her head. She reached up and pulled down the shoulder straps of her suit, exposing her amazing, massive tits. I reached right for them, of course, but to my surprise Julia pushed my hands aside and grabbed Sarah's giant tits for herself. Sarah jumped in surprised and giggled, content.

"These really are incredible," Julia said. Sarah responded my sliding off the top of Julia's bathing suit and fondling my athletic roomie's little titties. I stared as they played with each other, torn between enjoyment and envy.

"I think Ben and Chloe are getting jealous," Sarah said between groans as the girls teased each other.

"I think there's plenty else for them to be touching right now," Julia said. Chloe smiled and reached around Julia's leg till her hand made contact with her pussy. I did the same to Sarah, her snatch warm and wet. I reached over and slipped my other hand into Chloe's suit. Gripped at her clit.

I felt another hand brush against mine. "Hey, no fair," Julia said. She slapped at my hand lightly.

"Finders keepers," I said.

Julia laughed and jammed her hand down my suit. Squeezed at my hardness with her long, lithe fingers.

My knees bucked and all four of us groaned together, like a shared prayer. Julia was doing more holding than jerking, so I focused on rubbing the girls at hand. It was strange, touching the two siblings' pussies at once. So similar yet definitely different. I could feel both of them doing their best to lubricate despite the water. I put my thumb up in each of them and started working their clits with the rest of my fingers. This was complicated action here, and I did my best to focus.

Sarah was the first to go. She gasped and practically pinched poor Julia's tits as her orgasm rolled over her. Instead of hurting Julia, Sarah's unintentional application of pain set the girl off and suddenly both were cumming together, holding each other as they shook.

"Awesome!" Chloe said. She held up her hand to show us it was slathered in Julia juice. Then her whole face screwed up as her orgasm suddenly overtook her.

All three girls fell back. They leaned against their respective sides of the pool. Panting. My impossibly erect cock pointing at each of them in turn. Desperate to determine who would bring him off.

"Upstairs?" Sarah asked between gasps.

"Fuck yeah," Julia said.

We barely even made it to the elevators. As soon as the doors opened Sarah pushed me back against the wall. Chloe did the same to Julia. The doors dinged as they shut. Sarah reached down and pushed my soaking bathing suit to the ground. My cock popped up, aching for anything. A hand, a mouth. It got way better than that.

Sarah stripped off her bathing suit and practically leapt into my arms. I grabbed her bottom as she wrapped her legs around me. She reached down and positioned my cock right at her opening.

Julia's bathing suit pooled on the ground next to mine. Chloe dropped to her knees and started licking at my roommate's snatch for all she was worth.

My cock slid to the hilt into Sarah's sopping puss. Julia moaned. Bing! The elevator doors slid open.

Julia stumbled forward on shaky legs to make sure the coast was clear. She waved us forward. Chloe went first. With Sarah still impaled on my dick, I slowly stepped out of the elevator. The urge to pump her was too much, so I pressed her against the wall for a couple of pushes. Then we walked forward a few steps more.

We found our way to the room that way. Julia and Chloe lead each other forward, their fingers buried in each other's snatch. My cock inside Sarah, stopping every few feet for a couple of glorious pumps, and then stumbling onward. Sarah was not as small as Julia or even Kelsey, but I held her up easily. I was even able to lower my head and take a few nips at her distended nipples as we went. The four of us forming a long, ongoing orgasm train.

Julia found the door and opened it for us. We stumbled into the room and I fell back on the bed. All four of us started laughing. I spared a second for Kelsey and wondered if maybe we should at least knock on her door.

Sarah rolled over onto all fours and waggled her pussy in my face and I lost the thought completely

"Like you promised before," she said.

I went behind the buxom brunette and drove my cock into her waiting snatch. Plowed her, her massive tits flying with each pump.

Julia slid under Sarah and kissed her on the lips. I looked over and saw that Chloe was, once again, buried between Julia's legs.

"Hey, are you ever going to return the favor?" I asked my roommate. She stuck her tongue out at me, but she slowly slid out of the way. Chloe lay back next to her sister and spread her legs. Julia put her head where it belonged and started working the high school girl over. Chloe stretched and sighed.

"Actually, I think you should take a turn, Ben," Sarah said, "Just so it's fair." We all stopped mid-fuck. I slipped out of Sarah and Julia looked up from where she was licking Chloe.

Sarah flipped over and took my hand. She led me over to her little sister who was still lying back, pussy open and waiting.

"I left the condoms back in the car," I said.

"I'm still not on the pill," Chloe said.

Sarah grabbed my cock and lined it up with her sister's gaping puss. "Just a couple of pumps," she said, "Give her the feel of it."

"Dammit sis, what are you trying to do to me?" Chloe asked.

Sarah responded by shoving my bare cock into Chloe's unprotected pussy. This was completely stupid. Exceptionally dangerous. I rocked back slightly, then buried my cock to the base inside Sarah's baby sister. The teenaged brunette groaned.

"Fuck that's big," she said, "So much better than the plastic ones."

I slid back and forth, carefully trying to hold back. Like her sister, Chloe's pussy gripped my cock so tight it was almost painful. My cum couldn't have felt any more urgent if she'd been milking me. I started moving faster. Chloe gasped, her head going back and forth on the bed.

"That's so fucking good," she said, "OH! I want... want it. Need it. Ben, please just..."

Suddenly Sarah's hand shot out and gripped me right at the base of my cock. "OK, I think that's enough for now," she said.

Sarah kissed me hard, still holding my dick as I pulled it out of Chloe.

"My turn!" Julia said. Sure enough she was lying back on the bed with her legs spread open. Like the world's weirdest gas station attendant, Sarah lined me up with Julia's open tank and jammed me in.

"Give her everything you've got," Sarah said. She kissed me on the lips. Chloe reached over and started to rub Julia's clit, her fingers brushed against my root with every thrust.

Sarah climbed up so she could kiss Julia, putting her ass right in my face. The buxom brunette mashed her massive boobs into Julia's little titties as they made out. Chloe started alternating, rubbing Julia's twat, then Sarah's. Both girls oohed and ahhed like a weird, out of tune instrument.

Fucking Julia like this was complicated but I did my best make it work. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled out of Julia and slammed into Sarah.

"FUCK!" the brunette cried out, "You were supposed to fill up Julia before moving on to me."

"You'll just have to... ohFUCK Chloe that's nice. You'll just have to suffer through."

"Dammit, Julia," Sarah said between gasps, "Bring my sister off or I'm kicking your ass."

"Sorry sorry sorry," Julia said. She rolled out from under us and tackled Sarah's sister to the bed. Spun around and latched her mouth onto Chloe's clit.

"That. Big. Dick," Sarah said, now pinned back to the bed, "So good..."

"Julia's tongue's not bad either," Chloe said, "Oh fuck ME!"

"You want to switch?" Sarah asked, "Mom always said we sisters should share."

Chloe shook her head. "Here... Here's good," she said, "Oh FUCK I'm going to..." She arched her back and howled.

"Oh fuck. Gonna... Gonna... CUM!" Sara cried. She grabbed her sister's hand and the two of them squeezed each other through the aftershocks. I pulled out and looked at all three women on the bed. Enjoyed the gorgeous view

Of course, it also meant that there were three naked pussies looking back at me. Gaping open and practically begging for my cock. Sarah was the last to get it, so I figured it was only fair to share. I steered my dick back into Julia. My athletic roommate gasped and then groaned.