The Fun & Risks of an All-Over Tan Pt. 02


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"Oh... crap. I'd better stop then. What a shame; my tan's really coming on, don't you think?" I ask, glancing down as I hold my arms out to show them off. I look up and he's staring at me.

"Susan, are you alright? You seem a bit... different." His tone is part concern, part upset.

"I am Vince, don't worry about me. It was an idea just to spend these two weeks off just relaxing and sunbathing and reading - you know, some 'me time' - and I guess I just got a bit carried away with the sunbathing, that's all. Sorry," I add. I'm not sure he's much mollified so I move to go upstairs. "I'll go and slip my bathrobe on, shall I?"

"That would be sensible," he agrees, nodding. While I'd had no expectation, or even desire, for him to leap on me in an excess of passion, his reaction is still a little disappointing.

It is just after ten as I climb into bed, naked again, and pull the sheet over me. Vince has said he's staying up to finish watching some crappy sci-fi film on the telly so I am alone as I settle down and close my eyes.

It is Wednesday so, incredibly, it is just a week since I first met and made love to Nix. In the week and a half I have been off from work I have dressed a few times; apart from this evening there was also the weekend (when Vince was around and, of course, I had to go shopping) and also when the door repair man was here on Monday morning. For the rest of the time, so much of it with Nix, nudity has been the order of the day. As a result, I have a rather good all-over tan; a really all-over and utterly line-free tan. Nix's tan is even better, since she seems to tan more readily than I do.

I am having an affair, a lesbian affair, with Nix and I'm captivated by her. She might, at nineteen and a half, be much the same age as my youngest daughter but she is so cute, sexy, affectionate, funny and admiring of me that my heart is hers. While Vince and I were never particularly passionate and had become gradually less so, I have to admit that I'm no longer making any effort at all with him. I wonder if he's noticed and, if he has, does he care? I yawn tiredly. If Vince really cares then it's time he made an effort to do something about our relationship...

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Chapter Three

"Good morning sexy girl!" I call as I enter Nix's kitchen. There is the smell of frying bacon and my tummy rumbles in anticipation. "Mmm, that smells so good," I tell her. She is not quite naked: in deference to the perils of hot fat she is wearing an apron.

"Bacon: god's cure for vegetarianism!" she quips, laughing. "Come in darling and I'll dish up." She turns back to the hob and I'm treated to the delicious view of her gorgeous bum.

"Bacon may be the cure for vegetarianism but you are definitely the cure for heterosexuality!" I tell her happily and her head flicks round to stare at me.

"Do you mean that?" she asks. "Are you 'cured' Suzie?"

"Um," I hesitate. I had meant it as a bit of light-hearted banter but now she is making me think. "I'm not sure. I don't know what would happen if Vince came home tonight and was all romantic and seductive, apart from me being shocked, obviously," I try for some humour but Nix's expression remains serious. "Nix, my darling girl, I... I'm not sure that I'd refuse Vince if he showed some interest in making love. I guess, after twenty-four years I'd feel I owed it to him to try too." I can see how much this isn't what Nix wants to hear; I step closer and stroke her shoulder. "Nix, I have to tell you that over the past week, for the first time, I've been glad that he shows so little interest in me sexually. Being with you, making love together, has been wonderful - is wonderful."

"Thanks Suzie; it's wonderful for me too." She smiles fondly at me. "I hope he doesn't... no, sorry, I mustn't."

I think I can guess what she was going to wish: that Vince will never show any sexual interest in me. "I understand, Nix. If it's of any interest he was quite upset to find me naked when he got in yesterday evening. I think he fears I'm having some kind of mid-life crisis."

"And are you having a crisis?"

"No, darling; crises are horrible and being with you is amazing."

"Thank you, Suzie love. Just for that you shall have breakfast!" She proceeds to make two bacon sandwiches and two mugs of tea which we take outside to the chairs and little table that Nix has moved out from the kitchen.

"You know I mentioned Vince finding me naked yesterday?" I ask after taking a first delicious bite of sandwich and sip of tea and Nix nods. "Well, he actually walked in just a couple of minutes after you left so I think we'll need to be more careful in future. God, imagine if he'd caught us together!"

"Hmmm," she replies noncommittally. Doesn't she understand how much of a problem that would have been? A week ago I'd said that the only thing I couldn't give up was my relationship with my daughters, Helena and Katie, and apart from that I could gladly walk away from my marriage after just one day of mad, incredible and fantastic sex with her. It was something easily said in the afterglow of passion without considering what that would actually mean. Maybe our futures are entwined, that we will end up together but I still care about Vince enough not to want to cause him the hurt that walking in on his wife and her lesbian lover in a naked embrace would bring him. On the other hand, just thinking of Nix and I together makes me tingle inside and I know I can't give her up either.

"Nix, darling, just give me time, please?"

"I will, Suzie. I love you," she finishes shyly and my stomach gives a little flip; that's the first time she's said she loves me when we're not in the midst of making love or just after. I feel the prickling in my nose and eyes that indicates I'm close to tears.

"I love you too," I say and then try to think or something else. "So, where do you want your model to pose today, indoors or out?"

"Well, while outdoors is tempting, there's nowhere really suitable in the garden so I thought indoors might be better."

We finish our breakfast and wash up. I love being near her and moving around her, especially when our bodies brush against one another as we pass close by. After that she takes me into the sitting room where her pad and pencils and... I look at the multi-coloured sticks lying in a neat row in their box. "Crayons?" I ask in surprise. "You're going to draw me with kids' crayons?"

"They're not crayons, silly; they're oil pastels." She smiles. "Okay, they're grown-up crayons!"

She arranges me in the armchair, seating me at an angle with my left leg hooked over the arm of the chair. "You want me on full view then!" I say and she grins.

"Actually," she replies, taking my right hand and placing it between my legs, "I'd like you even more displayed: I want you to spread your pussy lips with your fingers for me."

"Nix, you might want to put something waterproof under me because sitting her with my cunt open to you is going to have me dribbling down there!" I warn her as I feel a wave of intense and deeply carnal desire for her.

"Oh yes, Suzie: that expression of lust on your face is just perfect! Now lie back a bit..." she adjusts my position, "...there. Good." She goes and sits in the seat facing me, picking up a large wooden board onto which a sheet of paper has been taped. "And don't worry about the chair, you can dribble all you like; I'm sure, looking at you, I'll be dribbling just as much!"

And so she begins and I watch her at work. The way she looks at me, her complete focus as she studies me, makes the hairs on my neck stand up. I watch her hand working and, though I cannot see the picture she is producing, it is fascinating to follow its movements and the changes of colour in the pastels she selects. When she stares at my pussy I can feel it grow wet as I imagine the image she is making of it. The way her nipples harden at times suggests that this is turning her on too.

Time passes and I have to shift slightly once or twice to avoid becoming too uncomfortable and each time she shoots me a warning look. "You need to twist your shoulders a little... no, the other way... okay, that's it."

"Sorry, but my bum's going numb!" I complain.

"I'm nearly done; I just need to get the shading on your boobs right."

A little while later she holds the picture at arms' length and looks at it critically. "Hmm, it's okay but it doesn't do you justice," she warns as she turns the board to reveal the picture. I start by focussing on the face: is very well drawn but, while it's close, I think the person in the drawing looks like someone who might be my sister rather than me; my younger sister. There is a similar situation as my gaze travels down to the boobs that seem a little... perkier than the reality.

"You've made me look younger, so it's very flattering," I tell her, though the woman's look of smouldering lust is rather disconcerting. Do I really look at Nix in that way? I look further down and my mouth goes dry. I don't know what I was expecting, given that I sat there with my cunt splayed open while she drew me, but the result is pretty explicitly pornographic. "Oh fuck me!" I gasp in shock.

"I fully intend to," she chuckles, "but what do you think of the picture?"

"I'm not sure I'd want anyone but you seeing it, Nix. It's just so... explicit!"

"I'm not planning to exhibit it, Suzie darling," she says seriously. "Though... Suzie , how would you feel if I were to use sketches of you as the basis of paintings? I mean, they wouldn't have your face or anything but you'd be like the, I don't know, the prototype."

"I'm not sure..." I tell her, though the idea of people looking at explicit paintings and knowing that it was me originally is quite a kinky thought. "Are you planning to be the new, what's her name, Lisa Yankovich?"

"You mean Lisa Yuskavage, but no: I'm planning to be the new Nix Kellerman, actually!" she retorts and we both laugh. She places the board with the drawing to one side and we come together to kiss, slipping into each other's arms. "You asked me to fuck you a few minutes ago: let's go to bed, sexy woman," she whispers and I don't need a second invitation.

We fall onto the bed together, kissing and caressing. I feel her fingers trace over my boob, and around my nipple making it instantly harden. She gives a little laugh and when I look down I see smudged, oil pastel fingerprints where she's touched me. "You're making a dirty woman of me!" I exclaim.

"Ooh, I bloody well hope so!" she laughs and her lips close around the other nipple. I slip my hand down her back and across her arse, my fingers finding the soft inviting cleft and slipping between those perfect, smooth cheeks to stoke her tight little bud. I feel it clench and relax as she gasps at the feeling. "Nnnn yes, a wonderfully dirty woman!" she sighs. I massage it gently, eliciting more gasps and she responds by slipping her hand down between my legs.

"You know, my love, sitting there with you... studying me so intimately was wonderful. But it does mean that I'm getting very turned on very fast," I warn her. Her fingers press against my slightly puffy and moist labia and I push my hips forward, causing her fingers to slip inside me. "Oh god I love this!"

"Me too; I never knew you were such a horny bitch." Her fingers burrow deep inside me, caressing and pressing all the right places. I want to push my exploring finger into her too but without lubrication I know it'll be much more uncomfortable than sensual. I stretch a little further, my fingers groping lower until they encounter the warm wetness at the base of her cunt. I dip within, sliming my fingers in her juices before pulling back to anoint her anus with them. I repeat the process; I know I won't be surprising her any more, just the opposite as she wriggles to give me better access.

My index finger slips inside her tight hole even as she begins fingering me, her hand pumping back and forth. "Suzie, that feels so good," she says a little breathlessly and, encouraged, I ease my finger a little deeper. This is so amazingly kinky; my finger is inside her bum! Her ring is tight and hard as it grips my finger while inside she is hot and soft. I gently withdraw before pushing in again a little deeper.

"O god, Nix, can we move? I want to eat you as I finger you in the arse!"

"What a fucking good idea," she laughs. "You wanna be top or bottom?"

"Bottom, definitely; I want to feel your weight on me," I tell her. We re-arrange ourselves, positioning our bodies carefully and I slip a pillow under my head so my mouth can reach her cunt without straining. I trail my tongue over her pussy, savouring the taste of her, and my roving tongue finds its way over her anus. I cannot resist probing a little, as she has done to me a few times and she gives a little grunt of appreciation. I can taste the flavour of her pussy nectar overlaying the muskiness.

I slip my finger into her sopping sex to lubricate it once more before re-inserting it into her pucker as my mouth moves to attend to her pussy. It is with a little shiver of delight that I realize that she is echoing what I'm doing and her finger enters my bum. "Mmmmm," I sigh as I try to relax, trying to let her go as deep as she wants; as deep as her finger will go, hopefully.

My world becomes one of sensations and tastes once again, a wonderful world. I have never been so intimately connected to another, giving and receiving pleasure so freely, tasting and touching, exploring and being explored. I hope that the feeling of being penetrated front and back simultaneously is as wonderful to her as it is to me.

This is still new to me and Nix is a skilful lover so there was never much chance of her not bringing my orgasm on first, try as I might to hold it back. It starts as a little tremble that I think is just me getting close. The intense, sustained waves that rack me moments later prove I was closer - much, much closer - than I thought.

As I come down I find my finger is still inside her, her cunt just inches from my lips. I resume my kissing and licking and fingering, determined to make her cum as hard as I had just done. Well, it would be rude not to!

Later, we lie together, cuddling and kissing. We chat and I tell her that Katie, my youngest, is coming home at the weekend. "It's going to make it harder for us to meet," I warn her, sadly. "That and the fact that I'm back to work on Monday."

"I guess I knew it wasn't going to stay like this. I just hoped..."

"What, Nix?"

"No, I... Suzie, I hope we can still see each other." Even as she says this I know what she really wants to say: that she hoped I would leave Vince and that I would choose to be with her. Oh god, I wish I could but Vince is my husband, the girls' father...

I cup her cheek. "I really do love you Nix, but..." She puts her finger to my lips.

"In time, maybe? You and me?" she asks. I nod.

"And in the meantime we can still meet. We just need to be careful." She smiles but there is an air of disappointment. I hold her tight, trying to cuddle it away.

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Chapter Four

I'm glad to have Katie home. She may be almost twenty but she is still my baby. We went out for a meal, Katie, Vince and me, and we pretended to be a happy little family. At least, I found myself pretending: denying the gulf I felt between Vince and me.

Opposite sat Katie, who had been the little girl who'd played with another little girl, Nicola. Nicola who was now Nix... Nix who is my lover... I tried to analyse my feelings. Curiously, I didn't seem to feel guilt, not about my love for Nix. However, I did feel awkward deceiving Katie.

I watched Katie and Vince together. The two of them have always had a special relationship, a closeness that I suspect started on the day she was born. The Maternity unit had been very busy that day, a combination of a sudden influx of women in labour and midwives off sick, if I recall. This meant that we had harried nurses and midwives popping in and out, which did nothing to lower my stress levels.

The final stages of labour were fast and painful and I tore quite badly delivering Katie, who emerged quite messy, covered in blood and mucus. Once Katie was checked and tagged the Midwife almost immediately rushed off to the next mother and, after hastily stitching my tear, the nurse promised to return shortly to bathe Katie.

Time passed. I fed Katie and cuddled her and Vince cuddled her too. However, no nurse returned. In the end Vince went and filled the baby bath and then gave Katie her first bath. He dressed her and I fed her again before finally, feeling filthy and sore, went to shower and get cleaned up myself. I saw him sat there cuddling our brand new little girl, all pink and fresh and contentedly asleep in his arms. As I entered the bathroom the nurse returned at last and, seeing Katie all cleaned and dressed, demanded in a most indignant tone, to know who had bathed her. "I did," Vince replied simply and calmly. "She's not our first child you know, so I have had plenty of practise; she was perfectly safe."

He always came home on time back then and almost never missed putting the girls to bed but Katie was always the one he took most care with. I realize again that it is Helena and Katie who have held us together as a couple for years and that what love we have for each other is routed through them. I could walk away from Vince, I know, but not at the risk of my relationship with Helena and Katie.

I'm less glad to be back at work because I don't get to spend my days both naked and with Nix. Still, it does mean I use my brain, I suppose. Monday was particularly hard, not only wading through the sea of emails (why does everyone seem to need to include HR in almost every email?) but also feeling so tired by the end of the day. Yesterday was a little easier and today I seem to be back into my stride. Still, it's nice to be heading home, particularly as I've arranged to meet Nix at the coffee shop near the station.

Walking in I spot her sitting discretely at a table in the corner at the back. I order my coffee and wait, unable to resist keeping looking over at her. Taking my coffee I go and join her and the feeling of meeting again is both wonderful and frustrating. It is lovely to see her and to be able to talk but so frustrating to have to keep to a chaste kiss on the cheek and a squeeze of her hand. "God, I so want to snog you!" she exclaims in an undertone as I sit, echoing my own feelings.

"Yes, but then I'd want to do... more! You know, you do look different dressed," I tell her because this is only the second time I've seen her fully clothed.

"You do too," she laughs. "We are sort of doing this relationship backwards, aren't we? Seeing each other undressed before dressed, having sex before getting to know each other..."

"God, that makes sound like a right pair of sluts, doesn't it?" I say, keeping my voice low. "Perhaps we are."

"Perhaps," she acknowledges, "or perhaps we're just perfect for each other." I stare at her, my mouth opening and closing but no sound emerging; I have absolutely no idea how to respond to that. "Sorry," she apologises, her face downcast at my lack of answer.

"Nix, no, I'm sorry. It's just..." I struggle to work out how to say what I'm feeling. "That thought, that we're just right together, is wonderful and exciting but also absolutely terrifying because... because I... because of Vince and the girls." I stammer out an answer, incomplete and unsatisfactory as it is.

Now it is Nix's turn to sit in silence, until, "I understand, Suzie, and I don't want to put pressure on you. You need time, I know." She takes a deep breath. "So, how has being back at work been?"