The Game


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Liz went in and showered. She was more exhausted than she realized and took well over an hour to get out, dry and back to find Jim. It was afternoon and Liz had too many more things to do to waste time. She opened the next envelope. "Vegetables are good for the body, go get some good cucumbers and carrots, then see where they fit. Score will be 10 but only if you use them."

Jim looked at Liz. She smiled and said, "I can do my flashing in the grocery store parking lot."

Jim just looked at her and nodded. Liz left to dress. They arrived at the grocery store at 1:30 pm. Liz looked at her watch. She had only 6 ½ hours left to complete as many tasks as she could. She remembered the waxing card. She needed to try the spa. When the car parked Liz took her mobile and dialed the number to her spa.

All Jim could hear was Liz's side of the conversation. "Hello.. Jane is it? ....Yes Jane I need to see if I can get in and have a bikini wax today....yes it is important...have a party .. a neighbor's pool party... well I don't want to go... you know with hair hanging out.....OK I wait.... You do who is on duty today....No not her... Oh ... Really is Marv available?...he is and he can do me today?...."

Jim held up his hand. "Just a minute..." Liz said and looked at Jim. Out of nowhere his hand slapped her face. Liz was stunned. "You don't need waxing!" he growled.

Liz went back to the phone. No Jane it is OK, I just dropped and magazine and it hit the floor with a honest I am ok...Yes let me get back to you.. Yes I am fine....Jane I am a grown woman I know when I am safe and ok." Liz hung up.

Liz looked at Jim. He put his hand in her hair and pulled her head back. "Liz no other man is going to get his hands on your pussy. Don't even think about it. That is for me only."

Jim let go of Liz. She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him. Her lips sought and found his. She kissed him with as much passion as she did at their wedding. When she broke the kiss she put her head beside his ear. "Jim I have a male gynecologist. He has touched me, but he won't again if you say so. I'll get a female to doctor if you want. I am yours and I will obey you as my master because I love you and want to please you."

When Liz pulled away and got out to go into the store she had tears in her eyes. It was not pain that had caused the tears, it was the feeling of being loved and cherished by her husband.

The shopping inside didn't take long. Jim waited in the car because she had to use the things and he figured she would do that at home. When Liz came back she strolled and looked around the parking lot. All the men were either with women and children or others were nearby. After 15 minutes Liz got back in the car and asked Jim if he had idea where they might find a victim as she called it. She laughed and said some poor man would have to see a fat old lady naked. Jim didn't laugh.

They drove home instead and were there just after 2 pm. Liz went in to the house and headed to the master bedroom. She lay down on the bed and tried to insert the cucumber into the pussy. She was wet but the thing was larger than things she had ever had in her. She jumped up and got some butter. Coating the length with butter she closed her eyes and began to work it into the body. It was not without some pain but Liz got most of it in her. It was then she realized Jim was shooting photos. When she opened her eyes the flash blinded her for a minute. Closing her eyes she took a carrot and began to work it into her ass. That too needed the butter as a lube. Jim kept flashing the camera. Liz turned red trying to imagine what the photos must look like.

As soon as Liz could get up clean and dressed she tired the next card. "Go to an Adult Video and get three good DVD's. One will be on bondage, one on spankings and the other on humiliation of the female sex. Hurry and get some good ones for later viewing. Score 25"

"Let's head out, I can surly find a man to flash there. We need to hurry I still have 11 envelopes. If I don't get a high enough score you will have to punish me. Do you want to punish me Jim?"

Jim shrugged his shoulders. "I want get a fair shake. Let's go."

At the adult book store Liz took her time and picked three videos. Then she saw another that might be interesting. Then another. When Liz approached the counter the dried up weasel of a man looked at the DVD's and took her credit card. He looked at it a minute then said, "Sorry miss but we got a lot of bad credit cards lately. I need to see a copy of your driver's license and another form of ID. I'll have to copy them so we can find you if this turns out to be bad. Not that I accusing you of nothing. I will also need your cell number and have to verify it."

Just then Liz felt someone behind her and put both his arms around her. "I'll pay and I'll bet you don't need all that on me do you?" Jim stared the man down. The man didn't seem to need as much as he thought. Liz wanted to melt into the arms of her man and protector. If nothing else this game had shown Liz just how much Jim treasured her.

After the transaction Jim stepped back and looked at Liz, "Show this man what's mine."

Liz blushed and stepped back. She opened the front of her dress and let the man see the front of her naked body. She looked at the excitement in the clerks eyes, before she looked over at Jim. He nodded and she closed the dress. "See what's mine. Now don't ever think about her again. If I see you within 100 feet of her I twist your neck and throw you in the trash." Liz left the store with Jim just behind her. When they got to the car and he opened her door Liz kissed Jim again. "I love you" she whispered. Jim didn't comment just put her in the car and closed the door. As they left the parking lot Liz told Jim she had purchased 5 movies. One was on bondage, another on spanking and the third humiliation as the card had specified. As she looked at the others available she noticed one on sucking and another on anal sex. "Jim maybe I could watch these and learn to please you better."

Jim smiled and said, "We'll watch them together and have fun learning together."

Tim was running out. It was past three and Liz still had a more envelopes than she would be able to accomplish. The next card was one that told her to do a strip tease for Jim. It was worth 25 points. Liz set up some music in the den and dressed for her number. She worked to take off her blouse and then the skirt as she gyrated and moved her hips. When she was down to just the panties, garter, hose, heels and the bra she began to work on her legs. By the time the music ended Liz was in the bra and panties. The next song was used to remove the bra and the panties. She did it as modestly as she could and not be vulgar while adding to Jim's pleasure. When she finished she trotted off stage to see what was next.

The next card fell into place. "You need to go out and water the grass. Like a good doggie on a leash, make sure you do your business on all fours. 25 points." Liz put the dog collar on and added the leash. She then knelt by the back door waiting for her master. Jim took the leash and led Liz out on hands and knees to pee outside. She had to squat and on spread legs and look between her breasts to see the yellow stream flow down to the grass. That made Liz remember what all might happen the next weekend. Anxious to get done Liz dripped dry and pulled the leash to head back into the house. Jim was not in near as big a hurry. Liz would learn that Jim had recorded that act too.

The next card was drawn. It had Liz on a fetish chat line waiting to be used. She had to be available for an hour. More valuable time lost. If she had drawn that last night she could have done it before she went to bed. But the luck of the draw was not with Liz it seemed.

Liz looked at Jim. "I guess I will see what else I can do before I go on line." But that one wanted her to purchase a hot pink garter belt and hose. The score was just 10 points. Liz wanted to open another but she had three open. Then it hit her that Jim was not going to allow her to have the wax. "Jim since you won't let me have the wax can I consider that one gone?"

Jim looked at Liz, "It's your game."

"I know Jim but I didn't have a rule for this. I want your opinion."

"I guess we can say that the one is just not gona' happen. Not now, not ever, do you understand me. If you need to be waxed or shaved I'll handle that!"

Liz took that as a 'yes' and opened another envelope. "You have been a bitch so you will eat like one, from a dog bowl on the floor. And it is a bitch of a score 10." Liz smiled, "I guess I am dressed for it, I can do that now." Liz led the way to the pantry. Jim was surprised that there was a plastic dog bowl decorated with the name bitch. Beside it was a small can of dog food. Liz looked at Jim, "you want to feed your bitch or do I prepare it myself?"

Jim smiled and took the bowl. "Go to the kitchen and I'll bring you your food." The smile on his lips made Liz wonder what he was going to do. She found out that Jim put black pepper on the dog food. He smiled and took a lot of photos of her on her knees eating. Her face was a mess but when she stood to head to the bathroom to wash Jim wouldn't allow it. Liz had to crawl, then to her dismay she had to wash her face in the toilet.

Clean face Jim made Liz take her chair and log on. He took a seat to see what would happen. Liz asked for Jim's watch to make sure she didn't spend more than 60 minutes. When she completed logging on it would be just a couple minutes for anyone to contact her. The first asked what she liked. She told that is was part of a game that she had to complete. He questioned Liz and was intrigued as Liz explained. Finally the person asked what she was wearing. With Jim watching Liz had to tell the person that all she had on was a dog collar. When asked why Liz had to explain that she had been taken outside on her knees to pee then had to eat from a bowl on the floor. Jim made her tell how she washed her face. Jim took several photos of a red faced Liz typing on line.

Another joined in and asked her fetish. She said she liked a lot of things. That man was into some very serious bondage and discipline. Liz had to ask his suggestions on discipline should she not make the appropriate score. She was frightened by his response.

Then the worse of the night arrived. That one that said she was female. She was ruthless. She belittled and berated Liz. Jim made Liz respond to each to the messages from the woman. Liz was crying when it was time to leave. She felt more humiliation at the hands of that one person than she had from all the others that had chatted with her.

When it was time to go Liz just left without any good-byes. She not only wanted to be off the hot seat so to speak but she wanted to see what tasks she could get done in the last two hours. Sill naked Liz opened the next envelope and read the next card. "Need to put on headlights. Purchase a bra one size too small and cut holes for your nipples, wear it on at least two more tasks. Score will be 15 points." Liz thought I can purchase that bra first then wear it to purchase the garter and hose. We can get them at Fredericks of Hollywood." I can do one more hope it is simple. "You have out grown pranks yet, but they are sexual. Make an obscene phone call. Do it right and you can earn 20 points."

Liz didn't waste any time getting dressed. She threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Sandals for her feet and she was ready. Wal-Mart was the place to purchase the bra. In the parking lot Liz realized she had no scissors to cut the holes. She had to borrow Jim's pocket knife. But in all practically she didn't need the bra to make her nipples stick out. They showed thru the tee shirt before she went in to purchase the bra. She was in such a hurry she had not noticed till she went to put on the holey bra. All the bra did for Liz was hold her breast in form and point her nipples straight ahead.

Undaunted Liz had Jim drive to Fredericks. It didn't take long for the soccer mom that was working part time to find and sell the needed articles. Liz thanked her and headed for the door. The woman watched her pass Jim. The woman then winked at Jim and gave a wave. Jim smiled and returned the wave before he turned out the door.

Liz looked at his watch. She had just over an hour left. It was 15 minutes back to the house. Liz saw a pay phone on the corner. She made Jim stop. Jim didn't trust her on this and want to listen in. The phone didn't work. They were half way back to the house before they found a phone that worked. Liz dialed three random telephone numbers before she got an answer. It was a man.

"Hello" the man's voice came thru.

In a throaty voice Liz said, "Hi fellow, you want a blow job?"

"What?" the man said in disbelief.

Still in voice Liz responded, "You want me to take your big cock in my mouth and suck you off?"

"Who is this?" the man asked in a puzzled voice.

"I'm a woman that really wants to suck your cock!" replied Liz

The man shouted to someone in the house, "Marge did you put somebody up to this?" A voice in the background said, "Up to what?" he shouted back, "Get on the phone." After a click the man asked, " Just what was that again?"

"I want to suck your cock. I know you don't get that often."

A mad woman's voice came on the line, "Who are you whore?"

It was time to go for more than one reason. Liz hung up the phone and raced back to the car. Jim was in just about as fast. Both were laughing uncontrollably. The balance of the ride the two joked about what kind of trouble the man was in. The woman on the line didn't sound like one to be trifled with.

Back in side Liz raced to the master bedroom. She had four more envelopes to open but she could only open three. Less than 30 minutes remained. The first card said, "Time to treat the video camera. Do it in the house and make it really sexy. It might be worth 35 points."

Liz didn't waste any time, she headed to the master bath and turned on the shower. "Get the video you can tape me in the shower. I think I will make it like I don't know I am being filmed." True to her words Liz took a 5 minute shower and washed all the body, paying particular attention to her breasts and her pussy. She gave facial expressions of excitement and pleasure."

When Jim shut it off Liz was out of the shower drying as she headed to the chest. Semi dry and the towel round her hair Liz grabbed the next card. "Drive 5 miles completely naked. Do drive carefully for you don't want to talk to the law. Score 25 points."

"That's out in the time I got left so I have to see what is next." Liz tore into the next envelope, "You are a tease and you need to give your man some relief. Do it manually and save his cum. Score 10 points." Liz smiled at Jim. "Got any condoms left?" She didn't think that would be a problem and it wasn't but when she opened the box there was only three left. Liz raised an eyebrow but didn't say a word. More concerned with getting the task complete she dropped to her knees and unzipped Jim's pants. She yanked them to his knees and then his shorts followed. She was facing a hard cock. Liz looked up and smiled.

Slipping the condom into place she began to work on her husband's manhood. She needed to get him off quickly so she could see what the last card held. She had written them all out but she had no idea what the last one said. She forgot most after they were written. Not the general idea but the specific tasks.

Looking up a Jim she began to take to him about what all she had done in the last 40+ hours. She used one hand on his hardness and her other hand on his balls. She reminded Jim he had taken her cherry ass hole. As she said that he stiffened. She kept up that line to talk saying that now Jim had taken her ass she would be expected to do it often. And how it hurt her hole and humiliated her. That pushed him over the edge. She smiled as he filled the condom. "I guess you enjoyed my ass and want more?"

Jim took off the condom and headed to the kitchen. Liz opened the last card. "You don't seem to get enough. Purchase a dildo to add to your pleasure. In fact get a couple. Score 25."

When Jim got back Liz was back in her shorts and blouse. She had on a good bra and wanted Jim to make a run to the Adult book store on the loop.

"But you can't make two purchases at the same place."

"Yes I can, I just can't make two purchases on the same trip!"

Jim shrugged and didn't argue for it was Liz's game. True he thought for they had used the same drug store. When they complete the drive and Liz head 5 minutes left. She ran in and grabbed two. One complete with balls, the other one as 12" long then she headed for the front. She made the purchase and headed back out. When she got in the car Jim looked at her receipt. "Liz you can't use this one the sales slip says it was bought at 8:01 pm."

Liz was shocked, but asked Jim to look at his watch. "One minute to eight by mine."

Liz bluffed, "You have been keeping time so your watch is official."

Again Jim didn't argue. He had enjoyed the game. He was a little embarrassed that he had used so many condoms.

Liz breathed a sigh of relief, the first part was over. "Well now all I have to do is wait a week to see if I get dinner and dancing or punished unmercifully."

"What do you mean?'

"Next Friday night at 8 p.m. we will total my score. Then you will draw one of the 6 envelopes. That will determine what my score had to surpass. If I failed you will have to complete the instructions that accompany the score to the letter. The chest has 6 boxes in it. The boxes are what you will need for my discipline. Depending on the severity of the punishment, the number of boxes will be specified. I think when we start; I mean if you start, the system will be self explanatory."

"You sure went all out Liz." Jim had enjoyed the game. But right now he was looking forward to the night and the next weekend.

When they got home Liz made some coffee. She told Jim she would meet him in the master bedroom at 10. When she arrived she had 6 sealed boxes. When they opened the large chest Liz placed the 6 boxes in the bottom of the chest. Liz then asked, "Did you score all the cards and drop them in the box?"

When Jim said he did she put the two small still locked boxes in the chest and shut it. She secured it with her lock and watched Jim do the same. He smiled, "You ready for bed?"

"Yes I am, but I have to sleep in the guest room till Friday. Do I need to get you some more condoms?"

Jim frowned. He wanted Liz in bed. She was determined so he relented. She told him she had Monday off and would work on the cameras. Jim surrendered it thinking he would never see the photos.

To be continued...

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miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story. It's unfortunate an editor wasn't used. There were so many misspells and incorrect words with sed that I had to reread a lot of sentences to figure out what the author was trying to say.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The husband slaps the wife and she then has tears in her eyes because she feels so loved? That is a misogynistic absurdity. The member name for the origin of this tripe should be WantABAbuser.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Terms rejected. Rules rejected. What I view is none of your business.

VersatekVersatekabout 3 years ago

Despite a few needed edits for spelling and grammar, I enjoyed the story. The journey is as important as the destination. Looking forward to Chapter 2, and hoping it ends well...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nep, never, it's too late.

But good luck for trying.

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