The Gangbang Club Pt. 02

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Mabel's roommate Jill gets into gangbanging!
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/25/2022
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The Gangbang Club (Part 2)

Kathryn M. Burke

The next morning, I was even more sore than before. That's what happens when you put in a little too much exercise the night before. I felt stiff all over, and don't know how I managed to crawl over to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and fish out some flaky pastry for a simple breakfast. I think I hung on to various pieces of furniture along the way.

Jill got up a little later than me, but when she tripped into the kitchen she looked me up and down and said, "You okay?" She was still acting the concerned mom.

"I'm fine," I said. "Just tired."

"And sore, I bet."

"Yes. And sore."

"You sure you don't need any medical attention?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm gonna have to lay off having any cocks in me for a couple of days, but after that I'll be just peachy."

She scowled disapprovingly at me as we ate mostly in silence. It was Sunday, so we didn't have much to do. I decided to take more rest afterwards; after that, I felt more or less human.

I could tell, though, that Jill just couldn't let the whole matter go. She kept looking at me as if I'd wandered out of Caligula's palace. I paid no attention to that. But then things took a totally unexpected turn about ten days after my romp with the boys.

One evening, after we'd finished dinner and before we got down to hitting the books again, Jill peered at me with a weird look on her face. It was shy, almost fearful, but also excited. She almost seemed ready to leap out of her chair and spin around in circles in the middle of the kitchen.

"What's up with you?" I said, annoyed by her jitteriness.

"Oh, nothing," she said in an obvious lie.

"Come on, out with it. Something's bothering you." I thought she was going to give me yet another lecture about how morally vile it was to have done what I'd done with all those fellows.

"I just wondered..." She trailed off.

"Wondered what?" I snapped, quickly losing patience with her.

There was a long-drawn-out silence. Then, in a rush of words: "Do you think they'd like me?"

I was baffled. "Who'd like you? For what?"

She frowned at me as if I was idiot. "The guys. You know."

"No, I don't know."

She sighed heavily, then said very slowly and precisely, "Do you think the guys would want to do me?"

I was staggered. After all the disapproval that this modern-day Puritan had hurled upon my head, now she was--

"Jill, you're not serious," I said flatly.

She got offended by that. "Why not? Don't you think I can, um, make them get it up?"

"I'm sure you can. But haven't you been lecturing me about--"

"Oh, I didn't really mean it." Now she tells me!

I began to grasp what was really going on here. She was envious of me! There had been all sorts of indications, in the few weeks we'd been roommates, that she was in some sort of private rivalry with me--about who was smarter, who wore better clothes, and of course who was prettier.

And now she was thinking to herself: I can make these guys come just as much as silly Mabel can. Maybe more.

Colleges can be pretty brutal places. There's a lot of competitiveness all over the place. And now, Jill wanted me to compete with me in--

"Let me get this straight," I said. "You want to be in a gangbang. In fact, you want to be the focus of the gangbang."

She made a face. "That's a horrible word."

"Can you think of a better one?"

She tossed her head to dismiss the idea. "Look, I just thought it might be... amusing."

I got serious for a moment. "Look, Jill, this isn't all fun and games. Getting gangbanged is hard work. You're not just staring up at the ceiling with your legs spread."

"Please don't be so vulgar," she said primly.

"Girl, it's pretty hard not to be vulgar when you're talking about seven guys fucking you one after the other, or two or three at a time."

She scoffed at that. "I might want more than seven."

I almost tore my hair out. "Are you crazy? Do you really think you have the stamina for that? Remember, we're not talking about these guys doing you just once. They might want seconds, thirds, even fourths. So that would mean--"

"I can do the math," she interjected.

"And there's another thing," I went on. "I assume you've not done double penetration?"

"Of course not!"

"That means you've certainly not done triple penetration. So"--I added with a kind of triumphant flourish--"how are you going to stand having a cock shoved up your ass?"

She had the decency to blanch at that. And she said nothing in reply.

"You haven't done it, have you? That's what you told me."

"No," she said in a small voice.

"In fact, you said you never wanted to do it."

"Well, I've changed my mind! Anyway, how hard can it be?"

"The first one's pretty tough. It might hurt--a lot."

"You think I can't take it? I'm no weakling."

"Maybe not. But I'm just warning you. After that, the others will be easier."

"I know," she said acidly. "I'll be 'opened up.'"

"They call it the 'anal gape,' for your information."

She stuck her tongue out in distaste.

"And," I said, "how about swallowing come? You said you didn't like that either."

"Oh, I can manage it. It's not that bad."

I looked her up and down. I just couldn't figure her out!

"You're serious about this?" I said tenderly. I was trying to protect her from doing something she might not really have wanted to do.

"Yes, I am," she said--but her voice was trembling.

"And you really want more than seven guys?"


"How many?"

"Maybe ten--or twelve."

"Jill, you're asking for trouble."

"Just set it up, okay? Maybe this Saturday night!"

That was four days from now. I guess she was wanting to get it over with, so she wouldn't have to dwell too long on it and find herself changing her mind.

I went ahead and set up the session. You can imagine that the guys who'd been there with me were jumping somersaults of joy at the prospect, and they had no trouble getting five more guys to plow into this new girl when the time came.

Jill was in a kind of electrified state. I sensed that her heart was pounding in her chest at an alarming rate, and she would often just stare off into space as if contemplating the invasion of her body by a dozen lusty college boys. When Saturday night finally arrived, she was all but speechless with mingled terror and anticipation.

The guys started coming over--first two or three, then all the others in a big group. They smacked their lips when they saw Jill, even though she still had her clothes on. I confess I was a bit jealous. I guess you could say that she was just a wee bit prettier than I was, although I think I had more experience at sex--or at least of different kinds of sex--than she did. Remember, she'd also had a pretty long drought, and it seemed to me somewhat imprudent to get over it in this spectacular way.

I led her into her bedroom and told her to undress. Her fingers were so clumsy that she had trouble even unbuttoning her blouse, so I said "Oh, for heaven's sake!" and did the job for her. I also had to strip her of her skirt, and then her bra and panties. She was heading toward the bed, expecting the first guy (or guys) to come in right away. But I held up my hand in front of her face.

"There's one more thing," I said.

"What?" she said nervously.

"This." And I held up a jar of cold cream.

"What's that for?" she said, befuddled.

"It's lube."

"That's lube?"

"Yes. One of the guys says it works real well." I made as if to hand it to her.

She refused to take it. "Um, Mabel, dear, can you put it on me?"

"Me? You want me to put my fingers in your--"

"Oh, please! It'll be easier if you do it."

And, without waiting for an answer, she bent over the bed, placing her trunk on it and letting her legs hang down the edge. She even obligingly took her butt cheeks in her hands and parted them. I could see that tight little orifice, soon to be filled by cocks of all shapes and sizes.

I had to withhold some disgust as I scooped up a liberal amount of the cold cream onto my fingers and approached her anus. As I touched it, she let out a series of giggles. Cold cream is cold, you know! I slathered it all around the rim and even inside a little ways. That made me gag a little, but I did the job pretty thoroughly. For her first time, she was going to need all the help she could get.

I wiped my fingers on some Kleenex, then went out into the living room. The twelve guys were already in the process of stripping, throwing their clothes all over the place. I wondered how the hell they were going to find out which items belonged to whom after all this was over--but I guess they weren't much concerned about that.

They'd already decided on how this was going to go down. I urged them to start slow--that is, the first couple guys should do her separately, and only after that should they start doing her two or three at a time. That was apparently their plan, and the guy who was privileged to be first was raring to go. His huge hard-on was quivering with excitement, so I gestured in the direction of Jill's bedroom and said:

"Go on in, guy." I guess that might be considered a pun of sorts.

And that's how this second gangbang in my apartment got started. It went on for hours, as I expected. They were pounding that poor little pussy and ass and mouth with everything they got--but don't get the impression they were rough or violent. The new guys had been told in no uncertain terms that things like that were not allowed; and anyway, they were all so grateful to Jill for making herself available to them that they made sure to treat her like gentlemen (well, sort of).

Jill's first experience of double penetration seemed to be a bit difficult for her, but she seemed to handle it well enough. It was when she was triple-penetrated that I felt a little worried, because when that cock got stuffed into her mouth (while two other cocks were filling up her pussy and ass), she came out with a sort of choking sound that didn't bode well. The guy in question pulled back a little, fearing her was gagging her; but she suddenly grabbed his butt and brought his cock further into her mouth. So all seemed well.

Sure enough, once wasn't enough for any of the men. I did my best to keep track, and figured out that after about two hours all the guys had done her twice and several had done her three times. And they weren't done.

I have to admit that I felt kind of like a dope, being the only one wearing clothes while thirteen other people in the place were naked. When there was a bit of a lull in the action, I sauntered into Jill's bedroom to take stock of the situation. She really was a mess--but probably no more so than I was during that first gangbang. There was come all over her (yes, in her hair too), and it was pouring out of her nether cavities like a river. But more to the point, Jill seemed on the point of exhaustion.

I knelt down next to her as she was lying on her stomach. "Hey, how are things going?"

She slowly turned her head in my direction. Her eyes were pretty bleary. "It's okay."

"Okay? You don't look okay."

"I'm fine!" she said as forcefully as she could.

"Jill, I think you may have bitten off more than you can chew here."

"No, no! I want more! I can take more! Are there guys who still want me?"

"Of course there are. But I think"--I said this with a heavy heart--"you're done."

I stood up and, just as two guys were about to come into the room, I made an executive decision. I stopped them, saying, "Guys, I'm pulling the plug on Jill."

"Hey, we're not finished!" one of them protested.

Out in the living room, others cried, "We're not either!"

I rolled my eyes. "I get that. But I'm shutting her down. She's had enough. You can do me now. Will that be okay?"

Their eyes lit up. That made me feel good. Maybe it was just the typical male desire for variety, but they seemed to welcome a chance to gorge themselves on the only other female in the place.

I headed toward my own bedroom, peeling off my clothes as I walked. I was naked in under a minute, and flopped onto the bed. I was already pretty wet, and I made sure to do a quick lube on my butt, since I was certain there were several guys who would want to tunnel into me there.

And so the gangbang resumed. Admittedly, Jill had drained a number of the guys, so the totals were somewhat lopsided in her favor. But when all was said and done and the men had slaked their appetites on us, the grand total was something like this:

Jill: twenty-eight times (twelve in her pussy, ten in her ass, six in her mouth).

Me: sixteen times (seven in my pussy, five in my ass, four in my mouth).

Impressive statistics! I guess all but four of the guys had come four times. As they were getting dressed, happy but tired, I congratulated them for a job well done.

When they left, the place was eerily quiet. As you can imagine, the smell of sex was everywhere--not just in our two bedrooms. I dragged Jill into the shower, and we both cleaned ourselves up as best we could. I ended up having to do most of the work, but I didn't mind. I took my hat off to her too: she'd bested me by six ejaculations. But of course there were more guys there than during my session.

And so the Gangbang Club was born.

What I mean by that is that the various gentlemen who had participated in one or both of these gatherings spread the word throughout campus that Mabel and Jill's apartment was a real hopping place for this sort of thing. We of course got all sorts of offers from excited men who wanted to have their own parties with us--but what surprised me was that the requests also came from girls.

That's right. Several cute coeds approached me or Jill and said, in shy, hesitant voices, "Do you think I could join your Gangbang Club?" We ourselves hadn't given it that name, but someone else did--I can't remember who now.

You wouldn't think that girls would line up to get pounded by a dozen or more guys, but they did. I think they had several reasons for undertaking the arduous task. First, because--as they say of Mt. Everest--it's there. Amazingly enough, that's the line some super-feminist types used. They actually had a scorn for men, and getting gangbanged was a way of demonstrating their superiority over the despicable male of the species. How's that, you say? Well, look at it this way:

What man could possibly fuck a dozen girls at a time (I mean, fuck them and actually come)? But a girl can do it with ease. Well, maybe not with ease, but she could do it. Okay, it's not really the same thing, but that's the point these tough gals wanted to make. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Okay, whatever does it for you."

Then there were the girls--these were mostly the studious and timid ones--who thought to themselves, When will I ever get a chance to do something like this? Pretty soon they'd graduate, get jobs, get husbands, and have to "settle down." How boring! No chance of being in a gangbang then, right? (Well, I guess you could. I can imagine some young woman working in an office mostly with men and saying, "Okay, guys, come and get me!" But the upper management might have something to say about that.)

There were probably other reasons, but these were the ones that came up the most. Whatever the case, pretty soon we had so many candidates for the Gangbang Club that we had to set up a schedule. Almost every Friday and Saturday night was now filled (if you catch my meaning) with girls coming over and stripping, and then getting fucked every which way for hours on end. Several times, these girls couldn't quite make it to the end, meaning that Jill or I or both of us had to take over and mop up when the girl cried out, "I can't take any more! My pussy (or butt or mouth) is so sore!" Jill looked scornfully upon these failures, conveniently forgetting that she herself had pooped out in her first gangbang.

But the whole business took an unusual turn when a girl named Jennifer approached us.

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big_hardt_4ubig_hardt_4uabout 2 years ago

I love your imagination. You manage to take things to nearly impossible extremes and make it seem normal.

Thanks for writing and for sharing your mind and talent.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Dr beulahthemick; Excellent second part, can't wait for more. Just wish my uni had been like this, five years, seven cocks and one DP, what a waste, left with a BA, MA and a group of poorly used holes.

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