The Gangbang Club Pt. 03

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A virgin and her mother enjoy gangbangs!
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/25/2022
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The Gangbang Club (Part 3)

Kathryn M. Burke

Jennifer was not exactly a raving beauty, but she was what one would call a "wholesome" girl. She was a sophomore, meaning that she was about nineteen. But she had this naïve, innocent, wide-eyed look that some guys just seem to eat up. I would even say she had a bit of baby fat on her, although lots of guys like that too; and there was no doubt that her tits and ass were more than adequate for the job at hand.

Even so, when she came up to me after class one day and said, "Um, do you run the Gangbang Club?" I just stared at her up and down.

"You want to be gangbanged?" I said skeptically.

She didn't take that well. Almost pouting, she shot back, "Why not? Don't you think the guys would like me?"

"Oh, sure, they'd like you well enough. But have you done it before?"

"Have I been gangbanged? Of course not! That's why I want you to set it up."

"Sorry, I expressed myself badly. I just wanted to know that you've had sex before."

She blushed at that. "Well, not very often. I don't exactly make myself available to all and sundry."

"Okay, fine. Have you taken it up the ass? They'll want to do that, you know."

Now she went pale. "No," she said, looking at the floor.

"And you probably haven't had two or three guys do you at the same time."

"Of course not." She paused, then went on: "But I figure it--it's time."

That didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I shrugged and said, "Whatever. It may be a couple weeks--we're booked solid."

"Well, just let me know when I should make myself available."

And she trudged away. I followed her with my eyes for a long time. I really didn't have a good feeling about this.

When the time came for her to show up, I checked with her to see how many guys she wanted. She said twenty.

"Are you serious?" I said. I got the impression she'd just picked a number off the top of her head. "That's a lot of guys. And they usually come back for seconds or thirds or even more. You sure you can handle that?"

There was an awkward pause during which I thought I heard her swallow hard. "Yeah, I'm sure. Do it!"

"Okay, you're the boss."

She was on for Saturday night. We'd already had a wild time the previous night, although by some miracle the girl in question had managed to handle all the guys by herself, as Jill and I looked on in amazement. She really wanted to show off her athleticism! She even managed to stagger to the bathroom and take a shower all by herself. But we did need to have one of the guys drive her home: no way she could walk back to her dorm on her own two feet!

When Jennifer showed up, she looked even more shy and timid than before. At first I just put that down to nerves--I mean, this whole thing is something of an ordeal by fire for the girl--but somehow I felt something wasn't quite right. I took her into my bedroom and instructed her about procedure, especially about lubricating herself in advance in case some guy wanted to plow into her butt right off the start.

Then the guys started arriving.

You should have seen their tongues hanging out when Jennifer stepped out of the bedroom and presented herself, naked, to the assembled company. Now I saw that she really was mighty cute, perhaps even lovely in a soft, tender way. Something like awe came over the guys as she sashayed around the room; they just gazed upon her silently, not even twirling a nipple or slapping her butt as she walked by--as had happened before when less restrained guys were sampling the charms of the girl they were going to gangbang.

The guys had determined that one of their number, named Bruce, was to be the first in line. He was a nice, blond-haired guy who was himself a bit on the naïve side: maybe that's why they chose him. His member was so erect that it was standing straight up, and Jennifer looked at it with a strange sort of apprehension as she walked by him.

After her introduction to the gang, she almost ran to the bedroom and prepared herself for the festivities. Lying on her back, her legs raised and her knees bent, she seemed like some kind of sacrificial victim ready and willing for the knife to fall.

Bruce, licking his lips and giving the other guys a nervous glance, walked into the room. He wasn't going to just plunge into her: both for her sake and his, he wanted to make sure that she was nicely warmed up, so he engaged in some foreplay. He first gave her a soft kiss on the mouth, then headed south and buried his head in her breasts. They were large and firm, and he inhaled their aroma and sucked on the nipples while squeezing them together around his face. I thought he was going to go on and lick Jennifer's pussy, but the prospect of going into this sweet and gorgeous girl was too much for him. So he got into position to mount her.

He didn't even need to take his cock in his hand to direct it into the proper aperture. Holding his arms straight up on either side of Jennifer, he watched his dick going into her vagina--but it didn't go in very far.

His eyes bugged out of his head, and he looked over to me (for some reason I'd tiptoed over to the entrance of the room to get a close look at the proceedings) and squawked, "She's a virgin!"

I closed my eyes for a second, then sighed. "Are you kidding me?" I said.

"No! I wouldn't kid about something like this! Look, I can't go in any farther!"

Well, that was certainly true. His cock was trying to make its way into her, but that absurd hymen was barring the way.

I rushed into the room and knelt down by the bed. Eyes blazing, I said to Jennifer, "Are you insane? How could you do this when you're a virgin?"

"I don't want to be a virgin anymore!" she whined. "It's time I got some experience!"

"But this isn't the time or place, you silly girl! Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?"

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Then, looking up at Bruce, she said, "Just go on in! Please!"

I shrugged resignedly. "You might as well, Bruce."

"But--but I've never done a virgin before!" he complained.

"Well, it's gonna take some effort. That hymen can be pretty tough."

Screwing up his face as if girding himself up for some strenuous exercise, he pushed hard--and all of a sudden he was in like Flynn.

Jennifer let out a strangled cry, and her tongue stuck out of her mouth. A couple of tears sprang from her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" he exclaimed as he kept on forging into her. The guy's cock was something like eight inches, so he had quite a ways to go.

"Better not go all the way in," I advised. "Take your time until she gets used to the sensation."

He did the best he could, and incredibly Jennifer seemed to take it pretty well. I remembered my first time: it wasn't just the rupturing of my hymen that did me in, but the expansion of my vagina to accommodate that long, thick phallus as it tunneled its way into me. It took me several sessions before I got comfortable with it.

Bruce gently lowered himself onto Jennifer's body, and she hugged him with a sort of frantic desperation as she endured her deflowering. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his thighs, as if she knew that that would make the angle of his penetration easier. Bruce tried to distract her by kissing her face all over (mouth, cheeks, forehead, even the tip of her nose) and also by scouring his hands all over her body (breasts, back, bottom, etc.). Somehow, though, I think that was mostly for his benefit. Each thrust on his part generated a gruff little sigh or grunt by Jennifer, as if she was engaged in a particularly strenuous workout. I guess she was!

The excitement of doing a virgin must have gotten the better of Bruce, because he didn't last more than ten minutes. His eyes suddenly got wide, and as he started shooting his seed into her he cried out in triumph, laughing uproariously. Jennifer laughed too: she'd actually come from intercourse (a pretty rare thing for a girl), and she held him tight as she seemed suddenly enraptured by his entry into her. It's a big moment for a female, no doubt about it!

Bruce wanted to stay in her even after he finished, but she whispered in his ear, "Please come out now, sweetheart." I'm not sure what that endearment meant: she didn't even know the guy. I guess the emotion of the moment got the better of her. He pulled out slowly and rolled off of her.

For a while all was still and silent. Then Bruce, opening his eyes, saw his cock streaked with virgin blood and let out a curious kind of gurgle. I don't know why he should have cared: he wasn't the one that was bleeding. But he jumped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom to wash himself off. Jennifer was still staring up at the ceiling with this goofy smile on her face, relishing her first copulation in spite of the pain she must have felt. She didn't even notice the small droplets of blood (mixed with Bruce's emission) that were leaking out of her pussy. I quickly snatched up some Kleenex and mopped her up. It's hell to get blood out of bedsheets in the wash!

I had a strong inclination to call the whole thing off at this point. "Jennifer, I really don't think you--"

She interrupted me, turning her head in my direction and ordering me around like some diminutive schoolmarm. "Send the next guy in!"

"Okay," I said. "I hope you know what you're doing."

So the show got going again. I was pretty impressed with Jennifer's stamina. I didn't think there was any way she could handle the other nineteen guys in the place, especially if they wanted more than one go; but she did her best. Her first venture into anal sex was a bit of a challenge, though: when the guy stuffed his cock into her butt, her eyes rolled around in her head and her tongue stuck out of her mouth; but she got through it with flying colors. She even managed double and triple penetration like an old pro (I don't mean that sort of pro).

But it didn't surprise me that, after about thirty penetrations, her energy began to flag. By that time she was basically like a big ragdoll that the guys were manhandling to their heart's content. Don't get me wrong: they weren't roughing her up in any way; in fact, they were as gentle as they could be, all things considered. Sure, a lot of them were keen on having their cocks coated with whatever was left of the blood trickling out of her vagina (there wasn't all that much of it--there never is), but they knew that she was a newbie and did their best to make things pleasant for her. I could tell that she had come at least half a dozen times.

But after about two hours, she was pretty much exhausted. So I made another executive decision.

"Jennifer," I said, kneeling down next to her ear, "I think you need to call it quits."

She hardly made a response. I think I detected a grateful nod.

I got to my feet and headed out into the living room, where twenty men were still lounging around naked. I held up a hand like a stop sign and said, "Okay, guys, she's done for the night."

"Hey, we want more!" a number of them complained.

"I get that," I said. I was already starting to strip, and I indicated to Jill--who had stuck around to see if this brave girl would really be able to handle all these guys by herself--that she do the same. "You can tackle me or my roommate. Take your choice."

I then turned my attention to Bruce. He'd already done her twice and was looking forward to a third go. "You," I said, pointing to him. "You take care of her."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Go clean her up. Get her into the shower and wash her--with soap. Then put her clothes on--and yours too--and take her home."

He jumped at the task. I had a feeling he thought there might be a chance for one more entry into the former virgin, since he was certain to get hard while giving Jennifer a shower. I didn't care about that: I had nineteen other guys to deal with.

I couldn't keep track of the total number of ejaculations by the assembled males, but I think it was something like seventy-five. Jennifer had managed thirty, and the remainder were fairly evenly split between Jill and myself. Everyone was pretty achy when the curtain finally came down on the show.

The strangeness of this whole episode didn't fully come to light for several more weeks. This session had happened in early December, and I later heard that Jennifer and Bruce had become an "item." That didn't surprise me. It's a myth to think that only girls get all starry-eyed thinking about the first guy who penetrates them; guys are pretty moved by the business too. Anyway, it seemed that Jennifer had dragged Bruce back to her family home over the long Christmas break: I guess she was wanting to show him off. But when she met me in the cafeteria soon after the new semester got underway, she was looking apprehensive.

"What's up?" I said, not really wanting to know--or maybe fearful of knowing.

She didn't say anything right away, just chewing on her fingernails.

"You don't want another gangbang, do you?" I said. Most guys wouldn't allow their girlfriends to do anything like that. I mean, there are limits to the principle of "share and share alike."

"No, it's not me," Jennifer finally said.

"What do you mean, it's not you?"

"It's my mom."

I was now getting confused. "What about your mom?"

Jennifer looked at me in exasperation. "She wants to be in the Gangbang Club!" she almost shouted.

"Jesus, keep your voice down!" I hissed. Even if everyone on campus knew of the existence of the club, it wasn't something you wanted some Town Crier to announce to the world. But beyond that, I was still trying to wrap my mind around what Jennifer had said. "Your mom wants to be gangbanged?"


"You told her about what happened? That wasn't very smart."

"It wasn't me--it was Bruce."

"He told her? Why?"

"Well, here's the thing. Bruce is a real sweetheart, but he's kind of a wuss where women are concerned. A lot of guys are like that: it's easy for women to push them around. It's mostly because Bruce is such a gentleman: he can't really say no to a lady. And my mom can be pretty determined when she wants to be.

"I guess it was our fault for not coming up with a better story about how we met. When Mom asked about that, Bruce just said, 'Oh, well, we met at a party.' Mom's no dummy: she could tell there was a lot more to it than that. So as the days and weeks passed, she kept after him, and finally she wore him down and he spilled the beans."

"Holy cow," I breathed. "Is she going to tell anyone?" I had visions of being expelled from college because of my hosting the Gangbang Club.

"No. But she wants to be a part of it."

"What on earth for? And what's your dad got to say about this? He can't--"

"My dad," Jennifer said with a crack in her voice, "left her a year or so ago."

"Gee, I'm sorry to hear that. Why was that?"

"Oh, lots of reasons, I guess. Mom can be a bit of a pain. I think Dad felt, um, you know--"

"Pussy-whipped?" I offered.

"Something like that."

"Okay, fine. But I still don't understand what she's going to get out of being gangbanged."

"I have a feeling she just wants to prove that she can do it. Or maybe she wants to prove to herself that she's not the prude that Dad seems to think she is."

"Is she a prude?"

"Well, I don't know! I know nothing about their sex life. Come to think of it, though, I dimly remember Dad once saying something to the effect that they do it the same way every time."

"That's no fun! Sex gets boring real fast that way."

"I wouldn't know. I hadn't done it at the time."

"You really think she's serious about this?"

"Absolutely. She lives right her in town. She could easily make all kinds of trouble for us if we don't let her."

Trouble for me, I silently corrected her. I sighed and said, "Okay, I'll see what I can set up."

"You think the guys will like her?" Jennifer asked timidly.

"I'm sure they will. Lots of guys have fantasies of doing it with their moms."

"Eew! How creepy!"

"Hey, if the mother in question is attractive, why not? I mean, I can understand their thought processes, if you can call it that. By the way, what does your mother look like? Is she pretty?"

"I think so. Of course, I don't know what guys would think."

She fished out her phone, flipped through her file of pictures, and brought up one of her mom standing by a Christmas tree. She did look quite nice, so far as I could tell. Kind of petite, but with these sparkling eyes and lots of curves all over the place. I could easily imagine plenty of guys of all ages wanting to get into her pants.

"All right," I said, "let me see what I can do. Maybe even this weekend."

I did manage to make arrangements for the weekend--Saturday night, our usual time for such festivities. When I asked Jennifer how many guys her mom wanted, she replied that Chloe (that was her mom's name) had said, "As many as you can manage!" I guess she felt that, as a mature woman, she could outdo us mere coeds in the number of men she could tackle. I said, "Okey-doke"--and got thirty men rounded up. That's right: thirty.

I honestly didn't think Chloe could handle all thirty guys with their inevitable multiple discharges, but figured that Jill and I--and maybe Jennifer herself--could take up some of the slack. At least there wouldn't be any virgins anywhere to make a mess!

But when Saturday evening rolled around and the doorbell rang at about 9 p.m., I saw that only Chloe herself was standing on my doorstep. I recognized her immediately.

"Hello," I said. "You must be--"

The woman didn't say a word, but merely brushed by me and marched into the room. "Where are the guys?" she said brusquely.

"Hold your horses," I said. "They won't be here for another half hour or so."

Chloe looked irked. She cast her eyes around the place: clearly it was nothing like the house she occupied. (Jennifer had said that her dad had left the house and was living in some apartment not all that far away. They hadn't actually gotten a divorce: they were just separated.) Pointing to my bedroom, she said, "Is that where it's going to happen?"

"Sure. Unless you want to use my roommate's bedroom."

Jill had by this time wandered into the living room, and the two women briefly introduced themselves to each other. But before I gave Chloe instructions on getting ready for the male onslaught, I had to settle something first.

"I thought," I said, "your daughter was going to come with you." (No pun intended there!)

Chloe looked irked again. "She was, but then at the last moment she said she had some errand to run. So she'll be here--whenever."

What errand could Jennifer have that was so urgent? Didn't she want to see her mom getting gangbanged? I guess I didn't put that very elegantly. What I meant was that I figured Jennifer would want to hover around Chloe like a mother hen to make sure nothing untoward happened. I just hoped she'd show up before too much more time passed.

Meanwhile, Chloe was itching to get ready--although she may not have been aware of what that really involved. As she stalked into my bedroom and began whipping off her clothes, I silently showed her the jar of cold cream.

She looked at it with disdain. "What the hell's that for?"

"Lube," I said laconically.

At that, she went pale. "Oh," she said in a tiny voice.

"You do know the guys will want to, um, go in back there?"

"Yes," she said, curling her lip as she thought of the disgusting antics of men.

A chill went through me. "You've done that before, haven't you?"

Chloe looked defiantly at me and said, "No."

"Omigod," I said. "Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?"

"Look, I can take anything these guys can dish out. I'm not exactly a shrinking violet, even though my husband thinks I'm a--" She cut herself off.