The Geek Files: Stuck on You

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It sometimes doesn't pay to get too attached.
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I've grown as an individual in the past few years. When I was in college, shy and introverted were not even close to describing the way I acted. I was a geek, I still am, and there's no denial about that fact. But, I'm now a confident geek.

My name is Thomas Peabody and I'm a chemist for I S Amalgamated. Recently, I stumbled on to a couple of things. The first is a compound known as XA238.

XA238 or "experimental adhesive compound number two hundred and thirty-eight", is some fascinating stuff. I discovered it quite by accident and am keeping a lid on it for the time being. The properties of 238 are unique in that they react to flesh. My discovery is inert and totally useless until it comes in contact with skin.

My experiments have shown that 238 is permanent and none of the usual solvents can or will deter its adhering ability. The other interesting property, I found totally out of need when I stuck my thumb to my earlobe, is the only way to break the dried compound is with more XA238 mixed with coffee. Good to know if you're a little clumsy like me but don't ask how I figured that one out.

The other thing I discovered, while surely of lesser importance but more germane to the story, is that my wife is a cheating slut. This is something I also discovered quite by accident as well. After much analytical scrutiny, I can't say that I'm surprised nor am I all that broken up about it.

I've come to realize that she gave me what I once lacked, a certain degree of confidence. I've attained that now and given the climate of our relationship, I can see no further need for her.

Does this sound to you as though I used her, her being Dana? Well, I can understand that, given what little you know of us as a couple. Don't be deceived though, life is a two way street. Dana has exploited me from the start and it was something that I never tried to fool myself about. Dana can be very cruel and manipulative when she chooses, which is most of the time.

When we met, it was she that approached me. I would have never, at that time, had the nerve to talk to a woman.

I was the BGOC at State, biggest geek on campus, in my senior year and never been on a date. I look much the same as I did back then, medium height, slim build, scruffy hair and glasses. Not much to attract attention, except by bullies.

Dana however, saw something in me, she said it was potential. I, being somewhat naïve, okay, a lot naïve, didn't equate potential with dollar signs. Money was not a driving factor in my life at that time.

Having a girlfriend with breasts and a real vagina was all new to me and very wonderful, even if I didn't have access to them. Just the thought of those girly parts stuffed inside her clothes was plenty, to be honest, more than I could handle at first.

As time past and I bought her an engagement ring, she endowed her womanly charms to me. It took a lot of coaching on her part, nearly a years worth, but I finally was able to hold back my ejaculation long enough to bury my penis all the way inside of her. With great care and understanding on her part and remarkable recuperative powers on mine, we were able to couple successfully.

At the time, I had no idea what I was doing and being mentally over stimulated by the whole idea of actual sexual contact with the female of the species had triggered IES (immediate ejaculation syndrome). A condition that would soon be corrected with many hours of dedicated practice and positive reinforcement.

Our marriage seemed fine for the first few years until Dana started insisting I work longer hours. She claimed that my salary wasn't commensurate to my abilities and assured me that by working longer, my superiors would soon "wise up," as she put it.

I, on the other hand, was content with the status quo. I enjoyed my time with my lovely wife and was able seek the positive reinforcement between her luscious thighs all the more often. But as with all things, what Dana wants, Dana gets. I placed my proboscis to the honing wheel and in no time at all I was promoted to senior chemist in the research lab.

The promotion put me under a great deal of stress for a period of time. You see I had never had to actually interface with subordinates before. Molecules yes, human organisms no. This supervisory function caused great consternation to my already over taxed work schedule. I found myself in, as they say, up to my eyeballs with alligators. It was now the norm for me to work upwards of eighty to a hundred hours a week just to stay even.

Dana, for reasons I couldn't quite seem to comprehend, was content with my newfound work agenda. I however was missing my conjunctive assignations with Dana's labia majora. Oh God how I missed her tight little pussy.

As I was working myself closer to an early myocardial infarction, Dana was happily frittering away the redundant capitol my longer hours were producing. She seemed happier than I'd ever seen her before and that surprised me. I was becoming melancholy about our sex life, or rather the lack there of and it didn't seem to bother her one iota. Dana, I felt, must have been missing coitus as well as she was extremely libidinous. My hypothesis clearly held no H2O, or so I thought at the time.

As I was readying myself for an important meeting I'd be attending that morning. I was in search of a new pocket protector to assure that I'd look my best. Quite by chance, while searching through Dana's nightstand drawer, I came across a vessel of thick viscous liquid. The liquid, while at first appearances looked remarkably similar to XA238, had what seemed to be the exact opposite properties. The Astrolube, as I found from scanning the label, was a lubricant.

Upon further examination, it became clear it was a personal lubricant and I was positive that Dana had no squeaky hinges. As I've said before, I'm naïve but I'm not STUPID. The connotation of the product's name alone told me to be on my guard. ASS...trolube, humph!

I called to Dana, she found me sitting with bottle still in my hand.

Looking toward her suspiciously, I asked, "Can you explain what this substance is used for?"

She hesitated for just and instant, "I... I... use it to moisturize my face while I sleep," she stuttered.

As you may imagine, my eyes rolled in disbelief. Just how gullible could she think I am? Well, as it turns out, petty gullible indeed. Her smile indicated to me that she felt her answer had appeased my curiosity. It certainly had not and for that she would pay a dividend.

Later, when I was alone in my office, I spent time reviewing the aforementioned scenario. In fact, I analyzed the entirety of our relationship. This was something I hadn't done since sometime before I asked Dana for her hand in matrimony.

In college, I was worried that if I caused Dana to question why she was interested in a geek like me, she would put an end to any chance I had of getting laid. I took a chance that what I didn't know couldn't hurt me. The only problem was that... I did indeed know she was sleeping with one of the Neanderthals on the weightlifting squad and it did hurt, it hurt like hell. I swallowed those feelings back then and went ahead with the marriage hoping that we would never have to revisit my sense of jealousy.

I was having those feelings again as I stared out the windows of my office. This time though, I knew in my heart that I couldn't, or rather wouldn't, simply close my eyes to what Dana was doing.

Newton's third law applies in this case, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It seemed prudent though, to first discover if in fact Dana was having an affair. A tube of Astrolube, an affair does not make. But, if she was getting' a little sumpin, sumpin on the side, the bitch was gonna pay!

My unusual behavior however, was not going unnoticed. Penelope Hathaway, one of the chemists in my department, had been watching me from the doorway.

"Is something the matter, Thomas?" she inquired.

I was caught deep in thought, "Yes, er ah... no... maybe," I sputtered.

"Would you like to talk about your troubles? It sometimes helps," she offered.

She was correct; it would help to have somebody as a sounding board to reflect on some of my dark thoughts about my less than faithful wife.

"Thank you Penelope, if you are sure it would be no trouble. It may help me resolve a personal matter but we can't talk here. Have you eaten lunch yet?"

She hadn't. I invited her to a small out of the way bistro, a quiet place where I often came.

I blurted exactly what was on my mind, "Penelope, are you aquatinted with the product Astrolube?"

Her face blushed a deep shade of red, "I have no personal knowledge of the substance you are referring to. Why, did you have something in mind?" she replied.

"Ahem... Miss Hathaway please, I didn't mean to infer... I asked because I have discovered my wife is in possession of a substantial quantity of this particular compound. She has tried, unsuccessfully, to convince me that she intends to use the Astrolube for facial care," I offered.

Penelope paused for a few seconds, "That would seem highly improbable Thomas, unless she intends to insert her face into someone's rectal cavity."

"Well, I hadn't thought of it quite that way, but since the rectal cavity certainly will not be mine, I find myself in the same predicament. Is she is doing something contrary to our marriage vows?" I concluded.

Penelope put her hand over mine, "It would certainly seem so Thomas, what do you intend to do to remedy the situation?" she queried.

"I think that is my dilemma, I fear there is no cure for what she has done to disrupt my life. While I'm not the vengeful type, I certainly have no intention of letting her escape with little or no repercussion," I sighed, "As a scientist, I feel it behooves me to prove or disprove my theorem."

We finished our meal, after which Penelope asked me to stop by a pharmacy while we were in the neighborhood. Before exiting my car, she thanked me for lunch and told me she may have a few ideas that might just uncover Dana's coquetry once and for all.

I returned to my office with a newfound hope that by some means the listless feeling of betrayal would be short lived. Lunch with an attractive woman had been exhilarating, I found myself thinking more and more of Penelope and less of Dana by the second.

It was shortly after six o'clock and I was concluding the day's tedium when Penelope appeared in my doorway.

"Could we have a brief word Thomas?" she queried.

"Of course," I managed, trying to untangle my feet from beneath my desk and rise to meet her, "Please come in."

As she walked closer she held her hand out to me and presented a small plastic container identical to the one I had found in Dana's night stand, "This should help you with the evidence you need, Thomas," she offered.

The look on my face must have been of confusion so Penelope continued, "I've added a small amount of capsaicin extract to the compound. It should light a fire in her ass if your suspicions are correct," she concluded with a devious smirk.

For the chemically challenged reader, capsaicin is the substance that puts the "hot" into hot peppers. Imagine if you will the intense heat of a habanero chili suppository. I immediately beamed form ear to ear at the irony.

A few minutes ago, I felt dread in returning home to my alleged wife. Now I could not wait to get there to switch the Astrolube with Penelope's new and improved version. I was tired of the way Dana perceived me to be a fool, she had this coming and I did not mind a bit.

After the switcharoo, I changed clothes and concentrated with particular intensity to appear as normal as I dared. It behooved me not to cause Dana any fear of suspicion on my part. Kissing Dana was exceedingly difficult as I patted her behind and thought of the torture her poor little asshole was about to encounter if my fears were correct. The laughter was almost impossible to suppress.

Dana, for whatever reason, seemed amorous and exceedingly frisky in the bedchamber that evening. I wondered if she was merely throwing the poor dog a bone, so to speak. No matter, my pent up testosterone had no conscience so why should I?

"Tommy, sweetie, please make sweet love to me. It's been a while, you're so busy lately but I need you tonight. Please baby, please," she cooed.

Her statement had angered me; after all it was her that insisted that I work like a K 9. It wasn't my fault that I'd had very little time to devote to pleasing Dana's carnal desires. No, she had instigated that through her own selfish need and I still held little doubt that she was getting hers while I was the one that did without. There would be no sweet love for her that particular evening, oh no. My hackles were up as much as my penis, so instead of love Dana was about to be savagely fucked.

Dana opened her arms to accept me in a loving embrace, but rather than what she wanted this time, we would do it my way for once.

My way would hardly be classified as making love, fucking would be more accurate. My way is also something that only happened in the dark recesses of my dirty little mind. Up until then, rough monkey sex was purely a fantasy that had never dared become reality for me, though I have no doubt that it is a form of copulation Dana has been familiar with on occasion considering the vast differences in our sexual experience.

I ripped her shear frock from hither to yon exposing her naked flesh. Her shock was immediate, "Tommy, what in the hell..." she squealed.

"Shut up, Bitch!" I roared back. Then twirled her body so I had access to her from the rear. Next, I pulled her to her knees and took a handful of her blonde locks into my left fist. She struggled to gain control but I reigned Dana back by her hair.

"You're hurting me," she wailed.

Simultaneously, I plunged my engorged phallus to the hilt, slapped her ass hard and told her, "Shut the fuck up!"

My palm to her gluteus silenced her for a mere moment. After several hard piston like strokes from my concrete pillar, Dana began to understand the monkey aspect of my assault and vocally replicated one of the simian species.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh," she grunted ferociously.

With my right hand I mauled her dangling mammary glands, pulling and tugging her swollen, distended nipples.

Sensing her surrender, I untangled my fingers from her golden mane and searched for other uses of my now free appendage.

As I thrust into Dana's vulva, it became apparent that she was thrusting back just as adamantly. On a whim and with little else to occupy my right hand, I inserted my index finger into her rectal orifice that seemed to be staring at me.

Dana stiffened slightly to the intrusion and howled, "OHHH FUCK YES TOMMY, I'm cumming."

Her vaginal walls seamed to palpitate and I feared she may be about to suffer a cave in. Interestingly enough though, I wasn't anywhere close to my orgasm yet. I suspect the rage inside of me had suspended the IES I had previously suffered so I continued to ravage her quivering vestibule.

Dana endured several more earthshaking events and aftershocks while I grew bored of the repetitive oscillation. It was time for something different and by this time Dana was hardly more than a quivering, quaking mass. I however, knew of one particular arrangement that I had wanted to experience for the entirety of our relationship.

I pulled away from Dana with a pop and circled the bed. Dana rolled to her side with the mistaken thought that we were done for the evening.

"My God Tommy, that was amazing. Where on earth did you ever get the..."

I interrupted her dialog by laying my erection across her face. I had an entirely different oratory planned for her mouth.

"Shut up and suck, Bitch," I commanded. And suck she did.

After several minutes of her oralistic credentials, I pulled away and deposited copious amounts of semen on her face and hair. To say I was satisfied would be minimizing the magnitude by ten squared.

Dana looked so helpless and used with my spermatozoa dripping off her chin. Take that bitch, there's your facial cream.

The next morning, Dana surprised me by cooking breakfast. That may not be a monumental event to some of you, but for me it was a first. She hovered over me in the extreme. Worship would be a more adequate description and I ate up with a fork. But lest we forget, I planned to keep an eye open. I still did not trust my loving wife.

"Tommy, you were wonderful last night. If you can get away early from work, I'd like to make you a special dinner tonight and maybe we can carry on where we left off last night," she purred.

"We'll see," I replied.

One has to wonder at times what thought processes flow through the minds of women. I could not concentrate on my research and instinctively sought out an answer to the burning question of why the sudden change in my wife's attitude. As a scientist, my first reaction was to go to the source to find how a woman thinks.

"Penelope, could I have a word with you?" I asked.

"Certainly Thomas," was her response.

After a few embarrassing moments, I confided the sequence of events of the previous evening. Penelope's face turned a peculiar shade of red but she listened intently while I led her through the more explicit parts.

"I was wondering Penelope, from a woman's point of view specifically, what could possibly alter the my wife's perspective behavior toward me?"

"Is that how you two normally... uh..." she stuttered.

"Fuck?" I blurted.

"Well, that wasn't the word I was searching for but in this particular case it will suffice," she blushed.

"Not hardly, it was an impromptu decision. Normally our relations are much more, shall we say, vanilla?"

"I think you might conclude from what you've just told me that your answer is self evident."

"Could you be a little more precise?" I asked.

"Evidently Thomas, you rang her chimes last night. Some women, not all mind you, like for the man to dominate them. It's a very primal instinct," she stated.

Not totally convinced, I asked, "Are you one of those women?"

"Thomas, that's rather personal. I'm shocked at you," Penelope replied.

It seemed a fair question to me after expelling my intestines for her but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable so I changed the subject.

"Have you ever eaten sushi before?" I queried.

"That's an interesting segue Thomas. As a matter of fact I have and it's delightful. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason really. Just mulling over a few options in my head and Japanese food came to mind," I replied.

After thanking Miss Hathaway for her patient ear, I was left in a quandary. Had I missed something along the way? Could it be possible that Dana wished to be clubbed about the head and drug by her hair to the nearest cave? Not so far from my bizarre anthropoidal fantasy is it? The more I thought, the more sense it made. It would explain why Dana had sought the attentions of the steroidial enhanced gorilla back in college. Hmm.

"Speaking of cavemen," I thought as Harold Dinwitty and I passed each other in the hallway. A remarkable achievement considering the hall is a mere six feet in width, of which Harold consumed approximately sixty inches with his ego.

Harold gave me the usual smirk as he passed and as per the norm, I silently flatulated. If I didn't know that Harold was the chairman's nephew, I would have great cause to wonder who he fellated to get his job. The man barely had the skills to tie his own shoes, let alone be junior vice president of Amalgamated.

I pushed Mr. Dim...witty completely out of my head and instead concentrated on my own conundrum. Was my own marriage worth resuscitating?

What did I really know about my wife's affair? Almost nothing was my answer. I had no proof other than a tube of ass lard. I suppose there could be a perfectly reasonable response as to why Dana had such a product. But if that was true, I feared it would not be much longer before swine began to sprout wings and become airborne.