The Gentlemen's Club Ch. 02


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"You're looking very pleased with yourself today, cheeks a bit flushed, a spring in your step, good day off?" Jenny finished, a big grin on her face.

Julie just arched her eyebrows and walked out to inspect her domain. The male adolescent surgical ward at Great Ormond St was her charge and nothing went unnoticed by her gimlet eye, she paced down the centre, like a Sergeant Major inspecting the barracks. She found nothing to comment on and went to speak to each boy in turn. Despite her advancing years, she was the ward pin up and knew they all talked about what they would do to her, given half a chance. She was in a good mood and tolerated the odd gentle touch on her stockings or ass, discreetly ignoring them. Actually, she thought it was good for their morale, having pretty girls on the ward. She went off to collect a trolley for a dressing change. Her job was admin and supervision, but she liked to do some real work every day, so she didn't deskill. Then she went back to her office, with a sigh, to attack the piles of reports and papers on her desk. Every so often a surgeon came on the ward and she would always accompany him or her, to give a report and take orders.

Later in the afternoon, her personal phone rang.

"Can you talk?" Katie asked.

"Not at the moment, I'll call you back on my break." Julie replied.

That's what she did an hour later.

"Look Julie, a bit of a crisis, you know the playroom upstairs, with the chains and whips?"

"Yes, I remember, why?"

"Well Emily is our bondage queen, but she is ill and we have a dinner booked in there next evening you're in. Any chance at all you could cover, I know you said at the beginning, you might be interested?" Katie said.

"Yes, in principal, what's involved?"

"Don't repeat what I say, it would make a great conversation to overhear. What you'd expect, blindfolds, being chained up, stripped, beaten. Don't worry, the little whips look impressive and make a mark, but are pretty tolerable."

"Easy for you to say."

"Oh I've done the odd shift in the punishment suite, dear. It's all a bit silly really, play acting for overgrown schoolboys, but it pays well." Katie finished.

"Any actual, you know, congress, involved?"

"Oh yes, lots of congressing too."

"OK, the evening won't be a total washout then. You win, that's next Friday I think, anything I need to bring?"

"Just your gorgeous bod, sweet thing, see you Friday." And Katie phoned off.

When Jenny finished her shift mid afternoon, Julie took her aside in the Medicine room.

"Look Jen, none of my business, but you're unclaimed at the moment, aren't you?"

The girl nodded.

"Well, I've got this friend, he's good looking, rich, funny, nice body. Best of all, he's not into himself, like most men."

"Doctors," They said together and laughed.

"I don't know why some girl hasn't roped and branded him, you too come to that. Can I set up a double dinner date, with my Geoff, no expectations, just a fun evening?"

"OK, I'm fascinated, what's he do, not a drugs baron or contract killer I hope? Mind you, a drugs baron might keep our shelves stocked better than bloody pharmacy.

Go on then, why not, when?"

The girls put some dates in their diaries in the next couple of weeks and Julie promised to get back to her.

She was pretty tired and when she finally got home about ten in the evening, it was such a relief. Geoff handed her a stiff whisky and put out the supper he'd made, what a treasure. Actually he was a pretty good cook, better than her, truth be told, her talents lay elsewhere. Over food, she talked about her day and Katie's call.

"Sounds a bit dicey, you sure the situation will stay under control. I don't want you hurt again?" Geoff asked.

"Oh yes, Katie said they use an upmarket agency, to provide my partners. They keep it safe, their job depends on it. Mind you, there will be some punishment, but you know me, I enjoy that." She finished, holding his hand reassuringly.

"It's nice to know you're in my corner, you know my Mum and I don't talk anymore and my brother is in Australia."

"All part of the job description, now lets tidy up and continue this discussion in bed." Geoff finished.

"Before we do, would you mind going on a double dinner date with Jenny, one of my staff nurses and Martin, a friend?"

"Friend eh, what sort of friend?"

"You know perfectly well, but only once and he's such a nice person and Jen, I just think they'd be great together."

"OK mother hen, you win, set it up, you know my diary."

So they tidied away and went upstairs for a leisurely bath, then to bed. It was funny, you'd think last night would have tired her out, but the more sex she had, the more she seemed to want.

Next morning, Julie phoned Martin first and got a date he could make. Next she phoned Jenny.

"OK to speak Jen? Well it's fixed, Martin was very enthusiastic."

"Quick work, when is it then?" the girl replied.

"Tuesday week, 7pm at the Ivy, you know where it is."

"God that's so expensive."

"We're not paying, the boys should be grateful to have such beautiful companions." Julie reassured her.

"What should I wear?"

"Oh, discreet but sexy, show him what he's missing. A bit of that edible cleavage of yours. Not split to the navel, we don't want him choking over dinner."

"Come on, my edible cleavage isn't a patch on yours and you know it." Jen laughed.

"OK, nature has been generous to both of us. I'd say it's a dead heat.

What would you say to us going topless one day on the ward, let the boy's decide?"

"I'd say you're just trying to humiliate me. Your tits are way out of my league. They should be in some men's magazine."

Julie didn't mention of course, that her best points had indeed starred in a magazine that very year.

It would probably get us both assaulted anyway." Jen finished.

"Better and better."

"How did a slut like you ever get such a senior position?"

"Need you ask?" Julie replied.

"No, you didn't, yes I expect you did. Would it work for me do you think?"

"Don't see why not, now bye Jen, see you tomorrow." and Julie rang of.

Friday came round quickly, Julie was working a half day and got back at 1:30. She went to bed for a rest then a leisurely bath. Drying herself off, she applied some scented body lotion, it seemed to make her adventures more comfortable. Finally, she gave herself an enema, thinking she'd would need it before the night was over. Dressing carefully, she chose to wear the strapless, pretty pink Basque, matching thong and stockings, with her usual smart white blouse and skirt. Leaving early, for a leisurely walk, she stopped again at the coffee shop, for a cup of tea. She finally got to the Club early, about six. Katie was already there, as were Julie's two partners for the evening. She was introduced to Phil and Jack and gave them a hug. They were both muscular and handsome,

"The evening's looking up already," Julie said and gave them both a kiss.

"I was just thinking the same, no need for Viagra, I think, eh Jack." And Phil smiled.

"Why thank you sir, now shall we go and look at the house of pain and get acclimatised?"

On the way upstairs, Katie went into details, "There'll be five guests at dinner, but you won't see them Julie."

She looked confused,

"Blindfold, at all times. They may want to join in later, or just watch the boys attending to you, just go with the flow.

We start you off in the bar and at the right time, the boys here will come down, blindfold and handcuff you, then drag you upstairs. Just a bit of theatre for the other guests. When you get to the room, just do as your told. You'll probably be stripped and handcuffed to a beam and your legs stretched apart. Expect an appliance to be applied to a tender area, not painful. Remember, these boys main duty is to keep you safe.

Now, have you got a safe word, maybe Amazon?"

They all nodded their heads to agree.

"Now don't forget it Julie, or you could really be in a pickle. I told the boys you aren't averse to a bit of pain, but you set the limits.

Any questions guys? ...Then lets get to work, Julie you are in the restaurant tonight, until your kidnapped."

Julie and Katie went downstairs, leaving the boys to set up for dinner. She went in to the restaurant and got lost in the routine. When dinner had finished, she followed the diners into the bar, got them drinks, chatted to them.

Despite being primed, she was still surprised when Phil and Jack came in the room, smart in black trousers, dress shirt and tie.

"Come with me please, now," Phil said.

"Why, what, who are you, let go of me?" Julie pleaded.

He started pulling her away firmly, Katie was watching at the bar.

"Katie, please," Julie pleaded.

The other woman gave her a cold look and turned back to the bar to talk, as Julie was pulled to the door. They stopped and one boy handcuffed her hands behind her back, the other blindfolded her. She was pulled towards and up the stairs still pleading and struggling. When they were out of sight, Jack said,

"Now remember the safe word, Amazon, don't be a hero, OK?"

They reached the door and one of them knocked, then waited till invited in. When they walked in, the boys stopped,

"This is the woman gentlemen, I hope she is suitable, no one will miss her."

Julie was beginning to get alarmed, "No one would miss her", just more play acting?

"Now listen to me carefully girl, you do everything you're told, instantly without question. Don't talk unless spoken to, any infraction and you'll be punished, understand?... I SAID UNDERSTAND?" Phil said.

He grabbed her chin and she nodded, terrified. The blindfold made her feel so vulnerable.

"Now take off your blouse and skirt."

She did as she was told, quickly and stood in the tiny Basque, barely covering her nipples.

"A real peach, I think you'll agree gentlemen." One of them said.

All Julie could hear was cutlery scraping on a plate and low conversation, her hearing was becoming more acute. Suddenly, she was grabbed by both arms and pulled across the room. Then her wrists were locked to a beam above her, she felt the roughness against the back of her hand. One of them pulled off her thong and her legs were spread and clamped to the floor. She was at full stretch, but not painfully so. They just left her, splayed out and appeared to go back to serving dinner, pouring wine. This was even more strange, being ignored. After a while, one of them came back and appeared to be attaching something to the floor, under her, then something cold touched her labia and she jumped, or tried to. Her lips were spread and the object was pushed inside, about half way. Suddenly it started vibrating, then a small rotating motion and she let out a gasp, trying to pull away. She could only move a few inches, bound tight as she was. Julie was careful to keep quiet, to avoid a beating.

Shaking from side to side for a while, she stopped and groaned. It was placed against her G spot and the constant rotation was getting her worked up. Julie smiled and started to sweat slightly. Someone turned up the speed and she threw her head back, moaning and panting. Not trying to pull away any more she appeared to be trying to ride up and down the vibrator, the small distance she could. Her orgasm hit her and she slumped beneath her shackles, legs lifeless. Julie thought it would stop now, but no, the buzzing carried on, as if no one had noticed. It didn't take long to push her to another orgasm and she shook and twisted against her binding. A red flush had spread across her face and chest, her swollen nipples poked out of the Basque. Lost to the intense sensation, she forgot where she was or why she was there, all her concentration on the wonderful sensation inside her. Another orgasm hit her, then another and she started to be distressed, struggling more against the binding. The sensation was so strong, it was becoming painful, but still no body seemed to notice or care, talking quietly to each other. In fact, the diners were watching intently, as she became more agitated. Now she was just hanging from the cuffs, her legs bowed out, all strength gone. Still it went on, orgasm after orgasm slamming in to her, till she whispered,

"Please, no more now."

"Excuse me, did you speak, were you asked to speak?" One of the boys asked.

"I am so sorry at this breach in discipline gentlemen. Are you minded to forgive this first offence?"

Nothing was said, but the boys came over and started unclipping the Basque, till she was naked apart from stockings. Still the vibrator was on and she shook to another climax. The diners stared at the instrument, clamped to the floor, impaled between her legs. Juices were running down it freely, her labia puffy, with visible contractions expelling more fluid. They admired her firm, curvy figure, fully exposed to them. She waited, sure she was going to be whipped, but nothing seemed to happen, till there was a swish and acute pain in her buttocks, another over the front of her thigh. She jumped and shrieked, more in surprise than pain. It wasn't actually, that painful as they'd promised, though it must look impressive. They carried on, slowly, methodically, one over her front, one the back. Moving up and down, only the blows over her breasts and nipples were painful. She couldn't see of course, but it must look so sexy, they were using bundles of light leather straps, which caused multiple marks over her sweating body, but little real discomfort. She pulled and tried to turn away, pleaded, cried, a great performance. It seemed to go on forever, when it stopped, one of them asked,

"Now are you sorry?"

"Yes, please, very sorry, please stop."

"You won't do it again?"

"No I promise I'll be good, I'll do anything, anything at all, just stop it, please."

So they stopped the whipping, turned off and removed the vibrator, with a sucking squelch and left her hanging, limp, spent. The cuffs were undone and she was lowered to her knees, then they were closed behind her back. Still bound to the floor, thighs spread, her head hung down on her chest. Then a hand grabbed her hair and lifted up her head. She felt an erect cock against her cheek and another by her eye. Her mouth reached for them, though she was still blindfolded. The men laughed at her, nastily.

"You want to suck these, slut?"

A cock ran over her top lip and she opened her mouth.

"All in good time, don't be greedy. Have you been good, do you think you deserve to suck my cock?" A voice said.

"Yes I have, I will be good, please," She begged.

A hard cock pushed her mouth wide open and far into her throat. MMMM, another nice one she thought to herself, as she licked and sucked, trying to please him. Another hand grabbed her hair and pushed a different cock in, now she moaned.

"Good slut, you like this don't you, had a lot of practice haven't you, you're good. That's it, suck harder." The voice said.

Now both men grabbed a handful of hair and turned her to one then the other length. Finally pushing the tip of both in, till she choked and gasped.

"Want us to come in your mouth, do you? You won't get off so easy, we're going to fuck you to within an inch of your life, do everything and there's nothing you can do about it, is there... IS THERE?"

"No." She mumbled.

"NO WHAT," He shouted.

"No Sir." The blindfold was making her genuinely frightened, even though she new she was safe.

"Now what do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me, do whatever you want," She whispered.


"Do whatever you want to me, please, anything." She finished in a stronger voice.

"That's better, you're learning, good."

She was still on her knees, but a hand pushed her backwards, so her head and shoulders rested on the floor. Julie felt male thighs between hers and something between her lips. Without warning, one of the boys drove his full length into her bruised cunt, grinding his pelvis against hers, as she shrieked in pain. He pulled out, then slammed in as hard again, then again. The pain became pleasure, she moaned and extended her neck, lifting her shoulders off the floor, nipples visibly swelling.

"You like that, you like it hard, slut."

"Mmmmm" Was all she could manage.

The man, she didn't know which, pulled out and she was lifted off the floor as the other slid under her, then she rested back against his chest, more comfortable. The one under found her opening, gaping now and drove his length in. When he withdrew, the other man pushed in, then each entered her in turn. They coordinated withdrawing and pushing back in, then stopped and both pushed in slowly together. Steady pressure, till both were half buried. Julie groaned and her head thrashed from side to side, no longer pretending to be in pain, as her abused cunt was stretched impossibly more. She couldn't believe she could take any more, but she did, inch by inch, till both were nearly at full penetration. Hands were gripping her breasts and squeezing her nipples hard, then she shook as if having convulsions, bucking and throwing her body around. The men let her finish then withdrew and both penetrated again, making her screech.

The diners were standing in a circle, rubbing themselves , engrossed in the brutal assault.

"You're enjoying this aren't you bitch, used to having two cocks in at once aren't you... aren't you.?" The man said.

"Yes, Yes, it's good," came out through Julie's gritted teeth, her face deep red with the strain. But in fact, a part of her was enjoying the abuse, the blindfold made it more exciting.

The boys withdrew and the one under her slithered out. They needed a break, sweating, red and panting as well. Julie slumped forward onto her face and shoulders, gasping in air.

She didn't now how long the time out had lasted, when she felt hands exploring her ass, then cold gel around her anus, before fingers pushed in. She started to cry, not sure if she could cope with one or both of them, deep in her ass. There was always the safe word, but she wasn't going to give in, not yet anyway. The train of thought was disturbed by the oh so familiar feeling of a cock exploring her anus. Gritting her teeth, she managed to push back, anything to get it over with. Then the equally familiar pain and pop as the sphincter gave way and the hard cock pushed in and in, before starting to pump her. Whoever it was, controlled her by holding the handcuffs at her back, pulling her painfully, onto the thrusts. Turn and turn about, the other replaced him, then back again. Her face on the ground, rubbed across the floor. It took a while, but she finally came again, with the anal abuse.

Suddenly it stopped and she was left in peace, for a few precious moments, before her handcuffs were undone and refastened in front of her. The arms were pulled up and attached to a chain, then she was hoisted to a standing position again. She looked a picture and in fact, the silent observers had been taking pictures throughout, on their mobiles. They would appear shortly on various websites, to be shared and spread as only the internet could. Thank goodness for the blindfold, to hide her identity.

For now, she hung exhausted, from the chain, her legs to weak to hold her. Head slumped, with hair, sweaty and clumped. There were lash marks all her body, she looked insensible, but Julie was preoccupied by her thoughts, why had she agreed to this? She new the answer, because of the excitement, a new experience, a new way to be beaten and degraded, a new guilty pleasure to savour.

Hands touching her feet, broke into her thoughts. At last, were they freeing her? No, of course not, her hands were still bound above her and were now she was pulled to a standing position, till her toes just touched the floor. The two men started gently stroking, touching, probing her, licking and sucking her abused breasts. That was really nice, more so being blindfold. Then her legs were raised and rested over a pair of male shoulders. She felt warm breath and a probing tongue over her gaping cunt. The tongue pushed in and she moaned, that was really good. Then he sucked hard on her clit, pressing into her groin.