The Gerudo Chief

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Getting caught sneaking into town was only the beginning...
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 06/18/2022
Created 07/14/2021
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-- A little fun fan fiction while we wait for Breath of the Wild 2! Thanks for reading and please vote if you enjoy. :-) --

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Anxiously, he looked around as he stepped foot inside the sand-colored walls of the town. The guards seemed to buy his disguise, even as he feared he might somehow give himself away. The marketplace was hustling and bustling with activity under the bright heat of the day. Eyes fixated on him, wondering about this new little outsider who had come from beyond the desert.

It was well known that Gerudo Town was off limits to males. The place was heavily guarded to enforce this particular custom of the Gerudo people. Link had learned this firsthand during the couple of previous times he attempted to sneak in, only to be caught by the guards and roughly tossed out one of the entranceways on his back. In no short time, he'd realized this approach was futile, given the size and strength of the guards.

Compared to his modest height, Gerudo women were practically giants. Most stood two or even three feet taller than him, and their bare midriffs made no secret of how fit they were, showing off abs that were capable of making many men blush. The Gerudo were tough tanned-skin, fiery-haired warriors, and the soldiers and guards within the town certainly reflected the truth of this reputation with their huge and muscular stature. They had picked up and thrown Link out like he was a mere sack of apples.

Determined as he was, though, Link had come up with another way of getting into the town. In a bazaar on the outskirts of the area, he had met someone who had access to Gerudo clothing. For a fee, he had purchased the turquoise veil disguising his face, as well as the purple sirwal and green top that fit his smaller frame surprisingly well. Link was not lacking in strength himself, so it was mildly embarrassing, yet admittedly amusing, that he could apparently pass as female among the Gerudo.

Princess Zelda had entrusted him with the task of scoping out the Gerudo forces for their strategic value. With the prophesied return of Calamity Ganon, she was prepared to enlist all the support Hyrule could get. Zelda had spoken highly of the Gerudo Chief, who had been close friends with her mother, but she had emphasized the risk to Link all the same. He was to remain undercover and report back to her whatever he could on the number and might of the Gerudo forces.

If she saw him now, what would she think? Her friend and protector, dressed like a Gerudo girl. He imagined she would giggle and tease him. Though perhaps she would be less entertained. Being her appointed knight was not always an easy job, and sometimes it felt like a thankless one. Devoted as he was to her, there was something different, something almost relaxing, about being where he was now.

Somehow, he fit in here. The Gerudo seemed to accept him as a Hylian vai -- their word for female. He visited the market, conversed with people in the square, and was greeted and treated as friendly. Even so, there was a nervous energy in him that someone might see through his disguise. This grew stronger as he walked through the barracks where the soldiers were practicing and training. He felt no doubt that he was outnumbered and could be easily overpowered by them.

The soldiers were kind, however, as he spoke with them. It was clear they saw this little Hylian as no threat. Some of them grinned, seeing Link stare a bit at their muscles, or watching him rub the back of his head curiously.

There were rumors about Gerudo women. Males of their race were so uncommon that it fed into speculation about how they managed to procreate. Some thought that Gerudo women must at times involve themselves with men of other races. Others imagined that perhaps there may be more to Gerudo vai than meets the eye. Link couldn't help wondering if any of them suspected his thoughts as his gaze drifted and wandered.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he started to leave the barracks, heading back to the marketplace. It appeared that he would be able to complete his mission for the princess without any trouble. Things had gone fairly well, and at least the outfit he was wearing was quite comfortable in the heat.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. Trying to remain calm, he kept walking. The sound came closer. He turned quickly into the marketplace and hid between a group of people browsing one of the stands. After a minute, his pulse began to slow and he felt safe again.

Not wasting anymore time, he headed for the archway exiting Gerudo Town. As he started to approach, the guards turned back to face him, holding out their spears in his direction. He panicked. Link darted swiftly down an alley to his right. He climbed over fencing and passed a woman who was selling Sand Seals. Then down another alley he went.

Footsteps were following him once more. His feet took flight and he was now running, searching and praying for another exit. Before he could find one, his legs gave out as someone grabbed him by the pants and tackled him. He heard the clatter of his sword hitting the ground and lost his sense of direction for where it fell.

Warm air tickled his backside and he realized that his sirwal had been pulled off in the process. His breathing became heavy as he laid motionless, not wanting to move and possibly be exposed. Behind him, someone took him by the waist and set him back on his feet.

Link felt small and helpless, even more so when he found himself surrounded by three large and imposing guards, one of which held his sword in her hand. Another at his back put her hand on his shoulder gently. The two in front looked down at his underwear. His heart was beating relentlessly now.

"Be still, voe," the voice behind him said firmly. This was not good, he knew. Voe was the Gerudo word for males.

One of the guards stepped forward and yanked the veil down from his face. He gasped and backed up against the guard behind him. He felt himself come up to her chest and looked up and behind himself nervously. Her grip tightened on his shoulder. There was no escape.

"You again?!" another guard in front scolded. "By the Seven, you just don't learn, do you?"

"To the pillory?" asked the one behind him.

"To the pillory, Lashley," the guard addressed her fellow guard, before continuing to speak more discreetly in the Gerudo language.

The two remaining Gerudo escorted Link to the center of the marketplace at the edge of a spear. Dozens of eyes fell on him as the people began to gather around. A guard wheeled out a platform with a wooden pillory attached to it. Link fidgeted uncomfortably, feeling the sharp tip of the spear lightly touch his back.

Lashley pulled up on the top portion of the device, allowing access to the three holes between the boards. Another guard forcefully pushed Link to the opening, pressing on his back until he bent over. Down came the top board, until he had no choice but to settle into the slots for his hands and neck. He let out a quiet, stuttered breath as he heard it lock into place. From where he was, he was looking into a small sea of faces, all staring at him and whispering to one another. Some frowned at him, others were taking in the scene with impatience, while still others were watching with eager anticipation.

Link's cheeks began to turn red. A chuckle rose up from the crowd, followed by more chattering.

"Attention!" came a voice from above him. He tilted his head to see a tall Gerudo speaking to those gathered in front. "This Hylian voe has broken our laws. He has committed his third offense trying to sneak into our town. He has disrespected you, disrespected our community, and disrespected our customs. In accordance with the ways of the Gerudo, he must be punished. What say you?"

"Yes!" shouted some in the crowd. "Punish him!" others said.

Long fingers touched Link's hips as he inhaled softly. They slid down to the turquoise-colored panties barely covering his bottom. With a quick and humiliating motion, the guard yanked his underwear down to his knees. Link instinctively crossed his legs, as his face grew redder. The guard put her hands around each of his thighs, forcing his legs apart.

"Oh, you want privacy now?" she mocked him. "After you've tried to deceive us and ignored our wish for privacy? Perhaps this will teach you to listen better. Lock his legs."

He felt hands grab his feet and position them into small round ankle restraints on the floor of the platform. As they were locked in place, he watched the women in the crowd crane their necks and stare forward interestedly. Giggles and whispers rose up as some pointed at the sight of his penis dangling openly in the air.

"I feel sorry for those poor Hylian vai," Link overheard one Gerudo say.

Now he was blushing brightly. Some of the women drew closer, commenting on his cheeks, while his face flustered more and his eyes jumped anxiously about. He tried not to make eye contact, but it was exceedingly difficult to manage. Every little thing seemed to elicit his attention. There was an inexplicable sense of excitement in it all, as absurd as it felt to him.

"Paddle," a guard said.

The word caused his mouth to drop open. Somehow, he had yet to put together why he was up here in the pillory, facing the crowd with his panties around his knees. He had not really expected any worse than to be thrown out again on his third attempt to get into Gerudo Town. But he had been caught, and a part of him did know the risk he'd been taking. He took a deep breath and told himself he had no choice but to accept his punishment.

The first whack to his bare ass made him jerk forward against the pillory. A startled yelp broke free from his lips to the delight of those watching. The paddle was big and broad enough to cover both of his cheeks in a single swing. It stung and left a large red mark while his face contorted painfully.

"Again!" yelled someone in the crowd.

Link looked out into the group of people and saw her, leaning forward expectantly, hands clenched. She smiled confidently as her eyes met his. The expression on her face was not scornful, though it was frighteningly thrilled. His eyes widened in response.

The paddle hit his bottom hard again, making him groan and hang his head down. His legs started to shake. He now began to fear how long he might be up here.

"What is he wearing?" someone asked not so quietly in the crowd.

"It looks like... he dressed like a vai."

Link raised his head to see the same woman staring at him as before. She met his eyes again and turned to another Gerudo next to her without breaking her gaze. "If he wants to be a vai, leave him with me and I'll show him some things."

Laughter erupted at this. Link's face returned to a bright red and the woman grinned devilishly back with what seemed to be a sense of pride. Just then another smack on his rear end brought out a shout and a look of complete shock on him. More laughter followed as the stinging trickled across his bare skin.

"He is pretty for a voe, though, isn't he?" another person remarked.

"You should see the view from back here," one of the guards added.

Now the laughter really erupted. Link was embarrassed, but oddly flattered. A slight smirk came over his lips. He wondered how often they had to punish someone like this. How often did they enjoy it this much?

Time seemed to crawl by slowly as the next several spankings were administered. He would grit his teeth and try to endure, though he found his eyes beginning to water as the pain intensified. His body leapt forward after each impact, he would turn his ass to the side and away from the women behind him, and they would correct his posture every time. He was beginning to feel as though the punishment would never end. Link made up his mind that he would not return to Gerudo Town unless the princess was with him, as his protector.

No sooner had he reached this conclusion than a noise from behind him interrupted the show. Someone had approached the guard who was dispensing the paddling. In a hushed voice, one brief sentence was spoken that changed everything.

"Lady Urbosa wishes to see him."

Without hesitation, the guards began unlocking him from the pillory, pulled up his underwear, and helped him to his feet. The pillory was wheeled away as one Gerudo came to each side of Link and escorted him up the steps to the throne room. Link found his mind racing as he worried over what this might mean for relations between the Gerudo and Hyrule. He hoped his intrusion had not upset the Gerudo Chief.

Red carpet paved the way past two large stone statues of Gerudo soldiers, seemingly guarding the throne at the back of room. Behind it was the open sky, letting in warmth and light to illuminate the chamber. As Link set foot into the palace, guards blocked the entrance at his back. The two at his side led him further on until he was close enough for the Chief to address and observe. She silently looked him over from her seat on the throne, where she was resting her chin on her hand.

The young Hylian knight had heard tales of Lady Urbosa before. Her beauty, grace, and skill as a fighter were of quite some renown well beyond the borders of the desert. Her long, flowing red hair and bright green eyes stood out mesmerizingly. Glimmering gold jewelry adorned her almost everywhere, from her forehead to her ears to her neck, wrists, fingers, top, and skirt. Urbosa's appearance spelled royalty and authority, but it also communicated an elegance and power that practically commanded respect.

Link fell to his knees, exhausted from his time in the pillory. Curiously, though, he knew his legs would have supported him, if he had not felt so compelled to let go.

"Imagine my surprise," the Chief spoke, "hearing that a Hylian voe snuck into my town dressed in vai's clothing."

Link raised his head shyly, quickly averting his eyes. Urbosa was calm, relaxed, and staring him down firmly.

"Then imagine my surprise to learn this little Hylian is none other than the appointed knight to the princess of Hyrule."

His cheeks flushed red at this, fearing that there would indeed be wrath to follow. Instead, Urbosa leaned forward and glanced at the guards beside him.

"Lift him up and show me his punishment."

Each woman grabbed an arm and lifted him up effortlessly. One put a hand on his back and directed him to turn around. Then she swiftly stuck her hand into the back of his panties and pulled them down. Link jumped a little and gasped. The way they treated him made him feel utterly helpless and insignificant, and inside it ate him as he contemplated why it aroused him so.

For a moment, there was complete silence. He felt eyes on his bare, bruised bottom, studying him carefully. It seemed as if they ran along the contours of his body, contrasting them with the top and underwear he had on.

"Turn around," the Chief ordered.

Timidly, Link did turn around, covering his privates with both hands and trembling slightly. Urbosa regarded his behavior for a second.

"I'm not sure you have anything that's still a secret to anyone here," she snickered. "You may as well relax. Especially if you're hoping to eventually leave here and return to your princess still wearing something."

After a brief pause to think, Link slowly stood up and put his hands at his side. The panties around his legs descended to the floor. One of the guards came forward and put a hand on his shoulder, pushing him to his knees again.

"Bow in the presence of Lady Urbosa!"

The Hylian bowed once, face to the floor, and returned to his knees. The Chief's expression had not changed, still cool and emotionless. Her eyes took him in.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Urbosa asked.

Silence filled the palace again. He shifted nervously on his knees and rubbed the back of his head.

"Ah, that's right," the Chief said with a smirk. "Your vow of silence. That's unfortunate. Something like that could get one into all sorts of trouble if not careful."

Urbosa rose from the throne and approached slowly. As she came closer, her size impressed itself greatly on Link. The curves of her body were more delicate than some of her soldiers, but Urbosa was nearly six foot seven inches tall, had strong arms, towering legs, and a stomach that looked more solid than that of the stone statues nearby. Link swallowed apprehensively as she stopped and stood over him, hands gracefully coming to her hips.

"I'm aware of why you're here. I confess, I'm disappointed the princess didn't just ask for my assistance herself. I'm even more disappointed that you've persistently broken our laws to try and carry out your task. But you were just following orders, after all."

The Chief extended her hand and took Link under the chin, tilting his head up towards her. She saw anxiety in his eyes, though there was also curiosity, excitement, and an intense attentiveness. As she smiled, she watched closely as his own face brightened in response to hers.

"I like voe that know how to follow orders. Or is it vai?"

He tried to grin at this and made an uncomfortable chuckle. Urbosa threw back her head and laughed. She let go of his chin and stood back, arms folded.

"Gerudo Town isn't like Hyrule," Urbosa warned. "Things are different here, as you know. We can't exactly make exceptions for you just because of who you are. But... you might find you enjoy some of the differences here."

She turned her back to him and went to sit on the throne once more. Link waited patiently on his knees. Perhaps his mission hadn't failed yet. Right now, though, all he could really think about was the magnificent woman in front of him. How she spoke, how she moved, how she looked -- all of it entranced him and filled his mind with fantasies. Her presence sent lovely chills down his spine.

"At any rate, with the way you've conducted yourself, it's painfully clear you need to learn some manners. Some respect and obedience. We're very good at teaching that here."

With perfect poise, she raised her arm, gave the guards a look, and waved them forward. As they approached Link from behind, one grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to crawl along on all fours with them. When they stopped, he was directly at the feet of the Chief, pulse beating hard in his chest. The guard continued holding him by the hair as he watched Urbosa carefully unfasten the ornate belt around her waist. She dropped it to the side of the throne and started untying her skirt.

"Hold him still," Urbosa commanded.

Link looked around skittishly, but his eyes could not resist returning repeatedly to her skirt as he pondered what was waiting beneath. A terrified thrill arose in him.

"I'm sure this is new to you, but you'll get used to it. Some of us Gerudo have been... blessed, you could say."

Pulling her skirt down, the base of something big became visible to Link. The further the skirt went, the further it seemed to extend. There was something long, thick, and as beautifully golden brown as the Chief herself. The more Link saw of it, the smaller it made him feel. When the skirt was fully off and it stiffened and hardened, the sight of it made him jerk back a tad against the guard keeping him in place.

Urbosa leaned forward and stroked his face. "Be still. I told you we do things differently here. Here, strength matters... and size matters. Being the Chief does have its perks."

She reached between his legs and felt him. Hard as he got, it seemed to pale in comparison to her. A wide smile decorated her face as she watched his eyes fix on what she had between her legs. His heart pounded as she let go of him and returned her hand to his cheek.