The Get-Away

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DJ Jade returns for more anal adventures on a cruise ship.
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Authors Note, it's great to be publishing again. Posting this is a big achievement for me.

I'd like to say a huge thanks to AwkwardMD for all of her support and editing on this story. Without her, none of this would have been possible. Also huge thanks to Skulltitti for helping to improve several sections and for advice on the character motives. Also, thank you to voyeur73x for reading and giving a very valued opinion..

Also, please, creating in a vacuum is hard. If you like (Or hate :) ) anything in this story then please let me know. I would love to hear from you and hear your thoughts. Emails or comments are very welcome.

This one is from a female POV, enjoy.

Authors Note 2 - Warning. Please be aware that later in the story, Jade is in a position that she might not choose for herself.

Maria, March 2023.

"Rupert, I'm so, sorry," I called as I tumbled out of the driver's door of my white van.

Rupert, my landlord-come-boyfriend, looked on unimpressed, standing next to his freshly polished Audi, keys clenched tightly in his hand and tapping his feet. We'd agreed to meet at a car park that formed the midpoint of the triangle between his doctor's practice, our house and the road that we needed to take to get to his mother's house. The car park was large and bleak with no more than twenty randomly scattered cars parked in it. At the far end was a small one-story building which I assumed to be a toilet block. I briefly wondered if the van would be safe here.

"Don't look at me like that!"I said, trying to pull him into a hug. "You know I finished late last night, it was almost daylight when I got home. And, it took ages to get ready." He remained tense.

I stepped back, determined to try a different tactic."What do you think?" I said, doing a small spin.

It had taken me ages to decide on the outfit. I was wearing tall black shiny boots, a short black skirt with frills diagonally up the front that had the effect of making it look like a wrap-around skirt and a skin-tight black long-sleeved top which didn't quite reach the skirt. There was an inviting strip of exposed skin between the skirt and top. I'd chosen a high neck, definitely not my usual queen cleavage style, but we weren't going to my usual kind of event.

"You aren't wearing a bra," Rupert said, ignoring everything but my chest.

I looked at him and put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow. "That's not usually a problem."

"Usually you have some support in your tops. Today you don't."

"Fuck. I'll go and change, sorry I'm so nervous. I've never been to a real grown-up cocktail party before."

"There isn't time." Rupert said, "we're already late." He handed me the keys to his car.

I looked at the keys and then back at him.

"You drive faster than me," he said.

I opened the door, put in the keys then stepped back and undid my boots. I slid them off as heals don't make for smooth gear changes. I chucked them in the backseat and slid into the driver's seat, now showing off the odd socks I thought no one would see.

He was staring at my face.

"What?" I asked.

"You went all out with your makeup didn't you?"

I glared at him.

"It's pretty thick," he said.

"Fucks sake," I hissed as I pulled down the sun visor and looked at myself in the mirror. The highlighting and contouring were on point, and so was the foundation. My face was shiny, but nothing some more powder wouldn't fix it. "Looks okay to me."

"And you've had your lips done again haven't you?"

"Only a little."

Rupert didn't say anything. I glanced at him again. He was now looking straightforward.

"Sorry, I know how important this is to you," I said softening. "This is me, who I am. Do you really want me to pretend to be someone else?"

He looked at me with a half smile, "Since when have you ever worn anything that doesn't show cleavage."

I looked at him and smiled. "I'm really fucking nervous," I confided to him. "What if they hate me?"

"How can anyone hate you?" Rupert said. Then without warning, he reached over and pulled up my top on one side so that my left breast, the one closest to him, fell out of the top and flopped down. "Not when you have tits this big!"

"Rupert!" I hissed looking around to check that no one was around the car. Luckily the coast was clear. "I'm more than a pair of huge tits!" I said.

"I know," he said, reaching his hand for my ass.

"Fuck Rupert. What has gotten into you?" I asked with a half smile. "I thought we didn't have any time."

"We don't, but..."

I looked at him, then at his hand already between my back and the seat. Then I looked at where he was looking. The public toilet at the edge of the car park.

"You can't be serious?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"You could be a cheap prostitute I've picked up," he said breathlessly.

"I'm not cheap," I said bristling, "in any way"

"One hundred?" he said playfully.

"Fuck off!" I said and slapped him. "We are running late, my make-up is on point, and that place is grim, not going to happen."

"Two hundred"


"Three hundred?"

"You can't fucking pay me, you are my boyfriend!"

"I can, 'cause then you'll always know you had sex for money, and call this a hunch but I think that would hit a few of your humiliation buttons."

"I do not have any humiliation buttons. Do you know how fucked up that is?"

"I think you love the idea. Two fifty?"

"What happened to three hundred?"

He didn't reply, he just smiled at me.

"What would you want to do?" I asked.

"Whatever I want."

"Fuck sake, I can't believe I'm considering this."

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, grabbing at my exposed tit as he did. "You'll always know that you whored yourself out for money. You'll never be able to deny it to yourself".

I sighed as he moved away. I kept my eyes forward, well aware of how hard my exposed nipple was in his hand. I was silent for a moment.

"A grand."

"Two hundred."

"I'm worth more than two hundred!" I said indignantly.

"Are you?" He was grinning at me.

"Okay but not my ass"

"No deal!" he said.

I looked at him again. "Are you serious? You want to ass fuck me in a public toilet before we meet your mum and oldest friends whilst I'm dressed like this?!"


"Fuck sake," I said turning off the engine and reaching into the back seat of the car for my high-heeled boots. "Three hundred at least?"

"Two hundred," he said, pulling out his wallet and handing me a very tidy wad of twenty-pound notes.

I took it and counted it. "There is exactly two hundred here," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"How convenient," he said.

"Since when do you even carry cash?"

He just smiled.

I frowned, and then I pulled my top down hiding my tit. "Two rules, you don't cum in my ass, and you don't mess up this!" I indicated my make-up.

He nodded.

I folded up the money and instinctively slid it inside my boots. I looked at him to see him smiling.

"Tucking the money into your cheap slut boots," he said. "It's almost like you've done this before." Then he got out and without waiting for me to tell him how expensive the boots were, he strode towards the toilets.

Feeling even more anxious, I got out of the car, locked it, and hurried after him as fast as my short legs would let me.

He went into the men's toilet, ahead of me, I sighed and followed him in, sorry that he'd not chosen the ladies.

He'd genuinely succeeded in making me feel like a whore. He was standing by the sinks, but the first thing I noticed was the smell. It wasn't good, a repulsive mix of stale urine, dampness, and general filth. The walls were covered in dirt and graffiti. The mirror over the sinks was made of unbreakable metal but was covered in stickers for various football clubs. Some I recognised, some I didn't.

"Rupert, let's not do this."

"You've had my money."

"At least kiss me first?"

"That's not the deal," he said as he reached down and undid the zipper on his trousers. His cock was suddenly there, all exposed and magnificent.

"Out here?" I gulped, looking behind me at the unlocked door.

"You'd prefer one of those?"

He pointed at the cubicles. He had a point, they were even more disgusting.

He closed the distance between us and pulled up my top. Both of my tits fell free and he scooped them up with his hands, his fingers sinking roughly into them.

"You have such heavy tits, gravity is going to destroy you," he moaned and lowered his head to suck the nearest nipple into his mouth just for a moment.

He lifted his head, then squeezed both tits up and together. He spat down onto my deep cleavage. I looked at the spit and then up at him in surprise when his fist grabbed my neck.

"Let's use those inflated whore blowjob lips of yours," he said. Using my throat he pulled me down so my lips were on a level with the tip of his cock.

I opened my mouth wide, hoping to preserve my lip liner and lipstick, and his cock forced its way into my mouth. His hands wrapped up in my platinum hair and he pulled me onto him.

"Mgggfff," I gasped around the cock as it hit the back of my throat, my stomach spasmed and I felt myself retch. He held me in place and the wretch became bigger. I had no choice but to push myself off him.

My eyes were watering as I looked up at him. Any more of this and my eye makeup would be ruined.

"My make-up," I gasped.

"I'm just getting my money's worth," he grinned, and before I could say anything else he shoved his cock into my throat again. I coughed once, twice, then I felt the first tear trickle out of my eye; no doubt taking eyeliner with it.

My mouth was full of my throat slime by the time he pulled his cock out, some of it stretched in thick strands between his tip and my lip gloss.

"Spit it on your tits," he said once more roughly gripping my tits and pushing them up.

It was either that or swallow it, so I did. I watched as the thick slime from my throat dribbled down.

He moaned and began coating my tits in the slippery fluid with his hands. My tits shone. He let them drop and then forced himself back in my throat.

I coughed once, twice again, and he repeated his instructions to me.

I obeyed and he once more used his hands to spread the slime all over my tits like a glaze.

He then grabbed the very root of my tits and used them to pull me up on my knees so that my tits were now level with his cock.

Using his hands to hold my tits up he began to fuck them. His face transformed into pure pleasure and for a moment I was lost in how handsome he was.

"Don't, cum on my face." I gasped up.

He grinned up at me and pulled my top over my head, he tossed it off to the side. I watched it go into the corner and then looked at the door, desperately hoping it wasn't going to open.

Without waiting for me to look back at him, he pulled me up to my feet and tore my skirt down, leaving me in only my brand-new micro thong. I thought he might see it later if the visit went well. It was black, shiny, and tiny with a double-strap waist.

"Fuck, you really are a whore," he gasped and ran his hands over my ass. "The smallest possible thong on the biggest ass."

I thought he'd pull the thong aside, but he didn't. He ripped it down and made me step out of it. He then picked it up and then forced it into my mouth. Not fully, just enough of it was sticking out through my newly plump and glossed lips.

I was now completely naked.

"Look at yourself," he said in my ear. "Look at yourself in the fucking mirror and see what a fucking slut you are."

I looked.

My big blue eyes looked into my own in the scratched mirror, but he was right. I was a slut, I was completely naked in the men's public toilet. I felt my mind beginning to lose control. The wall of self-confidence I had worked so hard on began to crack and I could feel my anxieties beginning to flow through.

My hair, my makeup, and my lips were all part of my armour. But, they were cheapened, ironically by the expensive thong shoved in my mouth. The truth was there reflected in the mirror. How my love of my curves was a lie. How the tits I used as my greatest assets were in reality disgusting, uneven and saggy. The coating of throat slime made them even worse. I was lazy. If I could buy something to improve my looks I would, but if it required work, like eating well, dieting, or working out in the gym, I didn't bother.

What I needed was a hug. What I got was Rupert's hard cock pressing between my buttocks and his palm pressed on the small of my back. He forced me nearer to the sinks and closer to the mirror. As we moved his tip slid down to find his fuck hole of choice.

"Just look at that whore in the mirror, she loves herself, " he said. "Kiss yourself."

I hesitated, the mirror looked so dirty, he pressed my face against it. I pulled away instinctively from the cold, but I could see my makeup had been left behind on the mirror.

Another part of my armour was gone.

I could feel his cock working its way into me already. When we'd first started seeing each other I'd been an anal virgin, but anal sex was such a big part of our sex life now that I knew my ass would offer him no resistance.

"Look at that whore, her dirty whore ass is taking my cock so easily, she must have taken so many cocks in this dirty asshole of hers," he gasped and pressed my face into the mirror again.

I wanted to say that his had been the only cock inside my ass ever, but instead I gulped and put my hips at the right angle so that there would be no significant pain from his invasion. Then I did as he asked. I moved the thong to the side of my mouth and kissed myself in the mirror.

"Oh fuck, you vain little slut," he hissed in my ear, as my tongue met the tongue of my mirror image. "Make yourself cum as you have anal sex for money."

I should have ignored him, but I didn't. Keeping one hand on the mirror to steady myself I put the other down between my legs.

I was surprised at how wet I was.

Apparently, he was satisfied with my humiliation, he reached up and pulled the thong from my mouth. Without saying anything he pushed the thong inside me.

"Oh fuck," I moaned.

He was a master at fucking my ass now. It didn't resist him at all. When he was almost out he sank back in. I closed my eyes tight as my body was overwhelmed by the deep, dark and perverted sensation.

"Just cum imagining someone walking in and seeing you like this. Like the whore you are. No money can make you anything other than what you are. He said, grabbing a hold of my platinum hair and pulling it hard, before forcing my face into the mirror once more.

He began to pump his cock in and out of me. The full length, his veins stimulating the defeated ring muscles of my asshole.

"Imagine anyone seeing you in here, my cock fully in your asshole, your boots stuffed with money, You are such a cheap slut, all the money you spend, yet you are still a mess, a huge titted stupid mess," he moaned.

"Fuck.." was all I could manage as the perverted images of being caught, of being found out flashed before my eyes. This was all so raw, so intense. He'd given me what I needed, I looked over my shoulder at him.

"All this for two hundred pounds, so fucking cheap. Yet not worth a penny more." he moaned.

"Mmmm," I moaned.

"You are so short and your tits are so big, you are all about your tits," he said.

I couldn't help but look down at my disgusting tits in the mirror. It sparked something deep inside me.

"Please don't cum in my ass," I said in a little voice.

As soon as the words left my mouth I felt him start to cum into my asshole and in return, I came hard. Really fucking hard.


"Are you okay?" I asked Rupert as I navigated the car out of the car park.

He always felt so bad and guilty after going full sadist on me.

Though, to be fair, he deserved to feel guilty. I was driving with no underwear and an asshole full of cum. Luckily there had been some toilet paper in one of the cubicles, I'd been able to ball it up, and put it against my ass, hoping that by the time I got to the party most of his cum would have leaked out of me. The fading bliss of the orgasm protected me from the worst of the shame.

He turned and smiled weakly, "I should be asking you." Then he let out a huge sigh, "I've ruined your face."

"That's not all you ruined," I said with a half smile.

He didn't smile or laugh, something was weighing heavily on his mind. Something big,

"Nothing? Come on, that was up there with my best material." I quipped.

Still no response.

I sighed.

"Honestly, it's fine. I'm sure I can fix it in the car when we get there. I am pretty good with a brush." I said.

"Maybe we should forget about tonight," Rupert said quietly, his hands in his lap.

I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. This was unusual for him. I tried to think of the right words to say.

"But, you've been excited about this for weeks. The chance to finally show me off." I said, deliberately using his words back at him. "And here I am. In all my thicc-ness."


I reached over for his hand. "Don't worry about my make-up, I can fix it, and the thong was barely there anyway."

He was looking directly at me now. I turned, made eye contact just long enough to see the sadness in his eyes and then returned my attention to the road.

"I shouldn't have said any of that stuff back there. I shouldn't do that to someone I care about."

"Honestly, don't overthink it. We like what we like. I know how you feel about me. That was a nasty fucking horrible orgasm, and I wouldn't want to do that all the time, but you know, every now and again, I'm down."

"Would you mind if I told people at the party that you were my tenant?"

"Well, I kind of am..." I said, before what he was saying sank in.

"Just for now, I mean, next time we can tell them we are a couple."

"Next time," I repeated feeling tears coming to my eyes

"Yeah, let them get to know you maybe."

"Aren't they expecting you to be bringing your girlfriend?" I asked, hating the upset in my voice.

He didn't reply.

"You haven't told them, have you?"

He didn't reply.

"Who do they think I am?"

"I told them I was bringing a friend."

"A friend!" I exploded before stopping myself. I paused and took another deep breath, doing my best to keep calm. "You don't do what we just did to a friend."

He sighed, "I don't think you are supposed to do that with someone you care about either."

"Excuse me?!" I was used to Rupert's freakouts, but this was something else. "And who are you supposed to do that stuff with then? A side chick? A whore? Is that why you wanted to pay me, to put me back in my place? So that I fucking knew what I was worth to you? That I was worth two hundred quid!"

I considered reaching in the boot to throw the money back at him. I stopped myself at the last minute, I had a feeling I might need it.

"No, that was me humiliating you, and you went with it, you always go with it. Do you have no limits?" His voice remained calm, flat, without emotion, as if I were a child.

I looked at him, taking my eyes off the road.

"I'm in the wrong for not stopping you? What kind of gas-lighting toxic bullshit is that? You are the one that was fucking my ass and saying those things in my ear! That doesn't come from me. I can probably count on two hands the number of times you've fucked me properly, normally. And I don't think you've ever said anything nice."

He winced, Then took a deep breath. "I've never been like this with anyone else before."

"And that's on me?"

"No, it's on me. I'm not sure I like who I am when I'm like that."

"Fucking hell Rupert, we are almost there and we are already late, this is not the time for one of your self-indulgent guilt moments. How many times do I have to say it, I enjoy it. A lot. I wouldn't let you do it if I didn't."