The Ghost of a '57 Chevy


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"Yes, that's what I mean. We could go over to some of the parks here or even in Virginia or Tennessee. Or as far as we have time for."

Her smile widened even more. "I'd like that."

He thought for a few seconds. "I'm not even sure exactly where we are. I supposed I'd need to go back and get some more clothes from my other car and I'd have to take you by where ever you live so you could get some."

He started to say something else but Jenny frowned slightly. "I don't really want to go back home right now. I said I'm just Jenny Mae. You don't need to know anything more about me, do you?"

He just looked at her for a half a minute while the girl remained with a slightly apprehensive look on her face. Then he suddenly brightened. "No, we don't need to go back anywhere. We'll just stop somewhere and buy a few things and take off. How does that sound?"

Her smile was bright and wide once again. "Yes!" Then she added, "I don't have much money with me though."

His smile was just as wide. "That's OK. I wasn't asking you to buy anything. If I can buy you meals, I can also buy you some clothes." Then he couldn't help but add, "Not too many. I like seeing you like this - or with even less." They both laughed even though Jenny's face turned slightly pink.

He paid and they went back out to the car and pulled out the roadmap. Don could hardly believe this was happening. Even on top of the car and the wonderful night with this woman. Here he was with a girl half his age. Didn't even know her last name or anything else about her. He was going to take off with her on a trip of several days with no real destination. This was just so unlike anything he had ever done. More like his uncle might have done, he thought. Still, the excitement flowed through him and, it was obvious, through the girl as well.

They found where they were and decided to get onto the interstate for a while and head east. In about a half hour they saw a sign for a Super WalMart and pulled off the main road. Don drove into the parking lot and stopped the car. "We can probably find most of what we need here," he commented. Jenny nodded as they both got out of the car.

Inside they went first to the men's clothing section and Don picked up a second shirt, socks and underwear. He started to get another pair of jeans but then changed his mind and selected a pair of short jeans shorts instead. Moving over to the women's section he told Jenny to get whatever she thought she'd need. She found another blouse and some more panties. Then she held up a pair of shorts which were, if anything, even shorter than the ones she was wearing. Holding them in front of her she turned smiling towards Don. "These OK?" she asked innocently. Don could only nod.

They went to another section and each selected a toothbrush, comb and a few other similar items. Don picked up a cheap toilet kit to hold them and then, almost as an afterthought, picked out an inexpensive soft sided case to hold everything. When they checked into a motel, at least they would have something that looked like luggage.

Before they were ready to leave, Jenny suddenly said, "Why don't we pick up a cooler and some food. We might want to eat lunch or supper as a picnic instead of buying something out each time."

"You don't mind? I mean, I certainly don't mind buying our meals out, but I'll admit that a picnic sounds like fun."

"I don't mind. I like picnics and hiking and things like that."

They bought a small cooler and planned to get some ice when they checked out. They also bought paper plates and tableware and even a nylon coated blanket to spread on the ground. While they were in that section Don asked, "You really like hiking? Would you want to do some?"

"Sure. You said we'd be going to some of the parks, didn't you?"

"Yeah. OK, let me get a small pack and a couple of water bottles."

They picked out a small selection of food they could eat without cooking. Jenny made a trip back to the pharmacy section while Don pushed the basket to the checkout. She reappeared quickly and dropped a couple of things into the pile already there. When the total rang up Don was not surprised to see that it topped two hundred, but considering he was talking about several days vacation, that didn't really seem too bad. Besides, WalMart took credit cards so it wouldn't cut into his cash.

They loaded everything into the Chevy and, with the top down, climbed back inside. Don had seen the things Jenny had added to the basket, but refrained from asking. She had picked up a package of condoms and a small jar of lube. She had said she was clean and certainly hadn't worried about things last night and she definitely didn't need any extra lube. She seemed to be wet and excited all night. He'd let it go for now.

They headed east, farther up into the mountains. Don had been into the hills before but he still got a thrill whenever he saw the majestic scenery and Jenny seemed to be just as excited. Don glanced over at the girl. She was certainly easy to look at but what he was wondering was just who she was. She had said she had graduated high school. OK, she was the right age for that. But what made him curious was that her vocabulary and speech did not fit with a typical high school girl. Her accent did seem local - at least as well as Don could tell. However she seemed more knowledgeable and, for want of a better word, more sophisticated, than he would have expected from someone who grew up around these small towns. Of course Don knew that the stereotypical picture of the "Kentucky hillbilly" was not realistic at all. Actually most people growing up in even the rural areas received a better education and knew more than most who grew up in the big cities. Partly this was due to the ethics of the local populations who wanted better for their kids and partly to the fact that usually only really dedicated teachers would be working out here. Still, he wasn't really sure Jenny really fit the image of a local.

Yet he didn't care. Whoever she was, she was beautiful and fun to be with and incredible in bed. He had never been with a woman like her before in his entire life. He turned and smiled at her and she returned it, moving her hand to give his thigh a squeeze.

They drove for several hours, first on the Mountain Parkway and then later on some smaller roads. About noon they stopped at a roadside picnic table and ate lunch from some of the deli items they had in the cooler. They sat side by side at the single picnic table. Don had sat down second and left a foot of space between them but Jenny had immediately scooted over so that her leg touched his own. Often when she spoke she would touch him, his arm or hand or even his face. She was a very tactile person and although he normally did not like it when someone acted like that, he was finding that with Jenny he completely enjoyed the experience. He even began to reciprocate a little touching her as he spoke although not nearly as much as she did him.

Later in the afternoon they stopped at another roadside rest to use the rest rooms. This was a slightly larger one with a row of trees separating the eating area from the road itself. Three picnic tables and the two outhouses. But this was a Monday and no one else was around. In fact they only saw one other car go by while they were stopped.

Before they got back into the car, Jenny put her arms around his neck and locked him into a deep French kiss. Not that it took a lot of persuading. Don's arms went around her and then his hands slid down her back to cup the firm, round globes of her ass through the short, skin-tight cutoffs. Jenny responded to this by pressing herself against him and wiggling against his rapidly hardening organ. She pulled slightly back from the kiss and in a deep, throaty voice said, "Don, I want you. Now."

"Right here?" he gasped out.

"Yes! Right here and right now. Fuck me, Lover."

She was definitely the hottest woman Don had ever known and the most uninhibited. No girl he had ever gone with would have even considered sex out in the open like this and certainly would never have asked for it - especially in such explicit terms. Nor had Don ever considered actually doing anything remotely like this. Now Jenny grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the nearest picnic table.

They were slightly screened from the main road by the trees. It would be highly unlikely that anyone could really see what they were doing as they drove past; however, there was nothing to prevent someone from pulling into the area as they had themselves. Looking directly into Don's eyes, Jenny reached down and unfastened her cutoffs and pushed them and her panties down her legs, lifting one foot free. Then she suddenly turned around and bent over the end of the table. Looking back over her shoulder she said, "Take me, Lover. Take me hard."

All reason and consideration of their location and circumstances left Don as he looked down at the lovely view so well presented. In seconds he had dropped his own jeans and underwear and entered her with a long, swift push, eliciting a loud moan. She was soaked and her muscles clamped around him, hot and tight. She got just what she had asked for as Don drove into her hard, pounding her over and over. His hands reached around to grasp her breasts, pinching and rolling the already hard nipples and squeezing the firm mounds.

It was all over in less than two minutes but with an intensity that surprised Don and, he thought, probably Jenny as well. As he began to shrink and slipped free she turned and threw her arms around his neck again and gave him another hard kiss. "Thank you, Lover. That was wonderful."

"You are incredible, Jenny. I don't think there is another woman anywhere as hot as you are."

"Then you think I'm a pretty good lay?" she teased.

Don still wasn't used to her direct way of speaking and for just a second was unable to respond. The he managed to smile and said, "You are definitely the best piece of ass I've ever had."

Instead of being insulted as other girls Don had known would have been, Jenny laughed and said, "Thank you for the compliment, Sir. I try."

This girl was unlike anyone he had ever known. Or even fantasized about.

Don fetched a small hand towel they had bought and Jenny used it to dry herself before giving it back to Don who used it to clean himself also. Then with another quick kiss, they climbed back into the car and started off once more.

This time of year in Louisville the sun wouldn't set until after eight-thirty. But up here in the mountains it would appear to be dark well before then. About seven Don asked, "Any idea what you want to eat for supper?"

Jenny let a sly smile move to her face as she focused her gaze and then her fingers on his crotch. Don sucked in his breath and then used his own hand to move hers back over beside her. Then he ran his hand up and down the inside of her thigh and gave it a squeeze. Although Don had never acted like this, it was becoming more natural somehow. "I meant besides that," he said.

Jenny laughed. "I don't really care. If we see someplace we can stop or if we see someplace to stay first we can always eat some of the stuff we bought."

As it turned out, in another twenty minutes they saw another of the small motels with individual cabins which were so common throughout the region in the 1950s and still dotted the countryside. Jenny pointed to it as they approached and said, "Let's stay here."

"Sure." Don turned the car into the lot and pulled up by the office. It looked like there was only one other car at any of the seven cabins but the motel was open and the office was lighted. Don went inside and found an older woman behind the counter. "Got a room for the night?" he asked.

"Sure," she responded and told him the price. Much less than he expected. He signed the card and once again explained why he had no license number for the car.

The woman looked out the window at the Chevy and Don saw a smile come to her lips and a dreamy look fill her eyes. "Nice car," she said. "I once knew a boy who drove one." From the look in her eyes, she must have known him pretty well.

Don and Jenny took the case and unlocked the door. Inside the cabin was clean and well kept, even if things looked quite old. The bed had a newer mattress at least. After looking around they went back out to the car and brought back a few things for supper.

After they had eaten they went back out and spent ten minutes just walking around the grounds. The cabins were set back among pine trees and were separated from each other by a fair distance. The only other one that looked occupied was three down from theirs.

Back inside Don closed and locked the door. "OK, what would you like to do now?"

Don asked.

Jenny turned and smiled at him and then deliberately reached and unbuttoned her shirt, letting it slide from her shoulders.

Don just stared at her. God, she was lovely. "You seem to have a one track mind," he managed to say at last. Then he added, "Definitely the right track." With this he removed his own shirt and took her into his arms.

They pulled together into another long kiss. Although they were spending an incredible amount of time in kissing and touching and, yes, in actual sex, Don didn't have any feeling of falling seriously for this girl and he was sure she had no such feeling for him. They were just two strangers who were enjoying a unique and somewhat wild time together. He knew - or thought he knew - that when this odyssey was over, they would not likely see each other ever again.

But while they were together now they behaved as though they were truly lovers, in all senses of the word. They got along quite well in just being together, enjoying the same things, talking easily. There was no awkwardness between them at all. Physically, they both seemed to desire each other at every opportunity. Don thought that Jenny must be the sexiest woman alive and, surprising himself, he felt ready to try new things, do things he had never really considered before. Like making love out in the open as they had that afternoon. Like telling a woman she was a fine piece of ass. Like having an affair with a woman half his age. He was finding he was loving this new side of himself but knew that when this was over, he would once again revert to his former self.

They made hot, sweaty love for an hour before settling cuddled together on the bed, both still naked. Jenny never seemed to be bothered by nudity and Don was finding it didn't bother him either. In fact he was coming to love it. He had slept naked with a woman before but that was mostly just from falling asleep after sex. Now there was no urge to don clothing when the act was over and, in fact, no urge to get dressed at all unless they had to leave the room for something. The room was not air conditioned - many of these older motels were not - but the mountain evening was cooler than in the low lands and the breeze coming in the screens felt quite welcome on their damp skin.

While they were lying together talking, Don brought up the subject of Jenny's earlier purchases. "I'm curious. Was there some reason you bought the condoms. You don't seem to want me to use them."

She smiled at him. "Oh, you don't need them for most things. I just thought you might want to have my ass."

Don felt floored. He had never had anal sex and didn't think any of the girls he had dated would have tolerated the idea, although the idea did interest him. Now this fabulous creature was offering it to him. Did he want to? Yes! He would love to try that. He stared at her. "You wouldn't mind that?"

"No. It can be quite hot if you're careful. Want to try it?"

He stared at her for a few seconds. "I would love to as long as you want it. You have a truly fantastic ass"

"Then, Lover, just get me warmed up and be sure to take it easy and use plenty of lube."

He did. They spent the next two hours in play, Don first giving her a long, long session of cunnilingus. Then he spent a long time in a sensual massage, stroking her back, legs, and bottom, finally ending with using first his tongue and then a well lubricated finger to loosen her tight anus. When he finally pushed his rigid rod slowly inside this nether opening the feeling was unlike anything he had experienced before. It might not become his favorite activity - he was sure it wouldn't - but it was certainly a wonderful variation.

For the next week Don and Jenny rambled through the countryside. Most times they stayed at the small motels as they had that night. A couple of times they had taken a room at one of the State Resort Parks. Meals were where they found them. Sometimes they made a picnic of the things they bought at grocery stores. Sometimes they ate at small, local restaurants. They even had several meals in the dining rooms of the resort parks. Even dressed as they were they drew no attention in any of these locations because of their clothing. However they did sometimes draw attention - especially Jenny. Small wonder.

Don would see the eyes of many men following her when they walked in somewhere. Some would have questioning looks at him. Was he her father? Her lover? They couldn't be sure. Sometimes they would see them touch as they talked and it became clear that he wasn't her dad. Then the looks of the men mostly turned to strong envy. He didn't mind and often hid a smile to himself.

And the car. Yes, the car also drew many looks of envy. Maybe not as many as Jenny did, but still a number of people - both men and women - looked longingly at it. Mostly these were older people. Someone who may either have owned or known someone who owned or just wished they had owned such a vehicle. But Jenny and the car together drew looks he would never have imagined.

They did do a lot of hiking and just looking around at the sights, but their erotic activities didn't diminish. In many ways they did act like new lovers, but Don realized that it wasn't love. Both knew they were not going to stay together and live happily ever after, but this didn't reduce their lust for each other. He didn't keep score but thought they were usually averaging five or six times a day. Whatever the actual number, his appetite had grown and he was not gaining any weight at all.

Most of their loving was in their room at night, but not all. One more time they managed alongside a road at a small roadside park, although this one was a little better screened than the first. Nor were their activities in their room in anyway routine. They tried more positions than Don would have guessed existed. Both initiated activities and neither ever appeared to lack interest.

One night when they were staying in a lodge room at one of the resort parks, Don came awake. He realized he was alone in the big bed even though the space next to him was still warm. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost three in the morning. Jenny had probably just gone to the bathroom. Then he looked up at a slight noise from the sliding door to the balcony. These rooms each had a very small balcony - about three feet by eight - with an iron railing surrounding it. The sliding glass doors opened onto them. This room was on the second floor on the south side and Don could see that the nearly full moon was illuminating the curtains over the door. Then he saw a shadow move across the opening. Jenny's shadow.

He rose and made his way across the room and pulled back the curtain. She was standing on the balcony, leaning against the railing and looking out over a deep ravine at the forested landscape. They always slept nude and now she was dressed only in moonlight. Don sucked his breath in hard. He had never seen anything more beautiful. He cleared his throat and she turned towards him. He could see that the cool night air had her nipples hard and extended and the play of silver and shadow froze any comment he might have made. After a second she smiled and said, "I got up to go to the bathroom and stopped here on the way back to look out. It was so lovely I just came out to admire the view."