The Gift Ch. 03


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"The shower?" Beth asked a little startled to find that Jeff was awake.

"Yeah, when I pee on the two of you I don't want to have to get a mop out afterwards." Jeff said.

"You want to pee on us?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, it'll be great. Once I'm done you get to pee on me." Jeff said.

"Well as long as he's willing to take as bad as he gives." Beth said.

We all got up and went to the shower. I had no idea that people peed on each other as a way to spice up their sexual experience. It didn't sound very fun or very sexy to me, but I was willing to try anything for that husband of mine. After all he had been right about having sex with women.

Beth apparently knew what to do as she grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. I did the same. We entered the shower and Beth got down on her knees so I knelt down next to her.

"Close your eyes tight or it will burn like hell." Beth said.

"You've done this before?" I asked.

"A couple of times, and trust me, keep your eyes closed." Beth said.

I clenched my eyes closed as tight as I possibly could. Soon I could hear the trickle of urine hitting the tile floor and then I heard Beth moan. Apparently Jeff had started with her, but soon enough it was my turn and I felt the hot liquid splash against my forehead and down my face. It was odd; the warm stream of liquid felt good on my skin but my nose told me that it was definitely urine.

Jeff must have needed to go really badly because it seemed like he was peeing on us for five minutes though I'm sure it wasn't nearly that long.

"Okay ladies, that's all I've got. I guess it's your turn." Jeff said.

"Should we both pee on you or could I pee on both of you and then she could pee on both of us?" I asked.

"Whichever you choose I suppose." Jeff said.

"Well I definitely want the chance to pee on both of you." Beth said.

"I'm not getting peed on by both of you and then not being on both of you in return." I said.

Beth went first because she was on her feet and ready to go before I had opened my eyes. Women don't quite have the luxury of an aiming device like men do so Beth was spraying her urine all over us at random. When my turn came I stood over the two of them their eyes closed, faces pointed up at me and I couldn't help but laugh at how absurd it was to want another person to pee on you. That was until I watched my stream of urine splash across their bodies. It was so exciting knowing that they wanted my urine all over them that I was sad when I had squeezed my last drop.

"That was great." Jeff said.

We showered quickly to rinse the urine from our bodies and headed down for breakfast. There was no need for clothes so we just wore smiles.

We got a little playful with the food and had raspberry jam as a special flavoring for the pussies that we had for breakfast. We also drank milk that was pouring down our breasts to our nipples.

After breakfast we went up to the shower again so that we could rinse the food remnants from our bodies. Jeff retrieved a bag that had two flavored douches and three enema kits in it. Jeff took charge of douching us and giving us each an enema then he had us give him his enema.

"I like the fact that you were willing to take an enema with us, but knowing you I'm sure you have much more in mind." I said.

"Of course I do sweetie. You two are gonna get your chance to use the strap on dildo on me so I had to be all fresh and clean for you." Jeff said.

"Now that's cool. I've never met a man that was willing to take it in the ass from a woman." Beth said.

"I'm finding that he's full of surprises lately." I said.

"I'm going first." Beth said giddy at the thought of fucking a man in the ass.

She ran to get the strap on and had it on and was lubing it up by the time Jeff and I got to the bedroom.

"Come over here and take it like a woman." Beth said.

"How do you want me?" Jeff asked.

"On your back on the edge of the bed so I can see the look on your face as I fuck you." Beth said.

Beth thoroughly lubed Jeff's ass before pushing the dildo into him. Soon she was rubber balls deep in his ass and ramming it hard. Jeff's cock was rock hard and slapping him in the stomach with each thrust.

Beth grabbed his cock and squeezed and stroked it as she rammed his ass. I was once again relegated to camera operator and spectator, but I was glad this time, I wouldn't have wanted to miss the terrific view I had from the side and behind as my sister reamed my husband's ass with a strap on.

When Jeff came it shot straight up onto Beth's tits and she continued to fuck him even after he came. She was really getting a thrill out of it and Jeff seemed to be having nearly as much fun as she was. To my surprise five minutes after the first time he came Jeff came again, it splattered nicely across her stomach. Again Beth kept going, she was possessed and only when Jeff had cum for a third time did she stop her assault on his ass. I think the only reason she stopped then was so she could get the cum out of her eyes.

"Damn that was fun." Beth said.

"Yeah and now it's my turn. I doubt I'll be able to make him cum three times like you did. I think you probably drained his balls of everything they had." I said.

Beth removed the strap on and I put it on. She took up the camera and filmed as I started slamming Jeff's ass. He was in heaven as I fucked his ass and stroked his cock. I worked him hard for nearly an hour before with one long groan he came. It splattered across my neck and breasts. As I pulled away from him I noticed that Beth had not done anything to remove the cum from herself and it had begun to dry and it was very sticky. We quickly licked each other clean.

It was getting close to noon by now and it was obvious that none of us would be doing any work today. That was fine because Beth is a teacher who was off for the summer and nobody expects Jeff or me to show up at our offices until we get there.

"Well what should we do this afternoon?" Beth asked.

"We're going to lunch then we're going shopping so get dressed, but before you do there are some rules for your attire. First off you will not be wearing bras or panties, you will be wearing short skirts, and low cut skin tight tops that are as see through as you can get away with in public." Jeff said.

Well Beth and I both had perfect outfits to meet his instructions so we went and got dressed. We went to lunch at a nice restaurant with tables out on a terrace where we could enjoy the sun and the breeze with our lunch.

"Make no effort to hide anything, I know that good girls keep their legs together, but I want you to be naughty girls. Don't go out of your way to show off, just pretend you're wearing pants and less revealing tops." Jeff said.

We got plenty of stares from the other people out on the terrace. We didn't know any of them, but that didn't make it any less uncomfortable for me.

As we sat at the table Beth and I were able to feel the breeze on our bare pussies up our short skirts and through our thin tops on our totally unsupported breasts. The blouses we were wearing were tight fitting and showed a lot of cleavage as Jeff had directed. My top was black and showed my breasts almost as well as a pair of black stockings shows off legs. The difference of course is that breasts are shapelier and are capped by nipples, and mine were rock hard and on prominent display. Of course you could see Beth's nipples as well because they were rock hard just like mine.

We got in the car and drove out of town. Once we were out on the highway Jeff put the top down on the convertible.

"Ladies this is such a nice day I don't think we need tops today do you?" Jeff asked.

"The sun sure feels good." Beth said not realizing what Jeff was suggesting.

"He wasn't talking about the car stupid, he wants us to take our tops off." I said.

"Oh. Well there doesn't seem to be any traffic, what the hell." Beth said and took her top off.

I took my top off as well and we rode for a long time in the warm sun without seeing anybody. Eventually we did see a few cars that we would be coming up on, and we both reached for our blouses.

"Cover your faces if you want, but I want the people in these cars to have the chance to see your beautiful breasts" Jeff said.

Of course we couldn't say no, after all Beth was his gift to do with as he pleased and I didn't dare chicken out of anything my sister was doing. There weren't many cars and we didn't recognize any of them as people we knew so Beth and I sat up in our seats and smiled in the direction of the cars as we went by. We got some excited honks from a car full of college guys who tried to keep up with us but Jeff just sped up and left their little Toyota far behind.

The highway went through a long stretch of nothing. When we got within site of the next town there started to be more cars and the increased likelihood of police so Jeff let us put our blouses back on.

Beth and I didn't have any idea what Jeff had planned for us so we were both excited and a little nervous. We both got even more excited when we pulled into the parking lot for the mall.

"Come ladies we have some shopping to do." Jeff said.

We walked into the mall with Beth and me each hanging on one of Jeff's arms. Beth and I had never been to this mall as there was no reason to with the three malls in our hometown.

Jeff led us to a shoe store that had a lot of really high-heeled shoes. He walked up to a clerk that couldn't have been much more than 20.

"Welcome, is there something that I can show you today?" The clerk asked.

"Yes, my two companions here need some new shoes. Something with at least a 4 inch heel, and maybe some of those boots." Jeff said pointing at the display of "fuck me boots".

The clerk was instantly excited. I don't know if it was the thought of a commission on a big sale or if he had looked at how short our skirts were and was hoping to catch a peek. Whatever it was he took our sizes and quickly gathered several pairs of shoes for each of us to try on.

As he scurried about Jeff whispered his wishes to us.

"Don't be shy now, show him everything that he looks at." Jeff said.

We of course had gathered that those were his wishes before he said anything, but he confirmed it.

When the clerk returned with a mountain of shoeboxes I took the lead and walked over to a chair facing the back wall that would allow only the clerk to see up my skirt and sat down.

He placed the shoeboxes on the floor and kneeled at my feet.

I playfully lifted my right foot for him to remove my shoe in the process parting my legs and letting the hem of my skirt ride up my thigh to a point where I was sure he had an unobstructed view of my pussy.

I knew he could see everything when his eyes focused on my crotch and his face turned red. Bless his heart he tried to be professional and forced himself to help me try on several pairs of shoes.

Beth came over and sat next to me so she could take her turn trying on shoes. I made no attempt to close my legs leaving myself on full display for the young man who was having a very hard time focusing now that he had two pussies on full display only a few feet from him.

After the shoes the young man helped us try on several pairs boots, having this young man staring at my pussy as he zipped up the boots was exciting for me. The boots he was showing us were the kind that go up to the knee. Jeff spotted some that went much higher and he got a wicked look on his face.

"My man, do you have any of these in the ladies' sizes?" Jeff asked.

"I sure hope so, I mean I'll check sir. I'd hate not to have what you were looking for." The clerk said.

As he stood up he had to adjust himself so his rock hard erection wasn't as obvious, but you could still see it. He came back with the boots that go most of the way up your thigh and zip on the inside.

He helped Beth into hers first and she held first one leg and then the other straight out while holding the other out to the side as he zipped the boot up her thighs within a few inches of her pussy.

Either my boots were a few inches taller than Beth's or my legs are a few inches shorter than hers because as he zipped my boots up the back of his hand came into contact with my pussy when he reached the top. On the first one I jumped a little as it startled me. He jumped a little too and looked up to my face to see what my reaction would be. I smiled down at him and gave him a little wink to show that I was okay with it and he proceeded to put on my other boot.

This time when he reached the top of the zipper we surprised each other. He surprised me by turning his hand over under my skirt to run his fingers along my pussy lips and I surprised him by pushing forward intending to press my pussy to the back of his hand.

The end result of course was for two of his fingers to slip up inside my pussy a little bit. We both pulled away and looked at each other and then towards Beth and Jeff to see if they noticed what had happened. When I was sure they hadn't I looked back at our new friend and winked again. He looked very relieved that things were cool.

After walking around in our boots for Jeff to make his decision Beth and I sat back down and the clerk helped us take our boots back off. He took mine off first and my bare foot found its way into his lap as he helped Beth off with hers. Beth saw what I was doing so as soon as one of her boots was off her bare foot joined mine as we teased our young friend's hard cock, which was just aching to get out of his pants.

"Wrap them up, we'll take them all." Jeff said.

He startled the clerk who fell over backwards then scrambled to his feet to ring up our purchase. Beth nudged me and pointed at the kid's pants. I looked and tried not to laugh as I saw a huge wet spot at the head of his still noticeable erection.

Jeff paid for our new shoes and we headed back to the car and got on the road.

"You two sure did a number on that clerk. Did you see that wet spot on the front of his pants?" Jeff asked.

"He sure did a number on me too. Those boots were so high that his hand touched my pussy." Beth said.

"He got two fingers deep in my pussy." I said.

"He did?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, on my first boot he touched my pussy and it felt so good that I wanted more. Apparently he was thinking the same thing because when he got done zipping up my second boot he let two fingers trail between my pussy lips just as I was pushing down to feel his hand against my pussy again and boom there we were him two fingers deep in my pussy." I said.

"Did you like it?" Jeff asked.

"It was okay." I said.

"If you are as horny as I am any contact from another human being in the area of your pussy would have felt incredible." Beth said.

"Okay, I admit that I enjoyed it." I said.

"That's good. The whole point of this is to enjoy ourselves." Jeff said.

"Speaking of which find a place to pull over I'm too horny to make it back to the house, I need fucked now." Beth said.

"There's an off ramp a couple miles up the road, we'll pull off so we can have some fun." Jeff said.

I noticed that he didn't say anything about it being a private place and I'll be damned if he didn't stop in an empty lot along the road.

"Okay Beth you need fucked so bend over the car and I'll go at you from behind while you see if you can taste that clerk's fingers in your sister's pussy." Jeff said.

With everything else we'd done having sex along the side of the road wasn't gonna stop us so Beth stood beside the car and bent over the hood so Jeff could fuck her from behind. Meanwhile I was up on the hood and Beth's face was buried in my pussy devouring it.

Once we had all had orgasms like that Beth and I traded places so that I was eating her pussy as Jeff fucked me from behind.

We drove home with Beth and I naked, basking in the warmth of the sun the wind blowing our hair all over the place as Jeff left the top down.

When we got home Jeff used the dildocam to do a little spelunking inside Beth's pussy and ass and just to be fair to her I again let him probe my inner depths with that thing.

For the rest of the month we licked, dicked, sucked, and fucked each other in every position and every combination that we could think of. When Beth left she said that she felt like she'd had a tree trunk in her pussy for the past month.

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