The Gift Ch. 09


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Jeff fucked Beth's little pussy and ass for the rest of the day until she was completely exhausted and fell asleep. Jeff placed her in the bed and he spent the rest of the night playing with me and Nicole.

In the morning a very wobbly and groggy Beth got behind the wheel of her car and drove away smiling.

As Nicole and I were eating breakfast Jeff came into the kitchen, took the milk carton out of the fridge and drank nearly the entire thing.

"Good morning Jeff, how'd you sleep?" Nicole asked.

"Great, how about you?" Jeff asked.

"Pretty good." Nicole said.

"So, Nicole, what should we look for today?" I asked.

"I don't know. We're over half way; we've delivered 7 of the 12 women for his gift. I think we should shoot for something different this time. Maybe try to get someone we know he's attracted to but would never go after on his own out of respect for your marriage." Nicole said.

"That's perfect, and I have the perfect woman in mind, but I think you'd have to be gone if we were going to have a chance of getting her to do it." I said.

"Well, what if I were to hide in the closet so I could watch?" Nicole asked.

"That would work I suppose, but you'd have to keep very quiet." I said.

"Trust me, so who is it?" Nicole asked.

"That's a surprise." I said.

"Well, you'd better go work on her, if she doesn't work out you'll still have time to find someone else." Jeff said.

"Okay, I'm off. Whatever you two do while I'm gone make sure Nicole is out of sight before I get back." I said.

I dressed quickly, got in my car and drove to Jeff's office. I smiled when I saw Susan's car in the parking lot. Susan is Jeff's assistant, she's 27, tall, brunette, with a freckled complexion. Ever since Jeff had hired her there had been a great deal of sexual chemistry between them. If Jeff were going to cheat on me Susan would have been the woman that he did it with. He'd told me as much and I couldn't say that I blamed him. She was very attractive, even more so now that I had come to look at women sexually.

As I entered the office I saw Susan putting on a pot of coffee and sorting through some paperwork. She saw me approaching and smiled.

"Good morning Rebecca, Jeff isn't in yet." Susan said.

"I know, and he won't be coming in today." I said.

"Again? I've got to say that he's been pretty flaky on work lately. I don't even know why I bother coming to work lately." Susan said.

"Well, we've been going through some things at home that have taken precedent over work. In fact something has come up now that we could really use your help with." I said.

"Oh? Well, I'd be glad to help, what do you need me to do?" Susan asked.

"This is a pretty sensitive matter that would be better discussed in the privacy of our home." I said.

"Okay, let me grab my stuff and I'll follow you over there." Susan said.

I waited for Susan in the parking lot, then she got in her car and followed me back to our house. When we walked in the front door Jeff was sitting on the couch watching TV in a pair of boxers. Susan was immediately embarrassed by the situation and turned away from him.

"Good morning Susan, please come in and sit down. What brings you here?" Jeff asked.

Susan moved and sat down in a chair that kept her a good distance from Jeff in his near nudity.

"Your wife brings me here. She said that there was something over here that you needed my help with." Susan said without looking at Jeff.

"Huh? Rebecca, what's this about?" Jeff asked.

"That was a little lie to get Susan over here so I could tell you both what I have in mind at the same time." I said.

"And just what do you have in mind?" Jeff asked.

"I want to watch the two of you have sex." I said.

"What?" Susan asked.

"I know you're attracted to Jeff, and he's told me that if he were to cheat on me it would be with you. I decided that for Christmas I would give Jeff the chance to have sex with another woman for the first time in his life and I figured it might as well be a woman that I knew he was attracted to." I said.

"Rebecca are you serious about this?" Jeff asked.

"Of course I am honey. I'm the only woman that you've ever been with. Even a fully devoted man deserves a little more variety than that." I said.

"So you expect us to just go upstairs and have sex right now?" Susan asked.

"Oh no, you can go at your own pace, but by the end of the day I would very much like to see the two of you having sex in our bed." I said.

"Jesus honey, I've never seen this side of you. Where did this come from?" Jeff asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time. You're the only man I've been with since we got together in high school but I did have another lover before I got together with you, you don't have any other lovers to compare me to." I said.

"Who needs to try the rest when you started with the best?" Jeff asked.

"You're sweet to say that." I said.

"You really want this to happen don't you?" Jeff asked.

"I wouldn't have gone to all the trouble to set it up if I didn't." I said.

"Can Susan and I have a few minutes alone to talk about this?" Jeff asked.

"Of course, I'll go turn down the bed. If you decide not to do it Jeff can come up alone and we'll make love, but I hope you'll both be coming up." I said.

I walked up into the bedroom and opened the closet to find Nicole sitting on a chair.

"How's it going?" Nicole asked.

"We'll know in a few minutes. If Jeff comes up alone it's a no go, but if she comes up with him it will be show time." I said.

Downstairs Jeff and Susan were talking.

"Well, this has certainly been more interesting than my typical morning." Susan said.

"How do you think I feel, that was my wife saying those things. She'll be expecting somebody up there pretty soon so we've got to sort this out and decide what we're going to do." Jeff said.

"I'll let you know flat out that if you weren't married I would have tried to get you into bed already so the thought of your wife offering me the chance is really appealing." Susan said.

"Rebecca wasn't kidding when she said that I'd told her that you would have been my number one choice for a woman to cheat with so I guess the desire is there on both sides. I'm still faced with a dilemma however." Jeff said.

"What dilemma?" Susan asked.

"Well, even though she apparently wants this to happen I can't help but feel as if I would be betraying her and cheating on her if I have sex with you." Jeff said.

"Then we'll have to get her involved too. I've been with a few women before; maybe we could make this a threesome. Would that relieve your apprehension?" Susan asked.

"Yeah, if she were involved it would be both of us enjoying you; that would work for me. So we'll go up there and tell her that we'll agree to do it if she participates as well." Jeff said.

"I've got a question before we go upstairs." Susan said.

"What's that?" Jeff asked.

"Am I getting paid for this?" Susan asked.

"Do you want to be?" Jeff asked.

"I am losing income by not being at work right now; besides it sounds kind of fun to get paid to have sex with my boss and his wife. It makes me feel naughty, and I like feeling naughty." Susan said.

"Well, we'll ask Rebecca when we get upstairs." Jeff said.

They both stand up and walk up to the bedroom. I was sitting in a chair near the bed when they walked in and I smiled to see them enter the room together.

"I'm very glad that you have decided to do this." I said.

"We're willing to do this, but we need you to agree to a few things first." Jeff said.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"First off Susan wants to be paid for her services. She is missing work to be here after all and she said that it would make her feel naughty to get paid to have sex with her boss." Jeff said.

"Very well. We will give you $1,000 in cash for your services. Anything else?" I asked.

"Yes. Jeff feels that doing this as you described it would still be cheating on you so we agreed that the only way that he can do this without feeling bad about it is for you to participate as well." Susan said.

"So you propose to turn this into a threesome?" I asked.

"Yes, you don't have to be super active, maybe Susan could go down on you while I have sex with her or something like that, but you would need to be involved." Jeff said.

"Well, I have always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman. Very well, I accept your terms." I said.

I had been hoping that Jeff would find a way to get me involved so I was very pleased when they insisted that I participate.

"So how do you start a threesome?" Jeff asked.

"Well, you're nearly naked so why don't we start by getting you out of those boxers and see what happens from there." I said.

Jeff slipped out of his boxers and Susan licked her lips as she stared at his cock.

"Do you want to taste this?" I asked gently stroking Jeff's cock.

"Yes." Susan said.

"Then take you clothes off." I said.

Susan was dressed for work in a skirt and a blouse. Beneath them she wore a white bra, panty, and garter belt set. She pulled her bra off and we got our first look at her C cup tits. They were very well proportioned to her body. She pulled her panties off and went to take off her garter belt but I stopped her.

"No, Jeff likes garter belts and stockings; he also likes hairless pussy so you are going to make him very happy." I said.

Susan lowered herself to her knees in front of Jeff and took his cock into her mouth.

"How does it taste?" I asked.

"It tastes like heaven." Susan said.

Jeff and I both smiled. I took off my clothes so that all three of us were naked. I stood beside Jeff and kissed him as Susan sucked his cock.

"I'm sure you could suck his cock like that all day, heaven knows I could, but I think it's time that you show me what your mouth can do for a woman so Jeff can fuck that hot little pussy of yours." I said.

I got up on the bed and Susan crawled up between my legs and began licking me. She groaned into my pussy as Jeff pushed his cock into her. Susan ate me to orgasm and Jeff fucked her to several orgasms before he exploded inside her.

"Trade me places so I can enjoy my man while I lick his cum out of you." I said.

Susan and I traded places and I pretended to be new at going down on a woman while Jeff fucked me. We went around and around for most of the day. At around 4:00 in the afternoon Susan had to leave for a doctor's appointment.

"Now just because we did this today doesn't mean that you have my consent to sleep together whenever you want, but if you ask really nice I just might share him with you again." I said.

After Susan had left Nicole came out of the closet.

"God that was hot." Nicole said.

"I totally forgot you were in there." Jeff said.

"Not me, I kept looking at the closet to make sure that Susan wouldn't see her accidentally and freak out." I said.

"Yeah, that would have been tough to explain, by the way, this is our niece Nicole she likes to watch people have sex." Jeff said.

"She was a great fuck; you might have to give her a raise." I said.

"Hell I could probably cut her pay if I brought her home to do this once a week." Jeff said.

He plunged his cock into Nicole and started fucking her.

"I bet that's the best Christmas bonus she's ever gotten." Nicole said.

We all laughed.

The next morning Nicole and I went out looking for woman number 9 we had just 4 more to go to complete the 12 babes of Christmas. We were driving around when Nicole grabbed my arm.

"Turn around I saw something interesting back there." Nicole said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A group of homeless people." Nicole said.

"Homeless people?" I asked.

"Yeah, they had at least three women, at least one of whom looked pretty attractive." Nicole said.

We turned the car around, parked, and got out. We walked over to where a group of people was gathered around a fire barrel. A quick check showed that there were four women and one man. The man and one of the women were 40ish the other three women were late teens early 20's.

"Good morning." I said as we held out our hands to feel the warmth of the fire.

"Good morning." John said.

"I'm Rebecca and this is Nicole." I said.

"I'm John; this is my wife Rachel and our daughters Jill, Heather, and Chelsea." John said.

"It's nice to meet you. Have you eaten breakfast?" I asked.

"Lady we haven't had a real meal in three days." John said.

"Well, we would love to treat you to breakfast." Nicole said.

"What's the catch?" John asked.

"There's no catch, it's the holiday season, it's the season to give and we want to give breakfast." I said.

"No offense ladies, but one meal won't help us all that much." John said.

"Of course not, but while we eat we can discuss other ways that we might be able to help you." Nicole said.

"If nothing else you'll be inside where it's warm for awhile getting warm food into your bellies." I said.

"What do you think Rachel?" John asked.

"They don't look dangerous and I'm not too proud to accept a meal." Rachel said.

"Okay, we'll eat with you." John said.

"Great. Well, the closest place to eat is about five blocks from here so let's hop in the car and head over there." I said.

We all got in my car and drove to the restaurant. They weren't especially dirty, but it had been awhile since they had bathed and their clothes were a little tattered so I requested the private room in the back so that they wouldn't have to worry about the other diners staring at them.

"Order whatever you want from the menu, we want to make sure you get nice and full." I said.

"Are you sure, this place is pretty expensive." John said.

"The cost doesn't bother me at all. I'm fortunate enough that both my husband and I make a good deal of money, but we both came from very poor backgrounds so we remember how hard it can be at times so we try to help out where we can." I said.

"And you thought that we looked like we could use help so you decided to buy us breakfast?" John asked.

"John, don't be so rude, they're doing more than most people do." Rachel said.

"You're right Rachel. I apologize." John said.

"No apology necessary, I have no idea how you ended up standing around that barrel this morning, or what you've gone through, but it would certainly be an insult to you to assume that buying you breakfast would make things better. I do want to help you in a real way, and I have a proposition for you that could make you thousands of dollars. Would you be interested in hearing such a proposal?" I asked.

"Well, yes, I suppose we would be interested in hearing such a proposal." John said.

"Okay, I'll lay it out in plain and simple terms so that there is no misunderstanding. I want to pay your wife and daughters to have sex with my husband for the next four days." I said.

All of their forks stopped and all five of them stared at me for a few seconds.

"What did you say?" John asked.

"I want to pay your wife and daughters to have sex with my husband for the next four days." I repeated.

John looked me for a few seconds then at his wife and daughters then back at me.

"How much are you offering?" John asked.

"John, what are you doing?" Rachel asked.

"I'm seeing how much they're offering, if it's enough we might just have to consider it." John said.

"Well I was thinking of something like $500 each per day so that would be $2,000 each over the four days." I said.

"So that would be $8,000. What about me, to give up my wife and daughters to another man like that wouldn't I deserve compensation?" John asked.

"I suppose so; let's call it an even $10,000." I said.

"And what would be expected up them?" John asked.

"Jeff's not a condom kind of guy so they would be expected to take his cum where ever he put it. He would expect multiple positions and he would expect oral and anal." I said.

"What about the weird kinky stuff?" John asked.

"For the most part he won't insist on anything, but anything that he asks for would be up to the girl to decide on." I said.

"Can we have a few minutes to talk about this?" John asked.

"Of course, Nicole and I will just go settle the bill." I said.

Nicole and I got up from the table and walked to the front of the restaurant.

"What do you think? Are they going to go for it?" I asked.

"I think they might, but if they do we can't take them home like that, they smell, and they don't have any nice clothes or make up, plus their hair is a mess." Nicole said.

"I might just have to take them to the spa to get cleaned up and have things start tomorrow." I said.

Meanwhile John and his family were talking.

"So what do you all think of this offer?" John asked.

"Well, I'm your wife, I know we need money, but do we have to resort to selling ourselves to get it?" Rachel asked.

"Don't look at it like that. Look at as four days that can get us back under a roof, with food in our bellies again." John said.

"Daddy, I'll have sex with him to get us off the streets." Jill said.

"Me too." Heather said.

"I will too daddy." Chelsea said.

"That just leaves you Rachel. I know that we're married, but combined we'd be getting $10,000, bending our wedding vows is worth it for that kind of money." John said.

"That's not my objection. This guy would be having all four of us and you're supposed to what just sit in the other room as he has sex with your wife and daughters? That doesn't seem fair, even for $10,000. I think the least they could do is let you have sex with those two women." Rachel said.

"Yeah daddy, if he gets us the least he can do is let you have those two." Heather said.

"Well I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to ask them if something like that could be part of it." John said.

Nicole and I returned to the table.

"Well, did you make a decision?" I asked.

"Well, we did, but we also have a question." Chelsea said.

"What question is that?" Nicole asked.

"We don't think it's fair that we would be having sex with someone but our dad wouldn't be having sex with anyone so we were wondering if it was possible that he could have sex with one or both of you while we were having sex with Jeff." Heather said.

"I don't know, I'm not opposed to the idea myself, but that would be up to Jeff." I said.

"Well then let's go meet him." John said.

"Well, we've decided that it would be better if we did that tomorrow." I said.

"Why tomorrow?" Rachel asked.

"Well for one thing none of you are really presentable to be given as sexual gifts right now. You're all very good looking, but living on the streets hasn't given you a lot of time to worry about looking your best. What I'd like to do is take you all to a spa here in town and get you the full works hair, make up, clothes so that you'll all look your best when you meet Jeff tomorrow. And of course we'll put you up in a hotel for the night." I said.

"That sounds fine to me." John said.

We got into my car and went to the spa. After I greased some wheels to get them all in and going I took Nicole home so she could tell Jeff what was going on and I headed back to the spa.

"So where's Rebecca going and where's my 9th babe of Christmas?" Jeff asked when Nicole walked in the door.

"Oh we found numbers 9, 10, 11, and 12. They're all one family even. There's 18 year old Chelsea, 19 year old Heather, 21 year old Jill, and their 42 year old mother Rachel." Nicole said.

"So where are they?" Jeff asked.

"At the spa, we simply couldn't bring them home like they were." Nicole said.

"Why not?" Jeff asked.

"They're homeless." Nicole said.

"Homeless?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, we found them and the father John around a barrel fire this morning." Nicole said.

"That's an odd place to find four women." Jeff said.