The Gift: Day 02


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"Mmm," Daniel leaned down and licked her nipples, making her shiver. "Beautiful. You know, for a forty-five year-old, you don't look a day over thirty..."

"Thank you," she said, uncertain how much she was actually hating this now. It was like she was forgetting where she was, or whom she was in front of. The only thing she knew for certain was she needed to have a man now, a man who wasn't like her husband, and a man who could please her and make her scream.

Daniel seemed to sense this, for with when he opened his mouth next, he summed it all up with six simple words.

"Mrs. Brewster needs a good humping," he looked to the guys. He smiled wickedly and decided if he were going to do this, he would go all the way. "Gentlemen, stand up."

Fifteen guys stood up all at once. Daniel knew most of them, and the idea of what was to follow made him laugh to himself. He stretched out into their minds and prepared himself. He looked and saw Barry was standing also. The jock was glaring at him, and Daniel could sense his hate. It was time for the king to be de-throned.

"Barry Stone," Daniel said pointing to him like a perverse game show host, "Captain of the football team. And the big man on campus, yes class?"

Everyone nodded.

"Yes, we all know it don't we?" Daniel sighed, his hand held out in resignation, "We all know our place, don't we. Barry sits at the top and eats like a king, you all support him and put up with his bullshit, and the rest of us bottom feeders wipe your asses after you shit on us..."

Tina was looking at Daniel, contempt scribbled across her pretty face.

Daniel asked, "Even if I was the last man on earth?"

She managed to nod, her dislike of Daniel growing exponentially.

Daniel flipped his wrist at her and Tina felt a hard slap across her face. Her cheek stung and throbbed as the phantom hand belted her again, drawing tears from her large green eyes. Daniel felt a stab of regret of what he did in the heat of the moment, but he quickly buried it.

"No, it won't come to that," he shook his head, his mind burning with a righteous fury. He pointed to the corner of the classroom. "Get your ass over there," he growled.

Tina walked to the corner and Daniel made sure she buried her face into the wall. She cried out a little, and everyone knew she was pressing her face into the wall hard. Fear began to grip the students, one by one as they realized Daniel was not fucking around. He was in charge, and there wasn't anything they could do about it.

"Ladies," Daniel looked lovingly at the fifteen girls sitting in the classroom, "We're all eighteen years old, right?"

There was a murmur of agreement, though Lindsay Gorsuch, the head cheerleader stood up and said, "I'm nineteen."

"Ah, Lindsay, good," Daniel smiled, feeling an erection building in his briefs as he walked back and stood by Lindsay. She was tall, brunette and trim. Her athletic build and constant workout routine had resulted in killer abs, but a reduced bust line. Daniel was a tit man, but her toned legs made up for what her chest lacked. He hugged Lindsay from behind, something he never imagined in a million years he would ever have been able to do. He was thrilled when Lindsay leaned back into him comfortably. Her hair smelled of lavender.

"Have you fucked Barry?" he asked her.

"No," she shook her head, "We made out last year but that's it."

"But Lindsay," Daniel grasped her, face plastered with shock, "Barry's been telling his brown shirts in the locker room that he fucked you in the ass... and that you loved it."

Lindsay glared at Barry, who only fumed with impotent rage.

"You know, Barry has quite a reputation on campus for being a ladies man. Did you know that ladies?" Daniel smiled.

There was a lot of collective nodding.

Barry looked at him, like a caged wolf ready to rip his throat out. Daniel probed into his mind deeper and finally found what he had been looking for, something he had suspected for a long time about Mr. Popular but had never been able to prove. Barry must have sensed what Daniel was going to do, and he made to move against him. Daniel simply raised his brow and commanded Barry to stand still. The muscular jock did as he was told.

"Have any of them women in this classroom fucked Barry Stone? Raise your hand," Daniel smiled.

Not one hand went up.

"How many of you ladies would like to?"

All the women raised their hands, including Diane Brewster. Daniel smiled and laughed.

Daniel raised a devilish brow. "Has anyone in here fucked Barry Stone?"

Slowly, Brendan Keel and Eric Rogers raised their hands. Brendan's normally cool, richly Hispanic face was now white with fear as he watched his hand rise up. Eric, the running back for the team, closed his eyes in embarrassment as he raised his hand, his face turning as red as his hair. There were quiet gasps and muffled laughter from the classroom as everyone looked at them. Barry's face was burning hot with anger and humiliation.

"Well, this is new," Daniel put his hands on his hips. "I'm shocked."

"Fuck you, Miller," Barry spat out.

Daniel snapped his head around and tightened his grip on the star athlete. There was a flash of pure rage within him that electrified the room as Barry shrunk back, truly afraid of the loser he had been tormenting since fifth grade. Barry's mouth worked silently in a quiet prayer as Daniel put in his mind the images of fates worse than death. It wasn't so much that Barry was afraid of the horrific images in his mind, but his ever-growing belief that Daniel would and could actually do those things to him.

"Barry," Daniel glared, "Take your clothes off."


"Take your clothes off now."

Barry quickly stripped off his green and blue jersey and dropped his khakis. He wore no underwear, and he was soon bare ass naked. It was true he was muscular and sculpted, every line of his body honed to perfection. And yet, hanging limply between his legs and framed by a thick patch of dark pubic hair was what had to be a two-inch penis, thin and sorrowful.

The girls began to giggle amongst themselves as the straight men in the room only chuckled. Barry's face was portrait of despair as he revealed his less than spectacular package to the room.

"All the touchdowns and all the praise in the world won't make a pencil into a flagstaff," Daniel commented dryly.

"Fucking faggots," Glenn Martin, the wide receiver laughed. His dark features were crossed with disgust as he regarding his once close teammates.

"Passing moral judgments, are we?" Daniel eyed him.

Glenn looked unsure all of a sudden, and he shook his head.

"Afraid of the nasty gay man?"

"No, Daniel, no," he laughed, and his uncertainty gave way to terror as Daniel thought of what to do next. He put his hands up diplomatically, "Please Daniel, no."

"Walk a mile in their shoes," Daniel said. "Brendan, Eric... Barry, go fuck Glenn."

Glenn's eyes were wide and terrified as his teammates approached him. Glenn tried to move, but found his feet glued to the floor as Barry put his hands on him. He tried to scream, cry out as Brendan tore at his clothes and Eric yanked his pants down. Daniel laughed and called the attention of the class to him as he walked back up to the front of the room. Glenn closed his eyes as Barry kissed him full on the mouth. He felt a hairy chin, Brendan's maybe, scrape his bare stomach and suck his cock into their mouth.

"Barry likes the butt-fucking," Daniel told Glenn, "Don't ya Barry?"

Barry only grunted as he sucked Glenn's tongue.

"Now," Daniel clasped his hands, "Biology 101."

He turned to Mrs. Brewster and smiled broadly. "Diane," he said as he unbuckled his belt, "We're going to show the class how reproduction happens."


Jesse sat alone in the gym.

Everyone else had gone out running on the track with Coach Sheffield over an hour ago. It wasn't so much that the ex-marine had wanted to take his class on a mile run around the campus, it was more that Jesse just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He had planted the thought in the coach's mind and that was all it took.

He sat on the bleachers, his head resting against his knees as he contemplated what had happened to him and Daniel. He remember the old woman and her crazy talk right before she had given them what Daniel called "The Gift."

"What the fuck is going on?" he asked himself. He looked over to the far corner of the gymnasium and saw the large, wire mesh bucket of balls. Jesse squinted at the bucket, concentrating on the three basketballs that sat a top the pile. He tried to imagine their weight, the texture and smell of the rubber in his mind. He envisioned grasping the ball and lifting it up.

Instead of lifting up slowly, the first ball rocketed up to the ceiling of the gym thirty feet into the air. It rebounded off the ceiling with an echoing slap and slammed back down to the floor. Jesse smiled and launched the second ball, this time guiding it to the hoop at the far end of the gym. The net swished and the ball bounced to the ground. Jesse laughed.

"Sweet," he smiled as he launched the third basketball from the barrel and tried to make it spin circles in the air. It hovered for a moment and then shot off on it's own like a bullet and out of control. Jesse realized that the ball was speeding directly towards him and he threw himself off the bleachers to the floor. The ball hit hard into the wooden planks and ricocheted away.

"Fuck," he muttered as he got up.

"Nice dodge," a voice said from the entrance to the gym.

Jesse jumped up and saw Elena Morales standing in the wide doorway. As always, she looked gorgeous. Her long, natural curly black hair hung down in powerful, thick waves around her perfect face and neck. Her olive skin was warm and her dark eyes filled with amusement. Her full, rosy lips were cocked into a half-smile as she folded her arms across her large breasts. If there was one student on campus who could look that good in a gym uniform, it was Elena.

"Thanks," Jesse stuttered, brushing himself off.

"You must have kicked ass in dodge ball," she smiled, walking towards him. Jesse tried to inconspicuously watch her toned legs as she approached. The small, black gym shorts she wore seemed to tease more than anything.

"I guess," he sat back down on the bottom bleacher row.

Elena sat down beside him and asked, "Who threw the ball at you?"

"Excuse me?" Jesse hadn't been careful enough to consider that people might see him tossing balls around with his mind.

"The ball that nearly creamed you? Who threw it?"

"One of the guys in the locker room," Jesse nodded to the open door way of the men's changing room.

Elena nodded.

"Something on your mind?" Jesse asked. He tried not to stare at her.

"No," she shook her head, and then, "Well, yes... I uh..."

Jesse smiled. His heart raced at the thought of her asking him something. He rapidly considered what it might be... did she want a study partner... a ride home maybe? A father to her future children? A sex slave? Jesse asked, "What is it?"

Elena laughed nervously. "You're friends with Daniel Miller, right?"

"Yeah," Jesse said, "We get along okay. Not brothers or anything, but we're cool."

Elena nodded. "Listen... has Daniel said anything about me?"

Jesse immediately thought of how Madame Helena had known about Elena giving Daniel a blowjob the night before. The thought sickened Jesse. Or maybe it just made him jealous.

Jesse shrugged, "He might have said something..."

Elena seemed to panic for a moment, her mouth open. "What did he say?"

"Uhm," Jesse looked away, feeling embarrassed, "Uh, he said that you two..."


Jesse sighed. "He said you gave him head."

Elena nodded, her eyes lit with fire and lips pursed. "That fucker."

"He only told me though," Jesse reassured her, placing a hand on her back, "No one else."

"Fuck," she hissed, putting her head in her hands. Her thick hair obscured her features as she shook her head, "We had a fucking deal."

"I don't understand," Jesse said.

Elena looked at him, tears in her eyes.

"Not that it's any of my business," Jesse said quickly, feigning disinterest and yet knowing full well he wanted to know what could have possibly happened to cause Elena Morales, one of the most beautiful girls in school to suck on the dick of Daniel Miller, the low end of the high school social scale.

"I'm failing biology," she said quietly, "Mrs. Brewster is going to fail me, and if I didn't score high on the next few tests, that would be it for me."

Jesse had an idea now of what had happened. "So Daniel offered to help in exchange for a little, uh, help."

"Yeah," Elena confessed, thoroughly disgusted and embarrassed.

"Hey, it's cool okay?" Jesse offered, "Shit happens right?"

"I made a bad fucking choice," she said.

"Well," Jesse eyed her, "Yeah, you did. But Eric won't find out. Your secret is safe. I promise."

Elena was silent for a moment, and Jesse could sense her confliction about her boyfriend Eric Rogers. She had been dating the popular running back for the school team since their freshman year, and Jesse had always assumed they were happy. But now he could sense a small spark of uncertainty in her. Or was it wishful thinking on his part?

Finally, she spoke. "Eric... doesn't need to know."

"He won't," Jesse reassured again, "I'll talk to Daniel."

Elena looked at him for a moment. "You know, you have nice eyes."

Jesse grinned like a fool, unable to hide his happiness at her small compliment.

And then he felt it in the back of his mind. It was like a blast from an air horn on a locomotive, speeding by and deafening. The sound pounded in his skull and he almost fell over. Suddenly his eyes were filled with the images of Daniel and the biology class. He felt Daniel's rage and anger radiating through him like waves of intense heat from a forest fire. Something had pissed Daniel off, more than anything had ever pissed him off before in his life. He also sensed something darker inside Daniel's emotional state, something that was just as cool and cold as his anger was hot. It wasn't pleasant or kind, or even very human as Jesse backed away from the growing threat in his mind.

"Are you okay?" Elena grabbed his muscular arm, supporting him.

Jesse looked at her, "Yeah, just dizzy."

"You almost fell over," she frowned, her voice genuinely concerned, "You want to go to the school nurse?"

"No, it's cool," he managed and stood up. Daniel was in the biology classroom, and he was doing something not good.

Jesse swallowed hard.

"It's cool," he repeated.

"You sure?" she asked, not letting go of his arm. It was like she wanted to say more to him. And if there had been time, he would have been happy to hear it.

"Absolutely," he smiled at Elena and ran out of the gym, his footfalls echoing throughout the large structure. Elena stood there alone, not sure as to what had just happened. She walked over to the lone basketball resting against the wall, the one that she had seen almost peg Jesse in the face. She picked it up and bounced it a few times.

'Whoever threw this must have a strong arm,' she thought as she walked towards the ball barrel.

Elena then looked to the entrance of the boy's locker room, and back at where Jesse had been sitting. She walked over to the doorway and was greeted with the smell of body odor and urine, aged by about twenty years worth of students. She listened at the entrance of the locker room and heard no one. Not even a shower running. She looked back at the bleachers again and threw the ball with all her might. It sailed maybe thirty feet and then fell short, rolling to the center of the gym.

"Somebody really strong," she said to herself.


Jesse quietly hurried up the stairs, passing the other classrooms in session. He looked at one of the hallway clocks and saw that school was about to be let out. He rounded the corner to the dead-end hall leading to the biology classroom and lab. He stood by the door for moment, putting his ear to the cool metal door and listened. He could hear muffled grunts and groans, like people were exercising just beyond the door.

"What the fuck?" he frowned and tried to open the door. It was locked. Jesse jiggled the handle, and as he fought the lock, he heard what could only be described as an orgasmic moan.

"Oh no," he shook his head, fearing the worst as he focused his mind on the door lock. He concentrated hard on the simple mechanism and after a moment was rewarded with a well oiled *click*. Jesse turned the knob and stepped into the afternoon biology class.

"No fucking way," he gasped.

Every one was either naked or partially naked. Thirty students and one teacher were conducting the largest orgy Jesse had ever seen. Lindsay Gorsuch was lying on top of Peter Willis, bare ass naked. Her back was to him and Jesse could see a thick cock was planted deeply in her ass. Rich Fells had taken the task of fucking her pussy with a gleeful gusto, his hips thrusting at Lindsay like there was no tomorrow. Lindsay looked over at Jesse and winked as she rode her double fuck. Mike Welsh knelt down by her face and presented his thick schlong to her mouth. Lindsay sucked it in and massaged his balls as she successfully filled her major orifices with cock.

"Jesse," came the deep, pathetic voice of Glenn Martin to his left. Jesse turned and saw that Barry and Brendan had bent him over one of the desks and tied his hands to one of the support pipes with shoelace. Brendan was busy on Glenn's cock, sucking and slurping on him. Barry was giving Brendan a hand job, a look of both complete joy and pain on his face as he jacked his friend off. Behind Glenn was Eric Rogers, Elena's boyfriend and longtime lothario of the campus. He was fucking Glenn in the ass, whooping and slapping the man's cheeks. Glenn's ass was red and smarted from Eric's encouragement.

"Help me," he sighed, a long thick rope of semen spattered across his face.

Jesse felt the blood drain out of his face, his dark skin turning an ashen gray.

"Want a fuck?" Eric asked gleefully as he rammed Glenn's ass, "I'm almost finished."

"No fucking way," Jesse stared.

All around the room, there were threesomes, foursomes and fivesomes. Girls in their chairs, half naked as guys they didn't even really know or like ate them out. He saw two guys sixty-nining each other while three members of the cheerleading squad triple-sucked Steve Rubens off by the large bookcase of text books in the back of the room. Steve was naked as a jaybird, his corpulent body bared for all to see. The three cheerleaders had their skirts hiked up, showing their asses off and kneeled before Steve as though he were some pagan god. They were topless, their tits hanging loose and rubbing against Steve's leg as they sucked him off.

Jesse put his hand on the back of one of the seats and then immediately drew back as though he had touched a hot stove. A huge glob of cum was dripping down the seat back, and he had just put his hand in it. He looked over to left and saw Ryan Manning, in all his chubby glory, whacking himself off and spurting cum everywhere.

Jesse wiped his hand off on a jacket and looked to the front of the classroom.

Daniel and Mrs. Brewster were fucking like rabbits on her desk. Daniel was lying flat on his back, hands gripping Mrs. Brewster's hips as she thrusted up and down on his shaft. Her huge tits were bouncing up and down as they slapped wetly together. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy and she was fucking Daniel for all she was worth. The desk rocked and creaked, the wooden joints and metal nails never meant for such vigorous activities.

"Daniel!" Jesse called.

Daniel didn't look up.

"Daniel! What the fuck are you doing?!" he called again and was interrupted by Lindsay. She pressed her tight body against him and grasped his cock through his gym shorts. Jesse became suddenly aware that he had grown an erection watching all this happen, and Lindsay was only too happy to help him out.