The Girl at the Spa Ch. 02


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"And I'm really pleased!" she said, "One of the things I loved about you was you weren't wrapped up in any of that shit. An uncomplicated, simple, plain, normal bloke that was looking for the right girl. You lived in perfect isolation, whereas I lived in harmony with my surroundings and those around me."

"And you are the right girl l was looking for," I smiled, athough it wasn't through lack of trying!" I said, "and to be honest I didn't think it was perfect at the time."

"Well, I thought you were perfect," she said, "when your Dad said you were coming to stay I was intrigued." She bit her bottom lip and stared at me, "I was so nervous!"

"What?" I said, "When!? Not when you picked me up from St Ives station? You looked so amazingly cool, sexy and confident!"

She giggled,

"I promise you I didn't feel it, it was some costume, make-up and any amount of acting Richie."

"Well it worked brilliantly honey!" I said, amazed that my cool, confident girlfriend wasn't as cool and confident as I'd thought.

"I'd seen your pictures of course and I'd seen some video your Dad took of you and I just couldn't get you out of my head. I'd never met you because it seemed that on the rare occasions you came to the Spa I was at school, staying with Gra'ma, at college, that sort of thing, and Richie... you that is... you were this mystical kid that Dad talked about, and somehow I never got to meet." She took a deep cleansing breath, "Then Dad said you were coming to stay for a week I said that I would drive to the station to get you and dashed to my room. I had the quickest shower, spent twice as long as normal on my make-up and three times as long picking out what I was going to wear!"

"Thank you Ali," I said, so pleased at what I was hearing, "Was I worth the effort?"

"You are perfect, just like I knew you would be. You were just normal; wonderfully, perfectly, everyday normal, like the people out of the books; oh and outrageously handsome as well of course. You weren't 'finding yourself', not seeking inner peace through sex, no slagging off society's vain pointless rules. Just a nice bloke, as nice a bloke as your Dad at least." She rested her chin on my chest, "And I've never done the deed with him either."

"Never thought for a second that you would have done. He was your Dad, simple."

She grinned.

"Thanks for sharing," she whispered and kissed the end of my nose, "You screwed my Mum though."

"OK, I give you that, but in my defence she did strip naked and give me a blow job all in under two minutes," I grinned at her, "but I think even then she knew what you wanted; something she said to me after we had done the deed. She said that she hoped that by her getting off with me at least it would make you realise that some things weren't for sharing," I giggled, "I say that, but then as she walked away she was smacking her arse mind you."

"She is such a tart!" said Alice her mouth hanging open.

"Yeah but as I always like to point out and as I said at the time, your Mum and I fucked, whereas you and I have always made love."

"Richie McNair," she kissed me all across my face, tiny loving pecks finishing on my lips with a final proper caress, "I so fucking love you!"

There was a faint noise from the corridor but it came to nothing so we cuddled and went to sleep.

They next morning we slept late, showered together then went out for brunch where I was talking about getting my train back that evening. Alice had already checked of course and had worked out that I could get the 06:08 from Kings Cross first thing the next day which would get me into Cambridge an hour later, so we had the rest of that day and the night to be together.

We just walked around London, delighting in doing normal boyfriend and girlfriend things we had missed for a month, and I still struggled to believe that this beautiful woman on my arm was actually all mine. Using the underground we went to Covent Garden and had coffee and cake, and looked at the shops and of course she found more clothes that I just had to have, and of course bought them.

We went back to the flat and in the sitting room we found a huge bunch of flowers...

From Paula.

The card read:

"To Dear Richie and Alice, a little something to try to apologise in some tiny way for my appalling behaviour last night. I'm SO sorry and have absolutely no excuse. I promise I will find a way to make it up to you for wrecking what should have been a lovely and exciting evening for us all as Alice had planned it. Say the word and I'll contact Ralph and resign. Would quite understand if you neither of you ever want to see me again. I'm so sorry.

Love Paula."

Alice smiled and shook her head.

"Fucking Paula," she said smiling and shaking her head, "Richie... do you trust me?"

"Of course," I said.

"Can your order us a pizza? One of those big fuck-off bus wheel things with everything on it." She got her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and pressed a few buttons, "that number there."

"OK Baby," I said with a smile as she trotted away. She came back into the room a second later.

"Garlic bread with mozzarella as well,"

"OK," I said still calling the number on her phone she had given me.

"A large one..."


"and a big bottle of Coke," she said stopping at the door again.

"And Coke..."

"And their special hot cookies... and Ice cream?"

"AND ice cream?"

"Their special strawberry one."

"OK!" I said and ordered, giving the address of the Clinic.

Would sir like to put that order on the Clinic account? Yes sir definitely would. Sir will have to wait half an hour as it was rather busy this evening. Sir had no problem with that.

I made myself a coffee and by the time I'd finished drinking it the door was being knocked and I went down to collect the vast order that took two trips as the pizza box was so fucking huge.

As I laid it out on the large coffee table there was Alice with her arm around the shoulder of a contrite and red-eyed Paula, and I guessed that a heart to heart had taken place.

"Sorry Richie," said Paula raising her eyes to make contact.

"OK mate, I think I get it."

"Well, it was unforgivable of me and I had no right to ruin one of your few evenings together."

"Don't worry about it; Pizza?" I said lifting the huge box lid.

"With peperoni?"

"With everything."

"Mozzarella garlic bread?"

"Is there another kind?"

Paula sat down and joined us and we spent a very nice and convivial evening around the table as the mountain of Italian takeaway gradually reduced. No sexual feeling or innuendo like we'd had last night.

After two hours of Alice and Paula relating their best and worst clients and sessions, I could barely keep my eyes open but stuck at it because it was important to my girl.

Eventually my girlfriend noticed my nineteenth stifled yawn and stood up and took my hand.

"Bedtime Darling," she said and stood up tidying away the detritus of our delivered meal.

"Goodnight Richie," said Paula and gave me a hug as I stood.

"Night Paula," I hugged her back.

"You're a really nice guy," she said, "and perfect for my girl Alice. I'm so pleased for you both, honestly."

"Thanks Paula," I said, "I'll look after her I promise."

"Thanks Richie." I walked away, "Richie?" I stopped and looked back. Her eyes were brimming with tears, "about last night, I..." she wiped her face and looked down, "I've always been a bit in love with Alice," she looked down, "well let's face it EVERYONE falls in love with Alice," She beamed a big apologetic smile as if she had said something she shouldn't have. But then Alice did have the most wonderful way with people. Alice came back from dumping the rubbish from the pizza party and saw Paula and that she was obviously apologising. Alice smiled at me.

"Go on," I said.

"I thought that last night was going to be just sex, but I could see that there was just so much between you two. Ali and I had sex and slept together, but last night I could see just how much Ali was in love with you and I was jealous, as jealous as hell, that's why I reacted the way I did. Ali had never been like that with me and I could see that she never would be. I felt angry and hurt; but I felt so bad after you both left that I came to your room to apologise and heard you talking." She smiled, sniffed and wiped tears from her face again. "I could tell that you and Ali are in love, and... well... we never had been and never would be." There were some more tears and some gulping, "I borrowed Ali's heart for just a little while, but you two!" She put a hand on our shoulders and forcing a smile, "you two belong together and what we had, Alice and me, well that will remain a most precious memory." She leaned forward and kissed Ali and then me.

All was wiping tears from her face now and hugged her occasional lover.

"Get your nightie Paula, sleep in our bed tonight."


"But nothing; I don't want you tossing and turning all night on your own with only a whole mess of dark thoughts for company. Did you sleep last night?"

"No, not really."

"Didn't think so."

"But you said..."

"Keep you nightie on Paula," said Ali with a soft smile, "it'll be fine!" Paula looked at me.

"Absolutely," I said.

"OK," she said, and walked across the landing to the room that she pretty much lived in.

Alice grabbed me, and whispered in my ear and put a finger to her lip.

We went to across to the same bedroom where all of the drama had occurred the night before and I stripped down to my boxers, sliding under the covers, and I waited for my gorgeous Alice. A few minutes later Paula returned, her pretty face wiped clean of make-up and wearing a simple T-shirt nightdress with a yawning Minnie Mouse on it.

According to my whispered instruction I stayed on the far side of the bed and raised the duvet so she could see I was wearing my boxers and all was well. Paula looked behind her for any sign of Alice but she was yet to appear, so she perched on the side of the bed slightly embarrassed.

We chatted; I had known Paula for quite a few years of course with her being my Dad's chosen deputy in so many things in the running of his large business and my frequent visits to the Clinic and the occasional trip to Port George and The Spa. She asked me about my second year of medical school and I told her of the long days, the reading, the placements and the real people with real problems.

We moved on to osteopathy which was of course her particular specialism and she said that my Dad was one hell of a supporter and expert witness for when I had to complete assignments on anything that was muscular or skeletal. After all Dad had been her tutor and sponsor while she studied. This shop talk was ideal, and I assumed the role of the boss's boy, the nice young lad she'd known since he was a teenager.

She lay back on the bed and relaxed and once we moved on to my eventual graduation and what I saw myself doing she was getting comfortable, leaning back and slightly towards me. I said that I had really taken to the more medical aspects, the virology, the surgery and slightly away from what the family business was actually all about and, to be honest, I actually quite fancied spending a few years doing emergency medicine and working in an accident and emergency department, being a GP for a while and then one day getting into the marvels and miracles that she, Dad, Alice, Meghan and the host of gifted Chiropractors did.

She said that sounded like a great idea and she was really relaxed and comfy with me now and raised her legs tucking her feet under the covers against the cool of the evening.

My gorgeous Alice had of course been waiting for this and wearing a lacy pink chemise with matching high cut shorts she came quickly into the bedroom, and seeing Paula already on the bed, threw in a very quick,

"come on, make some room, budge over."

Paula did so, and with a few goodnight kisses, I dowsed the lights and we settled down.

I turned slightly and laid a gentle hand on Paula's waist, which was joined seconds later by Alice's and Paula put both of hers over ours with a contented sigh. I felt Alice move slightly and guessed that she was snuggling up to her friend.

A few minutes of quiet restful comfort I felt Alice's hand, lower down her friends belly than mine, move slightly and the cotton Minnie Mouse T-shirt starting to bunch up under my hand. Once Alice had bared Paula's entire groin she slipped her hand down to cup the bare vulva and pubic mound she had been getting so involved with the night before.

Ali slid her hand up and just using her thumb hooked and pulled my hand further south until we were both holding Paula's groin.

Ali's last whispered words to me had been, "do as I do, the mistake I made was for Paula and I to fuck you, what it should have been was for you and I to fuck Paula. This will be the last time for her, let's make it special..."

And that's what we did.

Raising up on our elbows, we proceeded to massage Paula to an amazing level of arousal, lifting her T-shirt so she was naked between us. We took a breast each and sucked and suckled. I learned that Paula liked her nipples scrapped with teeth and the occasional sharp bite, followed by more tender licks and sucks, much as Alice did. With the benefit of hindsight I guess this could have been something that Ali had learned from Paula after all.

With our eyes adjusted to the light sneaking in under the dropped blinds, light from various electrical items (Including the radio alarm clock that told me I would need to be up and on my way back to Cambridge in less than six hours) we worked out who was doing what, and as Alice French kissed and squeezed and mauled her friends breasts, I slid lower. When I arrived, Alice's hand was there grabbing Paula's well-muscled thigh and raising it to allow me access to the freshly shaved pussy before me.

I did everything that Alice had taught me and, let's face it, she had probably been taught by the woman whose clitoris I was currently sucking and whose G-spot I was scrubbing in time with each slurp.

"Oh fuck," hissed Paula, breaking off from her kissing of Alice and dropping her right hand that had stopped grasping the sheets to stroke the back of my head in encouragement. As she neared her first orgasm she pushed my face further into her pussy. My spare hand not importuning her genitalia was beneath her equally well muscled arse and squeezing there.

Her gasps became more regular and were speeding up and I guessed she was almost there. Through some actually quite painful dexterity I had managed to get my spare middle finger to her pussy, not to push in but just to get it coated with her own lubrication.

As every muscle in her body tightened for the inevitable release as my pointer finger scrubbed her G-spot, I pushed my now very wet middle finger into her anus, and she growled pushing her raised hips down onto the digit with a gruff, "Fuck yeah!" and a few more hip bounces as she enjoyed the tremors and the final licks, sucks and scrubs of her most erogenous zones.

She relaxed back onto the bed, chuckling lightly and enjoying the last few kisses from Ali. I moved back up the bed my face still wet from her orgasm and the G-spot squirt that had caught me off guard and in the middle of my face.

Alice turned on the gentle bed head lights and the both looked at me,

"Oh Wow!" said Paula seeing her come juice still stuck to my face and now trickling down my chest.

"Taught him everything he knows," said Alice now up and on one elbow her large boobs escaping from the ineffectual control of the pink lace chemise.

Paula giggled, and have the tiniest of shudders in her pleasure, looking across and up at Alice. She stretched her chin up and kissed the underside of Ali's right breast and it was her turn to shudder and giggle.

"Come on Richie," said Paula, "Isn't it about time you made love to your beautiful girlfriend?"

"I can't argue with that," I said removing my boxers.

"Let me," said Paula, reaching to pull down my shorts. On doing so she rolled across to Alice to sit astride her knees and pull down her lace shorts, with Ali raising her bottom to enable this. Instead of pulling off the chemise, Paula slipped the straps off of her shoulders and pulled the whole thing down her arms.

Paula quickly dropped her head and sucked both of Ali's nipples, just as Ali and I had done minutes before to her, and it was my girlfriends turn to writhe and wriggle, trying hard to keep her arms are her side, giving up and running hands through Paula's short dark hair as she suckled at her large breasts and dark nipples.

Paula stopped and moved over Alice, pushing her lightly so she would now move into the centre of the bed. Once Ali had got comfortable Paula reached across me, took hold of my rock hard cock and pulled me by it until I was laying between Ali's open legs, which she raised slightly.

Paula changed her hand grip, and steered me towards Ali's pussy lips and guiding me in. I pushed hard, feeling Paula's hand now flat against Ali's pussy and between us. I started to push in and out of gorgeous woman, feeling the added hand first stroking across Ali's exposed flesh, then strumming her clit, then further down to caress my testicles.

By now Alice and I were kissing, finally able to concentrate on each other and I took advantage, working hard to give my girl all the pleasure I could and it was definitely working and she was starting to gasp and groan as she often did when we were in the missionary position.

"Oh yeah," she gasped, "Oh Richie, just like that, Oh yeah."

"Fuck her Richie," said the still naked Paula laying to my right, her fingers now in a ring around my cock and her mouth inches from Ali's nipple, "Fuck her hard," she gently squeezed my balls and I pushed harder, "fuck her! Fuck her pussy!"

"OH YEAH!" screeched Ali as the female thumb pushed against her clit and the grip forced my dick up and towards her G-spot. As Ali came, Paula sucked her nipple into her mouth and alternately suckled and bit on it, as we had both done to her. Ali came and as I withdrew for another hard thrust Paula's finger and thumb around me held me tight and stopped me going back in.

She squeezed me tight and such was her pressure and in such a place that my desire and ability to come into my girlfriend was stopped. After a little less than a minute of pressure, I was released, still with a fine erection and I began to fuck Ali again.

"Little magic trick so Ali can enjoy you for a bit longer!" hissed Paula.

"Have you taught Ali that one?"

"Of course?!" said Paula with some surprise, then added, "Turn over Ali," and she did so, getting on to her hands and knees. I watched this with great pleasure, Alice on her hands and knees was my happy place.

I got behind Ali, just in time to see Paula sliding beneath her, her mouth level with her pussy. I pushed in and Ali grunted an excited "oooh yeah!" as I went all the way home.

Next I felt gentle fingers around my testicles again and some movement from Ali that suggested she was changing her position to better feel Paula's lips on her pussy and clit being so well ravaged by me.

This didn't put me off of my stroke mind you, and I carried on humping her as hard as I could, making her clit run across Paula's tongue, sticking out precisely for this purpose.

"Oh shit!" I gasped, this whole thing getting too much for my simple and limited sexual experience.

"You coming Richie?" gasped Ali.

"Fuck yeah!" I all but cried out as I came. Ali knew this from our regular fucking and to my shock and surprise, she leaned forward so my pumping cock slipped from her wet pussy and my instinctive thrust made it slide down between her wet lips and discharge its load onto Paula's face, assisted by some groin bobbing from Alice rubbing her pussy lips against my coming cock.