The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 04


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He paused, turned to her, and said, "I want to treat you to a nice meal! Put on something casual, and let's go to the steakhouse we drove by the other day. I have a lot to tell you, and it's kind of a celebration. How long do you think it will take you to get ready?"

She looked surprised, but replied fifteen minutes, and rushed into her closet while Chris rushed into the bathroom.

A major advantage of being naturally gorgeous is there is no need to gild the lily. She put on a new pair of jeans and a pastel blue hoodie, combed her hair out, slipped into a pair of canvas shoes with blue laces, and went into the living room. Fifteen minutes from when he asked, they were in the truck.

Jo looked at the menu prices and frowned. "Have you ever had a filet mignon?" he asked, taking her menu from her. She shook her head; "Lucky you -- tonight's the night for another first! I'll order for us, if you'll tell me your drink preference."

She looked interested when he ordered the fried mushrooms for two, but frowned when he ordered her filet 'medium'. "Trust me -- I've been serving you nothing but medium steaks, and you love them. Besides, they would refuse to overcook a filet anyway."

She looked skeptical, but changed the subject. "So, what are we celebrating?"

He spent the time between getting their drinks and receiving the appetizer telling her about how he was familiar with the plan to expand and renovate Amon G. Carter Stadium before they went there with his family, but seeing the stadium in person he felt the plan was flawed. "Since our visit, when I've been working on the computer it has usually been me revising the plan to make the stadium renovation and expansion safer, simpler, less expensive, more pleasing to the eye, and a better experience for the fans.

His story continued while they ate their mushrooms. He recounted to the best of his recollection the conversations with and among his bosses and the chief engineer as he laid out his proposed revisions. When prompted, he repeated their statements of approval, winding it up just before the meals came.

After they were served, the conversation was limited to Jo raving about the amazing taste of a filet mignon, and how the salad, twice-baked potato, and filet combined to arouse her taste buds in ways she had never experienced. "It doesn't matter how you cook a chicken, you can't bring out flavors like this!" she insisted.

Chris not only let her babble, he encouraged her fervor; an excited Jo was even more adorable than normal, and that was a treat unto itself.

After they ate and got back in his pickup, with Jo sitting beside in the middle, he summarized Trey Beck's doubt about his 'platonic relationship' with his roommate. He left out the worst of the teasing, but let her know his gabby mother was spreading whatever Jo told her and/or his sisters.

She looked horrified: "What? Are you saying your bosses know about New Year's Eve?"

"They - and their wives - know whatever you told Mom and my sisters. So whatever you said, they know! I haven't told anyone anything -- I respect you too much to hurt your reputation by spreading stories."

She made her sad puppy face, "I'm sorry. I just had to tell someone, and we had done all the planning together, so... Oops! I wasn't supposed to tell you that!"

"So the spontaneous combustion wasn't spontaneous, it was planned?" he asked with a frown.

"Oh, no, no, no! The plan was to make sure you kissed me at midnight! All the rest... yeah, that was definitely spontaneous! And I didn't give them many details! Mostly, I just told them I had no idea how wonderful making love would be, and what an amazing guy you are."

Chris smiled. "Well, that's good. I would hate to think my mom was giving Sandy Beck a play-by-play of your introduction to oral and vaginal intercourse, complete with whimpers, moans, yelps, and screams."

Jo colored the deep red that only blondes can achieve, and contritely admitted there might have been a bit of that, too. "But, Honey, your whole family just wants you to get past the whole Becky experience! When I told them how I feel about you, they told me that you and I were a much better fit, and that they could see you feel the same way about me!

"They told me a lot of stories about you growing up, about while you were at UT, and since you've been working for Beck, so I would know you better! You never told me about leading the student government in college, about your fraternity, or a lot of other things, so they did!"

"And that's what all the closed door sessions, complete with giggles, laughter, and even shrieks was about?" he asked skeptically, with a raised eyebrow.

She pulled off the difficult 'contrite but defiant' look. "Okay, maybe I told them I was a virgin, and maybe they told me about how losing your virginity is painful and messy! And maybe they told me how you are protective about people you care about, and how to make you jealous! And maybe your mom told me... no, I'm not going to go there, even though she ratted us out to your bosses and their wives and I'm too embarrassed to ever see them again!

"Anyway, maybe I DID tell them more than I should have! But I did it because they are my best friends and I just HAD to share my happiness with someone!"

He put his arm around her shoulders, hugged her to him and assured her, "It's okay, Jo. I understand, and I hope you learned a little lesson about how you need to be circumspect in sharing, or risk it getting around."

She snuggled up to him, was quiet for a few minutes, and then defiantly declared, "I don't care who knows about us! So what? That was the greatest night of my life, and the greatest experience of my life! To that point, at least, although you've topped it several times since then. They all had a first time too!"

Chris decided to keep the graduate school conversation for a different day. Instead, he prompted her. "Now that you've got that out of your craw, tell me about your day."

She tried to be entirely enthusiastic, but he could see she was holding something back. He let it ride until they got home, where he restated, "So, you got the admission stuff finished, you got your scholarships lined up, and you have a dorm room. Why do I have the impression there's something you aren't telling me?"

Deep breath, look away, look back, lock eyes, and "Because my scholarships don't really cover all my expenses. It looked like they would, but I'm about $8000 short. And NO, Christian Michael, YOU are not going to cover it for me, is that clear? I'll get a job and pay the rest."

"Okay, Feisty, calm down. Where is the shortfall? Tuition, books, and fees are covered, aren't they? Room and board?"

"There's the problem. I didn't understand the full cost of room and board, and it's too late to apply for more money. I told Lynn and Mary, and they are going to look into it for me. They think maybe I can move into the dorm, join their sorority, and get a sorority scholarship to stay in the house."

"Or, you can stay here..."

"I know you will let me, and that would be my first choice, except I'd really like to live on campus at least one semester to get a feel for college life! I'll want to talk to you or see you every day, and be with you on the weekends, but I'd like to be typical student for once!"

"No, I get it. That's actually the better way. You deserve the opportunity to enjoy college life.

"Let them work on their end, I'll work on mine, and maybe we can get you another scholarship or grant. I don't think working is an option this first semester; you are a very young freshman, and you need to focus on learning and grades, not trying to make enough money to pay the excess amount."


Friday was a good day! Bob, Jimbo, and Chris' presentation was very well received, and the other departments had done their due diligence; the project changes were a go, assuming the donors on the planning committee, the university administration, and Coach Patterson bought their recommendations when they met Monday at nine am at the university. Chris would lead the presentation, supported by Trey Beck, the head engineer, and the management team.

Jo received email notice that she had received a direct grant from Beck Construction for $10,000, with the stipulation that she must earn a 3.0 or higher GPA or she would have to pay it back within 10 years. She was also informed by the Delta Delta Delta sorority that her application had been reviewed, and she was invited to join their small mid-year pledge class.

Chris offered to take her out to celebrate, but she informed him that would be tomorrow night! They were going out to eat, and then to the world's biggest honky tonk, Billy Bob's, to dance the night away. The celebration tonight would commence in just a few minutes; after he convinced her that the Beck scholarship was legit, and not his money laundered through his company. He swore to it, and offered to let her talk to the chairman of the scholarship committee, Sandy Beck, if she didn't believe him.

She grinned, jumped into his arms, and said, "Nah, that's all right. I've got to learn to trust you sometime, and this is a good time to start. Now, Mr. you-smell-like work and BO, go take a shower like I just did, shave those whiskers like I just shaved, and meet me on the couch.

"I heard of a fun thing that I want to try. Lynn and Mary have done it, and they say it's a way to make special memories in every room. Are you game?"

He laughed at the gleam in her emerald eyes, and dashed off to get clean and clean shaven, like his darlin' girlfriend.


They had to clean smears off the bar, the counter, and the table before they could drink their coffee, or fix and eat breakfast, but they giggled the whole time. They had made memories on all usable surfaces in the kitchen, and still managed to soak their sheets. It was a wondrous, joyous, and memorable night; neither would ever eat on the table nor drink coffee at the bar without remembering!

In the light of day, Chris pointed out the new locations they could memorialize next, including six places and/or positions in the living room, Jo's bedroom, their dressers, their closet floors, and the patio furniture and table. They worked on the living room after breakfast, and even managed a short nap after they rumpled and wet Jo's bed for the first time, before they had to start getting dressed for the outing with their new friends.

Dining at Joe T. Garcia's was amazing, even on a 55-degree evening. Their Uber driver circled back to pick them up in his MPV, which had four captain's chairs and a front bench seat, and took them to Billy Bob's Texas. He anxiously promised to be there within ten minutes when they were ready to leave, so they paid him a fare that seemed low, tipped him, and sent him away.

"Jo, it's your turn to sit in front on the way back. Lynn and I already took our turns and earned the discounts. I don't think you'll have to do more than let him see those gorgeous legs, but if you think you need to, pat him on the thigh. I did on the way out here, and I thought he was going to pay us!"

Jo looked obliquely at Chris, and enthusiastically replied, "Challenge accepted, Mary! I'll see if I can get him to drive us for free, and give me a twenty for a tip."

"No, you won't!" said Chris. "You have a jealous boyfriend! You also need to remember that this big ol' dancehall is filled with drunken cowboys who are going to want to unsnap all those pretty red snaps down the front of your tiny little denim dress!

"I'm a pretty good fighter, but you need to be careful about inflaming the locals so much I have a dozen to handle!"

She wiggled out in front of him, and walked backward, showing off her red cowboy boots that reached to mid-calf, and then the long expanse of bare leg to mid-thigh where the dress began. The red snaps down the Indigo denim grabbed your attention, if you made it that far. They made you wonder what you would see if you pulled that top snap, which was nestled there in that happy valley between two round hills, or if you unsnapped the bottom one, midway between those shapely thighs.

The red cowboy hat seemed a little much, but the golden-blonde hair cascading down around her neck and shoulders made it hard to pay attention to the hat anyway.

He winked, someone off near the entrance whistled, and another guy said, "DAMN!"

Chris said, "I warned you guys! Letting these three out dressed like this is a very bad idea. We're still on a dark parking lot and they're getting whistled at!"

Lynn's ginger hair fluffed out from under her black hat, and the form-fitting denim dress that ended several feet from the black boots screamed HOT!

If anything, Mary's low-cut tightly fitted western shirt with snaps and fringed denim miniskirt was worse. This was going to be a long, long night!

When they appeared in the outfits they had acquired on a Thursday shopping trip, the two women had foolishly assured their husbands that men wouldn't hit on married women wearing their rings, and naïve little Jo just knew she could handle a drunk cowboy, even if she had to use karate. The men rolled their eyes, and promised to back each other up.

Their tickets were to the Stoney Larue show. Neither Jo nor Chris knew much about the Texan, from some little town called Taft, located down near Corpus Christi, but the others were insistent that their friends who were C&W fans loved him and were going. Being recent converts due to Jo and the Cowboy, they wanted to go too!

The crowd in the dancehall was young to very young, loud, and unruly, and they were there to have fun!

That excitement rubbed off on the newcomers as they made their way to the tables their friends had reserved. Introductions were shouted above the loud music of the opening act, but it was hard to hear so Jo and Chris weren't sure who was who.

The empty chairs were scattered about in twos, meaning the Clear Fork group was separated. That left Jo and Chris between two young cowboys who were there without dates.

They eyed Jo like hawks eye a tasty mouse, but she stayed tucked close to her big, good looking cowboy. Chris was 6'2", 214 pounds, but the boots and hat made him look 6'5", and in the tight Wrangler jeans and fitted western-cut shirt, he looked really big and muscular. Jo's 5'6", 120 pound body looked tiny next to her big hunk, and it made her feel safe and secure when she snuggled up to him.

Everyone but Jo was drinking beer or whiskey; she had Pepsi in a glass, so people assumed she had a mixed drink. She was dressed like a walking wet dream, so they assumed she wanted to dance, but she would only dance with Chris.

The opening band was good, but it was heavy on Luke Bryan/Florida-Georgia Line, Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, and other pop/country hip-hop songs that left him cold. Jo was bouncing around in her chair, so Chris rather loudly told her she was free to line dance with any of their friends' friends, as long as he got the real dances. She thanked him and looked hopefully at the cowboy on her right, who had overheard. He held out his hand with a grin, and she hopped up.

The young cowboy was good at line dancing and at showing off. He knew he was on the floor with the prettiest girl in the huge dancehall, and a lot envious eyes were on them, so he strutted his stuff like a rooster. He might not be able to snag her for the evening, but just being seen dancing with her was going to earn him some dances he normally wouldn't get with other pretty cowgirls.

Chris enjoyed watching them; he found he wasn't jealous, just glad she was having fun -- she deserved it after the crap she had lived through!

He did that more and more lately, he realized; wanting her to have fun, to enjoy life, to not be trapped in the memories of the trauma of her childhood and teens. With support and love, the next four years could be the best years of her life, and her checkered past would be buried.

Their relationship may have become physical, but Chris retained the caring concern and protectiveness he felt from the start.

The opening act broke down their instruments and left the stage at nine thirty. That was none too soon for Chris, but way too soon for the dancing demon who had traded partners a dozen times and had yet to make it back to the table for more than a chug of Pepsi. When he went to get another beer, Chris bought her another soda and a bottle of water.

After the music stop, she returned without escort and plopped down in his lap rather than her seat. She gave him a big hug, a hot kiss, and thanked him for letting her do that! He reminded her he was her date, not her owner, and she was always free to enjoy herself when she was with him.

"I know that, Silly Man, but I'm yours whether you want to accept it or not, so I'll always ask your permission before I dance with others!" That sounded good to him, her tight little ass in his lap felt good to him, and her boob pressing against his chest felt good to him, too. He hugged her, and she snuggled. The envious looks they got...

Stoney Larue was one of the leading Red Dirt country singers, and although they didn't know that much about him, they knew Oklahoma Breakdown. Chris did generally like the sub-genre, even if it wasn't as pure as he preferred. There were a good number of Red Dirt singers in Tennessee too, and he always enjoyed their music.

Larue's fans had created a number of line dances to things like Oklahoma Breakdown, Hill Country Boogaloo, and Red Dirt Anthem, so Jo got to shine beside whomever she chose on those. She and Chris dominated the floor with their ballroom skills on songs like Feet Don't Touch the Ground, and country dance skills on songs like Texas Moon, First One to Know, Us Time, and Down in Flames.

By the intermission, everyone in the dancehall knew her name and was familiar with her figure on the dancefloor. Jo had been so engaged in the dancing and excitement she was largely oblivious, but Chris saw the looks and became ever more protective, while appearing to be equally engaged.

At some point, of course, they had to take restroom breaks, and when he took his, some of her most ardent fans took their best shots. She shot the newcomers down, but she had already line danced with a big, older man wearing black jeans, a black western shirt with embroidered roses, and a black felt hat, so when he asked again, she accepted, despite Chris being away from the table.

When that song ended and a slow song came on, instead of escorting her back, he took her in his arms and began a country two-step. Jo was surprised and annoyed by his assumption, but she didn't want to make a scene so she just tried to keep her distance.

That didn't work; he made a quick turn, insinuated himself against her, and held her there.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"I have no idea, but if you don't move back to a decent distance, you're going to be speaking in a high voice," she threatened quietly. "I'm highly skilled in self-defense!"

"Honey, I'm an oilman, and one of the richest men in Fort Worth. It just so happens that I'm in the market for a fresh Sugar Baby, and I've decided you're the one I want.

"Don't look at me like that; just let me explain and make you an offer you can't turn down. I'm divorced, I travel a lot, all over the world, and I like to go places and do things with other rich and important men. When I do, I like to have a hot young thing like you on my arm, and I'm not only willing to pay for your company, I'm willing to take care of you in every way.

"I'm talking about a luxury apartment, expensive clothes, shoes, and jewelry, and I'll lease you the luxury car of your choosing. All you have to do is take care of my needs when I'm around, and go places and do things with me.