The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 05


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"Sure!" Sal replied. "She's here somewhere, but she and her friend are running with a bad crowd tonight. Friends of her cousin's, I think, but what I know is, they are assholes. Not surprisingly, they were feeding drinks to Kate and her pretty blonde friend trying to get them drunk.

"They do that enough that most people who have houses up here know to stay away from them, but I don't think Kate has ever been around them before. Or at least I've never seen her with them before.

"How do you know Kate?"

"She's a friend of a friend; the pretty blonde you mentioned. Where are they sitting?" Chris inquired with a frown.

"They were sitting at a big table on the other wall, near the band. From the menace in your voice, I'd say the blonde is more than a friend. Wait for Joey to come back and we'll go with you. They're a bunch of toughs, but you look like you can hold your own, and we hold black belts in karate. Six of them shouldn't be too much," he concluded with a grin.

"There my sister and your friend are; let's meet them and head over to the other table," Chris proposed.

The look on Chris' face and his body language was enough to clear a path across the crowded floor. Sal grabbed Joey and Donna and explained as they followed behind Chris.

When they reached the table, Kate was slumped forward with tattooed men on either side of her. They had her dress pulled up and hands were busy under it. A third man was sitting with his back to them; he was grinning at the sight of nineteen year-old Kate being molested by two guys who looked at least 35 years old, as did he.

Chris laid his big hand on the base of the man's neck where it connects to this shoulder and squeezed. The man hunched his shoulders and froze; Chris leaned over and spoke directly into his ear. "If you want to ever walk again, you'll answer by questions without alerting your buddies. I'm going to turn you toward me and release some pressure so you can talk.

"You're going to smile like we're friends, and answer my questions. If you don't, I'm going to do irreparable damage to your neck. Am I clear?"

He barely nodded; Chris turned the man's head to the side, and spoke directly into his ear. "Where is the blonde girl who came in here with you tonight?"

"Luke, Donnie, and LaMarcus took her out to the van."


"She's drunk and horny so they are going to help her out."

"She's 18 and this one is 19, so tell me how they got this drunk? Or did you put something in their drinks? Don't bullshit me, or you'll be in a wheelchair with a metal brace holding your neck in place for the rest of your miserable life!"

"Hey! Who are you mother fuckers?" asked the tattooed skinhead across the table.

Chris ignored him. "Answer me, or your buddies will have to wipe your ass for you from now on!"

"I'm not sure! I think just a little E and a touch of roofie! Luke did it!"

The tattooed skinhead shouted, "What the fuck are you two talking about? I'm going to get up and kick your ass if you don't answer me, jerkoff!"

"What kind of van -- what does it look like?" Chris said, with a slight increase in pressure.

"Black Sprinter," he answered through clinched teeth. Chris mashed something, and he collapsed onto the table.

"Donna, call 911! You two play Karate Kid with these assholes!" Chris ordered, then dashed for the door.

It wasn't hard to spot the high-profile black Mercedes-Benz van parked down the street a short distance. Chris sprinted toward the Sprinter, pulling his leather gloves in place as he ran.

He could hear a female voice moaning, and repeatedly saying stop! He also heard the indistinguishable rumble of male voices, but couldn't tell how many. Didn't matter if it was two or ten; he was in full battle mode!

Chris gripped the handle on the sliding door, threw it open, and grabbed the tattoo-covered man whose naked ass was in Chris' face by his long, greasy hair. Chris violently yanked him backward; his head led and his body followed, unfolding as he was propelled through the door. His naked body landed in the snowy, icy, dirty mess of the roadway.

As his body cleared the door, Chris' body lunged inside. There was another tattooed skinhead between the legs of a naked woman. He was holding his hard cock inches from her pussy, and the head was shiny as if he had just withdrawn. When his friend flew backward, he turned toward the movement and, before he could react, caught a gloved fist in the eye.

Chris didn't climb in and hit him: his lunge landed him on his knees within a foot of the rapist, and the fist was thrown with full shoulder rotation. The skinhead flew to his right, bounced off the tinted picture window, and lay crumpled along the base.

The third man, a large black man covered in tattoos, twisted around and reached for something laying on the couch behind him. He got it in his hand and started to turn back around when a fist hit him just below the pineal gland, at the connection of skull and neck. There was a snapping sound, he gurgled, and fell off to the side with the object still in his hand: it was a semi-automatic pistol.

Chris spun around and saw the man outside trying to stand up in the icy mess of the street. The naked stranger put his hands on the step of the door well, raised his head to look inside, and saw the bottom of a boot coming at him. The boot caught him on the nose and eyes; he screamed, and fell back into the mess below.

Chris heard sirens, but he turned back to the naked woman; her head was lolling to the side, but she was still repeating "No!" and "Stop!" in a barely discernable and slurred voice. He checked to see if she had any obvious injuries, saw none, hit the rapist as hard as he could in the nuts and cock with his fist, and crawled back out of the van.

The police car came screaming up; he stepped out and waved frantically.

The car stopped, and two uniformed officers stepped out, drawing their weapons as they did. He raised his hand and yelled, "Over here! She's injured!"

The ambulance appeared, and one cop waved it to a stop beside the van while the other kept his weapon on Chris. "What happened here?" demanded one officer.

"There's a young woman inside; her name is Amy Jo Kennedy, and she's been drugged! I caught three men in the act of holding her down and raping her! She's lying on the floor, and two of them are near her. One has a gun, but I think he's still knocked out.

"Please, get the EMTs over here and examine her; they gave her drugs too! One of them told me they gave her Rohypnol and MDMA!"

"Step away from the van, turn away from me, and walk backward toward me with your hands behind your back. I'm going to cuff you while we investigate, and then we'll decide what to do with you."

Chris did as instructed, but it wasn't long before he was uncuffed. The three naked men, one with a gun, and the obviously impaired naked young woman verified his story without words being spoken. The police officers videoed the crime scene -- the van and its occupants - before the EMTs lifted the perp off the roadway and laid him in the carpeted van. The female EMT checked Jo and covered her with a blanket, while the male checked the men. They urgently called for more ambulances.

Another police car was parked by the door of the dance club, lights flashing. He heard another call for ambulances from that area, and became concerned about Donna's safety. He told the nearest officer where he was going, and hurried toward the club. Donna, Joey, and Sal followed a stretcher outside, and Chris yelled at them.

"Are y'all all right?"

Donna rushed to him, yelling that Kate was in bad shape and was being taken to the hospital! She asked if he was all right, and if he found Jo. He nodded and said Jo was also being transported to Park City Hospital. She was as drugged-up as Kate.

Donna pulled up the app on her phone and ordered an Uber. Sal and Joey asked if they could ride with them, and Donna quickly said yes. Once inside the small SUV, she called their parents, told them where they were going, and why. They promised to make sure the Ellisons were notified by the Becks, and said they would meet them at the hospital.

Chris sat quietly up front, recollecting and reconsidering what he found when he yanked the van door open, and his subsequent actions. He felt no remorse for his efforts, although he was sure he had badly injured all three and possibly killed the one with the gun. This was black and white to him: when you do that kind of shit, you should expect hellfire and damnation for eternity, and a serious ass-kicking here on earth if you get caught! They got caught; they got their asses kicked!

His only concern was Jo's welfare! Well, and Kate's too.

After a few minutes he turned around. "I assume you guys took care of the other three."

Donna snorted; Sal said, "Yeah, they might be badasses somewhere, but not where we're from. Add in that they were high as kites, and they weren't much of a workout. If the bouncers hadn't stopped us, we were going to mete out some more well-deserved punishment right there!"

"Chris, Sal sent the loudmouth to the hospital for new teeth and jaw reattachment. Joey jump-kicked the other one in the face; he's going to need surgery on his mouth, nose, and eyes. The one you gave the Dr. Spock pinch just sat there whimpering and whining. Even when the cops cuffed him, he cried about the pain in his shoulder and neck!"

"What exactly did you do?" asked Joey. "I haven't seen that before."

"It's dangerous; I could have killed or crippled him, so let's just let that be. How bad was Kate? Jo was all but comatose; she kept telling them 'no' and 'stop' anyway, but she was seconds from being brutally raped!"

Joey replied, "The first EMT to examine Kate said she was afraid she had been given an overdose of something, so she called the hospital and told them to be ready. Kate was also all but comatose, as you saw."

The driver turned into the hospital, which ended all conversation. They were held in the ER waiting room until a nurse appeared and asked if there were any relatives present who had personal and insurance information for the two young women. Chris said he had the information for Jo, and Kate's parents were on the way. She took him with her.

The Ellisons arrived eight minutes later, as did the Becks and Alexanders. Donna told the Ellisons the hospital needed personal and insurance information on Kate, so they proceeded to the nurses' station.

"What in the world happened?" asked Debora, as the four crowded around Donna, Sal, and Joey.

"We don't know much, Mom! As you know, we went to the dance club to find Jo. It was crowded, but Chris grabbed us an open table for us, beating these two by a few seconds.

"By the way, this is Sal and this is Joey -- we haven't gotten around to last names; Sal, Joey, these are my parents, Debora and Dan Alexander, and our friends, Sandy and Trey Beck.

"Anyway, these guys knew where Jo and Kate were sitting so we started that direction. Chris looked pissed, which opened a path through the crowd pretty quickly. We got there but Jo was gone, and two guys were fondling Kate while a third perved on them! She was out of it, like completely gone, but they were trying to... they had their hands up her dress!

"Chris did some kind of Dr. Spock move with the perv's neck, and suddenly he's a fountain of information! Chris starts out the door and tells these two to go Karate Kid on the other two, which they did as soon as they got up 'to kick your scrawny asses'!

"The cops came, and so did several EMTs. They put Kate on a rolling bed thing, put her in an ambulance, and hauled her here. We found Chris when we went outside; he told us Jo was passed out and getting raped when he showed up. He must have kicked some ass too, because I heard two cops saying the three perpetrators were hurt bad and might not make it."

When Donna paused, the boys introduced themselves -- Salvatore (Sal) Rossi, and Joseph (Joey) Esposito - and filled in details around Donna's story.

Chris returned soon after, and shared that both girls are receiving fluids, supplements, and medication by IV. The medication is to offset the Rohypnol overdose.

The fury in his eyes and behind his words was easily read, and his mother asked what he wasn't telling them.

"The doctor told me -- I'm her husband, if anyone asks -- that they were given far too much Rohypnol, and that they also had MDMA and alcohol in their systems. He said, and I quote, 'That's a deadly combination that could easily have killed them, and still might!'

"So, when the Ellisons return, we need to have a come-to-Jesus meeting about how they got with the 35-40 year old men they were with!"

They spent the ten minutes before the Ellisons returned trying to calm Chris down, with the Becks assuring him the Ellisons were good parents and would never let them go with someone dangerous.

Mr. Ellison looked pissed; Mrs. Ellison was crying. Chris walked directly to them and asked, "Who were Jo and Kate with when they left your house?"

Mrs. Ellison sobbed louder. Mr. Ellison looked Chris in the eye and said, "With Kate's cousin, Thomas. He's in the hospital too; someone hurt him pretty badly -- probably the same ones who drugged the girls!"

"Show me a picture of him," Chris demanded. Ellison bowed up, but the fury in Chris' voice and clinched fists convinced him to comply.

"Show him Thomas' picture, Sherry. He's her nephew; her brother's kid. He's not a bad kid; I'm sure he got beat up trying to protect them." He sounded as if he were trying to convince himself.

Mrs. Ellison got her phone out of her purse, opened it, and showed Chris a picture of the three of them just before they left to go dancing.

Chris's face and neck turned dark red and his veins bulged. He glared at Ellison and declared, "I yanked that naked, tattooed-up son-of-a-bitch out of the van, and kicked him in the face when he tried to get back in! He goddamn sure wasn't hovering over Jo trying to protect her, either! He was helping hold her naked body down while she screamed Stop! and his skinhead friend with the same tattoos raped her!


Ellison was back peddling trying to get away from Chris, whose own dad was trying to grab him. Chris slung his hand off, Ellison fell backward into a chair, and Chris screamed, "YOU NEARLY GOT THEM BOTH KILLED! IF WE HADN'T COME WHEN WE DID, BOTH OF THEM WOULD BE DEAD!!!"

Mrs. Ellison's sobs had evolved into screaming, which brought security at a dead run. The first guard grabbed Chris, who swatted him away like a bug; the second slid to a stop and asked the others to help him calm that man down, or he'd have to Taser him. Chris turned with fire in his eyes, and the guard wisely retreated, hand on his Taser.

Donna jumped in front of Chris and begged him to calm down, which had the desired effect. He looked around, blinked, and slowly came out of the raging blood lust that had consumed him.

Ellison was still sitting in the chair, but now his head was in his hands and he was sobbing. "I knew something had changed with him when I saw the tattoos! I should have said no! I almost killed my daughter!"

Mrs. Ellison was escorted over to a chair beside her husband, where she just kept saying, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Chris turned his back on them, and then walked out the door into the cold. Sal, Joey, and Donna hurried after him, while the Becks and Alexanders stood huddled together in disbelief.

The guards came to them and one said, "We've seen a lot of distraught husbands, but that one is the champion! Did they really almost kill his wife?" He gestured to the Ellisons, who were holding each other and crying.

Dan Alexander took a deep breath and answered, "Not on purpose. They let the girls leave with a cousin, who apparently got together with some bad men at the dance club he took them to. They drugged the girls with a combination that could have killed them.

"Our son, Chris, is very protective of Jo, his... wife. He's all she's got, and he takes protecting her very seriously. But we've never seen him this angry before, so..."

Trey Beck spoke up. "Chris works for me, and he's probably the most loved man in our employ. Even his workers love him. He's an engineer, and he's usually cool and calculating. I'm in shock."

"He may be a cool, calculating engineer, but I wouldn't fuck with him -- or maybe I should say I wouldn't mess with his wife, or whatever she is! The police officers who came with the girls told us he badly messed up the three who were raping his wife, and I heard the doctor say it will be touch and go with all three. One had a broken jaw and eye socket, one is in surgery to remove nose cartilage from his brain, and the third has a broken neck."

They started to walk away, but one turned and said, "We're gonna pretend this never happened. We have daughters and wives, and we get it. In fact, I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing in the same circumstances. That said, you might need to check into an anger management program for him. He runs awful hot."


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ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

Damn, the ending of that was stressful.

Can't wait to read on!

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago


dawg997dawg997almost 2 years ago

I don't understand the negative comments, this chapter was fast paced and well-written!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Now see you had to screw with her again. Her life has been hard enough and now this. One star.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

Yeah, once again it was too far over the top. If you had Chris serve in the army and been trained special forces or some such, then maybe we could swallow it. But not some country cowboy wanna be. I lowered you further down to 3/5.

By the way, in case you're not aware, most of the REAL badass cowboys are usually found wearing caps from John Deere or Caterpillar with work boots instead of cowboy boots. You can either BE the part or look the part. Most dudes look the part and suck at the doing side.

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