The Girl Next Door Ch. 05


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She fell back down upon me, mashing the pleasant weight of her breasts over my chest, while her voice was hot and breathy in my ear, giving a little play bite on my neck. "Gimme that hot seed now, plant it deep...I want another sister! GIVE IT TO ME!" Her voice deepened into a dark, low pitched growl at the end, and the combination of her perverse words and fucked up voice sent me over the edge.

My hands reached for the yielding flesh of her ass, pinning her down on my cock as I unloaded my pent-up essence deep inside her. I felt the inner ring of her pussy clamp down around my cock, our nerves and pleasure becoming one while a trembling whine of joy accompanied the moment she had been waiting for. She came as I did, her wet inner walls flexing and squeezing all around my cock, sucking my seed further into her infernal womb while her body shook and convulsed to her release, her ecstatic cries into the air accompaniments to her pleasure.

All coherence was ripped from me as my mind was split in half from overpowering stimulation. I wanted to grab her achingly soft and ample tits one last time but couldn't, my nerves being caught in a bioelectric overload of pleasure. I was overcome with the divine feeling of a continuous stream of searing hot liquid spewing into her scalding depths, my spasming hands stuck clawing into the lavish, smooth globes of her ass.

The idea that I had just signed my death certificate, or that I had impregnated yet another succubus, and that said succubus was my daughter, did not occur to me. Waves of ecstasy washed over me, and for a moment, I didn't care about the consequences of this illicit mating.

The feel of Tomira's hot, flower petal soft skin sliding against mine, drenched with her exertions, was all that mattered. It felt like some ancient fire goddess was writhing on top of me, the devouring furnace of her soul making a meal of mine. So soft, so warm.

My consciousness seemed to be divorced from reality itself, some sort of measure to prevent my madness from experiencing pleasure no human was meant to experience. I was only vaguely aware of her sucking pussy, her buxom, moon-like tits hanging right over my face, or even my mother and her partner, still rutting into the dirt.

Other sounds filled my mind. The crackling fire of the succubus castle in the distance. The low wind lashing across the ritual stones. The odd crunching of sand, like footsteps. Before I could ponder it further, blinding white light filled my vision.

A familiar voice filled my ears.

"Do not despair Son of Adam." said the voice of Raphael. "My gift of life is no meager thing, and is not easily stolen...protect it and it shall protect you."

Well that wasn't helpful, now that it was being sucked away into my murderous little daughter. His voice and the light fell away before I could ask him what he meant, and back to reality I went. My hips were still jutting upwards, mechanically and without thought, while Tomira lay over me, her hefty mounds resting on my chest, heaving to her soft gasps.

It was then that fresh hope flowed into my being. Smoke was rising out of her mouth, and it occurred to me that I was no longer spurting my load in a continuous stream. She seemed exhausted, strange given the stamina of a succubus.

Her skin had grown clammy and wet while black veins reached across her arms. When I rolled her over, her face lolled to the side, revealing a pair of eyes that had rolled to the back of her head, completely whited out while her limbs twitched with the occasional spasm. She seemed to be caught in a seizure of pain and pleasure, her babblings just above a whisper.

I brought my ear to her mouth to get a better listen of her ramblings, her voice strained and weak. "Can't...think must live... for new d-dawn...Lilithhhh not pleased...daddy...too much angel...blessinghh...bad seed..."

I pieced the puzzle together and smiled. For the first time I saw freedom. Raphael's gift must have blessed my semen, making it more holy or sanctified, in turn throwing these bitches into shock, like a really bad peanut allergy or something.

It really was the gift of life! Now I had a real defense against these she-devils.

I paused when I looked across the circle and saw someone who should have been dead. Primaphela. She walked behind mom, her eyes filled with rage, her chest...still filled with nothing. How she was still alive, I'd wager it had something to do with her hybrid biology. I knew for sure I wasn't hallucinating when I saw her wrap her tail around mom's throat, dragging her up like a hangman's noose, away from the writhing and freshly converted succubus on the ground.

"Amaiyara, you foul little bitch!" seethed Primaphela, her tail choking mom with such intensity only raspy, throaty sounds came from her mouth, her own tail restrained and broken with a loud snap by Primaphela's hand. "Always K'ama-handra's favorite and now look at you. I would have spared you had you offered me the same. But no..." she punched her hand through mom's back, exploding out the other side in a shower of bone and black blood, "You just had to play house, play mother again, when really madame, that time is past..." she brought her lips to mom's ear, a sneer on her face. "You don't have the heart for it."

Damn that was cold. I know at this point, most people in my position would have had some sort of customary 'No!' or 'Please don't do it!' prepared...but I had no more sorrow to share. I was emotionally exhausted, and looked on at my mother's death with dull surprise. I was shocked out for the day.

I would say the light went out my mom's eyes the instant Primaphela shredded her heart into mulch with her razor sharp fingernails, but the truth is...the light went out of her eyes a long time ago. Like Katie, they had been dead women walking for some time, it only took until today for their bodies to finally reflect that reality.

"Ah yes, how I missed you..." purred Primaphela, crouching down into the dirt to pick up her nibbled and gnawed on heart, the teeth marks still visible along the edges. She eased the thing back into her chest cavity, her shattered ribcage quickly mending itself back together while her rich, olive toned skin followed suit. Only an unblemished bosom remained, her incredible and succulent big tits on display, sitting high on her chest, her flesh shining from her murderous exertions.

And then I did something, that to this day I don't know why I did it. I threw a big rock at the new succubus on the ground when I saw her getting ready to tackle Primaphela. I should have let them duke it out, kill each other while I made good on my escape. But whatever it was, gratitude for icing my mother, paternalistic instinct for a real daughter, I don't know, but that boulder of a rock smashed into that poor girl's face like a cannon ball, sending drool and black blood speckling onto the sand.

Primaphela had been too busy admiring her supple, reformed body to notice at first, but after my attack, she leapt further into the crater, smacking her head with a brutal kick, followed by a loud, crunching celery-like snap resounding in the air.

"Holy shit!" I couldn't help myself.

Primaphela looked at me, and then looked back to her, shrugging her shoulders. "She'll be fine. Broken necks are nothing. When she wakes up she'll be thankful for the freedom I gave her." Shame she couldn't have done that earlier, before the girl drank of her heart.

There was a silence between us, wondering what would happen now. Her past proclamations to kill me hung heavy in my mind, though in her eyes I saw something different than lust or was something I couldn't put my finger on.

Our silence was broken when a loud scream trailed across the sky, like an incoming artillery shell. Not far away, perhaps a mile from our circle, a nearby cliff exploded into dust and sediment, sending shards of rock tumbling down its side. Among the rubble, wrestled two very familiar angels. Michael and Lailah.

Both of their wings were scraped and bleeding, multiple scuffs and bruises along their arms, Michael's face contorted in a warrior's rage, Lailah's twisted in a harlot's passion. While he had his hands around her neck, she was trying to hump against him, the two in an intricate dance, with Michael doing his all to keep his groin from her grasping hands.

Her enormous, swaying tits moved from side to side in their struggle, looking so soft and suckable that even now I had fond memories of them pressed against me. She wrapped her strong thighs around him while stuffing his face into the gorgeous swells of her cleavage, trying to drown him in her flesh. His advanced angel physiology enabled him to do the impossible: tear her off. With a brutal slam she was thrown to the ground, and the two resumed their dangerous dance once more.

I looked to the downed Tomira, drooling and catatonic and then back to the fighting angels, figuring now was as good a time as any to make a run for it. I backed away from Primaphela, as silently as possible. My heart jumped when she spun back around, her facial expression unknowable.

"Oh hey, I'll see you around. You can have fun with her," I pointed to Tomira, and then to the fighting angels, "and then you got those guys you can tangle with. So have at it! Peace!"

I leapt out of the ritual circle and jumped into the cover of the surrounding trees. Of course I doubted she had a hankering to fight any of the people I pointed out, but an excuse is an excuse, and it was the only one I had at the moment. I counted each further step I made into the forest, hoping she would be bewildered by my nonsense long enough for me to get a good lead on her.

I was comforted when I remembered she didn't have any wings, while the smell of woodland nature filled my nostrils. Not quite the same scent as the forests back on Earth. At the time I couldn't ponder the weirdness of there being a verdant forest right next to a barren desert, with no gradual change in geography in between.

At the time I was concerned with one thing. Just how did she appear in front of me?

She rose out of a clutch of ferns, their leaves caressing and slipping around her unreal body like emerald blades. My eyes were taken by the sight of deep green clashing against her bountiful, olive toned breasts, covering her pert nipples while dewy overgrowth covered her equally dewy thighs, reaching up to just conceal her sex from view.

Her movement was impossibly graceful and feminine. Everything she did turned me on, and I couldn't fight it anymore. My will was as exhausted as my emotions. She pulled up to me, her buxom body covered in forest dew as she laid her dainty hands on me in a manner that was most unlike herself.

"Thomas, I wish to speak, to converse." her voice was just above a whisper, almost afraid. Ever since I threw a rock at that succubus, she seemed a little off. The old Primaphela would have just spoken her mind.

I was in no position to deny her anything, made all the easier since she seemed to be on the less murderous part of her mood swing. "Yeah sure, go ahead."

"Why did you defend me from my treacherous sister? After all I had promised to do to you, after all of what you had seen me do to others?"

That was a damn good question, one that I had been thinking about, but not too much obviously, given all the other crap I had to get through first. I took a deep breath, thinking of an answer as if my life depended on it, which, all things considered with these ladies, it probably did. "You know, even I don't why I brained that bitch, it was just...instinct I guess."

A little more crass than I wanted to put it, but my mind was so drained it could no longer afford pretension. Thankfully, she didn't seem to mind, as she pulled me even closer, grabbing my hands and laying them on her soft hips.

"Exactly!" she hissed, her voice low and slowly returning to the fearless quality for which I had come to know her. "Instinct...the instinct of a father." She pressed herself against me, entwining her sumptuous curves around my body as she nuzzled and exhaled into my neck, sending thrills down my spine.

I found my hands moving on their own accord, groping her full ass cheeks with possessiveness, relishing their tactile smoothness as she kissed against my throat, wriggling her pussy against my groin. I knew this was bad, and where it would lead, but I could not stop my primal self from enjoying this ultimate temptation.

To my relief, her delighted mewling fell off and she stopped for a moment, looking at me a little more kindly than I was used to. Her eyes reminded me so much of Katie it was heartbreaking, making it all the more difficult to dismiss her as a foul beast. "Thomas?" her voice returned to that timid tone once more.

"It's Tom."

Her eyes...purplish blue and feline...peered through her frazzled hair as she grasped my hand and stared at me intently. "Tom. What is this feeling where I want to sleep with you, but not murder you?"

"I think that's love."


Well damn. It was almost better when she wanted to suck my soul away. She was gorgeous no doubt, but being my daughter made things inconvenient, certainly more kinky. Then again I had about had it with kinky shit.

She looked at me, her eyes wide and surprisingly adorable, just like her mother. "Uh...look, Prima? Can I call you that?" She nodded. "I'm glad you've changed your mind, but I'm your father...and...and we just can't do that kind of shit. I'm sorry." Truthfully she could tackle me anytime and rape me, like the rest of her kind, and I could see her figuring such options in her head. I flinched when I saw her body tense up, with the same kind of readiness she had when tackling succubi and angels alike, but instead of ripping my clothes off her lunge turned into a sudden hug, holding me tight.

"I will protect you father, forever." She pulled back, her eyes showing the briefest of emotions and the most sincere that I had ever seen from a succubus. "I love you." Her words were touching as they were frightening, giving me heavy stalker vibes. She had all the capriciousness and fickleness of a teenage girl (thankfully less than Tomira), but trapped in a woman's body, a body built for seduction, and if needed, murder. And if the last few hours were any indication, she was quite good at both.

I ran my hand through her hair, holding her head to my chest. Yes, she was a monster. But she was also my daughter, the last piece, the last reminder I had of Katie. And I didn't want her to kill me. "I love you too."

I collapsed onto the ground, into her arms, my body, even with Raphael's gift of increased stamina, finally maxed out. She giggled when my head landed in between the valley of her breasts, her ripe slopes the perfect pillows for my head as I drifted into a deep sleep. The last I heard were her sounds of contentment, her fingers twirling the edges of my hair. I smiled. Katie used to do just that, the familiar gesture sending me into a comforting rest.


Remember way back when I said I lifted a coat from a dead hobo? Well he was no more a hobo than this place is Earth, just mortal trappings to contain his infernal body. Apparently this place is some kind of dumping ground for rejects who can't hack it in Hell, and a few poor souls who pissed off the wrong angels in Heaven, perfect for succubus hideouts. When he came at me with a soul stealing knife, Prima was none to pleased, making a little meal out of him.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been easy, having her tag along.

She is my lifeline in this strange land, yet also the most likely to kill me. We've had a few close calls, where she's been starving, and pushing her giant melons in my face, offering to me her feminine splendor, eager to have me ravish her in broad daylight. Other times she's bent over just a little too much, wiggling her sculpted ass for me mount. Of course I haven't given in...not yet anyway.

Even if I did, it's hard to say if I would live, if she would have the self-control to not consume me in her lust. Or worse yet, if she would live, given that Raphael's blessing imbued me with certain anti-succubus properties.

Either way, I'm not too keen to find out.

All we can do is survive and hope for the best and pray the angels were able to solve their Lailah problem. If not, well it's out of my hands anyway. Hopefully they have some sort of back-up plan. And then I've got my other daughter, Tomira. I think she may have recovered from my holy offering, and is stalking us, seeking revenge for mom. If she is, we'll be ready. Getting rid of her would be a good bonding experience for Prima, one that doesn't involve potential soul sucking.

In the mean time, I tell her about Earth, pop culture, my brother and sometimes what her mother was like before she...well, you know. Even though I imagined living a low key life, having a good job with a good family, this really isn't so bad. I feel like a more ancient type of man, forced to live off the land, living only with the barest necessities

Anyway, before I get too off track, these are the writings of Tom Brown, and I leave whoever reads this journal as my testament and combined wisdom for the world outside the material world. Please, please read it, and know not to make the same mistakes I did. Though since you have to be here to read it that would mean you already kind of fucked up, but I digress. It still might be useful. On the off chance someone (sane person) reads this and wants to meet us, we'll be in New Eden. No I don't know what or where it is, other than what Prima termed "a land of beatific horror and fiendish enchantment" there's that.

Good hunting.


While this is the end of Tom's story, it is not the end for the larger story. I don't know when I'll do the sequel, but I do have one planned, to handle hanging story threads. It will be a traditional third person narrative, and won't be titled The Girl Next Door Ch. 06 given that at this point, the story has moved so far beyond that apartment.

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks so much for the support and feedback.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story!!

Request: Would the wonderful author come up with a sequel, a male angel would be preferable. Or write up the same story but with a male angel version of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Verbicide, I know this is "about 6 years" overdue, but, and with all due respect... shut up. When I (an atheist, btw) read this, I myself already knew angels in Judaeo-Christian tradition are always male, but given how much culture, popular and otherwise, has propagated the idea of a female angel, complaining that the author has followed in the cultural tradition instead of the religious one is pretty pointless. This is FICTION. "Harry Potter", while set in our world insofar as it is in England, is FICTION, but you don't see people complaining that magic isn't real, and so the series is terrible. (Instead everybody says the author has an opinion that she is perfectly entitled to have, and therefore the series is terrible. Not that that stops them from seeing the new movies in the spinoff series...)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

i kinda more people would more corruption stories like this. maybe with vampires or something. if a story has the main character die, i would really like what afterlife is like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Too much of sex overshadowed the horror in this story. Try keeping a balance between the sex and the horror. If you keep portraying sex as much as you did, the excitement wears of and it comes close to boredom. However, you kept the story flowing though. One has to read this through once they start reading it.

EromanticaEromanticaover 7 years ago

Looking back, I can definitely see what Blacklips is talking about. I did wish there was more P.I.V penetration or Tom sex scenes involved. And there were times when I would look forward to a sex scene, only for it to be stopped (The ending was the biggest offender). It was necessary for the story to move along though. If Tom had sex with Lailah, the world would have ended, for example. My opinion of the story still stands. This was the best series on the site in my opinion. It's just too bad we won't be getting that spin-off!

P.S. Come on Tom'll fuck his infernally tainted mother, but not his fully mature,GOOD daughter. What gives? They should have atleast got the happy ending of getting to slam fuck each other. Haha

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