The Girl Who Wasn't There Ch. 03


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I stand and hold out my arms to her. She stares at me in disbelief, frozen to the spot, tears glistening on her cheeks. I take half a step forward and it is enough: she flies into my arms and we hug each other tightly. I can finally take a long shuddering breath and we stand, just holding on together, helping each other stay afloat on the sea of emotions in which we're adrift.

I bend forward and kiss the top of her head, smelling the soft scent of her hair. She looks up at me and, instinctively, we kiss, softly. Our lips touch and meld; our mouths are barely open, our tongues do nothing and yet this is the most intimate kiss I can ever remember. Eventually, our lips separate.

"Thank you, I've wanted tae do that since you touched me to brush the hair from my eyes," she tells me. She is radiantly happy and I am overwhelmed at the thought that her kissing me has made this beautiful, precious girl so ecstatic. "Ginny, can I sleep with you tonight?" she asks and sees the worry in my face. "Nea, not tae make love; I just want tae be with you. I dunna wanna sleep on my own, not knowing you're so near."

I take her hand and lead her to my bed. Turning back the covers I tell her to climb in. "I'll be with you in a minute," I tell her. I go to the bathroom to clean my teeth and undress, leaving my panties on and slipping on the shirt I wear in bed. As soon as I climb into bed she snuggles up to me. She is warm and I pull the covers over us and hold her. I am bewildered: how has this happened? More than that, how has this happened so fast? The idea of love at first sight: ridiculous, I tell myself, and yet... I breathe deeply, trying to still my whirling thoughts.

"Thank you, Ginny. I love you" Freya murmurs sleepily.

"I love you too," I reply softly and realize what love is: it is not the emotions: attraction, arousal, desire, lust, passion. It is that giving yourself to another and accepting them in return, an act of will and commitment to the future you will face together and, somehow, it is a giving and commitment I already want to make to this girl that I've only known a few hours. This realization is both terrifying and wonderful. I close my eyes and, somehow, fall asleep.

I awake in the grey winter light. I have slept well and deeply. We have shifted in the night and Freja is spooned against my back, her arm over my waist and her hand lightly resting on my stomach. It is Saturday, there is nothing to do today and we could just lie here like this all day if we chose. I let my mind drift, aware of Freja behind me. I feel peaceful and calm and safe: almost a floating feeling. A feeling of happiness grows, a bright joy filled with affection. It is a wonderful feeling but gradually an undercurrent of frustration and annoyance builds and the happy glow is clouded. I am just beginning to wonder at my odd emotions when I feel Freja move behind me.

"Damn it, I canna do it!" she complains.

My mind becomes focussed as the emotions vanish. "What's the matter, love?" I ask as I turn to face her.

"I was thinking on what ye said yesterday about our gifts being similar. I was trying to send ye my feelings but I canna do it."

Oh my God, could she? "Really?" I ask innocently. "What were the emotions? Some are easier to project than others." This last bit is true but I also don't want her to give up after one attempt; if she did fail.

"Oh, I was just trying tae make ye feel how safe and happy I felt, waking up here with ye this morning. It was such a lovely feeling I just wanted tae share it with ye!"

"Shit, Freja! I think you did it! I felt those feelings! Then you got all annoyed and frustrated. You really are amazing!" I give her a hug.

"Okay, let me try again," she asks excitedly.

I close my eyes and relax, trying not to think of anything, and wait. I start to become annoyed, angry at being there. Why can't she just do it, it's so frustrating! My eyes shoot open; is this how it feels on the receiving end of what I do?

"Anger and also frustration. Is that it?" I ask.

Freja gasps and sits up, "Bloody hell! I was thinking of the time the bastards at school stole ma clothes after PE. I was so furious but I couldn't stop it happening. I did it, I ESM-ed ye!" she says in awe and I smile happily as I sit up too.

And with that we are kissing as we did last night but there is more excitement and passion this morning and I feel my arousal stir within me.

Freja breaks the kiss. "Ginny, what would it feel like if we shared our emotions and feelings as we kissed? I mean, both at the same time?"

This is the sort of mad, impulsive idea which has caused such problems for me over the years, so of course in my turned-on state I immediately respond, "I don't know; let's try it and see!"

She grins and our mouths meet again. It's hard to manage so many things at once: to kiss and hold, to be aware of new feelings and emotions, to project an emotion and, of course, Freja just being here distracts me! Our kiss deepens and I feel my body start to respond. Now I start to use my ESM, as my hand slips behind her head, fingers caressing her, running though her hair.

Suddenly I feel a tingling shiver in my head and neck that shoots down my spine and I become wet. I realize that it's my caressing of Freja's head and neck that I'm feeling. The warm glowing wetness between my legs increases and this is the sensation I project, making her moan into our kiss. My other hand cups her breast; her nipple is rock hard and my thumb circles it through the thin fabric.

I feel her hand under my nightshirt, roaming over the skin of my back and sides, tracing arabesques of pleasure that I happily share back to her. "Oh fuck!" she gasps and climbs over to kneel, straddling my leg. As her pussy presses down onto my thigh I feel she is as hot and wet as me, her panties soaked through. I get a flash of sensation: bare skin rubbing bare skin and I know what she wants. In unison we grasp the hems of each other's shirts, pulling them up. As our hands meet above us, our shirts become a tangled mess that we toss aside, laughing.

We stare at each other's naked torsos. She is beautiful, small and slim with her long dark auburn hair almost black against her pale skin. Despite her size her breasts are only slightly smaller than mine, making her look full-busted; the aureoles are a delicate rose and the nipples a pale red.

"Ye're gorgeous," I hear Frja's voice speaking my thoughts and she edges along my leg to close the gap between us. Our arms are around each other again, hands exploring. Our tits mash together, nipples pressing hard into soft flesh. I bury my face into her neck, kissing it and giving little licks as I feel her pleasure. I shiver as she begins to rake my back and sides gently with her short nails. I feel her beginning to grind her pussy against my thigh and the shared sensation makes me gasp. I reach down to cup her tight, round arse cheek and pull her closer; she gets what I want and moves her leg forward so it presses into my crotch and I press back, my sopping panties mashing into my open labia as I squirm against her.

We are both getting close: our breathing is in time, fast sharp breaths and mewls of pleasure. We each feel our own orgasm approaching but also our lover's, each further exciting the other. I suck on my little mouse's earlobe as I feel her teeth nip my shoulder. I feel my first orgasm, a hard, fast rush that catches my breath. I struggle to keep the sharing with Freja going, wanting her to know the pleasure she's giving me.

"Aiii!" she screams and I feel it too: longer and deeper than mine her climax ignites within her. My body responds with a second orgasm, stronger and more sustained, and my scream joins Freja's. I feel her buck and writhe; she too is cumming again or perhaps this is just the same, mega orgasm with lots of little peaks. I ignite again and reality ceases to exist.

I am lying on my side, breathing hard and drenched in sweat. I can hear someone else also breathing. I realise that I am tangled with another body, equally slippery with perspiration and I open my eyes. Freja, my darling little Mouse. Her eyes are closed and her normally pale cheeks are flushed pink while her hair is even darker, sweat-plastered to her forehead.

I kiss her nose and her eyes flutter open. "Hi, gorgeous," I say groggily.

She gives a slight groan. "What the fuck was that?" she asks. "Am I still in one piece?"

I laugh softly, still in the post-orgasmic cloud. "You're still whole and beautiful, my darling little Mouse," I reassure her.

She snuggles it to me. "Aye, though I'm sure I should nay be; that was... I canna describe it."

"The best orgasm ever?" she nods. "Me too! I think we both just experienced about half a dozen orgasms, our own and each other's. It was amazing, incredible and mind-blowingly awesome! I think that just about covers it."

"Aye, just about. When I touched you I knew what you felt, did you...?"

"Yes. Your witchy-powers are amazing!" This makes her laugh. "What?" I ask.

"Did ye know that many Wiccans holds that all love making is a sacred, magical rite? Was what we just did nay magical and sacred? We're a grand pair of witches!"

"This was the inaugural meeting of our coven then!" I tell her as reach down and pull the covers over us and we fall asleep again.

It's midday when we wake again. Freja takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. She wants us to shower together but I hesitate. "Freja, don't take this the wrong way but can we not make love again just yet?" I feel her upset hit like a slap: the ESM connection we started earlier is still there so I respond by trying to share what I feel. My heart is so full of love for her it almost hurts and I am on the edge of laughter and tears all at once. And I'm scared; scared that this will end too soon, that I will lose her just as I've met her. I don't know how much of this makes it through to her but she smiles even as a tear slips from her eye and runs down her cheek.

I look down, trying to find the words to say. "This morning was wonderful, amazing, perfect. Can we take it more slowly for the rest of today? I want to be your girlfriend, your best friend, not just a lover." I shake my head, wishing I could properly explain what I feel.

I look up as she laughs; there are more tears but her upset is gone and she radiates relief and happiness. "Thank ye, Ginny. I want to be all that tae ye as well and more. As tae making love: let's see if we can make love wi' out sex." She pushes her panties down, letting them fall and standing naked in front of me for the first time. She nods to me and I do likewise.

This is the first time we've seen each other naked and I relish the sight of her pale body and the short fine hair that covers her mound is as dark as that on her head. She is gorgeous and it would be so easy to take her back to bed as I would have done with past lovers. And that's when I know that this time has to be different; I never want to have to think of Freja as a past lover. So I take her hand as we climb into the shower together.

We touch, caress and hug as we soap and wash each other. I sense her thrill as she feels my hairless labia. Our physical intimacy and openness is mirrored in our sharing through our ESM which has become almost instinctive; when I feel a tickle on my back I share it with Freja and automatically she reaches round and gently scratches the itch before returning to rubbing shampoo into my hair. I feel the stiffness she has in one shoulder where she slept on it and I massage it to ease the tension.

Freja is right: there is no sex but we do make love and share a wonderful intimacy soaping and washing each other; okay, maybe it was sex, but of a gentle sort that leaves us both closer and at peace. Cleaner, too!

We dress each other and I feel her hunger alongside mine. "I know Mouse but please be patient. We can go into town and eat and I want you to get some more clothes." She is about to protest but I kiss her nose. "I've not got a huge fortune but what I have I want to share with you, and not just my cast-offs. So, will you let me?"

"Thank you, Ginny," she hugs me before reaching onto the bedside table to retrieve her pentagram pendent, dropping it over her head.

I reach into the cupboard and grab a motorcycle jacket and helmet, "Come on then, we need to see Aidan and borrow some things for you. Ever been on a motorcycle before?" I ask. Her eyes go wide as she grips the pendent round her neck and I feel her nervousness. "Don't worry," I reassure her, "It's not a huge beast of a bike and I'll be careful. We'll be fine."

Aidan is a final year Behavioural Sciences undergraduate that I got to know after he volunteered as a test subject. Nothing paranormal but he has a terrific empathy and intuition that had us wondering for a while. He also rides a motorbike and had a spare helmet and jacket that he'd bought for a now ex-girlfriend. As I knock on Aidan's door in the student halls, I hope he still has them to lend me.

The door opens and there is Aidan, seemingly auditioning for the 'Archetypal Student of the Year Award': Skinny with a straggly beard and slightly bleary expression, loose, not-quite-white tee shirt with some band logo on it and tatty jeans. He blinks at me a couple of times. "Oh, hi Ginny."

"Hello Aidan. Was it a good night?" I ask and he nods. "I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

"Nah, I'm just bumbling around putting off starting an essay that's due in next week."

I feel Freja move to one side behind me as I say, "This is Freja: she's taking part in our research..."

He looks at her. "Hi," he says, a smile appearing on his face. "Oh, a little witch!" he adds, seeing Freja's pendent

"Hello, Aidan," she responds quietly.

"Are you going to the Halloween party in the Students' Union bar tonight?" he asks Freja and, remembering me, politely adds, "Either of you?"

Freja shakes her head and I tell him I'll be giving it a miss too. "I wanted to ask a favour, Aidan. Do you still have that spare helmet and motorcycle jacket?"

"Yes," he replies slowly. "Why?"

"I wondered if Freja might borrow them so I can give her a lift into town." I ask, trying my most winning smile and he turns back into his room to look for them. "Perhaps we should ESM him to make him want to let us borrow them!" I whisper to Freja.

"Nay!" she replies, quite shocked, "That would be wrong: do nay harm, remember? Ye canna take away his freedom tae choose what tae do." I am about to tell her to lighten up when I realize she is right and that whether what we do is magic or not, I have to be responsible. She has more wisdom than I do.

I kiss her forehead. "Thank you; you're a wise little witch!" She smiles. There's a slight cough behind me and Aidan is back with a white helmet and a black jacket with pale blue flashes on the arms. The look in his eyes tells me he saw the kiss.

"Here you go," as he hands the jacket over. Not surprisingly it is a little loose but as he comments, "Juliet was a little bit bigger than you." Fortunately, the helmet fits her well.

"Thanks, Aidan. We'll drop them back later, if that's okay." I tell him and Freja echoes the thanks.

Aidan hesitates then makes a decision. "Freja, you can keep them. Time I let someone else's girlfriend have use of these, eh, Ginny?"

Freja goes and kisses Aidan on the cheek. "Thank you, Aidan, and may your generosity be repaid threefold."

Aidan smiles. "You're welcome. And Ginny," he adds, "Now you've a witch in your department, maybe you'll get to see some magic!"

"You know, you could be right there!" I reply as Freja stifles a giggle.

With goodbyes said we head to the staff car park where in a sheltered corner is my motorbike. I climb on and back it out before telling Freja to get on behind me. She is nervous and hugs me tightly as I start the engine and kick it into first gear. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods. "Just hold on and lean when I lean; don't try to stay upright as leaning into the turn is part of steering the bike, just like a bicycle. Okay?"

"I've nay ridden a bicycle but okay." I can feel her anxiety as I release the clutch and we move off. There's a long curving road from the car park to the main road and I find that if I project the feeling of leaning, Freja follows perfectly and we're soon humming along. She's still nervous but there's also excitement and the thrill of speed mixed in, even though we're doing less than 30 miles an hour. I share the buzz I get from riding the bike and the pleasure of her snuggled up behind me. It's a bright, cold, clear winter day: the bare trees, ploughed fields and open sky are lovely as we zip along a road so straight I wonder, as I always do, if it might have been Roman in origin.

Once in town we pile into the first coffee shop we find for lunch. We try to be discrete as we sit together; this may not be the wilds of Presbyterian Scotland but it's a provincial city and not as cosmopolitan and tolerant as it might be, despite the University nearby. However, we cannot help little touches, the way we look at each other and, as I hand Freja her hot chocolate, a quick kiss as she wraps her frozen hands around the hot cup. As a result, we do get some disapproving looks: two biker girls fairly obviously in love isn't something they're used to!

Suitably refreshed we hit the shops and Freja reluctantly agrees to let me buy her new jeans (two pairs but both black), a pair of leggings, an emerald green sweatshirt, new underwear and socks and a deep red warm long-sleeved shirt. We stop at a camping shop and buy a rucksack -- "How else are we going to carry all this on the bike?" I point out -- and a pair of gloves that she is very happy for me to buy, given how cold her hands became on the journey here.

Heading back to the bike she suddenly stops and drops the bags she's carrying. "Can ye wait here a minute, Ginny darling," she says, "I'll be right back!" and runs back, disappearing into a small side street. I'm tempted to follow but she did ask me to stay here and anyway the bags are heavy.

A minute eventually becomes 15 minutes and I'm starting to get cold and impatient when Freja trots back, smiling happily. I look at her quizzically but she just picks up the bags and says, "Let's go then."

"You cheeky..." I say as she runs off. Our chase doesn't last long and in the seclusion of the car park she pulls me into a long deep kiss. I can feel her passion and excitement and as we separate she reaches into her pocket to pull out a small black box that she hands to me.

I hold it, looking at her. "Are ye going tae open it then?" she asks impatiently.

The box hinges open and inside is a pendent: a pentagram like she wears but smaller and much simpler: a circle of silver wire through which more wire has been woven to form the five-pointed star. I look at her in amazement. "I did have a wee bit o' money and, well, I explained to the woman in the New Age shop that I had fallen in love wi' the most beautiful wonderful girl in the world and I wanted tae buy her a pentagram pendent as a gift 'cuz she was a witch too... Well, she suddenly realized that there was a special 37% discount on this very thing! I wish I could have afforded to buy ye something bigger, but..."

I am so touched by her gift I can barely speak. "My darling beautiful little Mouse, it's perfect!" And it is: its simplicity and honesty is so appropriate somehow. "Thank you!" I say and I cannot hold back the tears as I hug her.

She helps me put the pendent on and my eyes dry as we get ready to leave. It is already getting dark as we climb back on the bike. "How about we get a pizza delivered and then cuddle up on the bed to watch a film when we get back?" I ask. She doesn't answer in words but her happiness and contentment flow into me.