The Goblin King


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Slipping under her clothing, the powerful appendage ripped them right, rendering the struggling rogue nude within seconds. She opened her mouth to speak, only to spasm as a large, phallic headed tentacle pushed its way between her spread legs. I heard her grunt, gasping with every stroke as it rammed into her.

"Oh god," she cried between gasps. "Help me. Please, help m-mpphh"

Her calls were muffled as a tentacle forced its way into her mouth, soon joined by a third in her ass. The remaining appendages slithered past her body, touching and playing with her erect nipples, rubbing and caressing every part of her body.

"A shame," said Katile, "I'll miss her. Oh well, there's nothing we can do if we don't want to join her. Her part's over anyway. Let's just finish our job and see if she's here when we get back."

I forced my eyes from the spectacle before me, realizing that my fingers were plunging in and out of my sopping pussy. With a hiss, I pulled them away. What was I doing? It was horrific, disgusting what had happened to Sable, but it turned me on like nothing else.

Focus on the mission, I told myself, focus on revenge.

We gathered up our things, trying and failing not to look at our lost comrade. Her panic and dismay long gone, replaced now by an unthinking lust as she was overwhelmed by the monster that had taken her.

"Careful," I told Eilfindel as she wrapped up the sunstone that was key to our entire mission, "We're going to need that soon."

"Yeah, sorry," she said. Shivering in arousal as we passed the beast. True to my sources, it paid no attention to us as long as we wore the oil. Though looking at Sable, a small part of me wondered if she got the better end of it.

Revenge. Focus!

We made it past the chamber into the city proper and hurriedly dressed. The sunstone we placed back into its pouch, carefully wrapped until we'd need it. The linchpin of our plan, the sunstone would act as a reservoir of power, granting Eilfindel her full strength for a brief moment. Even here in the heart of the goblin homelands, it would be strong enough to subdue the king and plunder his coffers before we escaped.

My people's revenge, MY revenge, was close at hand.

With a little help from Katile's magic, we made our way to the palace, slipping from shadow to shadow as we hid from the goblins. The home cavern was enormous, a massive opening whose ceiling glowed with living luminescence.

"It's almost beautiful," Eilfindel said.

"Yeah, and for the women they capture, it's the only light they'll see until the slave ships come to take them. Keep focused here."

"Sorry," she whispered.

It wasn't hard to remember why we were fighting. Not here. Every now and again, we passed one of their captives. There was one woman locked with her head in a wooden stockade as a pair of goblins eagerly fucked her at both ends. All the while crying out how much of a slut she was. Tears ran down her face, even as she writhed in forced pleasure at every thust. Nearby we saw a small barn where heavy chested women were being milked, moaning in bliss as cackling goblins worked their tits until they sprayed freely into the metal bucket. A delicacy for the King's table, no doubt.

As we neared the palace, we saw the women being used as mounts by what passed as goblin nobility. A tiny whip in one hand and a set of reins in the other. He pulled on the reins, and I saw that they led not to her face, but to metal studs pierced through her nipples. She cried out in pleasure as he gave them a tug, hurrying toward his destination with an uncaring bliss.

Disgusting. This is what we were fighting. This is what we had to destroy. Take down their leader, and the whole rotten mess would collapse.

The king was holding an audience when we arrived, his throne room packed when the four of us stepped into the room. Good, let them witness their defeat. Eilfindel's power would be more than enough.

The room fell silent. Every eye turned in our direction as the monsters gazed hungrily at prey they believed had wandered into their nest. Boy, they were in for a rude surprise.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" said the Goblin King. "More visitors? And they've come all the way on their own, too? Usually we have to go out and... invite them personally."

The assembled goblins cackled as they closed in around us. I nodded to Eilfindel, who slowly withdrew the sunstone. Just one moment longer. Wait until they're closer for maximum effect.

"Your reign of terror and debauchery has ended," I told him as we readied for battle. In my hand, I held the collar of judgment that would soon bring him to trial. Soon, very soon, we would have justice. It was almost time, but I wanted to make sure he knew what was happening, knew how powerless he had been to prevent it. "You're going to pay for everything you had done."

"I'd forgotten how much you knights loved to prattle. You want to open your pretty little mouth? I've got something nice for you to stuff it with right here." he gestured down to his lap, where his openly displayed cock sat large and stiff. Tall for a goblin, he was still half a head height shorter than me, yet his cock would have been impressive on a human. Heck, it would have done an orc proud. Here, on his smaller frame, it looked massive.

Laughter from the crowd. I realized I had been staring openly at it. Growling in anger, I ripped my gaze away and back to his face.

"Is that all you have? Clever quips? Your doom is at hand, have you nothing to say?"

"As a matter of fact," he said, "I do:"

He spoke. Two short words, but something in my brain refused to hear them.

"Elf!" Jaie shouted as he spoke.

"It wasn't a spell," said Katile. "I'm ready to counter anything he has to throw at us. Get ready, priestess!"

My head swam. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eilfindel pull out the sunstone. Even unused, its light forced the encroaching goblins back. I tried to focus on it, but I couldn't. Something was wrong, the room spun, my brain twisting and writhing as though I were trying to recall some long forgotten but critically important fact for an old academy exam.

A flash. Remembrance.

I was in a cave, squad at my side. We were hunting them, hunting the mindless beasts who had scattered before our might. Cowards. Soon we would put their foul menace to an end.

What? That was wrong, I'd never gone in with them I'd been waiting at the back. Hadn't I?

"Ready Eilfindel?" said Katile, all business now. "Hit them with everyth-"

The goblin slave collar snapped shut around her throat, cutting off whatever she had been about to say. I could see her call upon her magic, but the collar made it a futile effort. Her hands shot up, trying to remove it, only to find it smooth and featureless.


I stared, uncomprehending at my own hands, still wrapped around Katile's slender neck. I yanked them back, but it was already too late.

Impossible. I hadn't, I couldn't... My head swam. I tried to think, tried to focus. Instead I remembered.

Remembered the darkness of the tunnels, the third or fourth or fifth wrong turn. Separated from the main army, chasing down a group of fleeing monsters. They came. Slipping behind us from unnoticed crevices and passages. The goblins were weak, puny. Even a dozen were no match for a single knight.

They didn't come at us a dozen to one. There were more. Far more.

I tried to fight, but they were everywhere. On my back, my arms, weighing me down, pulling at my face even as my knees gave way. I toppled, falling into a sea of flesh. They were everywhere, holding down my arms so I couldn't move, yanking my legs apart.

One of them, their leader I suppose, plopped onto my chest, legs straddling my neck as they wrenched away my helmet. His disgusting, engorged member held outstretched as he waved it in front of me. Taunting, teasing. I tried to escape as it left slimy trails down my cheek, but there was nowhere to go. The goblins held me trapped. All of them stroking their own members, pointed grotesquely at my face. Cackling madly, the goblin hopped from his perch and took his place between my legs. Then he took me for the first time that day.

It was not the last.

"What?" stammered Eilfindel as she saw what I had done, "How could you. You monster!"

She held up the crystal, beginning to invoke it. The goblins flinched back, but I held my ground. Smiling, though I didn't know why. Katile, of course, sensed it as soon as the power became active. As I'd known, somewhere in the back of my mind that she would. It was why I had subdued her first.

"Wait! Don't use that it's a tra-"

"Silence!" the goblin king said, "Kneel, slave!"

Her voice cut out as she sank to the floor, wide eyed and silent.

Failing to heed her interrupted warning, Eilfindel finished invoking the crystal. It shone brighter and brighter, its luminance bathing the room in glory and power. Not the pure, untainted power of a light priestess, though. This was something else. Something that would be far more familiar to Katile than the innocent priestess.

I watched her eyes glow to match the crystal's smooth pink. They widened, growing with shock as she felt the power flow deep within her, unwittingly invited into the very center of her being.


The crystal slipped from her fingers, but it was already spent. Now, the only glow was the bright pink fire that shown in her eyes. She staggered back, holding her hands to her face in disbelief.

"I feel... no, I can't. I mustn't," but she couldn't resist opening her robes as she began to fondle herself.

"Oh, but I have to. I need it so bad."

Oblivious to everything but her desires, she threw off her robe and reached for her pussy. The power was there, ready to use if only she willed it, but she wouldn't. Her need was too great. As the priestess fell, so did my hope, for she had always been the key to victory.

I staggered, clutching my head, trying to force away the thoughts and feelings flowing through them. I could feel them turning, clicking into place even as I tried and failed to hold onto my will, my anger.

Anger. Yes, I had been angry then too. Raging, cursing, day after day as they tried to break me. Except, they had broken me, hadn't they. I could remember it now. Reluctant obedience at first. Easier than resisting, more pleasant. It didn't mean I was giving in, not really. Or so I told myself. Soon obedience became a habit, and habit became a fact of life. Again and again, until I realized the one essential truth:

I was worthless. I was property. I was owned.

I looked up at the Goblin King, still lounging oh so indolently on his throne. He looked the same as ever, but my understanding of him now twisted inside my head. New thoughts, attitudes fell into place. Feelings that I had forgotten, that I had been made to forget. They were coming back now, and I could no more stop them than I could still the beating of my heart.


He was strong, powerful. So innately, obviously superior to me in every way.

Look away

I was devoted to him.

This isn't you

I worshiped him.

Remember your sisters

I would do anything for him.

Fight it!

He owned me.

"Master!" I breathed, finally remembering my true place in life. He smiled, he actually smiled at me. Oh, but that felt wonderful!

"Well done, my pet."

"You goblin slut!" Jaie spat. "You'll pay for what you did."

"Of course I'm a goblin slut," I said sweetly as I readied my sword. "So is she. You too, for that matter. You just don't know it yet."

She swung at me, and I just barely blocked it. Magic fueled reflexes barely holding out against the sheer skill and speed of the blademaster before me.

"You might as well give up," I said. "One way or another, you're going to have master's cock in your mouth by the end of today. Just think of how pleased he will be if you did it on your own."

"Traitor," she launched another offensive which I just barely dodged.

"Don't be silly. I'm no traitor, I followed master's plan perfectly. Even when I didn't know I was serving him."

I could remember it all now. How the plan had really come together. Sable, of course, was an obvious choice. The thorn in my master's side. Clever, unwilling to venture into the goblins' underground. Not until I had tempted her with such an enticing plan. Katile, the crimson mage, would likely take even longer to break than I had, but oh what a wonder she would be once she did. How easy the goblins would train their unworthy with a Crimson Mage at their disposal. And if she was astonishingly sexy and abrasive enough to drive Sable into making mistakes, all the better.

"Then say goodbye to him, slut. Even with all your power, you are no match for me. If I fall, I'm taking you with me."

Jaie, dear sweet Jaie. So strong and fierce. I hoped the masters would let me watch her break. How wonderful to see her blossom into the true slut she was meant to be. What wealth and power she would bring, too. The maid of a thousand battles made as many enemies, and they would pay well to see the mighty warrior kneel at their feet.

I looked at Eilfindel, plunging her fingers in and out of her sopping cunt as her eyes locked firmly onto master's wonderful cock. Such innocence. Master would enjoy taking that from her, and now the priestess would never reach her full power. Never be that great threat of the light. Now, she was just another goblin slut.

It was wonderful.

Jaie came at me. Furious. Hacking wildly. Such skill, such power. She really was a marvel. For all my training and all my prowess, there was absolutely no chance that I could take her in a fair fight. Even an unfair one, had she kept control of her emotions.

"Silly girl," I laughed, barely warded off another blow. Snarling with rage, she came at me harder.

"It's funny," I told her, "I warned you, back at the start. It's not about power, it never is when you're dealing with goblins."

She lunged, just in time to catch the enchanted rope I threw towards her. Even as her sword moved to bat it away, the rope sprang to life, twisting around her as it had so many hours earlier. Within seconds, the proud warrior was on her knees. Bound and helpless as she awaited master's pleasure. She fought, but even the mighty Jaei would take time to work free without. Kneeling down, I began cutting away her clothing.

"You bastard," she spat, "do what you want, but I swear I'll never-"

Her voice trailed off as the gem around master's neck began to glow. Realizing what was happening, she tried to look away, but I caught her head and forced it back were it was supposed to be. She didn't close her eyes. They never do.

Master took her chin in his hand, lifting it up as he stared straight into her eyes. I lowered my hands to her moist slit, smiling at her gasp of pleasure. I began to caress it, continuing what I had unwittingly begun earlier as I whispered new truths into her head.

"Look at you," I said, "On your knees, bound and helpless."

"Helpless..." she murmured, her voice slow and thick.

"You're such a weak, silly girl."

"Noooo... I-"

"Not strong enough to win"

"Not strong..."

I slid my fingers inside, savoring the touch. Her responses so delicious as she squirmed helplessly against me. No longer even trying to fight it as she writhed in pure unthinking bliss at my touch.

"A weak, helpless girl like you needs to be owned. To have someone tell her what to do."

"I- no... free..."

"Oh yeah?" I pushed my fingers deep and pulled against the inside of her opening, making her cry out for more.

"Then why are you bound? Why are you helpless? Face it, you're just a weak little girl. Aren't you?"

"Weak... I need. I need..."

"Yes, Jaie? What do you need?"

My fingers slipped out of her with a wet plop. She squirmed, trying to recapture the feeling. I knew I had her. Jaei's gaze was locked completely with Master's, writhing in pleasure as his rough green hands caressed her face and breasts.

"What do you need, Jaie."

She was close now, I pressed the issue.

"Need... to be a slave. Need an owner..."

"You have an owner, Jaie. The Goblin King is your owner."


She sounded so overjoyed to hear it. I knew that feeling well. The ropes fell away. We wouldn't need them any more today.

"He wants you, Jaie. Your master wants you to serve him. Open your mouth, slave, you know what to do."

The wide eyed warrior who had just moments ago shouted in defiance now eagerly sucked away at Master's prick. The conditioning wouldn't hold, not with just one session. Tomorrow she would be confused and disgusted by what had transpired, but she would also know how good obedience had felt.

"Isn't it beautiful," I said to Katile as I sat behind her and began rubbing the luscious elf. Held by the collar, she was still on the floor, bound helplessly by His command. She shook her head desperately.

"Come now. You of all people should see the rightness in this. This has always been your way, hasn't it? Oh, perhaps you're used to being the one in charge, but believe me, submission can be so much fun."

Her eyes widened. Another impotent twitch as she tried to resist. I chuckled at her efforts.

"Come on," I told her, "let's go over and see if we can sneak a few licks in while we wait."

Shock and disgust warred in her face as she followed helplessly. Let her fight. Soon it would be her turn, and then she'd have a totally different outlook.

"Go on," I told her as I positioned her head just under master, giving her such a wonderful view as he slowly plunged in and out of the once proud warrior's sopping twat.

"Give it a lick."

Her eyes widened, and I watched her struggle, but that was impossible to resist. The collar's magic far too powerful. Ruinously expensive though they were, they were also oh so effective. Besides, it would only be a matter of time until she was trained enough to not need it.

She tried to clench her jaw shut, but it opened anyway. Her tongue slid out, tentatively at first, but soon with greater vigor. Ah, what a wonder she was. The sensual elf could never do anything in half-measures. Though she might wish to resist, it would never even occur to her that she might obey with less than full passion.

"Good slut," I said, and watched her shiver involuntarily at the praise. Now it was my turn to feel her body, slowly working my fingers in and out of her horny cunt as she learned how good it felt to pleasure Master. Soon it would be her turn to be taken, and then the priestess, until finally, with the supernatural potency that only a goblin could muster, it would finally be my turn.

How sweet it would be, to be taken after right after watched him break my comrades to his will.

It was wonderful. I had done it. Ended the threats to my master and helped them become the adoring slaves they were always destined to be.

Master would be so pleased.


Hey, wait. Please, don't leave quite yet. That's right, I'm talking to you. I know you must be busy, but please hear me out. You see, my people were captured and enslaved by the goblin king, and I'm putting together a group of adventurers willing to brave the depths and bring justice to the oppressors.

Are you interested, by any chance?

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TanukiTanukiover 4 years ago
Great but disappointing

What a fantastic setup and sexy interesting characters! The buildup was incredible and I liked the goblin story, but it was over much too quickly and easily, and without more chapters it's very disappointing, like a hot date with delicious foreplay that ends with your date disappearing and leaving you frustrated and thinking of what could have been.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Was hoping for an actual happy ending. Disappointed.

fanficwriter1fanficwriter1almost 8 years ago
Sequel, please!

Enough said?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Pretty good

Phenomenal concept, but you basically skip over the sex completely. Which is too bad, because this would have been hot as shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fuck yes am I interested!

Loved it need more!

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