The Good Mom Ch. 03


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"I don't think so mom," Richard stepped away from the door and made his way through the path he had cleared through the piles of junk to the tatty old sofa.

"I'm not coming up there Richard. I hate that place and I'm still in my work clothes," Emily hissed.

"Well I ain't coming down," Richard settled into the sofa, took a beer from the cooler and popped it.

"Richard! We are having this conversation whether you like it or not," His mother quipped and he heard her climb the stairs to the attic.

"Where are you? This place is a maze. I thought you were clearing it out," even though she was a short woman Emily had to bend her head to keep it from hitting the rafters.

"Here!" Richard called out.

Emily made her way through the junk piles and found Richard sitting on an old sofa dressed in shorts and a t-short drinking beer and watching television. He'd made a little nest for himself amongst the mounds of discarded detritus. This was the last straw, she was kicking him out.

"What the fuck Richard! I told you..." Emily suddenly froze, she was slack jawed and in shock.

On the little TV screen set up in front of the sofa she saw her younger self dressed in a black satin, white laced, French maid's uniform riding Buddy's big cock. Her face screwed up with both pleasure and pain.

"Oh my god! Where did you find that?" Emily's voice was little more than a croak and she felt her knees about to give way.

"Take a seat mom. You don't look good," Richard put out his hand and Emily took it unthinkingly and allowed Richard to assist her into the seat beside him.

She watched herself on the screen and was appalled. She had disposed of these tapes! She had burnt them in the furnace the day after Buddy had died.

"Where did you find this?" Emily's mouth was dry and her voice was barely a whisper.

Richard poked the box of pussycat tapes with his toe.

"Dad must have kept them up here hidden away. He converted them from 8mm camcorder format to VHS using both machines," Richard pointed out the second VHS video recorder which still had the red, white and yellow video and audio cables hanging from the back of it.

Emily said nothing. He might as well have been speaking in Swahili. What she did understand was that Buddy had made copies of sex tapes and kept them up here in the attic. Her first thought was 'are there anymore and if so who has them?'

"You didn't know did you? You didn't know that he was filming you," Richard gently patted his mother's knee.

"No. Not until the night of the accident," Emily covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

"Tell me about it," Richard pulled his mother close and she snuggled up to him.

She craved affection and understanding. She knew that everything about this was wrong but what could she do? She needed her son to understand that she was not some kind of perverted whore who made pornography.

"Your father was a good man Richard who loved us both and worked hard but he had his faults. I knew that he was a philanderer and to be honest, by the end of our marriage I didn't mind. I suspected that he was fucking the wives of the men that worked for him," Emily began.

"It was a little degrading being in the company of Elspeth, Silvia, Melissa and Susan knowing that he was probably cheating with one or all of them. Friday nights were put aside for us, your father and me. He kept thinking up more and more degrading and sexually outrageous things to do to me," she whispered.

"Your daddy never let me clean up after or change my clothes. Said he liked sleeping next to me rode hard and put away wet," she said a little morosely.

"The night he died your daddy confessed that he was filming us having sex and showing the videos to their husbands. God, I hope they didn't tell their wives about it," Emily sounded wounded.

"So what happened on the night he died?" Richard hugged his mother as she began to sob.

She told him everything.

"I wasn't responsible for your father's death. Not really. At least that's what I've been telling myself ever since. I've always tried to be a good mom to you Richard, despite your faults. You're so much like him in so many ways," she whispered.

'If only you knew' Richard thought but didn't articulate.

He looked into his mother's pretty face. Even with her running mascara she was beautiful woman. She had aged gracefully. He brushed the hair out of her eyes with his fingers and kissed her cheek. She smelled of Dior Poison and the closeness of her body was exhilarating.

"What are you going to do with tapes?" she looked anxiously into his eyes.

"I don't know but no one else is ever going to know about them. They will be our secret," Richard said.

"But they're not son. Bob Swanson, Don Mitchum, Bradley Connaught and Willy Longmire have seen them," Emily mewled.

"But they have never spoken about them and they don't know that they still exist," Richard comforted his mom.

"But you can't keep them Richard. It would be... It would be... It would be wrong. They're videos of me, your mother, we should destroy them," Emily stammered.

Richard just gave his mother a mischievous grin and shrugged his shoulders.

"You know that I know about your fetish for my underwear and nylons Richard, we've spoken about it more than once. And what you did last night was detestable," Emily pushed herself away from Richard and glared at him.

"What did I do last night mom?" Richard challenged her.

"You know what you did! You... you... you masturbated all over my legs," Emily blushed.

"Because they're sexy mom. Because you are sexy," Richard made no excuse.

"You're married to a beautiful young woman Richard, you shouldn't be infatuated with an old woman like me," Emily tried to make her son see reason even though she was flattered that a man Richard's age lusted over her.

"My marriage is over mom. Victoria is filing for divorce and I'm not going to contest it. Haven't you ever noticed that she looks like a younger version of you?" Richard whispered.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that but back to what you did and those tapes. I want an apology and I want those tapes destroyed," Emily tried her best to sound assertive.

"I've been thinking about it all day mom. I apologise for doing what I did to you while you were asleep but I can't say that I'm sorry for what I actually did. You drive me wild mom. I think about you all the time. Not as my mother but as my lover," Richard admitted.

"Don't be silly! I'm an old woman and I'm your mother," Emily replied levelly.

"But don't you see mom. That's what makes me want you. You're a beautiful, sophisticated, mature woman who dresses just the way I like my women dressed and thinks like I do. Women my age are airheads who watch reality TV. They talk nonsense, speak in emoji speak and dress awfully. When did women in their twenties stop wearing nylons, high heels, refined clothes and makeup as a matter of course? They dress like they're slipping out to the mall to buy cigarettes, beer and lottery tickets," Richard shook his head.

"Oh Richard, you're stuck in the past when women used to make sure they were dressed nicely for their husbands when they came home from work and never left the house without wearing nylons and heels and always fixed their makeup before they left. Those days are long gone. If you like that style so much ask Victoria to dress like that for you," Emily patted Richard's knee.

"That's part of the reason she's leaving me. I do ask her to dress that way and she hates it. Do you know what she accused me of? She said that I would probably rather fuck you than her," Richard admitted.

"Richard! Surely not!" Emily was appalled that Richard had voiced his fantasy.

"I told you that us girls talk about our kids and it's not unusual to for young men to fantasise and to steal their mother's underwear for masturbatory purposes. I think it's called an Oedipus complex. You were raised without a father and you were a bit of loner. Your attachment to me became sexually unhealthy when you entered puberty but all that stopped when you married Victoria," Emily countered.

"Now you are living in my house again and you and Victoria are separated you have transferred your desires to me and rekindled those feelings," Emily tried to sound calm and patted his knee again.

"They never went away mom. I've always fantasised about older sophisticated women and I've come to realise that I compare them all to you," Richard admitted.

"Well I think the best thing to do is for you to move out and find a place of your own until you fix things with Victoria," Emily said sternly.

"I think the best thing for me to do is this," Richard said and pulled his mother to him.

Watching his mother fuck Buddy on the screen had inflamed his yearning for her. Sitting close to him dressed in her short-skirted navy-blue power suit, her cloying perfume invading his nose, her long legs clad in gossamer pantyhose, unconsciously dangling a high heel from one foot, her pretty face inches from his, Emily had unknowingly fuelled her son's ardour beyond breaking point.

He tried to kiss his mother and Emily struggled.

"No Richard, this isn't right," she hissed.

Emily knew that it wasn't right but... had she not been fantasising about her son ever since he had come to stay with her? Hadn't she dreamed of Buddy making love to her and then Buddy had morphed into Richard in her fantasy?

Richard succeeded in manoeuvring Emily's compact body down on the sofa so that he was straddling her. Her skirt had ridden up exposing her thighs. She was struggling but Richard felt that she wasn't struggling as much as she ought to.

"Stop this Richard! Stop this right now!" she challenged him.

Richard lowered his face down to his mother's pretty visage and chased her ruby-red lips as she struggled and finally managed to press his lips against hers.

It was everything that he had dreamed it would be.

Her lips were soft, plump and yielding. Her lipstick tasted exotic. Her breath was sweet.

She continued to struggle but Richard sensed that her heart wasn't in it. Writhing on the sofa underneath him she was inflaming his desires as her breasts pushed against his chest and her legs wiggled and twitched as she fought him. Her nylons rubbing on his flesh incensed his ardour.

Feeling her son's toned muscled body lying on top of her reminded Emily of the day long ago when she was a cheerleader and Buddy was the starting quarterback and he had cornered her under the bleachers. Emily had feigned fighting him off as he forced his kisses on her and rubbed his rampant cock on her shimmery dance tights. He had ejaculated all over her glittering hosiery and the front of her little pleated skirt and it was the first time that Emily had felt the hot musky discharge on her body. It had excited her.

Now it was her son's hard member pressing on her thigh and she felt that same trepidation and excitement. Emily stopped trying to turn her face away from him and let him kiss her. He kissed her softly at first, his lips tender but yearning as the kiss became ardent. Then he slipped his tongue into her mouth and Emily almost melted with the sense of wrongful and illicit pleasure she felt.

She stopped struggling and lay still, convincing herself that because she wasn't actively encouraging her son's incestuous ravishment than she was innocent. She was merely a reluctant victim who couldn't fight off the young man forcing himself on her.

But if that was the case, why where her nipples erect and craving to be touched? Why was her pussy on fire and her pubis wet with vaginal secretions?

Richard's tongue explored her mouth. There was passion there but it was restrained. Her son wasn't brutal, unlike Buddy who was like a bear. Emily was being kissed like she hadn't been kissed in years and it was exciting and delicious. She unthinkingly put her arms around her son. It was a reflex action in response to being kissed so tenderly.

Richard felt his mother's tongue seek his and they entwined, their lips pressed together, and when her arms wrapped around his shoulders he sensed that his mother was relenting. He snaked a hand down her body and found her thigh and stroked the soft silky flesh shrouded in her gossamer pantyhose. It was heaven. Everything he had dreamed of.

Richard wanted to take off his mother's jacket and blouse and free her breasts so that he could caress and suckle her soft globes and berry-like nipples but was scared that if they suspended their tryst his mother would come to her senses and stop being a willing participant. He knew that his mother was feeling perplexed and overpowered by her feelings but her sanity could return at any moment. He decided to press on. Once they had committed incest there was no going back as far as he was concerned.

Richard's fingers crept up his mother's thighs to her pubis. She made a feeble attempt to bat his hand away but Richard was insistent and her felt the contours of her cleft through the diaphanous layers of her panties and pantyhose. She struggled a little when Richard began to stroke her labia through the flimsy fabric.

At first when her son's fingers rested on her thigh it was comforting but when his fingers began the journey up her leg and under her skirt she baulked. She half-heartedly tried to remove his hand but it felt so delightful and sensuous. In his later years Buddy had pawed and mauled her but her son was lovingly caressing her the way she adored. She opened her mouth a little wider and sucked on Richard's tongue when his fingers found her cleft.

She knew that she was about to cross the Rubicon. If she let Richard touch her sex and she was complicit in allowing him to do so she was committing incest and she knew that Richard wouldn't stop until he had consummated their union. The very thought of letting her son copulate with her was terrifying but also enticing. The illicitness of it inflamed her desire.

Richard traced the outline of his mother's sex with his fingertip and his mother shuddered. He slipped his fingers inside her panties and traced the seam of her pantyhose that bisected her vulva. He pressed softly and the fabric yielded and her labia opened like the petals of a flower.

When her son pressed his finger into her sex Emily's pleasure centres lit up. The silky fabric pressing into her yielding vulva felt delightful. Then his finger began to circle her clitoral hood and she drummed her heels on the sofa as waves of delectation radiated from her sex and her juices began to flow. She was well aware that there was only the delicate fabric of her pantyhose keeping her son's flesh from touching her most intimate parts.

Richard circled his mother's clitoris with his fingertip. He felt her legs juddering and heard her heels drumming on the arm of the sofa. Their kisses became impassioned and his mother ripped his t-shirt open and raked her fingernails across his back. Her cunt was wet and warm, her clitoris erect, her pantyhose sodden with her juices.

He pushed his finger into his mother's cleft and the pantyhose yielded and his finger slid into his mother's slick vagina. A second finger joined the first and he had two fingers inside his mother. He used his thumb to tickle her clitoris and she spasmed beneath him. Her legs rose up her heels locked behind his back. He had breached her defences and she was his for the taking.

Richard's hard cock was poking above the elastic waistband of his shorts and he struggled to free it. He pressed his cock against his mother's thigh and once again experienced the feeling of silken butterfly wings tickling his tender prong. He was leaking precum and Emily felt it soak into her nylons. She was both terrified and delighted.

Richard took his mother's hand in his and guided it to his penis. Emily wrapped her finger's loosely around her son's manhood. It was long, thick and veiny, just like Buddy's had been but it was also silky to touch; not menacing.

She knew this was wrong; so, so, wrong as she guided her son's phallus towards her cleft. Richard shuddered as his glans nestled in the warm wet folds of his mother's vulva.

"Do it son. You know you've always wanted to," Emily whispered and bit Richard's earlobe.

Richard pushed and thrust and his engorged manhood slid into his mother's vagina. Her cunny was warm, soft, spongy and yielding but it clung to his shaft like a slick, tight velvet glove.

"Oh my god!" Emily sighed as her son's cock filled her aching void.

It seemed to take forever to fill her vagina and when it was in all the way Robert's pubis pressed on her clitoris and Emily convulsed as an orgasm washed over her. It erupted from her G-spot and clitoris and spread slowly, like lava flowing through her body. She clutched at her son and held him tight, digging her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulder blades. Her toes curled in her heels and her legs juddered and scissored, her stocking-clad limbs flittering on Richard's sensitive flanks.

The sensations of his mother's tight clunge gripping his penis, her mouth sucking on his, her tongue fluttering, her legs scissoring, her whole body convulsing induced a sensory overload and Richard ejaculated deep inside his mother.

It felt like his mother's cunt was expressing his seed. Her vagina palpitated, clinging to his engorged flesh as he thrust his cock in and out of her. They clung to each other as they climaxed, expressing the ultimate forbidden love between a mother and her son.

"Don't stop Richard," Emily encouraged her son as he continued to fuck her.

Richard drew his cock nearly all the way out of his mother's cum-filled maw until his glans nestled in the folds of her labia and then he thrust forward and pushed his cock all the way inside her, grinding the base of his penis into her fleshy folds so that it pressed on her clitoris while his glans pushed against her G-spot.

Emily grazed her pantyhosed legs on his flanks, knowing her son's fetish for her silken shrouded limbs. Knowing it would excite him.

And excite him it did. Richard stuffed his hands under his mother's bottom and squeezed her buttocks through her satin panties and gauzy pantyhose and began to fuck his mother earnestly, their mouths clamped together, muffled sighs and cries of extreme pleasure rattling around the silent attic.

They both climaxed a second time. This time their orgasms were drawn out and they held each other tenderly as a myriad of indescribable sensations coursed through their bodies.

When they were spent they lay in each other's arms, their bodies pressed together, kissing and touching each other fondly and lovingly.

"No one can ever know," Emily finally broke the silence.

Richard just nodded. He was still coming to terms with the enormity of the sins they had committed.

"I'm going to get up and go to my bedroom, shower, fix my makeup and change into some lingerie and the nylons you like so much," Emily said, looking lovingly into her son's eyes.

"You're going to take those tapes down to the incinerator and burn them. Then you're going to shower and join me in my bedroom," Emily continued.

"You can stay in my home as long as you want Richard. You can sleep in my bed. We can be lovers forever but no one must ever know," Emily said solemnly.

"You're a good mom," Richard smiled down at his beautiful mother and kissed her deeply.

The End

Author's Note: Please rate my story and leave a comment or two. Feedback is always appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Brilliant, had these feelings for my mom and still frantically jerk off to the memory of her fastening her stockings to her suspenders Did "accidentally" touch her boobs a couple of times. remember pulling my cock out of the leg of my soccer shorts while kicking a ball against a wal,l Mom stood and watched for ten minutes or so. Obviously she saw my cock. Afterwrds I said "what do you think?" meaning how did she rate my practice,.She said"you looked very dashing!" What did she mean? There were several other incidents, asking me to zip up the back of her dream, asking me to bring a towel to the bathroom after she had bathed I was an idiot and never took advantage......would she have let me fuck her? Would she have sucked my cock and let me cum all over Ker lovely face. I will never know. Shot more sperm thinking about her than any other woman!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yes, absolutely perfect..definitely no reason for Richard to waste his time on women his age..not when he has mommy available to him and mommy understands his needs and desires. So of course she wears smoky shimmering pantyhose and sexy push-up bras..Of course she does because she wants to keep him with mommy and feel his potent seed filling her insatiable cunt.

Another wonderful story…Thank you..


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved reading this but feel so much more to come.

How does he cope with the older ladies and maybe a Friday evening special.

EZ8ltEZ8lt5 months ago

Maybe? If you put something under a certain category, then the majority of the story should be around that. Here, it's pretty much the opposite. So yeah, you defo have work to do with this still.

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