The Good Neighbor Ch. 04


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Without hesitation, she scrambled down to the seat, and drove to the white plastic tank on wheels. Jack walked over and stood by the tongue. "Okay, back up slowly. I'll tell you when to stop." He waved her back, until the tongue was aligned with the hitch. "Perfect. You're a natural."

"Well, it's easy when you show me where you want your tongue."

As he placed the pin in the hitch, he said, "Are you always this suggestive?"

"Only with you, Jack. You're fun to tease. Is it getting to you yet? Do you feel less plutonic and more erotic?"

In answer, he said, "Get back on the fender, Nature Girl," as he climbed aboard.

They drove out to the pond without further banter, the tractor engine too loud for conversation. Jack backed up to the water's edge, and said, "I'll put the suction hose in the pond and the discharge hose in the tank. When I tell you to, turn on the PTO," he pointed, "by pushing that lever forward and to the right." Jack dismounted.

Diane took the driver's seat saying, "Hose suction, sounds like women's work."

No comment. Jack readied the hoses, primed the pump, and gave Diane the thumbs up. While she engaged the PTO, Jack refilled the primer bucket with pond water.

"Is everything working?" Diane yelled over the sound of the pump.

"Come here. I want to show you something."

When she walked up to Jack, he pointed to the woods behind her, and said, "Look, over there, it's the Igotcha bird."

Diane turned and looked. "The what?"

Jack poured the bucket of cold water over Diane's head, and yelled, "I gotcha!"

"Wow, that's cold!" she screamed, turning back around. "You sneaky bastard!"

But Diane didn't look mad. She was grinning. Her soaked shirt became a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. When she removed her drenched hat and shook the water off, her breasts jiggled beautifully.

Jack moved on impulse. Putting his arms around Diane, he pressed himself against her cool dampness. "Let me warm you up," he said, lowering his lips towards hers.

She dropped the hat and put her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. They kissed ravenously; devouring each other's pent up desires. As she melted against him, becoming boneless in her passion, he held her upright, reveling in his conquest. She wanted him. There was no faking her kisses, her probing tongue, and her hands pawing his back. He felt like a young man again, but with one missing basic component. Jack broke the kiss and looked at Diane's expression. Her eyes were closed; her cheeks rosy from brushing against his face, her lips parted and waiting.

Jack bent down, kissed her forehead, and whispered, "Let's water the trees, before we lose... motivation."

Diane found her legs and stood on her own two feet. "I think you motivate me just fine," she said, pulling his face down for one last kiss.

They drove to the new tree line. Diane took the wheel, while Jack walked beside the tank and sprayed a mist over the saplings, soaking the ground. Rascal liked the shower and ran back and forth through the faux rain.

Halfway through, Diane said, "Let's switch. I want to handle your hose."

He had the fleeting thought, 'My hose is broken', but he just smiled at her, and said, "Oh that's right. It's women's work."

He showed her how to control the spray pattern and adjust the pressure. They switched places and moved on.

When they came to the last tree, Diane turned off the water, and said, "Jack, there's something wrong with this tree."

"What is it?"

"Something's on it. I think it's eating the bark off."

"That's not good." Jack jumped off the tractor and hurried toward the tree, only to be suddenly doused with water.

Diane laughed, and said, "Never mind. It flew away. I think it was the Igotchaback bird."

Jack stood grinning at her, his arms out like a scarecrow, dripping wet. "Touché! You definitely got me back."

She dropped the hose, walked up to him, and said, "Now comes the warming up part." Grabbing a fistful of his tee shirt, she pulled his face down and kissed him. He kissed back. They embraced and held fast to one another. Jack lost any shred of composure, lost his last sliver of self-control. There was nothing else on earth he wanted more than to possess Diane, savor the taste of Diane, and feel her naked flesh pressed against him. He wanted to make love to Diane, fuck Diane, and see her O face.

He pushed her away, backed up, and leaned against the tractor. "Wait," he said, between gulps of breath. "What are we doing?"

Diane stepped close, ran her fingers down his cheek, and said, "You seemed to know exactly what you were doing, Darling. I loved it. I'm falling in love with you. There, I said it, the L word. I can't help it. You're the man I want, and I want you to love me back. Here's an expression you'll understand. I pine for you, Jack."

Jack laughed, and said, "Yes you did. You planted pines for me all afternoon, and I'm very grateful."

He stepped around her, picked up the hose, and finished watering the last tree.

As Jack coiled up the hose, Diane pled her case, "I know you feel the same way. Nobody kisses like that and doesn't want more. You want me. You want to make love to me. Admit it, damn it!"

Jack climbed on the tractor, admitting nothing. "Get on. We're done here."

They drove back to the barn and parked the tractor inside. He helped Diane off the fender, and kept hold of her hand. "Come with me, please."

She followed his lead all the way to the second floor bathroom where he said, "Take your clothes off. I want to check you for ticks."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Is this like the leech thing? Because I'm on to your shenanigans, Mister Spaulding."

"No, I'm serious. I'd hate myself if you got Lyme disease."

"Then you get naked so I can check you, too."

"All right," he said, and pulled off his tee shirt.

Once they were naked, Jack knelt down and inspected Diane from toe to head. "Nothing unusual. You're clear."

"Thanks, Inspector."

His hand drifted forward. Four fingers softly raked up between her legs and played in the patch of blond hair. "I'd like to explore further."

She trembled, and whispered, "That tickles me pink to know you want to, Jack."

"That's me. I put the tick in tickle."

Diane knelt at Jack's feet and began her upward inspection. "I don't see anything suspicious, either," she said, standing up, and inching forward, until her breasts touched him. She rubbed side to side.

"But I'd like to stay close. Keep in touch in case you become feverish." She ran her hands down his back and pulled his ass forward, until there was no room for doubt between them.

"I'd like nothing better. Thank you for your consideration, Ms. Warren." Jack reached into the shower and turned it on. "We should clean up before dinner. Don't you agree?"

"I agree. Will we be conserving water, Mr. Spaulding?"

"Of course. I'm all for conservation."

"What will I wear after I'm clean?"

"Good question." He thought a moment. "I'll lend you my Marshall Tucker tee shirt."

"Marshal Tucker, wow, that's a blast from the past. Why that one?"

Because I've been searchin' for a rainbow, and maybe I've found the treasure at the end of one,,, you."

"That's so sweet!" she said, and kissed his cheek.

Jack walked out of the bathroom, saying, "I'll get the clothes."

He gave her time to pee and do whatever she needed. When he returned, Diane was in the shower. Jack peed and flushed. Then he hesitated while looking at Diane's shadowy outline through the curtain, and brooded over the risk of getting his heart broken again.

She detected his hesitation, and said, "Come in, Jack, before we run out of hot water."

"We can't run out. The boiler makes it faster than we can use it."

We're wasting water."

"I was thinking about shaving again."

"Get in here now, Jack!"

Jack slid the curtain open a smidge and peeked in. Diane stood at the far end of the tub, only wet from the waist down. Hands, clasped together in front, hiding her sex. Eyes downcast, she looked modest, even shy. His pulse raced at the sight. She knew how to feed his ego, make him feel masculine and wanted. Her magnetism hard to resist, he stopped trying. Jack stepped in. They didn't speak at first. Jack turned her around, removed the rubber band from the ponytail, and ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed his way from the nape of her neck to her shoulder.

"Salty," he whispered. She shivered from his breath in her ear. Goosebumps appeared on her arms that extended out, braced against the wall. Jack lifted the handheld shower from its post and wet Diane's hair, the water running down the valley between her shoulder blades.

"All I have is Head and Shoulders, is that okay?"

"Uh huh," she murmured, seeming at a loss for words.

Jack lathered her up, massaging her scalp thoroughly.

Diane moaned. "That feels wonderful. You have magic fingers, Jack."

After the hair was done, he lathered his hands with bar soap, and scrubbed Diane's back. He left the suds on and pulled her against his chest. Cat like, she purposely rubbed up and down a few times, the slick softness of a woman's skin a thrill he'd never expected to experience again. Jack sighed.

"Did you like that?"

"What's not to like?" he said, as he reached around and washed her front, repeatedly letting her breasts slide though his sudsy hands, pinching at the tips. She moaned and wiggled her ass in response. A poignant thought of never having this opportunity again made him a little sad. Like his ex-wife, she would probably walk away to find a better lover, because Diane already knew good sex from a lifetime of experience. Why would she stay? All he could do was make the best of this bird in the hand. So he put two on her bush.

Diane's head fell back against his shoulder. She sighed, and said, "It's about time. You made me wait too long, Jack."

Stopping his exploring fingers, he said, "I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?"

Grabbing his hands and making them move up and down, she said, "Short answer? Don't stop until I tell you."

Jack rinsed her clean and put the shower head back on its rack. He turned her so that she was facing the spray, and said, "Put your hands on the wall and bend over."


"Put your left foot on the side of the tub."

Diane pushed out the shower curtain until her foot rested on the edge of the tub.

Jack knelt behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you tongue from behind," he said, as his hands snaked between her legs and spread her lips. When his tongue flick over her asshole, Diane's legs jerked from the sensation and then she bent further, exposing more. He played between her legs, pushing fingers in and out, tasting her juice mixed with the water sluicing down her body.

Diane began to push back against the contact. "This is so much better than hitching up to a wagon tongue."

"I couldn't agree more." Grabbing her hips, he spun her around and stood up. "My knees are getting sore. Sorry," he said, while his right hand still worked her clit and his left hand teased her nipples. They kissed for a while, like lovers caught in the rain, oblivious to their surroundings.

She said, "Maybe we should adjourn to the bedroom. But first I want to do this," and kissed him on the chest while lathering her hands. She washed him from head to foot, and then returned to his waist to spend more time on his cock. With both hands, she soaped him up and stroked his flaccid appendage. "Gotta get you good a clean, Mister."

It felt so good; Jack had to put a hand on the wall for support.

"I think you're getting a little stiffy, Jack."

Blood was definitely moving in the right direction, but not enough to get him hard.

"Hand me the shower head, please."

Jack did, and was rewarded with the delight of a spray rinse.

"Here." She handed it back. Jack returned it to the wall post, as she continued, "I read an online blog about sex after prostate surgery. One woman posted that she enjoyed performing oral on her lover more after the surgery, because she didn't have to worry about his erection gagging her. Let's see." Jack's cock disappeared into her mouth.

The sudden pleasure made him jerk back, but Diane grabbed his ass and pulled him in tight as she hummed and sucked it. Her tongue swirled around the glans. Her head began to bob back and forth. She released one ass cheek to play with his scrotum.

"Oh god, Diane... that feels incredible."

She released his floppy three inches, smiled up at him, and said, "I'm glad. I like it, too. I see what she meant." Her tongue came out and licked him like a Popsicle. "Mmm, so good." Her wet warmth engulfed him again.

Jack felt the tingle of a building orgasm, and squeezed his Kegel muscles.

"Mmph! What was that? You jumped in my mouth."

Jack looked down at Diane, holding his cock against her cheek, and said, "I was going to come, so I tightened my Kegels. Maybe you should stop. I don't want to pee in your mouth."

"Hmm, I see." Slapping her face with it, she thought a while. "We're in the shower. If you pee a little it's no big deal. Everyone pees in the shower. Just warn me before you can't hold back any longer. Okay?"

Before Jack could answer yes or no, Diane returned his penis to the pleasure of her skilled mouth. The mounting sensation soon returned. Jack squeezed to prevent leakage, and Diane moaned in recognition. Her mouth moved faster, pumping him to the brink.

Jack felt the end was near, and breathlessly said, "I'm gonna come."

She released him from her lips and used her palms to roll his glans. The pleasure engulfed him like it used to. He felt the contractions just like he was pumping out jets of cum. His balls pulled tight. Diane cupped them. "I can feel you come, Jack. It's wonderful."

It was wonderful. He felt physically drained afterwards, just like he used to.

Diane stood, still holding his cock, and said, "Look at it! It got harder when you came."

He looked, and it was bigger, maybe a third of an erection. "Thanks to you, Diane," he said, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her. "Thank you, so much."

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure. Now I know what your O face looks like." She put her palm lovingly against his cheek, and added, "You know what else, Lover? You didn't pee at all."

'Lover', he was a lover to someone again, at least for tonight. He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. As he dried her off, he said, "I think it's time I get to see your O face."

Diane slipped on the tee shirt with the picture of a cowboy on a bucking bronco. It ended mid-thigh, hugging her chest like a tight mini dress. "Mmm, you will, but let's eat dinner first. Come over to my house and I'll cook for you. Then you can stay the night. How's that sound?"

"Sounds fantastic. First, let me feed Rascal, and get him settled for the night. I'll be over in half-an-hour."

"Okay. I'll get dinner started."

They walked downstairs, and kissed goodbye at the door. Jack pulled up the tee shirt and fondled her ass, saying, "Keep the shirt on. You look hot."

She laughed, and said, "Save a horse. Ride a cowboy."

Giving her a crooked smile, he said, "Just not this cowboy."

She covered her mouth in embarrassment. "Sorry... I didn't mean-"

"Don't be sorry. It's a cute expression. I shouldn't be so sensitive about my... short comings. Besides, you can ride my face. How's that?"

"I'd love to." She kissed him again, before walking out the door.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Platonic ... comes from the name Plato

Plutonic ... WTF is that?

ag2507ag2507almost 7 years ago
Oi! Anonymous

Play nice: it was just a spelling mistake. We all make them. No need for the didactic showing off. How about: "Nice story, you might want to change 'plutonic' to 'platonic' on your master copy." Isn't that so much nicer?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Pluto is no longer a planet so nothing is "plutonic" any more. A non-romantic relationship is "platonic," taken from Plato.

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