The Grayson's Pt. 05: Marni

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Another addition to the Grayson Household.
7.5k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/07/2023
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Hello readers. If there is something you don't like about my writing I have no problem with constructive criticism. If you just hate everything I write, that's fine. But, hate alone does not help me to get better. Just so you know, slinging venom at me will not stop me from trying. I enjoy writing, no matter how much you hate my stories. Please simply move on, read other submissions from other writers. Meanwhile, have a nice day.


It was my last week before I went on a leave of absence. I was burned out, and luckily I was so good at my job that the big boss decided to let me take the time off. I was heading down to the mail room, thoughts of Jackson going through my mind. He had left a couple of years previous, and the last I heard he was in school. I also heard he had a girlfriend. The ladies, my wives, never said anything, but I know they both missed him. For over a year he would come over to our house and have his way with both Louise, and Connie. As time passed he became more aggressive, would fuck them rougher, satisfying himself, not just the women. Yes, we all missed him. For me, mostly because I enjoy watching my ladies have fun.

One of the things I had to get done before leaving, was to let the mail room know which of my correspondences to forward to my home address while I was away. As I walked up to the counter, I was looking at my phone. I looked up at the last minute, and there was a lovely young lady behind the counter. Tall, perhaps five feet nine or five feet ten inches tall. An incredible figure. Dark hair, brown eyes that looked right at me, not the least bit shy. Confident I thought to myself. She wore a lovely blue blouse, long sleeves that no one would consider anything but professional. But at the same time, you could see her ample breasts, perhaps they were contained in at least a C cup bra. The young lady wore dark slacks and practical flat shoes. I could not see her backside, the counter being in the way hid most of her legs and ass. But I know the young woman. She was my son's girlfriend at one point. But for the life of me I could not remember her name.

"Oh..., hi Mr. G. I knew you worked here, but this is the first time I have seen you." She said to me.

I smiled, a bit nervous how to reply. "Oh, hello. So good to see you. How have you been?"

She looked at me, smiled nervously and answered, "You can't remember my name, can you? It's okay, I dated your son for like half a minute." She smiled and I suddenly imagined that mouth wrapped around my cock. I still did not respond but she saved me by saying, "It's Okay. It's Marni, and it's good to see you." There was a look in her eye, and I swore she was checking me out. Can't be, I thought to myself.

"Well, Marni... It's nice to see you. I am taking a leave of absence, and this paperwork is so that certain parts of my mail get forwarded, okay?"

"Oh..., sure Mr. G., I will make sure it gets taken care of."

"Thank you very much, and now I have to go."

"Okay, sir. Enjoy your..., vacation...?"

I had only a couple of things to do then I left the office, saying goodbye to many of the people who I had worked with for years. I would miss them, but I desperately needed the break. I stepped off of the elevator and walked to my car, when I heard the squeak of he hinges to the door from the stairs behind me. I did not think much of it, in fact I did not even look back as I pushed the button for the alarm system to my car. I was reaching for the handle of my car door, when from behind me I heard a familiar voice. "Mr. G.!" It startled me a little, this girl on silent feet. I turned and she was close, too close. I smelled her heavenly perfume. Turning I saw Marni. She reached out with a bundle of mail in her hand.

"Oh..., Marni. What's up?"

"Oh, I saw you heading towards the elevators and decided to hand deliver this bundle of your mail. Sorry if I startled you."

"You did..., but it's okay. But you did not have to do this. It could have waited."

"Oh, it's fine. It gave me an excuse to give you this." She slipped a piece of paper into the breast pocket of my jacket and leaned into my ear. She whispered, "I would love to be your sex slave." The beautiful young woman, turned and ran of giggling not giving me the chance to respond. I was so flabbergasted that I just watched her retreat, unable to believe what I had just heard. I did enjoy her ass quickly moving away from me, though. It wasn't until I got into my car that I remembered she had stuck something into my pocket. It was her phone number. I was close to forty, and yes, it stroked my ego to think an nineteen or twenty year old was attracted to me.

Yes, I was rigid the entire ride home. I pulled into our driveway and decided to shake it off, to chalk it up to the eagerness of youth. I am not going to say I was not tempted, but I thought to myself that she was way too young, and I did not want to take advantage of her youth. Little did I know, that is exactly what she wanted. To be taken advantage of.

Louise was out for the evening, it was just me and Connie. We had a light dinner and were cuddling, watching some TV when Connie said, "Interested old man?"

Of course I was but for some reason I decided to check my email. Generally I did it in the morning before work, but it was Friday and I decided to check my mail right then. "A bit later, love. I have to check my email."

"Okay, babe, my pussy will be waiting." That cute giggle of hers I so loved. I smiled and went up to my bedroom where I kept my home laptop. I went to the small desk me and my wife shared, both of us deciding years ago not to have a home office, to bring work home with us as little as possible. I was scrolling through, most of the emails stuff I did not need to jump on right away, when I saw an email address I did not recognize. I generally just ignore those, but the subject caught me eye. "Take a look, sexy." Was the subject, which I admit intrigued me. I opened it up, and an image of Marni, nothing on but a funny hat standing before some curtains, obviously in her room, naked and absolutely gorgeous. My cock quickly popped to attention, this woman, young woman, had me so intrigued.

Just then Connie said behind me, "Wait..., isn't that Marni, Devon's ex?"

My instinct was to close the laptop, but I realized that would just look suspicious. "Yes, it is." I did not know exactly what next to say, and thankfully she helped me out.

"Wow, God..., she is so beautiful. Do you have an admirer baby?"

As she said this she leaned on my shoulders, her head next to my ear, not a touch of jealousy in her question. "She is too young, Connie."

"Baby, how old was Jackson when you brought him home for me and Louise?"

"That's different..."

Connie stood to my side, put her hands on my face and turned it towards her. "Really? You have got to be kidding me. She wants you bad, and honestly, I would love to have some fun with her. I bet Louise would too."

" I feel like I would be robbing the cradle, I mean.., look at her."

"She obviously wants you. She's legal, right?"

"Wanna know what she did today? By the way, she works in the mail room in the building."

She raised her eyebrows and said, "How long?"

"I don't know, first time I saw her was today."

"Okay..., what did she do?"

"Okay, she ran to my car as I left, handed me a bundle of my mail. Then she..., well she stuck her phone number in my pocket and whispered in my ear."

"Ohhh, really? What did she say?"

I am sure I blushed as I said, "She said, well... She said she would love to be my sex slave, and then she ran off giggling. She reminded me of you, actually. Except taller, sexier..." She slapped me on the shoulder and I laughed. "Just kidding, Connie. But you should see the look on your face." I laughed, Connie is gorgeous, but I do love to tease her.

She smiled, but she understood that I was kidding. "That was mean." I pulled her to me, we kissed, and then I took her up on her earlier offer.

We were lying in bed naked, Connie in my arms, her left breast on my chest turned mostly sideways, my arm around her. We had just had a very gentle session of lovemaking, and she seemed very relaxed. So was I. She suddenly spoke, turning lying across my chest. "Babe..., are you going to call Marni?"

I looked down at my second wife, a woman I loved very much, "Don't you think you and Louise are enough for me? I mean, I have never complained about not, well..., getting any from other than you two."

Connie put a couple of fingers on my lips as if to hush me. "Love, I..., I am yours and Louise's love slave." She could see I was going to argue with that assessment so pressed on. "No, I am. I like being owned. It completes me. I will do..., have sex with, whomever you want me to. I mean, you said it yourself, I am hot. I could advance your career if you would let me."

"Baby, I don't want to use you that way."

"God your deaf. I wish you would. Please. Also, did you not think that maybe I am attracted to Marni. Sure she is young, but I have talked to her in the past. She knows herself. You should at least call her."

"Let me think about it Connie. Meanwhile, you have to stop. Louis is going to be home soon and she is going to want some of me. Your body has me so hot for you."

She grinned, leaned into me her head on my chest and I thought to myself, I am the luckiest man alive.

I did think about Marni that following week. But I kept coming back to her age, and I worried I would be taking advantage of a very vulnerable girl. As it turned out only twenty years old.

Louise called that very night to say she was with Matt. Apparently his fiancee and he and broken up, and so she was going to spend the night with him. Consoling him. I smiled to myself knowing what consoling meant.

She called that next morning to say she would stay the weekend. "Hon..., you know me, I am not the jealous type. But, I need you to come home for a few hours. I miss you. Is that okay?"

"Of course baby. Sorry. Let me shower here and I will head home for the day. Matt will understand. Sorry, I should have thought this through. "

"You are okay baby."

The first thing that happened when Louise came home was that Connie grabbed her before I could say anything. My laptop was in the living room on the table. I guess I had not been paying attention and she had moved it there. Connie had my laptop open to of course, the picture of Marni. I tried to interject, but Connie said very quickly, "Don't you think it is time for Brad to have another toy to play with Louise?"

Louise laughed, staring at the image, "That's Devon's ex, isn't it."

"Come on guys, she is so young..."

Connie answered, "Again, love. She is legal and she has the hots for you..., obviously."

Louise then said, "Oh baby. She is hot."

I interjected, "Did you guys think about Devon? I mean really guys."

It was Louise that answered, "Please... Devon and her are ancient history, just ask Devon. Aside from that, Devon does not live here. If he visits, and she is here, we will have do deal with that. Meanwhile, answer one question for me love. Do you think she is hot? Would you like to play with her?"

"Hey, what if she is a problem in another way. I don't know..." It suddenly came to me that it was very strange, that it was the ladies, my wives, trying to get me to have relations; to dominate a very young woman. "Of course I think she is hot."

Louise then said, "I would not worry about her being a problem. Connie has talked to her some and says she seems very level headed. If a bit horny." A big grin crossed her face. It was Connie who then did her cute giggle thing, but it was Louise that said, "Well..., if you don't call her, I will."

"Fine, I will invite her to lunch at the restaurant in the building I work at."

"Love," she continued, "You should invite her here for lunch. Next Friday." I gave in. My wives were just going to hound me until I did.

Later that evening I made that call. I was difficult for me. I was so nervous, I felt like such a pervert. Finally she picked up on the fifth or sixth ring. "Hello Mr. G." Of course, caller ID. "What took you so long to call?"

I stuttered and stammered and finally said, "I can't believe I am calling. Young lady..., Marni... Louise, Connie and I would like to invite you over for lunch on Friday. "

I could almost here her smile on the other end of the line, "That long... I mean it's Saturday? Don't you want to see me? "

"Well, I have things to do this week," A little white lie.

"Should I bring anything..., wear anything special?" I had the phone on speaker and Connie leaned into Louise and they did their best to stifle a laugh, but I am pretty sure they could be heard. "Uhm..., I guess. Wear something nice..., okay?"

"Oh, I will wear something nice, don't you worry."

Louise spent the rest of the weekend at Matt's and finally came home Sunday evening. She had to work the following day. The decision had been made that Connie would not work, that she would be a stay at home wife and she relished the thought. She just kept asking me to use her to advance my career, or at least make his friends appreciate him. I was not sure I could. She once even asked me if I would like to sell her. It was a strange question and I looked at her and did not answer.

That Friday Louise took the day off and her and Connie commiserated over setting out a very nice lunch. It was just a few minutes before Marni was due to arrive, when Louise said to me, "Sit, we need to talk, love."

"Okay Louise."

"So..., love. She wants a man in charge. You are so good at dominating Connie now, at using her the way she likes. You have to take charge of the situation right off. Forget her age, take her, make her yours. She might even be a permanent addition to our little sex..., uh..., group. We need more guys, by the way." She said that with a wink

I grinned at her comment but chose to just the Marni part. "I can do it Louise. I just have to know that is what she really wants." I just realized what my wife had just said to me. "Are you saying that..., that, well, you would like Matt to..., to. You know? "

"Oh, not just Matt, but there are others.... Interns."

Louise had told me about some of these interns, but as yet nothing had happened. I did not care, but up until this point she had not actually made a move. Connie was curious too, she wanted to meet them.

When I opened the door at Marni's knock, she smiled and came into the house as if she had been here a hundred times. She walked right in, hugged me and said, "So, what's for lunch?"

She was wearing a trim short sleeved blue blouse, dark slacks and black sandals. Nothing special, but she did not need clothing to show off her sexiness. "Come into the kitchen we have things set up." I took her hand and we walked into the kitchen. I sat her at a chair just as Connie and Louise entered the kitchen. They greeted her as if they were long lost sister, but I noticed Marni was just a bit subdued around my wives. I sat across from her, Louise to my left, Connie to my right as we began to eat. Between bites I finally began, "Why did you use the words sex slave?"

She looked right into my eyes, making sure I was paying attention to her, "Because I want that. Devon told me about your..., arrangement. That you have two women, and that they have other men in their lives. The entire idea is so hot. I would not mind being yours to share."

I looked at Louise, and then Connie, finally speaking directly to Marni. "You are so young.., I mean, can you handle what this?"

She looked at me. "I am twenty. I am experienced with sex. Not that I get enough." She said this with a smile on her face. "I am so horny. All the time. And, honestly, I have a crush on you Brad. A huge crush. If that's too much, I get it. But there it is."

I looked down at my hands and it was Connie who said, "Oh, baby, Marni, I get it. He is so hot... The truth is he needs another woman. But to be up to it..., well, you have to do what ever he wants, when ever he wants. I belong to Louise and Brad." Looking at Louise she said, "But mostly Brad. I do what ever they want, when ever they want it. I fuck other men, women..., can you do that?" Louise nodded her head in the affirmative.

"I can do what ever I can when I am here. But, I work, I have a job and go to school part time, so... "

I suddenly had an idea. I looked at Louise, then Connie. "If it's okay with the ladies, you can stay here. As for the job, do you really need it? I mean is it to pay for your school, or just for a place to live?"

There was a shocked look on her face but before she could say anything Louise jumped in, "That is a great idea. You could be here more for, well. You can just be here more."

"Oh my God, that is so generous. I mean if I lived here I would not really need the job, but it will be nice for spending money. Are you sure you want to like..., have me jump in?" With a big grin and a wink she continued, "I mean..., you should try me first."

It was Connie who spoke next, "I don't want to speak for the two that run the household, but they give me spending money, let me buy almost anything. I think," Connie blushed a little bit here,"They could do the same for you."

I continued, "I mean, whatever happens with the sex department, you are welcome to stay here."

She looked at each of us in turn, "You guys mean this? I mean,God this would be great." She looked down nervously for a moment, "Can..., can I fuck you right now Brad?" With that she stood up, took off her shirt and sandals. Unbuckling her pants and taking them off to reveal a sexy dark blue Teddy, the type that went from crotch to shoulders, hiding very little. "You like, Brad?" She is no small girl, but I picked her up and carried her up to the Master bedroom. Setting her down aside the bed I quickly undressed. "What would you like, baby?" She asked.

The other ladies had followed us into the room and I sat on the edge of the bed motioning for her to sit next to me. I kissed her as Louise and Connie sat on the Futon, not a word between them. "You don't mind them in here, do you?" I asked.

"Of course not." She responded. I then wrapped my arms around her, guided her down onto the bed and quickly climbed a top her. My intent was to push the strip of her teddy aside where it passed between her sexy legs, but, as it turned out, it had a snap. I quickly undid the snap and in one motion, stabbed my very hard cock all the way into her. She was wet. Ready. My lips once again found hers, she wrapped her arms around me and our tongues danced as I pumped in and out of her, my need urgent. "Fuck me..., yes Brad. Fuck me." She broke our kiss and I could see the passion, the need in her eyes. "God you are so hard..., yes Brad, fuck me." This young woman was ready, willing, and very able. I pulled the Teddy down over her right shoulder, accidentally tearing it slightly as I did so. She giggled, but said nothing until my mouth found her ample right breast and began to suck on her hard nipple. Marni has small areola's that I love, her nipples seem to be perpetually poking out of whatever she is wearing. Placing her hands on the sides of my head, she pulled me to her face once again. Marni kissed me passionately and spread her legs wide, lifting them so they were bent. It was if she was trying to get every millimeter of my cock inside her and it turned and turns me on so much when she does this.

Breaking our kiss I said, "I..., I am going to cum in you, Marni." I could see her breasts heaving, the inner arch of her neck so sexy. Her perfect jaw, beautiful eyes, I was instantly infatuated with this young woman.

"Yes..., yes, I am cumming Brad. Fuck, cumming. Can I call you baby? P-pet names..., you know."