The Group Grope: Secret Sex Party


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"Shut up!" Amanda slugged me in the shoulder. She was too modest to acknowledge her own immense beauty, but I dutifully reminded her constantly to the point of irritation.

"Come on, Mrs. Rappaport. Let's go inside and see if this party is as crazy as our hot stripper friend claims."

The love of my life smirked and took my hand. "Yes, sir, Mr. Rapport."


We climbed, arm in arm, up almost 20 steps that led to the grand entrance of the mansion, where 2 men in suits who were even more impressively built than the valet wordlessly stood guard on either side of the double-doors.

The doorway was like a sinister maw as it yawned open. And I could feel Amanda shiver slightly. New and exciting experiences were literally just a step away, and I was beyond eager to cross that threshold. But my wife needed to be ready and willing, too.

"Just say the word, Mandy, and we'll go home."

She took a deep breath as the men remained at attention, staring straight ahead as if we didn't exist. "No, babe. I'm ok. This is just so nuts, you know?" Then she laughed and the sound was so uplifting....the brightness of her smile was so overwhelming... that I wanted to make love to her right on the spot. Amanda suddenly raised her head and set her shoulders straight, and her confidence was as sexy as her laughter and smile. "We didn't drive all the way here just to go back home. Let's do this!"

We hugged and touched our foreheads. Then Amanda reached into her purse and withdrew two small black items: domino masks that only covered around our eyes and the area in between. She handed one to me, and we looked at each other after donning them.

"Let's do this!" I repeated.

The men opened the double-doors, and we stepped in.


Save for the valet and the 2 doormen, the front exterior of the mansion was deserted.

Such was not the case inside.

The moment Amanda and I entered, our 5 senses were nearly overwhelmed. The heat from the tightly packed partygoers made it feel as though we were walking into a sauna. However, as the high temperature registered on our awareness, our ears were also greeted with a heavy bass from speakers blaring overhead, which had been completely undetectable from outside. The stench of sweat, alcohol, and other things that my wife and I were happy not to recognize wafted to our nostrils; it was so thick that we practically swam in it.

Yet all that paled in comparison to what we saw with our eyes.

Dozens of people, with the men easily outnumbering the women, were gathered in the foyer of the mansion. Only a tiny percentage was wearing some semblance of clothing like us. Every man was naked and most of the women were, too. Those who weren't were wearing lingerie that left little to the imagination or some kind of themed outfit, like a sexy schoolgirl with a short plaid skirt, pigtails, and nerdy black-rimmed glasses or a naughty policewoman carrying a nightstick and handcuffs. Some people were simply lounging and idly chatting, but the majority were engaged in sexual acts that rivaled the most hardcore porn Amanda and I had ever seen.

No one else was wearing a mask, which made Amanda and I stick out even more.

Several men leaned against a wall as they received blowjobs. A few of the luckier ones were serviced by 2 or more females. One older, distinguished-looking gentleman even had 2 beautiful women on either side of him, his head seemingly on a swivel as he alternated kisses between them while a 3rd sucked his cock.

The opposite wall was like an inverted image. 6 women--- some looking like teenagers and others appearing middle-aged--- stood with rapturous expressions while their men gave them cunnilingus. Every women had at least 2 men attending to them in some form. One blonde had 2 men kissing her neck from either side while the 3rd licked her pussy. A tall African American woman with closely cropped hair was stroking a cock with each hand as she had 1 leg draped around the man kneeling before her as he tongued and fingered her pussy.

To our right, a wide staircase curved up to the second floor and there were people strewn all over the steps. A man with his sandy-colored hair slicked back was sitting on the bottom step and leaning back on his elbows as a stripper we knew as Nina straddled him. The blonde's breasts were slightly oversized on her slim frame, and they bounced obscenely as she rode him. Another woman was next to the man, petting Nina as she whispered in her ear.

Further up the staircase, another dancer we knew from the Watering Hole was being spit-roasted in a threesome. A bearded man stood with his hands from his hips, and looked down upon the girl who stood 3 steps below him as she gave him a blowjob. Because she was bent at the waist, it afforded another man the perfect angle to penetrate her from behind. I stared, mesmerized, as the men worked the pretty girl over.

There were so many naked bodies writhing all over the staircase that trying to go up would be like tiptoeing landmines.

"Omigod, babe." Amanda's hoarse comment drew my attention back onto her. "I can't believe what I'm seeing. I can't believe we're actually here!"

We had only entered the mansion moments ago, but heads were now turning in our direction as people began to notice my wife. She was the only woman who was fully clothed--- even if her minidress was extremely skimpy--- but everyone who was staring at her, men and women alike, had already undressed her with their hungry eyes. My pride soared and I was immediately aroused.

But I could feel Amanda assuming a defensive posture as she latched onto my arm. "Babe, stay close to me."

The need to safeguard my wife instantly overrode all other thought and desire, and I glared at everyone in the foyer hostilely. Most people looked away, but some continued to ogle Amanda unapologetically, her immense beauty worth the risk of bodily harm. I regarded my wife sympathetically; it was a blessing and a curse to be so beautiful. And I only now started to appreciate how intimating a situation like this could be for her or any other female.

"I promised you that I wouldn't leave your side, and I meant it," I assured her as I pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "Say the word, and we'll get out of here."

"I just don't understand why everyone is staring at me. It's creeping me out." I wanted to express the obvious reason as a compliment, but it wasn't the appropriate time. "Let's look for Lesli."

"Anything you say."

I immediately led Amanda into the next room, great hall which was essentially a living room that was about the size of our entire home. But it was the same here as in the foyer: naked bodies littered everyone... some simply conversing but most fucking like rabbits... with very few people wearing masks to hide their identities. And like in the foyer, there were muscular bouncers dressed in suits and ties on patrol. But because this room was enormous, there were many more revelers here, bestowing a sense claustrophobia and making it appear as though the level of debauchery had increased exponentially.

We were about to wander when a tall man perhaps in his 60's approached us. Like the bouncers, he was neatly dressed in a suit. However, unlike the bouncers who were all built like brick walls, this man was extremely gaunt. There was also a very elegant essence about him.

"Hello, both of you!" He greeted us jovially and shook our hands. "My name is Conrad, and I am the organizer of this wonderful event." Then his tone softened. "I can tell that this is your first time. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Conrad. This is all just a lot to take in. My husband and I have never been to anything like this before."

"I understand. This event can be frightening, no matter how prepared you think you are."

"How do things work here?" Amanda asked curiously. "I mean, what are the rules? Do people just start... you know..." Her trailed off as she gestured to a 5-person orgy that was transpiring on a long plush couch only 10 feet away.

Conrad laughed good-naturedly. "That is the most common question that I get, and perhaps the most important." He regarded us seriously. "There's only 1 rule that all guests needs to abide, and it's this: you must respect everyone's wishes and they must respect yours, as well. You are free to join in whatever festivities you like just as you are free to simply watch from afar, untouched and unbothered, if that's what you desire. There are no expectations, and I personally promise you that no one is ever be forced to do anything against their will. I also provide tight security to ensure that." His expression left no room for argument. "The safety of our guests is my #1 priority followed closely by my hope that everyone will have a memorable and positive experience."

"I guess that makes me feel better," Amanda replied pensively. Then I looked at her, and her expression changed from thoughtful to amused. "What is it?"

"So, uh, Conrad." I hesitated as I didn't know how to articulate my question. "Just out of curiosity, how would one... er, ah... join in on the, uh, festivities... if he so desired." Then I shot my wife a look of alarm. "I mean, if he or SHE desired!" Amanda shook her head in exasperation. "I'm just curious, that's all!" I quickly added.

She deadpanned, "Of course."

Conrad chuckled. "All you have to do is ask! I find that, very rarely, will any guest turn down sex... or more sex partners. At least the ones who have previously attended our parties." His expression turned serious again as he regarded Amanda. "With a young woman as beautiful as yourself, I have no doubts that you'll garner much attention tonight. You're just that striking. But please--- and I say this to both of you--- please feel empowered to say no... or to get intimately acquainted with as many people as you wish." A naked Watering Hole dancer sauntered by with a tray of champagne glasses. She big-breasted which attracted a lot of stares that the girl happily entertained. "Jessica," Conrad called out. "Refreshments for our new arrivals, please." He looked at us one final time as Amanda and I each took a glass. "Something to calm your nerves. I need to wander, but please enjoy yourselves."

Conrad inclined his head politely and drifted off.

Jessica lingered for a moment. She smiled appreciatively at Amanda, causing my wife to blush, then leered suggestively at me, causing my penis to pulse in my pants. "Hi, guys. I'm Jessica. I'd love to have fun with the two of you if you're free."

I reflexively glanced at my wife, who coughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Jessica," she apologized. "But my husband and I are only here to observe."

Jessica's expression didn't change. "Come find me if you have a change of heart." She threw us a wicked smiled and strolled away with her tray of champagne.

"I think she wanted to fuck you more than she wanted to fuck me."

"That really gets you off, doesn't it?"

"What, the idea of watching you have lesbian sex with a hot stripper... my fantasy of having a threesome with you and said hot stripper... or watching you get hit on by men and women, in general?"

"Omigod, babe."

"I'm going to be honest, Mandy. I love it when you get the type of attention that you do. It turns me on; it makes me hard. I don't know why, but I can't help it. And I think deep down inside, I think you enjoy it, too."

"Hmph!" My wife sniffed.

It was notable, however, that she didn't argue.

We looked around. In the few minutes since we had spoken to Conrad, it seemed as if the grand hall had become even more crowded. The 5-person orgy had 7 happy members now, and it was so astounding to witness it firsthand that I stared more in curious fascination than with licentious desire. Even Amanda couldn't tear her eyes away from the tangled mass. In fact, there was sex occurring everywhere with varying numbers of participants, from people masturbating on their own to groups that were parties all onto themselves.

It was not surprising that Amanda instantly became the object of everyone's desire as we wandered through the grand hall. She may have been the only clothed female, but her revealing outfit left just enough to the imagination, magnifying her sex appeal exponentially. People even paused in the middle of having sex to look up and stare at her as she strolled by!

But then something that was surprising did occur.

Someone recognized us.

"Sy... Amanda?!?!"

Stunned, we turned around.

An older man and woman were staring at us in disbelief. They were mask-less, so my wife and I recognized them immediately: Tabitha and Craig. The married couple lived only 4 houses down from us. Though Amanda and I didn't know them very well, we'd always stop to chat whenever we saw them in our quiet neighborhood.

In their early 50's, Tabitha and Craig were almost 15 years older than me while Amanda was young enough to be their daughter. Craig was tall and wiry with a flat stomach, and a clean-cut face. Tabitha was slightly plump, and her blonde pixie-cut was highlighted brightly in sharp contrast to her husband's graying hair. While her nose and cheekbones were abnormally sharp and poignant, Tabitha's face, like her breasts, appeared strangely rubbery. I didn't consider her old by any means, but her breasts--- in my humble opinion--- were too even and symmetrical. They were identical in size and shape, hung high on her chest, and were stretched so tightly that they barely shifted whenever she moved.

Tabitha must've had a fantastic plastic surgeon since she didn't have any visible scars, but it was a shame that a woman with natural beauty felt the need to hide behind so much plastic.

Right now, however, Tabitha's nipples and bare clit were fully erect, and her husband's erection was as painfully noticeable, as well.

"We can't believe you're here!" The older woman exclaimed. She rushed over and hugged my wife, who was too stunned to return the display of affection. Tabitha then hugged me, as well.

"Tabby... Craig... hi!" Amanda tried to sound cool and casual. "It's, um, good to see you."

Craig nodded enthusiastically. "I'll say!"

It was uncomfortable looking at our acquaintances since they were naked. "Is this your first time here?" I asked awkwardly, desperate to start some kind of conversation.

"We been attending these parties for 4 years now!" Craig answered.

"Wow, we've never seen you at the Watering Hole before," Amanda commented, then added curiously, "How did you know it was us?"

"Sweetheart, you may be trying to hide behind that mask, but my man and I can recognize your body anywhere." Before either of us could react, Tabitha's hand fell seductively on Amanda's hip. "And you, too, Sy." I nearly jumped when she groped my crotch.

"I agree," her husband chimed in. "I have a confession to make, Amanda and Sy. You've both always seemed like a lot of fun, and Tabitha and I constantly talk exploring some things with you." The look he gave us definitely contained sexual undertones.

"That's... very flattering." Amanda didn't know what else to say.

Her compliment caused the man to perk up in more ways than one. "I think it's a sign that we ran into each other here. Why don't we enjoy the party together? Tabby and I have always wanted us to be swingers. You two are exactly what we're looking for, and we've been waiting for the right moment to ask."

Tabitha nodded eagerly. "It's like destiny that we're here together! We can have so much fun!" For emphasis, she subtly twisted at the waist, causing her ample bosom to stretch even tauter.

"Oh, no, no, no." Amanda was so embarrassed that the words tumbled out of her mouth. "Sy and I are just here to enjoy the atmosphere, that's all."

Their hopeful eyes shifted to me.

"Like Mandy said... sorry, guys."

Tabitha and Craig were visibly crestfallen, but did not argue. "Such a pity, but we understand," the older man acknowledged politely. "It takes a while to feel comfortable in these types of situations."

We nodded emphatically.

"Maybe you'll have a change after you settle in." Then Tabitha levelled us with her most intense gaze. "Perhaps we can even continue this conversation at a later time... in the privacy of your bedroom or ours. Who says that this is the only place where we can play together?"

I tried not to appear too embarrassed... or too excited. Tabitha may have been my elder and, literally, too plastic for my tastes, but that didn't mean that I wouldn't happily sleep with her with Amanda's blessing. "Thanks. We'll keep that in mind."

Craig hooked his arm around his wife's waist. "Come on, hon. Let's go find some people to sleep with." They gave us a pleasant "good-bye" then sauntered off.

Once they were gone, Amanda repeated indignantly. "'We'll keep that in mind'?"

"Hey, I was just trying to be nice!"

"I will never look at them the same way ever again." My wife suddenly gave me an odd look. "I guess everyone has their secrets."

Before I could ask her what she meant, we discovered, as expected, that Craig and Tabitha weren't the only people we knew here.


Lesli's voluptuous breasts bounced beautifully as she sprinted toward us from across the room. There were other people with tattoos present, of course, but none wore them as well as our friend. Her body was a colorful palette and, like her bright green hair, gave her a unique sexiness that my wife, despite her physical perfection, could not match.

Amanda was smiling with amusement as her best friend practically tackled her. She was outwardly happy and relieved to see Lesli. They laughed and giggled and whispered in each other's ears like schoolgirls as I waited patiently, but then Lesli came to me and gave me a crushing hug as well. I could feel her pert nipples poking me even through my shirt, and knew that she could feel the stiffening in my legs, too. Before she withdrew, she kissed me on the lips that lingered just a split second longer than it should have.

"I wasn't sure if you'd actually come," Lesli admitted breathlessly. "You said you would, but I wasn't sure. I really thought that the two of you might chicken out like pussies."

"Thanks," I cracked dryly.

"What's with the masks? And why are you both wearing clothes?"

"Maybe, Les, it's because Sy and I have a sense of modesty, have never been to a gangbang before, and ---"

"Orgy," our friend corrected.

"Whatever! As I was about to say before I was so rudely interrupted... and maybe it's because we're not sluts like you are!"

Lesli would've been offended had anyone but my wife uttered those words, but merely laughed instead.

Then her eyes widened as she remembered something.

"Guys, I want you to meet someone." Lesli turned and gestured to a man standing quietly near us. We were so distracted that Amanda and I didn't notice his presence until now. "This is Charles, my number one friend from the Watering Hole. We've known each other for years." Then she addressed the man: "These are my friends whom I've been telling you about. Amanda and Sy. Wonderful, now we're all friends!"

Charles appeared to be in his early 60's and still in decent physical shape. He was thin but wiry, and sported toned arms and legs. Thick gray hair and silver-framed glasses gave the naked man a scholarly look. Otherwise, there wasn't anything too distinguishable about him.

Amanda and I smiled awkwardly at Lesli's "number one friend from the Watering Hole".

"It's nice to finally meet you. My Baby Girl has been looking for you for the past hour, and talks about you so much that I feel like we already know each other. And if you don't mind my saying so, Amanda, you're even more beautiful than My Baby Girl described. Why, you'd be an instant sensation if you ever decided to dance at the Watering Hole." The older man spoke cordially, but became wary as he glanced my way. "No offense intended."