The Guest Star

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Colleague offers his pregnant wife but who’s cucking who?
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"Rio, dude- swear to me you're down for this,"

"It's too late now Briggs, you've already TMI'd me, it would be rude not to,"

I took a long swig of beer as I stared off past the neighbouring yards and into the dazzling city lights. Briggs had only been a buddy for a couple years now, but he felt closer than most of my friends going back to high school. We'd started work together at the city machine shop around the same time, got hazed by the old guys at the same time, and just gotten into a good groove with one another. That being said, our relationship also had the benefit of lacking history. Yknow, no family entanglements, no neighbourhood gossips- no niggling collateral damage if things went south after I fucked Briggs' wife.

Yeah, that's what we were talking about. At the end of the bbq tonight after everyone left, I was going to get with Briggs' pregnant wife and fuck her for an audience of one.

Briggs clapped his hand on my shoulder and passed me a joint before going back inside to the noise and laughter. It was strange, maybe a little fucked up- but yeah, I really wanted this.

Harris was this gorgeous 20 something with beautiful pale skin and warm brown hair, and I admit I had been jealous of Briggs from the moment we met. We had gone to a concert that I'd scored free tickets to, it had been a favourite band of hers and she was just effervescent that night. Harris had worn a loose crop top over a lacy purple bra, her breasts bouncing along with the beat as she danced and sang. Her denim cut-offs showcased those curvy hips and thighs, constantly drawing my attention away from the stage. I still remember that flirtatious wink she gave me when she tumbled backwards and I accidentally copped a feel. The girl seemed wild, and really made me rethink how I saw Briggs - this standard issue former high school jock, turned labourer. However conservative Briggs might have leaned, I could only imagine just what this little minx could have talked him into.

So over time, despite how weird it was to listen to my buddy open up and talk about his sex life, I was hooked. I hung off every word whenever Briggs talked casually about fucking Harris. I listened attentively as he shared some hesitancy about fucking her in the ass... as she had requested. And could have sworn that Briggs had once hinted about getting rimmed by her sweet, sweet tongue. It was tough not to chub up every time Briggs had another bedtime story to share in the lunch room. So when Harris joined us at the bar after work one night, acting incredibly flirtatious I was already primed and ready to hear their offer. So when his wife sauntered off to the restroom leaving us alone, Briggs sidled up to me and slung an arm across my shoulder.

"Look bud, even I know you're an attractive man- and me, I'm not the jealous type. I'm not putting ANY pressure on you here, but Harris would really love to have sex with you,"

Briggs didn't know how to take "HELL YES" as an answer, and kept trying to subtly talk me into it over the next couple weeks. I think he got off on describing how it would go, and watching me get excited. He wouldn't be involved, he explained, he would just be there to watch. We could arrange the night, get as properly blitzed as need be and just do the deed. No cameras, no condoms, no regrets. I'd initially been surprised when he nixed protection, but then he dropped the bomb on me - she was already three months pregnant.

That particular conversation felt so ridiculously bizarre, Briggs smiling broadly like a proud papa, as he told me he could shamelessly breed his wife. But I hate to say it - the more fucked up things were, the hotter the whole thing became.

The weeks turned to months, and soon Harris was closing in on her second trimester - so Briggs and I decided to pull the trigger and hook things up the night of their End-Of-Summer bbq. I spent the days prior trying to psych myself up for it, encouraged by Briggs sending me closeups of Harris' neatly trimmed pussy. The night before, as I struggled to get to sleep I heard a ping- this time the text was from Harris herself. Her manicured fingers had spread her cunt for the camera as it oozed Briggs cum. "Do this to me" she wrote, capping it off with a red kiss emoji.

But here's where things went off the rails for me.

I was ready that day, hyped that night and rocking the party half hard - but it was downhill from the minute that blunt hit my lips. I swear I should have known better, I hadn't done smoked weed since I was a teenager but I was half buzzed and feeling bold when Briggs passed me the joint. The rest of the party began to speed by even as my synapses blurred and slowed. Harris became the only focal point as I meandered about, her full and supple breasts spilling out of her shirt, the pronounced baby bump accentuating her widening hips and growing ass. I imagined myself shrinking and being enveloped in her flesh, Briggs thankfully shuffling me off to the bedroom as my hand subconsciously found its way into the front of my pants. Soon my heavily lidded eyes fell closed and I passed out.

My brain began to register sounds before I could open my eyes. At first it was a hum, and then a voice... a female voice. Definitely Harris. I turned my head in the general direction as my eyes fluttered open. Standing there near the wall was the sexiest looking woman I'd ever laid eyes on. Nude and round, Harris held a powerful stance- my eyes drawn to her big brown nipples. Every sway of her hips mesmerized me in curious ways as my mouth hung agape thinking of that dark thatch of hair above her pussy. My view fell further downward to where I saw Briggs' back. He was kneeling in a dark tank top, those familiar tattoos on his arms visible under his chunky shoulders. What surprised me was the sight of his hairy ass perched on top of his black stockinged feet. I looked back up at Harris, blinking the sound into synch with her mouth movements.

"Disappointment" then "make this up to me" were the only things I could make out, as I read her angry face.

"No, no, no no no nooooo," I sputtered out in a weak voice. It was enough to draw Harris' attention as she motioned for Briggs to stand. The two approached the bed as a unit, and Briggs stripped off his shirt. I really felt bad for getting blitzed and ruining the night. I hadn't realized that my buddy would get punished for my mistakes. I mean, I didn't even think that anyone was going to be "punished" tonight either. The scene was so weird I started to wonder if I was just tripping. My eyes searched Briggs' face for guidance then moved down his body. The light blonde hair that I'd seen cross his shoulders had filled his broad chest and belly- but was stopped by an extremely abrupt shave by the time it reached his pubes. The big burly man had been clipped, with his cock made tiny and shoved into a black scrappy contraption. He stood there for me to look at, his hands folded behind his back while Harris continued speaking gibberish.

Next thing I knew, Briggs was laid down beside me and Harris was kneeling on the bed, her belly looking enormous and ready to pull me into her orbit. Those nipples seemed to point at my mouth, causing me to reflexively purse my lips as I imagined suckling her. She slapped at Briggs' caged cock as my brain finally clocked with the vocal track.

"...your big dicked friend to service me while this little pinga is locked up for another month!"She pinched at Briggs' nipples causing him to jump. Harris caught me looking and narrowed her eyes "well, well, well if it isn't sleeping beauty, glad you could make it to the party after all" She leaned her body over the bed, draping her pregnant stomach over Briggs' face in order to dangle her breasts over me. I craned my neck and tried to lick, but she laughingly pulled them away.

"Oh Rio, you may be the biggest disappointment of all, here I thought you were a latino king but instead you're just a mewling little baby aren't you?"

My head swam in wounded pride as I failed to shoot a comeback. I'd let my doubt and nerves sabotage me and put me in a weakened state- my brain numb from the pot, my resolve shaken with the uncontrollable desires I had for Harris. Everything she said was true, and as I kept trying to fight for a nibble of her sweet, sweet tits I ceded more ground to the notion I was just as much her cuck as was Briggs.

Harris cackled as she pulled away, situating herself atop my buddy's face.

"Go ahead Rio, get naked for mommy,"

I scrambled to my feet, tearing off my clothes to reveal my sizeable hard on, hoping to restore some sort of power balance here. Harris smiled as she writhed atop Briggs. I spied his cock as it filled the tiny rubber cage. I was too big for that wasn't I? She wouldn't try to do that to me, I thought to myself. Her finger beckoned me onto the bed, and I found myself crawling over Briggs body so I could press my face into her chest. My cock scraped his hairy chest, causing my head to fill with a bunch of confused thoughts. Had I mounted my friend? Was I proving my dominance over him, even as I was equally servicing his wife? Where the fuck had this all gone?

I lapped at Harris' tits, making eye contact as she instructed me to do. Was this good? Was I sucking that nipple properly? Her eyes smiled noncommittally as she inched backward, removing her cunt from Briggs' mouth and allowing him to gasp fresh air. Harris reached forward and grabbed my braids as she sat back. She led me to feed once more, guiding me with her eyes down to her furry little pussy. I hesitated, for some reason suddenly taking umbrage as I looked upon the glossy finish her husband had left behind. My crackly brain reasoned that I was there to fuck my buddy's wife, what was a little spit between friends? So I dove right in and worked her cunt like a madman, trying to dismiss what had come before.

"You like to fuck boy? Show mommy how you fuck? C'mon, hump for me,"

Slowly I began to bounce my ass.

"If that's how you fuck, I'll call you an Uber right now. Stop being a little bitch, show me how you fuck Rio!" Angry and humiliated I earnestly began to hump, furiously eating that pussy at the same time to show her I meant business. My fervour soon became quiet desperation as I realized I had just been thrusting my cock in Briggs' face. Before I could protest though, Harris grabbed my hair and pushed me into her crotch. I could feel the baby rest on my head, and felt the thrill of deviancy as I kissed my way up her bump, across her bosom and up to her face. Before I could reach those ruby lips, Harris smiled and pressed a finger to my mouth.

"Naughty boy didn't ask, did he?" I stayed still, unsure of what -if anything- I could say. "Stand at the end of the bed, the both of you,"

Briggs waited for me to move off before he silently rose to his feet. The two of us stood there in stark contrast- him with his stocky, hairy dad bod and imprisoned penis, and me with my caramel toned, finely muscled body and 9" erection. Harris shimmied down to the edge of the bed, then patted the mattress on both sides.

"Bend over the edge, be quick,"

Briggs seemed to know what to do, so I watched as he half-knelt with his upper body laid on the bed. He reached up and grabbed the duvet in his fists. As a smaller guy, it was easier for me to mimic his movements, but the results still made me feel vulnerable and sick.


"Bad boys disappointing mommy tonight!"

Whack! Whack!

"Stupid boys making me do everything myself!"

Whack! Whack!

"Locked up since the pregnancy test, you'd think my husband would find me a proper cock for once, but noooo!"

Whack! Whack! Whack!

My ass had really begun to sting as Harris' hand got heavier and heavier. Yet still, through it all, my cock stayed stiff as a board. Slowly through the pain the fog began to lift, and my brain sparked my mouth to make a noise.

"I can fuck you mommy!"

I was caught off guard by my words, slightly disgusted even. It was one thing to be thrust into the scene that Briggs and Harris had long established, it was another to fully submit to their game. I really did desperately want to fuck her. I could feel the mattress shift about as silence filled the air. My thighs began to shake as I waited for a response to my impertinence.

"Then get on your back Rio,"

Harris was so matter-of-fact I suddenly felt empowered. I leapt up on the bed and flipped around, my cock swaying about as I eyed my dream girl. Hands on her hips, with all that beauty and power, this goddess just served to remind me of my role here. I was the useful prick, no more. Harris ambled over and swung her leg over my waist. Her hand had gripped my cock, almost causing me to shoot and I trembled with excitement as she guided me inside.

I closed my eyes and savoured the sensation of entrance, then engulfment - opening them again to bask in her glowing radiance. I tried to reach for her boobs but came up short, my hands landing on the top of her thighs. She ground back and forth on my crotch, then leaned forward to raise and lower her ass, causing me to shudder as she planted her hands on my chest. The full weight of her and the baby crushed me, making me feel tiny and wanting to fuck her even harder. My thrusting seemed laughable against her mass- but I was proud as hell to hear her purr as I pounded away.

With a single hand on my chest, Harris slowed our dance and awkwardly began to twist around on my dick. She deftly collected and reinserted me when I fell out, then began the grind again as soon as her ass had been planted. My fingers kneaded her fleshy backside and welcomed the view. I could just barely get a peak at her brown pucker when she would fall on my cock and the cheeks spread before me. I revelled in the thin strip of delicate hairs that ran up from her crack, and the dimples that gave me a place to put my thumbs.

Harris leaned forward and fucked me hard, stopping me dead in place as she reversed the dynamic and slapped her backside against my groin. I was already prepared to cum when she reared back and changed the angle of my dick. I could feel her hand working her cunt as my shaft slid in and out of her. I focussed solely on not cumming right up until I felt the first wet swipe at my balls. I was momentarily confused until I heard Harris grunting commands at Briggs, who was clearly trying to lick his wife's clit as I fucked her. Dude was essentially sucking my dick now, setting off a new series of confusing thoughts and worries. This was what they wanted I guess.

Nonetheless the sensations were proving too much for me as I let out a staccato whine, realizing that I had completely lost control once more. Harris began to curse me out as her hand flew furiously over her clit. Briggs tongue was just everywhere as I started to mutter ungodly obscenities.

The feeling of release as I came, unloading shot after shot after shot into Harris' cunt- nearly made me faint. I could hear her shouting as my spent piece slipped out and Briggs moved quickly to finish her off, eating her out to orgasm regardless of how much mess I'd left behind. I watched as her ass shook and she cried out in thundering pleasure, unsure of anything I could now offer. Despite my newly growing sobriety I was still in a haze when Harris waddled off to the bathroom and I made eyes with a guilty looking Briggs. His face was shiny with the mixed juices of his wife and best friend. I looked away as I got dressed, figuring it was best if I vacated before Harris returned. I had no idea how to navigate this conversation.

In the week that passed, Briggs had taken some personal days and finally showed up on a Friday morning. He gave me a silent nod as a greeting and went about his work. I was more than willing to give it time, and space, and just move on like nothing had happened- so it was with some surprise that I felt that hand on my shoulder at the end of the day. I turned to look at the big guy who was offering me a swig from his flask. I wondered if he was trying to poison me, or if he was still caged right now, and who had cum in Harris when she sent me that leaky pic before the party. I wondered just how deviant and sordid their relationship really was, and for the first time- questioned who was the father of their child.

I politely took the flask from Briggs and stared off at the city as I tasted the sour brown liquid.

"You wanna come over and fuck her for real tonight?

Handing him back the flask I eyed him suspiciously.

"Bro, you need to quit giving me shit if I'm going to do her sober," He laughed and took another drink.

"Is that a yes then?

"I'm not calling her mommy this time,"

"Well thats up to her-"

"I'm the boss this time,'

"Good luck with that,"

"Is seven-thirty okay?"

And that was that.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

it's garbage. Please don't write anymore.

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