The Gulf Coast Move Ch. 04


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"But," Samantha added sweetly, "we're trying to persuade them."

Samantha was noisy again that night as we made love. As she reached orgasm that night, Samantha yelled out, "Jesus . . . Harry . . . I . . . love . . . your . . . dick." After she came, Samantha had real trouble trying to catch her breath and giggle at the same time.

Before we went to sleep, I asked Samantha, "Are we shocking your friend?"

"I don't think so," Samantha said. "It's new to Ellen, but I have a hunch that we'll see a transformation before they leave." Ellen and Kent were leaving on Sunday so the transformation would have to occur in the next three days. I was dubious.

Over breakfast the following morning, we offered to give Ellen and Kent our tour of the area. "I'd really prefer to spend another day just relaxing," Ellen said.

"Another day by the pool?" Samantha asked.

Ellen said, "That would be nice." She looked at Kent, who said "sure."

Samantha and I cleaned up from breakfast while Ellen and Kent went up to change. It seemed to be taking them a long time, so Samantha and I finally went out to the pool. Several minutes later, Ellen stepped hesitantly through the French doors and came down the steps to the patio. She was naked.

"Great new suit," Samantha teased good-naturedly.

"Well," Ellen said, "so many people around here seem to be doing it that I thought I ought to experience going nude for myself. Kent will be out in a moment, if he hasn't chickened out. It took some persuading upstairs."

"Be sure to use plenty of sunscreen all over," I advised.

Ellen turned to face me and let her arms drop to her sides. "Thanks for that advice Harry," she said. "I looked at you so much yesterday that it is only fair to reverse roles. What do you think?"

Having been invited to do so, I gave Ellen's nude body a long look. She wasn't Samantha, but every woman looks better nude than clothed. What I said was, "I think that you have a body which you should be proud of." That seemed to please Ellen.

A few minutes later, Kent came through the French doors even more tentatively than Ellen had. Kent was very pale, but what you noticed was that he had a very thick dick. Ellen saw that both Samantha and I were looking at it. She laughed and said, "Yes, that is part of the attraction."

Ellen and Kent put sunscreen on each other and lay down on lounge chairs on the opposite side of the pool from Samantha and me. I was impressed that Ellen lay down on her back. I had expected her to stay on her stomach. However, she did keep her thighs locked together, even when she shifted her position.

After about an hour Samantha said, "Ellen, you're already naked. Don't you think that it's a bit silly to keep your thighs glued together? Besides, Harry's and Kent's pubes are out there in view. Equality of the sexes and all. Ours should be too."

Ellen rose up on her elbows. She just looked at Samantha, then she spread her thighs apart slightly. Kent who was smiling. I decided that a drink might get Ellen to relax. I figured Ellen to be a white wine type and Kent for beer. I poured her a glass of a good pinot grigio and a glass of imported German pils for Kent.

After delivering Ellen's and Kent's drink, I got drinks for Samantha and myself. I was looking at Samantha, always a pleasure, when Ellen called out from the opposite side of the pool, "Is this better?" She was still lying on her back, but she had put one leg over each side of the lounger so that she was fully exposed.

"Much better," Samantha replied. "The sun will feel good there too."

By the time she had finished her first glass of wine, Ellen was more relaxed. She was up walking around. "Is it ok to go on the beach naked?" she asked.

"Not during the day," I responded. "The cops patrol the beach. You will be cited or busted if the cop's a jerk."

"But," Samantha added, "we've never seen them on the beach at night. We walk the beach nude some nights."

Later in the afternoon, I heard the landline phone ringing in the house. That didn't happen too often. I made no effort to get it. Samantha always had her smart phone close to her. Everyone I wanted to talk to knew Samantha's number by then. If it was important, they'd call her next. Sure enough, Samantha's smart phone went off a couple of minutes later.

Samantha answered her phone and the rest of us heard the usual one side of the conversation: "Just out by the pool. . .. Thank you. . .. We've got company staying with us, let me ask them." After a short pause, Samantha chuckled and said, "Yes, we've converted them." She put her phone on mute. "That's Sue Woodman," she said. For Ellen's and Kent's benefit, she added, "Sue and her husband Phil are an older couple who are good friends of ours. They keep a sailboat at a marina on the other end of the island. Sue and Phil want to know if we'd like to go sailing Saturday."

Ellen looked at Kent, who nodded. Ellen said, "Yeah, that would be fun."

"Sue and Phil do have an inflexible rule on their boat," Samantha said.

With a sigh of exasperation, Ellen asked "What?"

"Everyone's clothes come off once the boat is out of the marina and they stay off until the boat is coming back into the marina to dock," Samantha explained.

"I'd expect nothing else from your Florida friends," Ellen replied. "I'm ok with that." She looked at Kent.

Kent said, "Sure. It should be fun."

Samantha unmuted her phone and told Sue, "The couple staying with us would like to come. Is that ok?" Samantha paused while Sue said something. Samantha laughed. Into the phone she said, "I've told them. They'll be in full compliance." After another pause, Samantha told Sue, "Thank you very much" and ended the call.

The tables turned that night. Samantha and I were already into our nightly lovemaking when we heard moaning start up in the guest room. The moaning got louder and quicker. Finally, we heard Ellen yell, "Oh . . . my . . . God . . . Keeeeeeeeeeent!" Samantha and I were laughing so hard that we had to stop and separate. We had to re-start our lovemaking from the beginning. That was ok.

Friday was a clothed day. We showed Ellen and Kent around the island and took them to a couple of nice places on the mainland. We ate out that night.

We were on the road by 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Kent had come out to the car in his usual tee shirt and long shorts. I expected Ellen to be in her conservative one-piece, but she surprised me by coming out to the car in a very small bikini. She had a light cover-up and a small bag in one hand. As I looked at her, Ellen said, "Harry, this is easier to take off."

We met Sue and Phil at their boat. We quickly loaded on food and drinks and Phil got us away from the dock. Phil wore a cloth tied around his waist which Sue untied as we reached open water. Phil pulled on a knot on Sue's shoulder and the wrap she was wearing fell to the deck. Samantha had worn a long tee shirt which she pulled over her head before she unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down. I glanced at Kent and Ellen and saw that Ellen's top was already off. Kent pulled her bikini bottoms down. Nude, Ellen whipped Kent's tee shirt over his head and pulled his shorts down.

"Put on plenty of sunscreen and then go stand all the way forward in the bow," Samantha told Ellen and Kent. "The breeze and spray on your bodies will feel fantastic." Ellen and Kent did as Samantha suggested. I was nice to see them standing naked in the bow holding hands.

Sue took the helm once we were in open water. Sue took us north for an hour or so, and then turned into the north end of the sound, a body of saltwater separated from the Gulf by several small barrier islands. I assumed, correctly, that Sue was making for a small cove which we had visited before. We'd never seen any other boats in there.

Just outside the cove, Phil lowered the sail and the boat glided in on momentum. There was a corner of the cove which we could not see until we were inside. A powerboat was anchored there. Two men and two women were aboard. A fishing line was out. Sue steered as far from the powerboat as she could, but we got closer as the cover narrowed. When we reached the place where we usually anchored, we were about ten yards from the other boat. I could clearly see the two young men in ball caps and shorts and two young women in bikinis.

Before we dropped anchor, Sue called out to the other boat, "Will it bother you if we're naked?"

A female voice called back, "Will it bother you if we watch?"

"Not at all," Sue called.

"Then welcome," a male voice called.

We anchored. We liked this cove because the water was clearer than the rest of the sound. I've no idea why, but it made the cove ideal for swimming. All six of us jumped into the water. After swimming 20 minutes or so, Samantha told Ellen and Kent to follow us. Samantha began swimming towards the small beach that lined part of the cove. When the water was shallow enough, Samantha and I stood up and walked ashore. I glanced over my shoulder to confirm that Ellen and Kent were following us. When they came ashore, the four of us walked naked along the beach.

The beach curved towards a point on the side of the cove opposite where we had anchored. Following the beach took us closer to the powerboat. I could see the people on the boat watching us. When we were directly off the powerboat's port side, Samantha waved at the two couples and called, "Catching anything?"

"Shit no," a man called back.

One of the women called out, "Love your suits."

"Thank you," Samantha called back. "You've got the same suits. You should wear them." We heard laughter from the boat.

Viewed from the point, the Gulf glittered in the sun. Boats appeared to be sailing on light. Ellen said, "This is really nice." After a while, we started walking back. We could have swum from the point to Sue's and Phil's boat but that would have taken us over the powerboat's fishing line. Once we were well away from the powerboat, we waded into the water and swam back to the sailboat. Back onboard, Sue and Phil had set out lunch and drinks.

Sue and Phil usually took their boat out when they wanted to fuck on the water. They invited us because they knew that Samantha and I enjoyed sex outdoors too. After lunch, Sue began playing with Phil. That was Samantha's cue to take my dick in her hand. I began kissing Samantha and fingering her.

The six of us were in the boat's cockpit. Sue and Phil separated. Sue got up and started for the bow with Phil following. Samantha gave me a look, got up, and went forward. I followed carrying a towel.

In the bow, Sue and Phil had put two long cushions on deck. Sue was on her back on one and Phil was mounting her. I dropped the towel. Samantha lay on her back on the other cushion. I assumed the position "horizontal, superimposed" over her and pushed my dick into her wet pussy.

Sex with Samantha was invariably great. We both particularly enjoyed making love outside in the sunshine. The knowledge that the people on the other boat were surely watching added excitement. I was pumping inside Samantha and looking into her gorgeous green eyes. "Slowly, Harry, "she said, "Let's take our time and enjoy it." I backed off a little bit. Samantha wrapped her legs loosely around me, resting her feet on my ass. I nibbled Samantha's earlobe then licked her neck. Samantha ran her hands up and down my back.

My world became the feeling of my dick inside Samantha and her beauty that I saw through my eyes. We made love slowly for what seemed a long time. Samantha tightened her legs around me and said, "Harry, make me come, now." I picked up the pace and increased the force of my thrust. I began to lick one of her nipples. Samantha's breathing became more rapid. Her legs got even tighter around me. She was nearing orgasm, which was good because I was too. Samantha gasped, "Let it go Harry," and took a sharp breath. As I shot inside her, I heard her go "Ugh . . .ugh . . . ugh . . . ooooh!"

When I stopped pushing, Samantha wrapped her arms around me and said, "Let's stay like this for a while." That was fine with me. When Samantha finally kissed me and pushed gently on my chest, I pulled out, stood up, and helped her up. Sue and Phil were sitting on the other cushion, facing us, with their arms around each other. From the other boat, we heard applause. I glanced over and saw the two women waving their bikini tops above their heads.

Sue and Phil stood up. I helped Phil stow the cushions, which needed to be cleaned. We followed Sue and Samantha back to the cockpit where Ellen and Kent were sitting, holding each other. I had no idea whether they had done anything or just watched. As we came into the cockpit, Ellen said, "That was erotic."

The sun was low over the Gulf, but we were in no hurry to leave. The powerboat, however, had reeled in its line and lifted its anchor. The boat slowly motored to a position close to our port side and shifted to neutral. The two women were standing topless at the side of the boat facing us. In unison, they pushed their bikini bottoms down to their knees. The skipper put their boat in gear. As it pulled away, a female voice yelled, "Y'all anchor near us again, you hear!"

Sailing with the Woodmans included dinner at their house. It was dusk as we came into the marina which looked quiet. Phil said, "I think we're safe staying nude." We docked and tied off. After stowing everything, Ellen, Kent, Samantha, and I scampered nude to the car. We drove the short distance to the Woodmans'. As we got out of the car in their driveway, Samantha said, "Sue and Phil have this great outdoor shower around back with a huge showerhead."

The four of us fit easily under the Woodmans' shower. We were soon joined by Sue and Phil. We left Ellen and Kent to themselves, but I washed Sue's back and Phil washed Samantha's.

We went home after dinner. It was late. It had been a good day. Ellen and Kent went up to the guest room and Samantha and I went to our bedroom. Samantha was doing something preparatory to getting in bed for our third lovemaking session of the day when I heard a noise out on the patio. I got up and looked out of the window. It was almost a full moon that night and I could clearly see Ellen and Kent standing nude on our patio. Kent had a hand on one of Ellen's tits and she had his dick in her hand. I softly said, "Samantha, come look out the window."

Samantha came over, looked down at the patio, and giggled. After a moment, she giggled again and whispered, "Come with me." We went downstairs as quietly as we could. Samantha very carefully opened the French doors. I followed her out. We stood on the landing just outside the house. Ellen and Kent were stroking and fingering each other passionately by that point. Samantha took my dick in her hand and said in a normal tone of voice, "May we join you?"

Ellen had her bare back to us. She turned her head, looked at us for a moment, and smiled. "Please do," she said.

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unparkedunparkedabout 1 year ago

Sad, but full of genuine emotion. This one strikes more chords than your usual offerings.

rodryder44rodryder44almost 5 years ago
Ciao Carol

Don't understand the necessity of Harry having to be with Samantha sans Carol. Enjoyed the chapter to a degree.

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