The Hard Body's Continuing Education Ch. 06


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She had tensed up that last day with Sam and Miles and the sundae race, she supposed, because it was the last day and she was already thinking ahead to a possible college opportunity and had just listened to Victor tell her how she deserved better in her life. She had carried that bitterness here, determined to show how tough and classy and smart she was when all anyone was asking for from her right now was fun and sexiness. She had provided that at the shop and loved it. If she did that again here with Harris and whoever else, could she accept the fact that she was enjoying it, no matter how slutty her attire or actions might be? She was doing this for no one else this time -- not a sick step-dad or an underprivileged resort worker or even friends whose business was failing. This was all for her. She would have to take responsibility for that. Could she do that and accept -- no embrace -- being a part-time slut and find joy in that? She looked around the beautiful campus again. She thought about owning her own company, about the internship Harris had mentioned, which sounded fantastic. This, she decided, was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. Her hard body had carried her this far, there was no reason to act high and mighty and try to pretend otherwise. She got up, knowing her decision and walked back into the building, already knowing in her gut that she had made the right choice.

"You're right," Cori said. "I enjoy sex very much. I like to show off and tease and have fun with guys. I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I will gladly earn my scholarship every day in any way you deem necessary, outside of blatant prostitution, rough stuff or gang bangs I don't consent to." She was surprised as she spoke the words. All the bylaws and clauses and everything she had planned to throw in went out the window. And she didn't mind a bit. "In fact," she continued, "we don't have to follow that five times a week rule you mentioned. There are no limits for you. I know the value of my body and I know the value of what you offer. It's a fair trade. It's up to me to get the most of the opportunity you're providing and, in return, you and the university should get the most you can out of me."

"That's great news," Harris smiled. "I'm glad you took the time to think it over and make that decision. I want to fuck you in the worst way, but I also want you to be happy. It will be so much more fun if you enjoy it and play along. And I think you'll find that to be the case in everything you do. Don't worry, we won't overuse you. You will have ample opportunity to attend your classes and study, but your extracurricular activities will probably all be sex related. As long as you're fine with that, I think we have a deal."

"Deal," Cori smiled, shaking his hand.

"Well, Cori, what were your plans for tonight? I know you mentioned going back to Darien to pick up some things and see some friends," Harris said.

"Yeah, I would like to, if it's OK with you," Cori said.

"Of course," Harris said. "If we flew you back right now on the university's private jet, would you be able to return tomorrow by this time? That would give you time to get into your new place, me to fuck you and then get you started on your new job on Monday."

Cori noticed he had listed "fuck you" as if he was reading off a grocery list. Well, up until the past few days, fucking was as much or more a part of her average day as a trip to the supermarket, so why not look at it that way.

"That sounds good," Cori said.

Harris had Darren escort Cori back out to the limo. Anthony was still waiting and Darren put her bag in the back. Just over an hour later, she was in the air and heading toward Atlanta. She called Ben on the way and he agreed to pick her up at the airport.

It was already 6 p.m. By the time she got to Darien, it would be 9. That would give her a few hours to catch up with Ben and Ty and John. Then, in the morning, she'd pack up her stuff and be on her way by the afternoon.

When she got off the plan in Atlanta, Cori was thrilled to see that all three of her dear friends -- Ben, John and Ty -- were there waiting for her. They greeted her with hugs and kisses, everyone seeming to be talking at once. It was amazing how well they all got along. They had all shared Cori and yet it had worked. No jealousy, no feuds, nothing -- except for Chad, who had taken things way too far. But Ty was like her brother, John was like a father and Ben was, well, the closest thing she had to a boyfriend, but he was really just a friend with incredible benefits. They were her family, she realized, much more so than her step-dad and mom. These guys cared about her and one another and never let sex -- no matter how frequent or kinky it might get -- get in the way of their relationships. She knew it had to be an incredibly unique situation, but to her it felt complete normal and comfortable and safe. She wondered if she should just go back to Darien. She'd be happy there, right? No, she told herself, not until she at least tried to make it on her own. She'd always wonder what if. She had to try.

They talked all the way back to Darien, Cori thinking nothing of it when Ty, sitting next to her in the back seat, pulled down the front of her tank top so her tits stuck out. He fondled her breasts as they all shared their stories from the past few weeks. Ty's strong hands didn't feel the least bit weird or foreign or unwelcome. It hadn't really occurred to her until now, but she knew she'd fuck all three of them tonight. Probably wouldn't even sleep. Oh well, between the plane ride and car ride, she could get a couple hours tomorrow. Her boys needed her and she wasn't going to let them down. Surely they had all had sex during the weeks she had been gone now, but she found herself preferring to think they hadn't. That would make her jealous, even though she certainly wouldn't blame them. Likewise, she didn't tell them most of the details of trips either. She talked about how she didn't really connect with her step-dad but helped him get back on his feet and how his friend had rewarded her with a trip. She didn't like lying to them, but she didn't feel like she had a choice.

She told them that she had secretly sent away for some scholarship information months ago. She thought it wouldn't pan out, so she never mentioned it. Now, she explained, she had to start an internship on Monday for class credit and would be in college for the next year and a half earning her business degree. She could see they were disappointed, but they all seemed genuinely proud of her and happy for her at the same time.

"Wow," Ty said, tugging on a nipple, "I can't believe I won't get to play with these every day any more. I'm really going to miss you."

"Me too," Cori smiled weakly. "If it's any consolation, I'm not planning on getting any sleep tonight. I hope I can leave you all with some terrific memories. No holds -- I mean holes -- barred!"

"Now we're talking," John grinned. "Ben, can this old hunk of junk go any faster?"

"I'll have you home and her undressed in 30 minutes," Ben said. "Better start warming up that old pecker now -- you might be able to get it up in time."

John, who was in his 50s, was by far the senior of the three men -- Ben and Ty were both in their 20s -- and often took ribbing from them about his age. But he had kept up with Cori through many an all-nighter and he sure as hell didn't plan to miss out on this one.

"No need to wait until we get back, is there?" Cori said in that sexy, innocent voice they all seemed to like so well.

"None at all," Ty said, yanking down his shorts. "I need a Cori special in the worst way. I love to hear all about what you've been up to, but the sound I really want to hear right now is that slurping you do when my cock's down your throat and you're licking my balls. Fuck, I miss that sound."

"Oh, you poor thing," Cori pouted. She bent down and started talking directly to Ty's hard cock. It was the largest of the group -- a 10-incher that had caused Cori to nearly gag a couple times and had absolutely stretched and reamed her ass several times. "Hasn't anyone been taking care of you? Oh, you need some attention, don't you big boy?" She was talking to his penis as if she was talking to a dog and she was stroking it gently like she would a pet. "Oh, I bet you need to be sucked to bad, don't you big fella? Well, don't worry, I'm here."

She bent forward and took the head of his cock into her mouth, absolutely delighted to hear that familiar moan. Ty always appreciated a good cock sucking so much and she loved to hear his reactions.

"Suck those big balls, bitch," he said. Ty was always good about directing her, too, letting her know what he wanted. And, of course, all the guys used words like slut and bitch and cunt when they were fucking -- she knew it was nothing personal and just part of the experience for them. She gladly lapped at his balls while he rubbed his big black cock all over her face. It was dark now, but they didn't need any light to see what they were doing. It was all about feel and it was all feeling great to Ty.

"I can't remember the last time I touched your tonsils," Ty groaned, "but I think I better do it now." Cori knew that meant he wanted to be deep-throated and she expertly swallowed all 10 thick inches, her gag reflex in check as felt his cock make its home inside her throat.

"How's it going back there?" John asked from the front passenger seat. He was watching what he could, but it was hard to see in the dark. Of course, from the slurping sounds and Ty's moans and commentary, he knew exactly what was happening and that both parties in the back seat were very happy.

"Never been better," Ty yelled back. "Never better, my friend. Either she's gotten even better at this or I just forgot how good it felt."

Ty had his hand on the back of her head now and was guiding her up and down on his cock, pushing her head down hard and holding it there for four or five seconds at a time, then letting her slowly back up. Cori loved a man who knew what he wanted and took what he needed from her in this way. It wasn't too rough, she didn't feel in any danger. She just felt wanted, needed and appreciated. He was using her, yes, but not like she was any other mouth, but like she was a very special mouth that he felt privileged to use. His grunts and moans and words and eyes told her he didn't take this for granted, he didn't think of her as a cum receptacle, even though that's exactly what he was going to use her for in a few minutes.

"I hope you haven't lost the taste for cum," Ty groaned. If you only knew, Cori thought. She sucked harder, a signal to him that she was ready and willing and anxious for his cum. Ty gave it to her in a series of thick, juicy blasts that splattered against her tongue and inside her cheeks like milk hitting a tile floor. It shot onto the roof of her mouth, under her tongue and between her teeth. She felt it smack against the back of her throat and slide down her gullet. If he'd had sex while she was gone, it wasn't recent. She was happier than ever to swallow his load.

"Next!" she chirped happily, sitting up and licking her lips.

"We're almost there," Ben said. "Think you can handle John and I at the same time?"

"I haven't been gone that long," Cori said. "Of course I can still handle you both. And if Ty gets ready fast enough, he can join in too. Let's do it all tonight, guys. Anything you want. Let it all hang it out. Oh, Ben, can I see the Shop?"

"Sure," Ben said. He drove them to the Hard Body Shop and all three went inside the darkened building. Ben flipped on the lights and pulled Cori by the hand along behind him. "See, not much has changed."

Cori looked around, surprised at how new it all felt and yet how it did, as Ben said, seem exactly the same. She started to comment on that, but was interrupted abruptly as Ben pushed her down to her knees on the carpeted lobby area and thrust his cock at her face. She hadn't even realized he had taken his pants off. Now, she realized both he and John had stripped down and were ready for her attention. Ty approached from behind and ripped her tank top off, shredding it in his big hands, then yanked her shorts and thong down, leaving her only in her white heels.

Cori sucked first on Ben's cock, thinking that she wouldn't have had to see his face to know who she was sucking. She had sucked it so many times, she recognized its size and feel and taste instantly. She knew he loved it when she slithered her tongue around in circles on the head of his cock about as much as Ty loved to be deep-throated. John, on the other hand, liked to have his cock licked and sucked up and down in an alternating pattern of fast and slow, a fact that came back to her as soon as Ben pulled his cock out of her mouth and John put his in.

She was going back and forth between them, alternating from one cock to the other, when she felt warm oil being poured over her back and sliding over her ass and pussy and thighs. Yeah, her boys liked nothing more than to cover her in baby oil -- they bought it by the case -- and Ty had broken it out. He drenched her back side and she knew he'd do the same with her tits and belly as soon as he got a chance. Judging by the jerking and twitching of the cocks in her mouth, she guessed that wouldn't be long. She was realizing that these guys had missed her more than she expected and had far less sex -- if any -- than she assumed they would. They were used to sex several times a week with her. If they had been depriving themselves until now, no wonder they were so horny and cumming so quickly.

John came first. His salty spunk was thick and bitter and she loved every drop. Ben followed moments later with a creamy load that slid down her throat smooth as silk. Already she had given three blowjobs and she knew she was in store for far more before this night was through.

Cori was still on her knees as Ty poured baby oil down her chest and stomach, rubbing it in with his hands. John and Ben joined in, caressing her body all over. She felt warm and loved and very horny. She knew before the night was over, her pussy would surely get the attention it needed and she, too, would enjoy an orgasm or two.

"Your body probably went into withdrawals from lack of cum," Ty teased. "You were swallowing a gallon or two a day before you left."

"Yeah," Cori laughed, "the first few days I had the worst headaches and fevers and cold sweats. I went to the doctor and he said it was a classic case of withdrawal from a cum addiction. He offered to give me a fix, but I told him I required very special cum all the way from Georgia."

They all laughed and Ben turned on some music. "How about a little show, Cori," he said, telling, not asking. "Haven't seen you dance for a long time and I think that might be just the ticket to get me ready for round two."

"How many rounds we going tonight?" Cori teased, starting to move her hips to the music already.

"As many as possible," Ben said. "I want to fuck you until I can't move."

"Mmm, now that sounds like fun," Cori smiled. She closed her eyes and rubbed her hands up and down her body, bending her knees and swinging her hips to the fast-paced rock music. She dipped into a deep knee bend, than sprang back up and caressed her nipples, tugging on them to the rhythm of the pulsing beat.

The guys were seated in chairs in the lounge area, which featured several cloth chairs, a pool table and a TV. Cori stepped over to Ty and bent down in front of him, keeping her legs straight and shaking her tits in his face. Then she swung her left leg around in a big arc, pivoting on her right so that she was bent over directly in front of John, her ass and pussy just inches from his nose. Another big pivot step had her tits in front of Ben's face. Then she put her knees on both sides of the chair, straddling him, rubbing her tits in his face and her pussy on his thigh. Ben ran his hand down her flat stomach and she raised up off his thigh, letting him reach between her legs. He stroked her pussy lips gently, teasing her clit. She looked him in the eye and licked her lips hungrily, then jumped backward and did a similar chair dance for John and Ty.

When the song was over, Ty threw a plastic tarp over the pool table to protect it from her oily body and suggested she do a table dance to the next song. "I'll even give you some props," he laughed, tossing an 8-inch and a 10-inch dildo onto the table. Cori hopped onto the table, ready to perform. She strutted around on the table while she licked both dildos, wetting them with her saliva. Then, she sat down on the table, laid back and kicked her legs in the air. Holding the dildos like drum sticks, she lightly slapped them on her exposed pussy and ass, bobbing her head like a drummer rocking to the music. They all cheered and she rewarded them by stuffing the 10-incher into her ass and the 8-incher into her pussy. Then she stood back up, holding both dildos tightly inside her as she danced and swayed some more.

All three men pulled her off the table and she realized they were all ready for round two at the same time. John lay down on the carpeted floor and Ben and John lowered Cori's pussy onto him, pushing her forward until she was resting her weight on her arms, her hands on the floor above John's shoulders. Ben knelt in front of her, presenting his cock for sucking once more. That left Ty, she realized, with his favorite hole -- her little ass, which was never a match for the size and power of his cock. But she loved him too much to ever deny him this pleasure. She felt him press his cock against her asshole. He was always gentle, but never shy. Once he started pushing, he never stopped until he was balls deep inside her. He wouldn't injure her, but he knew her ass could take it and she could stand a little pain along the way.

Cori was filled with cock now and couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy. These were her boys and she felt privileged and honored to have the chance to bring them joy and pleasure. And to do it for all three at once, well, it just didn't get better than that.

Having all cum so recently, all three men now had an even balance of lust and staying power that promised for a long session. Cori moved very little, letting Ty drive the engine. His thrusts pushed her forward, making her pussy slide up John's shaft and her mouth go down Ben's. The tight seal between her ass and Ty's cock enabled him to pull her back along with him, her mouth sliding up to the head of Ben's cock and her pussy sliding all the way down to John's balls. She realized that this is what Harris had meant when he said she had a gift. Bringing pleasure to people was indeed a special gift and Cori promised she would embrace it more openly from now on.

Her pussy was dripping and heating up fast. Yes, giving had its rewards, too, she thought. Oh yes, if they could keep this up for a few more minutes, she'd be cumming hard. They had very seldom triple-teamed her like this, but she now wished they would have done it more often. It felt so good to be completely filled by rock hard cocks, feeling their smooth shafts and mushroom heads slide against the linings of her throat, ass and pussy, the veiny pricks throbbing and pulsing inside her full of life and power. Their heavy balls, round and hard and full of cum, slapped against her, getting closer to injecting their seed into her with every thrust.

She arched her back drove her hips downward while she pushed back against Ty's cock. She wanted to make sure she was as full as she could get. She missed these cocks so much and she wanted to take every inch now. Her nipples were being teased and tormented by John, who lay virtually motionless beneath her, letting her hips and Ty's thrusts provide the energy and friction for his cock in her pussy. The angle was just right and Cori felt John's cock hitting exactly the right spot, that mushroom head softly caressing her most sensitive areas.