The Hard Body's Continuing Education Ch. 07


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Jason signed the paper in broad strokes that made Cori's tit bounce, then shook the pen hard like it was running out of ink. "Might need to get another pen," Jason said. "Might want to start carrying a backup -- one on each side." He grabbed the rubber band that was only part way on her breast and slowly pulled it off, letting the rubber scrape across her nipple, hoping she liked the way it felt.

"Oh wait," Jason said. "I forgot that I did lose a ring the other day. I better make sure that's not mine." He pulled Cori to him and yanked down her panties, pulling her into his lap while she kicked the black thong the rest of the way off. He lifted her off his lap and sat her on his desk, spreading her thighs, getting a good look at the ring in question. He fingered it, then pulled it toward him, watching her clit follow obediently like a dog on a leash. It looked swollen and pink and he could smell the sweetness of her pussy, taste the moist heat in the air. He acted like he was trying to put it on his finger, even though it was obviously too small. "Nope, that's not mine," he proclaimed. "And to paraphrase the late great Johnny Cochran, if it don't fit, you must give it a lick."

It was a poor attempt at a rhyme, but no one minded. They all watched as he bent forward and touched his tongue to the ring first, then flattened it against her clit. Greg moved around to the other side of the desk and gently laid Cori down on her back. She knew she should fight it, but it felt too good. She slid her hips forward so her pussy was at the edge of the table. She lifted her legs and Greg pulled them back over her head, holding her by the heels while Jason lapped at her smoldering pussy. His tongued darted over her clit and dipped between her spongy lips. Cori knew from comments other guys had made and from frequently tasting her own juices on a cock or finger or dildo traveling from her pussy to her mouth that her pussy had a slightly sweet taste. Jason certainly seemed to be enjoying it. He put the ring between his teeth and pulled gently on it, watching her swollen little clit stretch while he rubbed his fingers all around its moist base.

Meanwhile, Wes joined Greg, each holding her legs over her head with one hand and playing with her tits with the other. Greg had the stress ball breast in his hand, squeezing it and lightly snapping the rubber band -- just enough for a pleasurable little sting on her sensitive flesh. Wes clicked the pen to make sure the ball point wasn't sticking out and pushed it into her mouth. Cori sucked it lovingly while Wes pulled it back and forth between her lips, imagining watching his cock do the same thing. He pushed his fingers inside her mouth, shoving the pen down her throat. "Deep throat it, babe," he said. Knowing that the chain was secure and would keep her from choking on the pen, Cori accepted the object down her throat while the chain steadily pulled up her rigid nipple.

"Hey, that ring might be mine," Barry said, nudging Jason out of the way. He made a game of studying the ring closely, then trying it on every finger. With each nudge and pull he tweaked that throbbing clit, the engorged flesh radiating heat, her pussy lips slick with cream. "It doesn't fit me either," Barry said, helping himself to a serving of pussy pie, so hot now that it could have just come out of the oven.

Cori tried to collect her thoughts, figure out a way if there was a way to stop the gang bang that seemed so imminent now. Or if she wanted to stop it. Damn, those tongues felt good. All the teasing all day long and the guys rubbing their hard cocks had their effect on her too. She was so used to being in control of her own body that she hadn't considered the idea that she might fall victim to lust before the men did. As another tongue -- Wes' -- parted her pussy lips, it occurred to her vaguely that she might have been outsmarted, that, like a man letting his penis think for him, they had tricked her into giving up control by putting her pussy in charge of her thoughts.

Cori's scattered thoughts were interrupted when Douglas, who took Wes' place holding one of her legs, pulled the pen out of her throat and tucked it inside the strap from her heels around her ankle. Now he no longer had to hold her leg up -- either she would hold it up or she'd give her nipple a pretty good yank before that pen would pop loose. Cori kept her leg up and Douglas used both hands now to squeeze her breast and stroke her nipple.

Cori was aware that she was no longer in control, that things had changed drastically in a big hurry. She knew all that and that in a few minutes she'd be in a bind, trying to figure out how to approach the rest of the week, the rest of her internship. She'd be regretting that she had given in so easily, failed to see this coming. Yes, all that would happen later. Right now, though, Cori was in the midst of pure pleasure and she was charging much more quickly than she expected toward a huge orgasm. She was aware that hands were now touching her everywhere -- her ass, her tits, her hair -- urging her on. Her legs were flailing about, inadvertently jerking her nipple in the process. Greg and Douglas continued to fondle her breasts, with Greg now squeezing his fingers under the rubber band and using it as a handle to shake her breast up and down and from side to side.

Wes was eating her out with steady strokes of his tongue, a swirling thumb on her clit and one hand on her ass, squeezing and pinching it as she raised and lowered her hips and ground her pussy against his mouth.

She heard the guys talking, but their voices sounded like they were underwater. They sounded distant and almost foreign as they talked about how hot she was, how wet she was, how close she was to cumming.

Cumming was on her mind when it suddenly all stopped. She hadn't seen it, but a simple hand signal from Wes had brought them all to a halt. They all stepped away from her. No more tongues or hands or rubber bands -- Greg had pulled it off -- teased her. She didn't understand it. Her foggy mind cleared slowly and she looked around, the guys all standing around her, trying hard not to stroke their cocks through their pants.

"What's going on?" Cori asked.

"Things were getting a little carried away," Barry grinned. "If we'd gone much longer, who knows what might have happened."

I would have had one of the best orgasms of my life, Cori thought. Then you would have all fucked me and I would have gone home mad at myself and you would have all had to explain the dopey grins on your faces to your girlfriends. Girlfriends. That must be it. Were these guys really that loyal? Impressive. Very impressive, Cori thought, suddenly angry at herself for being vain enough to think that she was irresistible. They all had beautiful girlfriends. Who was she to think they couldn't resist her?

"You're right," Cori said. She slid off the desk and Greg handed her the skirt that had gone missing before. "I'm sorry, guys, I got carried away."

"That's OK," Jason said. "But we do expect more from our office slut."

"Your what?" Cori asked.

"Office slut," Jason said matter-of-factly. "Come on, you were ready to bang the whole bunch of us. Don't try to deny it. Nothing wrong with being an office slut. Plenty of women have made good careers out of it. But if you want a positive review and good grade and a good recommendation from us, you're going to have to do better."

"What do you mean?" Cori asked. Suddenly, she was very confused. First, she still couldn't figure out how she ended up on the desk nearing orgasm. Second, she couldn't figure out how it had stopped. And third, she couldn't figure out what they meant by doing better. She had offered everything she had to them just moments ago. They could have had their way with her. They all knew it. What more could they want?

"A good office slut dresses like a slut from the moment she walks in the door," Jason said. "No excuses."

"And a good slut always puts her co-workers' pleasure before her own," Barry said.

"And a good office slut anticipates the needs of her co-workers before they have to ask," Greg said.

"And a good office slut asks permission to cum," Wes said.

"And a good office slut never leaves the office until the job is done," Douglas said.

Cori stood before them wearing only heels and her tiny skirt. Her breasts stuck straight out, the pen still dangling from her nipple. She had gone from being confident and in control to suddenly feeling stupid for feeling like she could control this situation and ashamed for having overestimated her ability to do so based on looks alone. She had underestimated them and failed herself. She needed to do a much better job. That's what they were telling her. They were right. She needed to step it up, do it right and be a good co-worker, a good slut if that was the role they needed her to fill.

"I'll be a good office slut," Cori said. "I'm sorry I let you down. I'm very professional and I want you to know that. I will show you tomorrow by being the best co-worker I can be. I understand now what you expect of me and I expect more of myself. I'll be better tomorrow and I'll earn your respect and your good recommendations."

"That's all we can ask," Barry smiled. He unzipped his pants and lowered them, revealing his hard cock. "Now, I want you to spend the rest of the day thinking about what you need to do. You're going to suck my cock and it's probably not going to take very long for me to cum. You're going to hold my cum in your mouth while you write a job description for yourself explaining what you think will and should be expected of you. Be very detailed and demand more of yourself than your co-workers do of you. Turn it in to me by the end of the day. If it's acceptable, I'll allow you to swallow my cum. Understood?"

"Yes sir," Cori said. She dropped to her knees and wrapped her lips around his fat mushroom head, already slick with pre-cum. She twirled her tongue around his head so fast it felt like there were three tongues servicing him at once. Slowly she slid her tongue along the base of his cock, letting her lips follow, gradually engulfing the full length of his rigid shaft.

The others watched in appreciation as Barry's cock disappeared before their eyes, devoured it seemed by this hungry, gorgeous slut who kept surprising them at every turn. True, the guys had joked and schemed about how far they could go with their hot young intern, but it had never really occurred to them that she would be this willing to participate, this mature about the role they wanted her to play. They had expected tears and begging and had fully intended to back off and settle for a little skin show. But when she had teased them all day long and clearly enjoyed it, well, it seemed like they had been presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They had hastily agreed that what happened at the office stayed at the office and that they would push Cori as far as they could. As they watched her on her knees, giving a fantastic blowjob, it was clear that her limits were far beyond their wildest dreams. The next three days were going to be very interesting, indeed.

Even as Cori's head bobbed back and forth on Barry's cock, it was spinning as a result of the mind-boggling turn of events. It had taken only a little over a week to go from professional young intern with an eye on a career to hot young slut with a cock in her mouth. No matter her plans or her confidence or her best intentions, Cori couldn't seem to escape this life of teasing and pleasing men. She began to wonder if she ever would. Maybe she wasn't as smart as she thought. These guys had clearly outwitted her. Maybe she wasn't as hot as she thought. She never thought of herself as vain, but clearly she had been relying on her looks to keep the men off guard, assuming they would fumble all over themselves just to look at her and that she could intimidate them with her looks and subtle reminders about their careers and their girlfriends. How wrong she had been about everything.

All this time she had been telling herself she was a smart young girl who would succeed ultimately because of her mind, not her body. She had justified her sexual activities as a means to an end, a way to succeed or to help others or whatever. Never had she allowed herself to think of herself as a slut, no matter how many men had degraded her or called her a slut or a whore or a bitch. But now she was truly doubting herself. Was she a smart beautiful young woman who could dazzle with looks and impress with smarts or was she a moderately attractive girl who men liked only because she dressed slutty, acted sexy and dropped to her knees at a moment's notice? Maybe she wasn't really the prize that Ben and Ty and the others had convinced her she was. Maybe she was little more than a tramp who would only go as far as her body and willingness to do anything would take her.

These were the thoughts filling her head as Barry's cum was filling her mouth. She felt confused and scared and lost. She tried to maintain her composure, not wanting to cry in front of them. What was there to cry about, anyway? Fifteen minutes ago she had been having a blast, nearly cumming on top of the desk, happily teasing her co-workers.

"Bafrum?" she asked Barry, looking up at him, her speech slurred by the mouthful of cum. He laughed and nodded, "You can use the bathroom, just don't swallow that yummy load."

In the bathroom, Cori looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised that she still liked what she saw. She was attractive. No, it wasn't vain to say so. She really was pretty. Naturally so. Her body and hair were natural and she seldom wore makeup. She splashed her face with cold water and straightened her hair with her fingers. But was she smart? The guys had outwitted her and turned the tables on her so easily. How had she missed it? Where had she gone wrong? She realized she had probably pushed too far too fast, sent the wrong signals. But that came from the past couple years of her life, where teasing always led to sex. It wasn't a stupid mistake, just an unfortunate one.

"You're a smart, intelligent woman," she told herself. "You made money makers out of the Body Shop and your step-dad's restaurant, you helped Gerald get on his feet and make enough money to support his family, you earned a scholarship and a dream internship. You have what it takes. So what if you have to use your body to keep moving forward. That body is going to get you great job experience, a great recommendation and a first-class education. Ten years from now, when that body isn't carrying you as much, you'll have all those other things to fall back on. That's when people will stop noticing your tits and start noticing your brains. That's when you'll make a difference. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Many women don't have the opportunities you do. They don't have the brains or the body. You're not conceited, but you are blessed to have both. So suck it up, grow up and be the best office slut you can be. And have fun with it. That was the one thing you did right today -- you had fun. Maybe a little too much, it turns out, but you had fun. Sex is fun. You love it. So stop whining and get creative and blow these guys minds. They're smart. They'll know that any whore can suck cock, but you're more than that. You're pretty, funny, creative and good sport. Show them that and they'll teach you what they know about this business. They'll fuck you, yes, but they'll also ultimately respect you and repay you with the experience and training you want. You can still get what you want out of this job, so don't give up now."

Cori realized her pep talk had come from a clearer head. Her mind had been rattled by the quick turn of events, the near orgasm and the cock in her mouth. It had all happened so quickly. Now, just these 10 minutes alone to think had cleared her head and she went back into the office with a renewed energy and focus. She had a new plan and that gave her confidence. Underpromise and overdeliver was now overpromise and overdeliver. They now had an idea of what she was willing to do, so surprising them and exceeding their expectations would be tough, but she knew she could do it. Ever-conscious of her near nudity and the swirling glob of semen in her mouth, Cori sat down at her computer and began to type:

Job title: Hot Coed Intern/Office Slut Skills Required: Look hot, dress hotter; dancing; sucking and fucking; extreme flexibility a plus. Job Duties: 1) Provide stress relief and improve morale of full-time staff; 2) Accommodate all requests and demands with a pleasant and professional attitude; 3) Anticipate needs and desires of staff members and take initiative to fulfill them before being asked; 5) Improve physical and mental health of staff with frequent and vigorous sex; 6) Offer creative ideas and fulfill fantasies and fetishes of staff; 7) Utilize skills to further the cause of the company as requested in relations with colleagues, clients, vendors, etc. 8) Accept all cocks in any orifice with a smile; 9) Swallow and/or wear all cum offered as desired by staff; 10) Keep office supplies handy utilizing 38D-22-34 assets; 11) File, answer phones, make copies, etc. as needed. Dress Code: General rule, if it's sexy, it works. Less is more and tighter is better. General guidelines: 1) No bras ever. 2) High heels -- 4 inches minimum -- at all times unless otherwise instructed. 3) Either no underwear or thongs and g-string; 4) Skirts and shorts must be no more than nine inches from top to bottom; 5) Belly button must always be exposed, with catsuits being the lone exception. 6) Cleavage must be visible -- either top or bottom -- at all times. 7) Staff may request specific attire or alterations at any time.

As Cori was typing all of this, she continually reminded herself not to swallow the cum. Every time she had to swallow, she pinched the wad as best she could between her tongue and cheek, trying to keep as much of it from sliding down her throat as she could. She pictured the little sperm wiggling around in her mouth, scurrying between her teeth and wondered how many thousand of the little swimmers she had ingested in her life. And how many more she'd take in over the next few days. Taking care of seven guys now -- the five at work plus Harris and Ty -- was going to test even her extensive abilities and endurance.

She was thankful for the hard body she had been born with and had sculpted over the years through athletics and exercise and stretching. It was the peak physical conditioning that would enable her to service all of these men at a high level, for Cori was never one to lay back and be a non-participant. She put as much or more effort into fucking as the guy ever did, working her entire body to enhance his pleasure and hers.

She read over her job description and printed it out, satisfied that she was demanding plenty of herself. She took the paper into Barry's office and handed it to him, smiling but keeping her mouth closed.

Barry read it over carefully, smiling and nodding, obviously pleased with her work. "This is excellent work," Barry said. "And because of your attitude and obvious ability to handle all of these job duties, I hereby pronounce you our official Office Slut in Training."

Cori smiled and pointed to her mouth, eyebrows raised in question. "Not yet," Barry said, taking her hand and leading her into the open room they called the Bullpen. "Hey guys," he said, "Cori has convinced me that she should be our office Office Slut. She'll email you her job description. I'm sure you'll find it quite thorough and to your liking. If you have additional suggestions, please be prepared to discuss them during tomorrow morning's staff meeting. Now, Cori, do you still have something in your mouth?"