The Hard Body's Continuing Education Ch. 09.2


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When they walked out a few minutes later, Cori was oddly disappointed that she had fucked Hugh for the first and last time. He was a nice man and a surprisingly good lover. That's why she didn't protest when he whispered in her ear, "Remember, call me next week for another delivery."

Hugh hadn't been pretending. He thought they had struck a deal for a weekly rendezvous. Cori had just been playing around. She started to say something to that effect, but thought about her orgasm and how much fun the last 30 minutes had been. "Of course," Cori said. "I'll call you."

Hugh thanked the guys and left just as Harold, the security guard, stepped off the elevator. The guys scrambled to get Cori some clothes, but Cori didn't bother. Harold knew what was going on. She had told him as much before and he had seen her getting fucked out the window.

"Relax guys," Harold said. "I know what's going on and I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just wanted to check in and make sure things were OK. Mind if I talk to Cori for a minute?"

"No," Barry said. "Go right ahead. It's lunch time anyway. We're heading across the street to grab a bite. Party after lunch. Join us if you like."

"Thanks," Harold said.

"Come on," Cori said. "We can talk in Mrs. Benson's office." She was still naked except for her heels.

"You sound like you're coming down with a cold," Harold said.

"No, I'm fine. Just took some inhaler and my nose and sinuses are all stuffed now," she said. "It will clear out soon enough."

Harold closed the door to the office and they sat across from each other at the table. Cori let her breasts rest on the cool table top. She glanced around but didn't see any obvious stains on the table or carpet.

"Well, I know you've had an interesting morning," Harold said, letting his gaze fall to her breasts. "I just wanted to make sure you were all right. You sounded like you were enjoying yourself, but sometimes not everything is the way it looks."

"Yeah, I do a bit of acting sometimes," Cori admitted. "You know, whatever they want. But it's been a fun day so far. We're going to have a Halloween party this afternoon that's going to be pretty crazy and then that's the end of it. Mrs. Benson comes back next week and I'm sure everyone will be on their best behavior."

"You really think so?" Harold said. "I mean, you're all their fantasies come true. You think they'll be able to look at you and not want more?"

"I'm sure they can," Cori said. "They all have beautiful girlfriends – well, except Wes. And they're professionals. I don't think they'll jeopardize their careers and I certainly don't want to jeopardize my future by getting caught doing something stupid."

"All right," Harold said. "You seem to know what you're doing and what you're getting yourself into. I just wanted to make sure and let you know that I still have your back."

"Thanks," Cori said. "You know, these guys are OK. Barry's odd and Jason and Greg are arrogant and immature. Douglas is OK and I think I can trust Wes."

"Wes, yeah, I like him," Harold said. "Real nice guy."

"What makes you say that?" Cori asked, trying not to seem overanxious to know more about Wes.

"Well, he's always doing random nice stuff for folks," Harold said. "I mean, one day I mentioned that I liked going to the football games and a few days later, he handed me four tickets. Said he had season tickets and wasn't using them. Or there was the time my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the hospital. There was no one to cover for me here. He overheard my conversation with my boss and volunteered to fill in."

"Wow, that's really nice," Cori said.

"Yeah, funny that he's the only one without a girlfriend," Harold said, shaking his head. "Sometimes, you girls miss the best ones right in front of your noses and chase guys like Greg and Jason. Hmm, I suppose guys are the same, though. We chase big tits and tight asses and miss the nice girls. I guess we all hope we'll find the complete package – the nice girl who just happens to have the big tits and tight ass, too. Not many of you out there, though. That's why guys are so crazy over you, you know. You're not only beautiful, but you have the ability to hold a conversation and you have a great personality."

"That's sweet of you to say," Cori said. "I think guys are just drawn to me because I dress the way they want girls to dress and, depending on the situation, I fuck the way they want to fuck. But I like to think I'm more than a body."

"You are, and I just want to make sure you remember that," Harold said. "Horny guys have a way of making girls feel like nothing but their bodies matter. But I'm glad to see you don't lose sight of that. I better go."

He stood up and Cori hugged him and kissed his cheek. She felt a bulge against her thigh and realized that Harold was hard as a rock. "Sorry about that," he frowned. "I couldn't help it. We better go before I start thinking with my dick instead of my head."

"It's OK to think with your dick sometimes," Cori grinned. "And if your dick ever thinks about me, well, all you have to do is ask. I don't make that offer to just anyone, you know, even though this week might make it look that way."

"I understand that this week is different. I know you and what you're about," Harold said. "I can't say I'll never take you up on your offer, but I'm going to try not to. Just, please, put some clothes on once in a while. I can only stand so much temptation."

"You and every other guy," Cori grinned.

Harold left and the guys were still out to lunch. Cori ate a few pieces of fruit and some toast in the privacy of Mrs. Benson's office. She used her private bathroom to clean up and get dressed for the party. Her party costume was that of a princess, complete with a crown and a backless little black cocktail dress that hugged her curves nicely and just came about a quarter of the way down her thighs. She wore her nipple, belly button and clit rings, a white thong, no bra, creamy white thigh-highs and white fuck-me pumps that drew attention to her legs against the contrast of the dark dress. What wouldn't be obvious to the guys was that her heels, thigh-highs and thong were all made to glow in the dark.

Cori scurried to the kitchen and set out the punch (spiked, of course) and snacks. She turned on some creepy Halloween music and put a bowl of candy on each desk and waited for her guests, who returned a few minutes later. They had changed into normal clothes – khakis and polo shirts – and admired Cori's formal party attire as well.

She served them all punch and invited them to sit down at their desks for trick or treat. Much like the morning session, Cori was going to let the guys dictate their own actions, but she hoped to guide them by providing a structure and framework to the party. So long as they liked the direction she was leading, they would follow. And no man had ever complained about the view following her before.

"Hmm," Cori frowned. "I was going to come around to each of your desks and trick or treat. But I just realized I don't have a bag to put my candy in. Whatever shall I use? Oh, I know!" She reached under her dress, peeled down her thong and held it up. "This is made to hold sweet things, right?"

The guys all laughed at her little joke and she pranced sexily into Barry's office. "Trick or treat!" she said naughtily. "I want some yummy candy. What do you want from me – a trick or a treat?"

"A trick," Barry smirked. He motioned to a pen sitting upright in a holder on his desk. "Pick that up and give it to me – using only your pussy."

Cori grinned. The dude was weird, but it was a pretty creative way to start. She hadn't expected the guys to catch onto the idea so quickly, but Barry was going to make her bring out her best tricks right from the start. The other guys huddled around Barry's desk as Cori kicked off her shoes, hitched up her dress and climbed on the desk. Barry cleared off all the debris so that she had plenty of room to work. Cori carefully lowered herself into the splits, lowering her pussy slowly toward the metal ballpoint pen. She felt it brush against her lips and shifted slightly, guiding it inside her. She felt its cold metal against the inside of her pussy and clamped tightly around it. She felt it slip and let it go, raising up and re-positioning, lowering again, clamping on again. This time, she had it solidly in place and slowly raised up off the pen holder, pulling the pen with her. She squatted on the desk and inched forward toward Barry, who was sitting in his chair. Putting her hands behind her on the desk, she lowered herself onto her lower back and hips, careful not to bump the pen with the desk or her thighs. She used her hands to push herself across the desk until she was right in Barry's face. She opened her legs wide and told him to hold out his hand. Then, with a cutely scrunched up face and a little grunt, she popped the pen out of her pussy and right into his hand. The guys all applauded and Cori playfully held up her white thong, cupping the triangle that would normally cover her pussy mount as Barry dropped three pieces of candy into it.

For the next 20 minutes, the guys took turns making Cori perform similar tricks that tested the tightness and/or flexibility of her amazing body. Greg made her bounce a quarter off her firm ass and into a bottle. Jason made her use her breasts to squeeze all the toothpaste out of a tube. Wes made her pop balloons with her ass cheeks and Douglas made her use her nipples to type the sentence "Cori is a very naughty office slut" on his computer. Cori found that she had to stand over the keyboard with her breasts hanging down and use her hands squeezed around her breasts to punch at the keys hard enough to make the letters appear on screen. She laughed and giggled the whole time, wondering if she looked as silly as she felt, milking out one letter at a time. The guys were laughing, too. And pinching and squeezing and staring and taking pictures and videos.

Soon, Cori was wearing only her thong – having dumped the candy on her desk – and thigh highs and heels. The party continued as they all got buzzed on punch. The guys smashed cupcakes against Cori's breasts, then made her lick the frosting off or licked it off themselves. They stuffed gummy worms and candy bars inside her pussy, then fed them to her. They threw a collection of dildos in a trash can and made Cori "bob for cocks" – whichever one she came up with, they would stick in her ass or pussy until she pulled another one out between her teeth.

"OK guys, ready for something fun?" she asked, obviously knowing the answer. "I'm going to hide in the bathroom. I want you all to undress and then make this room as dark as possible. Put this black light in the middle of the room. You'll see why soon. And move the desks and stuff to the side if you can. The darker the better. You'll be able to see me, but I won't be able to see you. Put on some dance music and watch me dance for you and then do whatever you feel like, I guess."

Cori waited in the bathroom until she heard the dance music pumping and someone knocked on the door. She came out and the room was pitch black. They had turned off all the lights, disabled the emergency backup lights, unplugged phones and computers and TVs – anything that had even power buttons on them. There was darker than even she imagined, with only her glow-in-the dark thong, heels and stockings visible. She fought her urge to shuffle her feet and grope in front of her. She trusted they had cleared a path and took long, lanky strides to show off her legs as she moved toward where she thought the middle of the room was. She started twirling her hips and kicking her legs, dancing to the beat. She didn't bother with making her tits do any extra bouncing or swaying – this show was all about the legs and ass since that was all they could see. She pulled on her thong, showing them that she was playing with it. Then she tucked it between her ass cheeks, chuckling when they realized that part of the string had disappeared and where it must be.

It wasn't long before one of the guys joined her. She didn't hear him with the loud music, but felt his hands on her hips and his hard cock against her ass cheek. She swayed back and forth, grinding against him, trying to figure out who it was. But soon another man joined the party, dancing in front of her, his cock touching her belly as two men sandwiched her between them. The other three men could guess what was happening from the shadows moving around Cori's glowing body parts and kept their distance. They watched as Cori's thong was pulled to the side and she was lifted into the air. The saw her long legs lock around an invisible waist and her start to bounce up and down, seemingly suspended in midair. They saw the bouncing stop momentarily, the thong adjusted again and more shadows moving. Cori now had two cocks inside her – one in her ass, one in her pussy – and she was being lifted up and down by two men. From their torsos, smell and cock sizes, Cori was pretty sure it was Greg and Jason. She knew neither of them was Wes, for sure.

Cori heard the men grunting over the loud music, then heard her own ragged breathing as she let the cocks piston in and out of her in unison, matching the throbbing beat. She bit into one of their necks as she came, then was dropped gently to the floor. She knew they were close by and felt the cum splattering on her belly from two different directions. It glowed under the black light, just as she had hoped. They all saw her long legs and displaced thong and cum-covered belly. They also saw that cum lifted into the air by some invisible object – her finger – and disappear into a dark hole – her mouth.

She stood up and started dancing again and two more guys joined her. She thought it was Barry and Douglas. Soon, they two had Cori lifted in the air between them, eventually dumping their loads on her tits. She didn't cum this time, but her pussy was hot and bothered in anticipation of dancing with Wes, who was the only one left. Sure enough, he joined her, announcing his presence with a poke of his cock against her stomach. Then, her daring boy dropped to the ground and peeled off her stockings – she stepped out of her heels and then back in. Then he snipped her thong with a pair of scissors and threw the glowing object across the room. Now, they could only see her glow in the dark heels as he bent her over one of the desks in the corner of the room. She kept her legs straight and he took her from behind. She came less than a minute after he entered her pussy, then once more before he splattered her ass with white-hot cum. They waited until she ate it all before they turned the lights back on, clapping for Cori and her lights-out show.

It was now almost five o'clock and they all had places to be. Still, Cori had one more surprise for them.

"I guess you all wonder why I dressed like a princess," Cori said. "Well, I was thinking about Cinderella. You know how she had the slipper and the prince had to find the woman that it fit? Well, I had a little twist on that I thought you might like. I have five Y-shaped chains here. We're looking for the chain that is the perfect fit from my nipples to my clit. Two are two long and two are too short and one is perfect. You're going to each pull a chain out of this bag and you get to put it on me and see if yours fits. Whoever has the right size chain gets to take me home and if that trip home should require a detour to the back seat or a little cock-sucking while you're driving or whatever, well, I guess that's the price I'll have to be willing to pay. Sound fun?"

They agreed it did and each pulled a small gold chain from the leather pouch Cori had placed them in. She hoped Wes or Douglas would win, but was prepared for anyone and anything at this point.

Barry tried first, but his was way too long. He gave her tits a farewell squeeze and left. Greg was next and his was too short. He tried to make it reach and Cori had to double over to keep him from hurting her nipples. He watched Jason's come up short and the two jerks left together in a huff, not waiting to see who won between Douglas and Wes.

Douglas tried next and it was a perfect fit. Cori was a little disappointed, but perked up when Douglas said, "Look, I'd love to get one more crack at you, but I promised Steph I'd be home by 6 for a party tonight. Wes, bud, if you want it, it's yours." Cori tried to hide her smile, but Wes didn't. He grinned as he shook Douglas' hand and looked Cori up and down as if he couldn't believe his luck. Douglas left and Cori asked Wes what he wanted her to wear to the car.

"Hmm," he frowned. "We tore just about everything you had up. Or stained it. Or both. Let's see what's left over from your fantasy clothes."

He picked up a blue sling bikini. "Would you mind wearing this for me?" he asked. The way he asked was sweet, Cori thought. He wasn't ordering her and his tone of voice suggested that he would genuinely consider it a favor to him if she wore it. She wasn't surprised at his choice – the slings seemed to be a universal favorite. She supposed she understood why – the three points of contact, the ample amounts of bare skin, the teasing way one tiny string suspended in mid-air between the ass and shoulders held everything together, the constant possibility of a slip of the fabric baring a nipple or part of a pussy lip. Yeah, she could understand why a guy would like it. She removed her chains and nipple and clit rings and put on the tiny suit, which, like all the slings the guys had ever ordered for her, was a couple sizes smaller than she should be wearing, ensuring that the suit was pulled taut, the strings suspended over her skin, the cloth clinging to her featured body parts. He gave her clear stilettos to go with it.

"This place is a mess," Cori said looking back at the office as they prepared to leave. "I better come in this weekend and clean up. The janitors won't know what to do with it all." She jotted a note and stuck it to the door letting the cleaning crew know she'd be in on Saturday to straighten up. She joined Wes on the elevator and he promptly pulled her top straps to the side, baring her breasts, his hands poised on the fabric, ready to cover them back up whenever the elevator came to a stop. It stopped at the next floor down and several of the guys who had participated in the stairway gang-bang jumped on, excited to see Cori and her skimpy sling.

"I think we need to take another walk up the steps," one of them said, only half-jokingly.

"Sorry boys, I'm a one-man woman," Cori said, snuggling up against Wes. He wrapped his arm around her, his thumb resting on the side of her breast.

"Give her one for me, then," one guy said to Wes, giving him a thumbs up.

They got off the elevator and Cori looked for Harold, but he wasn't at the front desk. It was after five and she knew he often locked the front door after five on Fridays and made rounds between five and six, making sure the building cleared. The guys on the elevator all insisted Cori go first and she walked hand-in-hand with Wes while a half a dozen guys followed, all staring at her ass, many of them snapping pictures with their phones.

Wes opened the door to his Jeep for her and she climbed in, taking her time, giving him a good look at her ass before she plopped into the seat, making her boobs bounce for him.

"Man, I hope you don't mind me saying, but that was awesome walking out with you like that," Wes said. "Just showing you off to those other guys, knowing they want what I have – even though I know it's only for a few more minutes."

"It's OK," Cori said. "I know guys like that. There's nothing wrong with it – it's something in your genes. Every guy dreams of the trophy wife or girlfriend. I never thought of myself as a trophy, but I'm flattered that you think that way about me."