The Healer Pt. 02


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The color drains from her face, "This is your tent?"

He chuckles, shaking his head, "No. This is Quell's tent." Cutting off the conversation, his muffled hooves lead him out of the tent and into the night.

Coral stands there alone, trying to process everything. It never occurred to her that she would have a choice to mate with a centaur—she always assumed they would force maidens to do what they wanted. But now the question crosses her mind—would she? Her thoughts drift back to last night: the feel of his muscles rippling between her legs, his hand touching her face, his lips on hers, the way she brought pleasure to herself afterwards—was that something he would do for her? Her face begins to flush even though she is alone. She pushes the thoughts from her head and exits the tent. She needs a drink.

Reid stands several feet away and walks towards her when she reappears. She waits for him to tell her what to do but he just stands there, staring at her. Finally he speaks, "I'm just here to keep an eye on you, you decide where to go." His back hoof stomps somewhat impatiently.

"Oh," she says. "Have they started the feast yet?"


"Are you...hungry? Maybe we should go there?"

Reid nods and turns to lead her towards the far end of the encampment. A large cluster of the party lingers there; humans and centaurs alike. Most centaurs are standing with plates of food, some around tall tables while a few are resting on the ground holding their plates. The humans stand as well, some conversing with each other, some with centaurs; there are several barrels that have been dragged out to be used as make shift chairs around a fire. Hesitantly, Coral walks towards a wagon; the sides have been dropped down, the entire floor covered with dishes of food. She takes an empty plate, followed by Reid and fills it up with a modest portion. Choosing a spot away from most of the crowd she sits on the ground alone, her legs crossed under her dress, the plate in her lap. Reid walks towards her only to see Quell approaching; a nod from the palomino frees Reid of his guard duty and he wanders off to talk to another centaur.

"May I join you?" Quell asks, looking down at Coral. He holds two mugs in one hand and a plate of food in the other.

Still embarrassed by her conversation with Rainer moments ago all she does is nod. The centaur kneels down facing her, offering her a mug.

She graciously accepts, taking it with both hands, "Thank you," she mutters softly.

He sets the other one down, picking at the food on his plate, "I hope you do not think I am the reason you are here, Coral."

"I know you aren't, sir," she says into her mug, draining half of the liquid before realizing that it is mead. She wipes her mouth on her forearm, the cuff grazing her face. Unnerved, she looks at it for a moment before setting the mug in the grass and tearing some meat off of a bone.

He chews on a chuck of bread, swallowing before talking, "Yet you are upset with me?"

She shakes her head, "No, I am just...trying to adapt. It will take me a little bit."

Quell nods, "Rainer said that you would sleep in my tent tonight and that I am charged with your safety."

"Is that what he told you?" she queries, a little embolden as the alcohol hits her veins.

"Yes...why, did not tell you?"

"Aye, he did."

"But...?" He suspects she has more to say.

Fiddling with the meat on her plate, she takes a few bites. She knows that the centaurs don't waste much time trying to state what they are thinking. They tell it like it is, bluntly. She can feel her ears burn; he will find out eventually so she forces it out of her mouth, "Sir Rainer believes that you are fond of me. He chose me so that I could be your mate."

When he doesn't respond she glances up at him, seeing surprise on his face. He takes a moment to drink some of his ale before saying, "If he didn't believe you could feel the same way he would not have chosen you. But...I am fond of you, Coral. I am attracted to you, the way you are to me. Perhaps, in time, you could see me as your mate."

She averts her gaze, stuffing food into her mouth. Coral isn't exactly sure of what to say or do so she silently continues to eat, as Quell does, not wanting to push her. When she finishes her food she downs the rest of the mead, immediately feeling a little dizzy; the drink is stronger than she is used to. Drawing her knees up, her dress drapes down to the ground keeping her feet covered. She can feel the dagger digging into her skin as she finds somewhere to look; her eyes pass over the centaurs talking with humans, humans at ease amongst them. The pairing is jarring to her.

"What is your home like, master centaur?" She asks softly, trying to strike up a conversation because she can feel his eyes boring into the side of her head.

He sips his ale slowly, "Centuarna? Well, it is a large town nestled into a basin of mountains. I don't know the exact number, but there are maybe five hundred of us who live there and half as many humans. There are a few fields to one side of the town but most of our crops are grown on the other side of the mountain." He isn't sure what to describe, "I live in the castle with my brothers, the King and Queen and a few others."

Raising her eyebrows she looks at him skeptically, "Castle?"

"Yes," he nods, unsure of her question, "It is like a large stone house though it is much less than one would imagine a castle. It is built into the side of the mountain so some of the rooms are more like caves with doors. The doctor's surgery, as he likes to call it, is a large cavern in the lower part of the castle."

Coral knows what a castle is though she has never actually seen one with her own eyes; she has read about them before but it usually involves a princess, a prince and a dragon. She never truly believed in dragons but if centaurs exist it only seems logical that other creatures do as well. A thought occurs to her, "So Sir Rainer is actually King Rainer?"

"Aye," he says chewing on some food.

"And that makes you Prince Quell?"

He swallows, "Aye."

"Why aren't you addressed as such?" She asks, somewhat embarrassed at fumbling their proper titles.

"We are," he says, "though generally we drop the titles around the time of the Atonement. I am sure you can understand that letting townsfolk know it is the King of the Centaurs coming to collect, would make everything a bit more dangerous."

"I see," she says softly, "I am sorry for my confusion, Prince Quell."

"I would prefer you to just call me Quell," he says, handing his empty plate and mug to a woman who comes to collect it. She takes Coral's too, giving her a warm smile before wandering off.

She nods, "All right. Quell, I think that perhaps I will turn in for the night," though it is barely dark and she is used to staying up until rather late she feels uncomfortable sitting with him in the encampment. Not so much because he is a centaur but because she is attracted to him, he to her, and several eyes have been watching the potential match since they sat down together.

"As you wish," he says, rising when she does. He walks along side her to the tent, holding open the flap for her.

After entering he picks up her bag and medicine case and walks towards the partitioned off room on the left. It is sparse but more than she expected. There are several large pillows on the ground, a small table with a chair housing a basin and pitcher, a towel and a dimly burning lantern. Quell sets her items down against the wall, leaving her a walk way.

"I will be in this area here," he points towards the flap a few feet from her own, "if you need anything, just simply ask. I am close enough that I can hear you clearly but far enough to give you some privacy."

He lingers, gazing at her as if he is going to say something more but instead, he backs out of the room, letting the flap fall shut.

Coral knows she should try to process everything but her mind is warm and fuzzy with mead. She unlaces the front of her dress, slipping it off of her body, remaining in only her shift. She loosens her boots, kicking them off, finally able to unbuckle the knife that Piers insisted she wear; she slides that, very quietly, into her bag while pulling out her hair brush and a ribbon. Pushing off her wool socks she wiggles her toes, sitting in the chair to brush and braid her hair before tying it off with the ribbon to keep it out of the way. Taking the towel she dips it into the jar, wetting it just enough that she can wipe down most of her body, feeling almost as fresh as a bath.

Trying to decide how to sleep without a bed it occurs to her that the centaurs themselves probably do not sleep on beds. She knows horses sleep standing up and occasionally when they feel safe they will rest while kneeling or take a nap on their sides. She imagines that is what the pillows are for, to provide them with a little bit of comfort. Discovering a blanket she wraps herself in it before blowing out the lantern and lying on top of the mound of pillows. The angle is slightly odd, with her head elevated and her ass sinking downwards but it reminds her of the few times as a child when she would sleep against the sheep at night time.

The mead permeates through her giving her a weightless feeling, easing the tension in her muscles. As she lays her head backwards her eyes adjust and she can make out the outlines in the tent, back lit from a blazing camp fire that casts its shadowy light through the canvas. Coral can hear the soft thumping of Quell's hooves as he moves about on his side of the partition. She wonders what he is doing, her thoughts soon drawn to the night before; she remembers the feeling of his soft, fur covered muscled back rippling between her thighs, the aching she felt when she pressed her chest against him, the way he took her breath away with a single kiss.

She knows that she shouldn't but under the blanket her hand slides over her breast, rubbing at her nipples through the thin cotton of the shift. It makes her shudder and she can feel her cunt pulse, wetting itself. Her hand moves further down, pulling up the hem of the long under dress until she can feel her bare ass and thighs against the blanket. Her runs her fingers though the soft hair, pressing them deeper until she feels her skin; slowly, she rubs along the length, the feeling causing her back to arch. She strokes herself idly as she did the night before, her maidenhood growing wetter and as it does, she wants more.

Turning her head she muffles a moan into her pillow; her thighs clamp shut over her hand as she rocks her pelvis across her fingers, increasing her pace.

She freezes instantly when his voice cuts through the canvas, "Ms. Coral, are you all right?" There is a worried tone to it, a hint of franticness.

Coral does not know what to say, her body hot with desire but also embarrassment. When she doesn't respond Quell pulls the flap open and steps inside of her partition. There is enough light that she can make out the concern on his face as looks about. He is undressed, the faint lines of his muscled chest barely visible in the darkness. His dark eyes fall on her and he takes a deep breath; as he inhales the scent of her arousal she can see him shudder, sending a ripple through the palomino hide and out through a flicker of his tail. The realization crosses his face and he looks almost mortified that he mistook her sounds for danger; he starts to back out of the room, "I am sorry, Ms. Coral, I did not mean to—"

"Stay," she says so firmly she surprises herself as much as him. When he freezes in his tracks she speaks before she can think about it, "Will you stay with me for a little bit, Quell?" Her voice is darker than usual, almost gritty.

Quell, still frozen, is unsure if he should or not but each breath he takes causes her scent to intoxicate him more. Even in the shadows, Coral can see his cock grow and drop from his body. Quell takes a few steps forward, tilting down onto his forelegs, then his hind legs, until his body rests in front hers, but not too close.

Coral sits up on the mound of pillows and leans towards him—he does not hesitate to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close, their mouths connecting in a fervent kiss. She drops the blanket, her shift still hiked up, her bare calves pressed against the soft fur of his body. Deepening the kiss he runs his hands down her thighs until he meets skin; then, he traces them back up underneath the shift, up her ribcage, to her arms, only breaking the kiss to pull it off and over her head, leaving her naked.

The air hitting her bare skin causes her a shiver, her heart pounding rapidly while Quell's hands linger down her back to cup her ass. When they slide back up to her waist he lifts her up, slightly tossing her onto the mound of pillows.

Surprised by the sudden removal of his body from hers, she looks up at him, wondering if she did something wrong; from the way his eyes wander her body she can see a hunger in him, much like a wolf. He reaches out, running his hands over the tops of her thighs, moving towards the inside before he spreads her legs. Grasping them behind the knee, Coral starts to get nervous, wondering if this is the night she loses her maidenhood and what that would mean for her future.

Quell bends towards her, placing soft kisses on her inner thigh, causing them to twitch as he moves closer and closer to her wet cunt. When he shifts forward and buries his mouth into her lower lips, Coral gasps loudly. Quell releases her left leg, letting it rest on his bicep so he can reach up and place his hand over her mouth; as he does so, he drags his tongue across her clit, hand muffling her moaning. Continuing to nuzzle her womanhood he lets her right leg rest on his other bicep, his hand sliding up her stomach to her bare breast where he squeezes it, rolling her nipple between her fingers.

Coral feels so overwhelmed, she struggles to breathe. She clutches at the pillows below her, her hips responding as they thrust up to meet Quell's mouth. He senses her excitement and increases his pace, making her cry out against his hand. As the feeling rolls over her body, her chest tightens; finding it difficult to make herself to force air into her lungs, panic starts to creep over her. Though she tries to squirm away from him he holds her down, sucking almost harshly on her clit, until he finally forces pleasure to explode across her body.

She feels the bliss hit her like a rush of icy water, touching every part of her being; she cries out, the volume of her moan barely muffled by the hand covering it. Able to take no more her body jerks away from his mouth, the overwhelming sensitivity trying to get a reprieve from his attack.

Quell draws his face back, releasing her breast but still keeping his hand over her mouth to stifle her whimpers. He shifts closer to her, rolling to the side so that he can rest his torso on the pillows and hold her naked, svelte body against his. He smoothes stray hairs from her face, gazing down up on her, his eyes lusty and wanton yet he does not make a further advance. Leaning down he kisses her softly. Coral tastes the muskiness of her wetness on his lips for the first time.

She is not sure what they did, thinking it must be a kind of half sex as her maidenhood is still intact, not having been penetrated by his manhood. Staring into his eyes she knows that he did not experience the pleasure that he brought to her. Not knowing entirely what to do yet emboldened by the mixture of the mead and her orgasmic high, she sits up from his embrace. Placing her hand on his chest she runs it down the length of him, feeling fur under her fingertips, his hide rippling under her touch as she strokes down his back and across his folded hind leg.

"What are you doing?" he asks, his voice strained.

Her skin flushes red as she crouches next to his belly, seeing the vague outline of his cock resting on his folded foot, "I...I want to touch it," she looks up at him, barely able to see his eyes in the darkness, "May I touch you?"

His chest rises and falls rapidly before he gives her a slow nod. She has seen a horse cock before so she knows what to expect but when her fingers touch the soft skin at the base and she glides her hand up the length, to the sensitive unsheathed half and over the wide, flat tip she shutters when a quiet moan escapes his lips. She thinks back to what the woman behind her at the Atonement said, his manhood could tear you in half and she feels certain that it most definitely would. Wrapping it around the girth, her small hand barely makes it two thirds of the way. She adds her other hand, interlacing her fingers to encompass his width, running both hands across the entire length, discovering that it is almost as long as her own arm. He moves it in her hands, pressing against her to stroke in the opposite direction.

"Rest your back against my belly and spread your legs," he says firmly, his voice thick with lust.

Coral freezes, terrified by the massive cock in her hands; she now knows why Piers told her to chew on the mushroom.

Feeling a hand touch her shoulder and pull her closer to his fur, he says softly, "I won't take your maidenhood, you must trust me."

She gives in, feeling the wetness between her thighs increase, knowing that she wants more of what he elicited from her earlier. She lies on her side, pressing her back to his stomach and slowly lifts her leg up, exposing herself. She feels his manhood on her inner thigh, moving upwards until the tip presses against her stomach, the thick warm length of it against her cunt. His hands reach down propping her lower side on a pillow so that she doesn't lie on his front legs. He strokes her face, speaking softly, "Squeeze your legs shut over me and tuck your feet back between my mine."

Coral does as she is told, squeezing her thighs closed over the length of his cock, resting her ankles back between the soft fur of his hind legs. She gasps suddenly when he moves against her, his thick cock dragging backwards against her went cunt for what seems like an eternity until the wide flat tip touches the top of her soft hair; then, he slides it slowly forward along her length until the tip presses against the bottoms of her breasts. A shudder ripples through his hide and he leans his torso forward, reaching down, his hands cupping her breasts, kneading them and squeezing her nipples. As his long cock pulls downward against her Coral feels her entire body tremble with the building pleasure. When he starts to push forward she wraps her hands around it, lacing her fingers so that she can hold it closer to her body, keeping the base of it roughly rubbing against her clit. Quell moans at her touch, his speed increasing. Her body responds naturally, her hips grinding her cunt back and forth over him as he strokes himself against her; she feels her yearning making her thighs squeeze tighter, her hands grip him more firmly as he strokes faster and faster.

She gasps for air, unable to breathe when her body explodes a second time, convulsing over his cock as he moves swiftly. As she shudders and squirms against it, her mind drowning in a sea of bliss she feels it surge even wider in her hands. The flat tip expands before streams of his seed spew forth, drenching her breasts and stomach, dripping down on the pillow below her. His entire body shudders, his torso falling back against the pillows as she lies curled around his throbbing cock.

After a few moments she releases her hold of him, easing her feet out from his legs. He reaches to the table and grabs a towel, wiping off his cum from her breasts, stomach and cunt before pulling her down to him and kissing her tenderly. Drawing a blanket up to cover her, he wraps his arms around her and holds her close, both of them soon diving to sleep on the waves of their combined orgasms.