The Healing of Eve Ch. 10

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The following morning, we called John and arranged our travel. There were flights available for the next day and an early morning departure meant we could complete our journey to Teach Ceardaí without an overnight stay. I was glad, not wanting to face the inevitable disapproval of Helen, had we needed to stay under her roof. Martha arranged for Johnny to pick us up directly from the airport, saving us from the need to hire a car so our travel plans came together with remarkable ease.

After the arrangements were made, we took Eve back to her apartment, more for something to do than anything else. We found a pleasant young man busy repairing the door. It turned out he was a friend of Mike and a carpenter by trade. He had already repaired the cracks and was occupied in fitting new and more robust hinges when we interrupted his work. Eve repacked her case, which had been hastily thrown together by Beth the previous evening, and we returned home and spent the afternoon in the garden, keeping Eve occupied doing the small winter jobs that we hardly ever seemed to have the time to do. The outdoor work in the garden followed by a hot shower and a light evening meal, together with the prospect of 4am start to catch the morning flight drove us to an early night and I fell asleep quickly. I woke warm and comfortable, just before the alarm sounded, to the sound of Eve's gentle breathing as she slept between Beth and I. I saw Beth too was awake, but we lay quietly until the alarm rang, not wanting to deny Eve the rest she needed.

The flight was half empty and we had minimal luggage so within a few minutes of disembarking we found ourselves entering the arrivals hall. Johnny was there, waving cheerfully and we introduced him to Eve. He seemed very keen for Eve to sit in the front of the Land Rover with him, ushering Beth and I into the rear seats and dusting off the front seat as though suddenly ashamed by the state of his vehicle. I looked at Beth and could see that she too had noticed the tell-tale signs of the smitten male. The first part of the journey was comfortable enough and I dozed off in the back seat while Johnny and Eve were getting to know each other. But once we started on the boulder strewn track to the cottage, sleep of any kind was impossible and even Johnny became silent as he carefully steered the Land Rover round obstacle after obstacle.

By the time the thin plume of peat smoke from the cottage chimney became visible it was mid-afternoon and I was feeling a bit battered as the vehicle drew to a halt outside the gate I climbed stiffly from the back seat, and stretched, breathing in the stillness of the mountain air. The door to the cottage opened and Martha appeared, dressed in her outdoor clothes. She smiled in greeting and walked down the path to meet us. She seemed glad to see us, but her eyes betrayed her concern. Nevertheless, she greeted Eve warmly, taking her arm and walking with her to the door. Johnny, Beth and I followed behind, each carrying one of the cases.

Entering the warm kitchen, we found Martha and Eve deep in conversation and the smell of freshly ground coffee was more than wonderful. Martha had prepared sandwiches and we sat around the kitchen table enjoying the late lunch and drinking coffee. Of John there was no sign. He was resting, Martha informed us and would be down later. After we had finished our coffee Johnny departed. We said our goodbyes and watched the Landrover as it lurched its way down the track. I was not looking forward to the return journey, wishing suddenly that I had thought to pack my walking clothes.

We settled into our rooms. Martha had, understandably, given Eve her own room but I had no fears, there was nowhere safer than this cosy cottage, miles from anywhere. We showered away the grime of the journey and changed into our robes before congregating in the sitting room. Beth and I were sitting quietly, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the firelit space. The curtains were open and we watched in silence the shadows deepen as the pale sun dropped behind the hills. The door opened and Eve came into the room. Wearing her robe of china blue and with her hair loose she looked as lovely as I had ever seen her, the bruise on her cheek notwithstanding. Even as she started across the room towards us, the door to John's library opened and he stood for a moment framed by the doorway before slowly entering the room with Martha close behind. Eve stood transfixed, staring wide-eyed at the tall, robed man as he crossed the room. John wore a striking robe of rich crimson embroidered with arcane symbols, only some of which I recognised.

He came to a standstill in front of Eve and spoke to her gently in the deep resonant voice that I found so compelling.

"Sister Eve you are welcome here, Martha and I will do all in our power to make your stay with as comfortable as possible. You need only ask for anything you need. Beth and Hazel will have told you good things about us I hope." He smiled. "As you know I cannot see you with my eyes, but if you will give me your hands, I have other gifts which compensate for this lack." He held out his hands, palm uppermost and, shyly, Eve placed her small hands in his. John closed his fingers over her hands and as he did, so Eve gave a small cry of surprise and blushed a beautiful shade of pink.

John laughed, "You need not worry, your secrets are safe with me. But I sense that you have been hurt, your cheek is painfully bruised. It can be healed if that is your wish, and in that healing perhaps at least some of your curiosity will be satisfied."

Eve looked across at Beth and I, as though needing encouragement. I nodded almost imperceptibly.

"Yes, I'd like that," Eve said.

"Good," John said, "then perhaps we may call on Martha to help us." At this Martha rose from her chair and took John's place in front of Eve. Holding Eve's gaze in her own she gently placed her hand over the bruised cheek. Martha closed her eyes for a few seconds and then nodded to herself.

"Please take off your Robe." Martha's voice was sonorous, compelling almost hypnotic. Eve complied without demur, unbuttoning her robe, all the while maintaining eye contact with Martha. Eve slipped the robe from her shoulders, and I reached out and took it from her. Eve stood silently facing Martha, awaiting instruction. Martha's gaze travelled the length of Eve's naked body, perhaps looking for any other signs of injury. "Turn around for me," Martha said, and Eve turned. Martha gave Eve's back the same appraisal and then, nodding in apparent satisfaction, gently placed her hands on Eve's shoulders and turned her so that he two women faced each other once more.

After a moments silence Martha spoke, "You may now remove my robe," she said. Eve looked at me with the ghost of a smile on her lips. I was sure she was thinking back to that evening in our cottage when I had slowed her rush to take off my robe. It seemed she had learned her lesson. Eyes shining with anticipation she carefully untied the belt that held Martha's robe closed and, by sliding her hands beneath the enfolding fabric, opened the garment. Martha gave a small gasp of surprise and pleasure as Eve's hands deliberately traced the contours of her body to ease the robe from her shoulders.

Martha's pale skin and voluptuous curves stood in stark contrast to Eve's petite figure. Her full, rounded breasts were topped by delicate pale pink areolas and nipples, for now quiescent. My fervent hope was that my lips and tongue would have the opportunity to coax them into their full tumescent splendour. I shamelessly gazed at her glorious body, taking in her flat stomach, the fully shaved vulva, and the delightfully swollen outer lips of her pussy, like her nipples only a shade darker than her pale skin. I imagined myself teasing those tender lips apart and Martha's moans as I explored the secret places hidden within. I could hear Beth's breathing quicken and I knew that she too was aroused.

Martha glanced at Beth and I, as though she could read our thoughts, but she remained intent on her task. "You were right when you said that Eve was beautiful," she said, "it will be my pleasure to be the channel for her healing," and turning her attention to Eve once more she, ran her hands down the sides of Eve's body, pausing at her waist. Martha spoke quietly, "put your arms on my shoulders and keep them there," she said, and Eve complied, raising her arms as bidden and thereby thrusting her breasts invitingly forward. Martha sought them, splayed fingers gliding upwards over Eve's stomach until they reached the taut skin of her breasts. Eve gasped as Martha's fingers toyed with her nipples, coaxing them into swollen peaks. Eve's breasts filled Martha's hands, her long fingers massaged the firm flesh and engorged nipples as Eve shuddered with pleasure.

"Open your legs," Martha ordered and Eve, obeyed, spreading her feet apart. Leaning forward Martha began to suck and nibble at Eve's nipples, freeing a hand to explore Eve's body, long fingers tracing lines down her belly, around her buttocks and thighs. Eve's spread her legs wider, and her hands wound themselves in Martha's hair, guiding her. Martha's hand slid between Eve's parted thighs and carefully teased her labia open for a slender finger to push deep inside her. Eve cried out as Martha's fingers sought out her pleasure centres, exploring the soft folds of her pussy, opening her for deeper pleasure.

Eve's passion rose as Martha's lips and hands explored her, her gasps and moans becoming louder and more prolonged as her ardour increased. Before long, just when it seemed to me that Eve was on the point of orgasm, Martha paused, and taking Eve's hand guided her to the armchair facing us bidding her sit down. Martha knelt on the floor in front of the chair, pushing Eve's knees apart to spread her legs wide. Leaning forward, she closed her lips over Eve's swollen labia and Eve cried out at the renewed onslaught of pleasure tilting her pelvis upwards, the better to open herself to Martha's busy tongue.

John removed his robe and quickly knelt behind Martha. Pressing against he, he reached around her body and cupped her breasts in his hands, taking their weight in his upturned palms. His fingers sought her nipples and found the beautiful pink buds, deliciously engorged and ripe for his touch. At first circling them with fingertips and then, to the accompaniment of muffled gasps from Martha, began massaging them gently between finger and thumb.

The impact on Eve was immediate, her back arched in a rictus of pleasure that thrust her pelvis hard against Martha's mouth. Martha responded, pushing her fingers deep into Eve's pussy and clamping her lips over Eve's clitoris. John continued to work on Martha's breasts with sensual fingers and her muffled cries seemed to goad Eve to new heights of passion. Totally abandoned, she writhed and twisted like a dervish, her cries growing ever louder. I saw a new Eve, possessed by her lust, oblivious to everything but the need for release. And when her climax came it was as though her very soul screamed in ecstasy. Her body rose from the sofa, every muscle taut, and she hung there in an impossible arc until with a great sigh the tension went from her, and she fell back. The next wave was equally powerful, and her body was racked again by the irresistible force of her contraction. Martha was relentless, her fingers, lips and tongue worked in harmony wringing every vestige of feeling from Eve's shuddering body.

And, just as Beth had been healed, each wave of Eve's orgasm, caused the bruise on her cheek to fade a little more, until with a final convulsive twitch of her pelvis, Eve was spent and of her injury, there was no sign.

Eve lay back utterly sated. She jerked briefly when Martha's fingers were gently withdrawn from her pussy but otherwise remained still, eyes closed in bliss. John and Martha raised themselves to their feet and put on their robes. The meaningful glance they exchanged started me thinking. Although Eve had obviously just had the orgasm of her life, Martha had not climaxed. I was sure she had been close, even though John had avoided touching any part of her body more intimate than her breasts. Surely the most natural thing would have been for John to bring her to orgasm. Why not? I was puzzled.

These thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind as Eve emerged from her trance-like state and Beth and I helped her rise and put on her robe. She was touchingly grateful to John and Martha, not just for her healing but for the manner of its execution and at John's suggestion we went to our rooms, showered and rested. Beth and I slept for a while, but something caused me to wake up and not wishing to disturb Beth who remained sound asleep, I slipped on my robe and tiptoed downstairs, thinking to sit by the fire with one of the volumes from John's bookshelf. But when I pushed open the door to the sitting room, hoping its creaky old hinges would not disturb the others, I found John sitting alone, staring into the flames, apparently lost in thought.

John looked up at the sound of the door, "Martha..." he started, "Ah no, not Martha those are Hazel's footsteps unless I am going deaf as well as blind."

"Yes, it's me, I'm sorry to disturb you," I said, "the others are sleeping and I thought I'd come down and sit by the fire. I'll leave you in peace."

"No, "John said, "come and sit here, "your company is welcome."

So I entered the room and sat at the end of the sofa, close to John's chair. We sat in companiable silence for a minute or two but despite my wish to respect John's privacy my curiosity got the better of me.

"May I ask you a question?" I couldn't stop myself.

John nodded. If he was annoyed at the intrusion, he didn't show it.

"What was that healing all about?" I wasn't being very subtle.

John spoke gently, "Eve was hurt and I am a healer."

"And yet it was Martha who performed the healing, is she also a healer?"

"That's two questions," John smiled. "But I see you are not going to give me any peace until I explain things to you." He became serious. "Hazel, I'm not sure you realise the gravity of the situation we are in. We know we must free Eve from the corruption in her womb, but we do not know exactly what we're dealing with. There are powerful forces at work here, and they have a malign purpose, that much is certain. The healing ritual that we will perform tomorrow is not without its risks and Martha and I wanted to understand how Eve is likely to react during the ritual proper. That she came here with an obvious injury presented an opportunity and we took it. Martha does not have the gift of healing, at least no more than many other people, but she is able to act as a channel for my gift."

He paused as though wondering how much more to reveal, but I wasn't going to let him stop there.

"Tell me more about your gift," I said and smiled, "my body still tingles from Beth's healing."

"Ah yes," he smiled, "that was a joyful afternoon. I only hope we'll be able to look back on tomorrow with the same sentiment. As far as my gift is concerned, you have experienced it yourself. Put simply, I am able to direct the energy of sexual arousal to the purpose of healing. This is the gift that the God and Goddess have seen fit to bestow upon me and it is both a blessing and a curse. The power is to some extent transitive and that is what you saw earlier today. When Martha is aroused by my touch then she becomes a channel for my healing power. The power is significantly diminished through being proxied in this way, but Eve's injury was minor, and Martha was able to heal her without difficulty."

Some of the pieces of the jigsaw were starting to fall into place for me now. "But all you did was caress Martha's breasts, she didn't even climax, it seems almost cruel."

John laughed, "It's true, normally I would have brought Martha to orgasm. But as you must have seen, Eve was already beside herself with the intensity of her own experience, and you must remember the other aspect of my gift; channeling the energy of arousal amplifies the sensations of the recipient. You have experienced that for yourself."

I nodded, things were becoming clearer. "Tell me about it," I said. "I'll remember that afternoon for the rest of my life. I've never experienced orgasms like that before.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." John smiled," and for the record, I'll remember it too. And now I think you understand," John smiled, but his face grew grave as he continued. "The corruption within Eve makes her desperate for sex and she is already over sensitised to sensual touch. You saw for yourself how intense her climax was today and remember, I did not even touch her directly.

Tomorrow I must not only touch her but penetrate and ejaculate inside her." He paused, and then said quietly, "Martha and I are worried that the experience could be intense enough to stop her heart."

I remained silent, allowing John's words to sink in. The enormous responsibility of the task we were to undertake had become real for me and I was daunted by it. John must have sensed my disquiet because he reached out his hand and I took it in both of mine. Something of his profound reserve of inner strength flowed into me and with it my anxiety receded. I slipped off the sofa and knelt by his chair, guiding his hand beneath the folds of my robe. His hand was cool and dry against my skin and he moved his fingers slowly caressing the soft warmth of my breasts. We remained in that position for a few wonderful minutes, the subtle arousal prompted by the gentle movement of his fingertips on my skin restoring my strength and confidence.

The creak of the door opening broke the spell, and I sat back as Beth entered the room, hair disheveled and obviously not yet completely awake.

"I wondered where you were," she said.

"Come and sit down," John said. I have no doubt that Martha will not be far behind you. We should in any case talk about the plan for tomorrow and there are some things that we cannot discuss in front of Eve. After her experience this afternoon she will sleep soundly, so now is an opportune time."

I rose and sat once again on the sofa, Beth came and sat next to me, rubbing her eyes. As John had predicted, Martha entered almost before Beth was seated. She had changed into a bright blue silken robe which flowed over her body as she walked. She placed her hand briefly on John's shoulder before taking a seat in the remaining chair.

John paused before speaking and we waited in silence while he appeared to gather his thoughts. When he began to speak, his voice betrayed nothing of the concerns that he had spoken of earlier.

"So," he said, "tomorrow we will attempt to rid Eve of the evil that currently assails her. We will perform a ceremony not unlike that at which Beth was healed, but with a most important difference. To have any hope of destroying the evil within Eve, I must penetrate her and ejaculate. If we can achieve this, Martha and I believe that the corruption in her womb will be rendered harmless. It is not even, we think, necessary for Eve to orgasm to achieve success, but if she does so, the contractions she experiences at her climax will help in the expulsion of the evil seed. Judging by what happened this afternoon, she is likely to orgasm powerfully. So powerfully in fact that, as I said to Hazel a moment ago, I am concerned that may be too much for her body to take. We must be on our guard.

I cannot afford the risk of entering Eve too soon. I must not penetrate her until I am at the point of ejaculation. If one of you sisters would dedicate herself to my stimulation and the other two focus on Eve we could perhaps time it so that both Eve and I are ready to orgasm in close proximity, if not at the same time. When the moment arrives, I will enter her and at the release of my seed I hope she too will climax. I'm afraid that we must restrain Eve and it will be safest if I enter her from behind. Martha, we will need the spreader and the post, perhaps you could bring them."