The Healing of Eve Ch. 11

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It was just getting dark when we arrived back at the cottage. We rested for a while, showered, and put on our robes. The house was quiet and we remained in our room until just before seven, which was the appointed hour. The old clock in the hall had begun to chime the hour as we entered the sitting room to find John sitting quietly by the fire. Many candles illuminated the room and the smell of incense permeated the air. The wooden platform with its stark binding post was positioned in the centre of the room. On its surface lay three pots of scented massage oil and the spreader, the firelight glinting on its polished metal surface. Despite the solemnity of the occasion, I could barely suppress a giggle when I caught Beth's eye and recalled our earlier conversation, wondering what was going through her mind. She frowned at me disapprovingly and in any case the urge to laugh disappeared as Martha led Eve into the room. Eve wore a ceremonial robe of white trimmed with gold, fastened at the waist with a golden cord. The long, wide sleeves hid her hands, and a hood covered her hair. Martha's robe was the mirror image of Eve's, gold in colour trimmed with white. She was hooded too so that only the faces and bare feet of the women were visible as, arm-in-arm, they entered the room.

John stood to greet them, and the two women faced him in silence, an arm's length away. "Welcome Sisters," he said quietly, his face was grave, but his voice was measured and betrayed no fear. "Eve," he continued, "please tell us what we hope to achieve tonight and the manner in which we seek to accomplish it?"

Eve spoke clearly, "I wish to be free of the corruption that manifests itself as an imitation of pregnancy. My robe will be removed, naked then my hands will be bound to the post there before us, my legs will be opened and held apart by the bar that lies here. Beth and Martha will arouse me, doing with my body as they please. When you deem the time to be right, you will enter me and fill me with your seed." Eve drew back her hood. I gasped, she looked so beautiful. Martha had braided her hair and interwoven it with small white flowers. It was lovely and also practical, preventing Eve's hair from hanging over her face once she was bound in position.

"I know that there are perils before us," Eve spoke confidently, turning to look at each of us, "but there is also the prospect of ecstasy at your hands, and the hope of healing. I must accept the risk."

"Bravely spoken Sister," John said gently, "then let us begin. Who would you have disrobe you?"

This was a surprise, I had assumed that this would naturally fall to Martha, but Eve had been given the choice. She smiled and looked at me. "I would like it to be Hazel," she said, turning to face me, her eyes holding my gaze.

"I am honoured to be chosen," I replied, and stepping forward, lifted my hands to the nape of her neck and kissed her. Eve opened her lips and our tongues met in a gentle kiss, but deeply sensual. She sighed quietly as our lips parted and I ran my hands down the cross-over of her robe to where the golden rope held the garment closed. My eyes fixed on hers, I untied the cord. Her robe parted and the contours of her body were tantalisingly exposed. Around her neck she wore a silver chain from which hung a small, five-pointed star within a circle of sliver. Martha must have placed this charm there during Eve's preparation. My hands found their way beneath the folds of Eve's robe, and I rested them briefly on her hips, feeling the warmth of her skin, listening to the quickening of her breathing. My hands moved inexorably upwards, following the slender contours of her waist, seeking the firmness of her breasts, as yet concealed by her robe. I caressed her, splaying my fingers as my hands played over the mounds of warm flesh, feeling her nipples harden beneath my questing fingertips. And then, with her body quivering in anticipation, I opened my arms and the robe separated. There was an audible intake of breath from the others as I pushed the robe over her shoulders and Eve's beauty was fully revealed.

I stood back and looked at the vision that was Eve. On her left breast, over her heart, Martha had traced a design in Henna, a filigree pattern that spiralled from her swollen nipple, around and beneath her breast, across her stomach to finish by encircling her navel. Her skin shimmered in the flickering light; she had been anointed from head to toe with an iridescent oil. Beth simply stared in wonder, even Martha who had obviously spent much of the day preparing Eve looked in awe at the loveliness she had helped fashion. Eve stood quietly, the focus of our gaze, awaiting our next move and for the first time I felt sorry that John's blindness meant he could not share in the appreciation of Eve's beauty.

It was Martha who moved first. Slipping out of her own robe she took Eve's hand and led her to the platform, which she mounted. Martha positioned Eve facing the post with one of her feet on either side of the ring into which the spreader would later be clipped. Martha retrieved the spreader and placed it on the platform directly in front of Eve. Eve looked down at the unyielding bar of metal and leather, hard and ugly against the slenderness of her ankles and feet, and I saw a fleeting look of trepidation cross her face. Nevertheless, she opened her legs wide and Martha wrapped the cuffs around her ankles and buckled them tight.

Martha beckoned to Beth who turned to me and whispered, "may the Goddess be with us," before stripping off her robe and walking round to where the post rose solidly from the platform. Beth stretched out her hands and Eve took hold of them, supporting herself while bending forward until her hands rested on the top of the post. Martha meanwhile held on to the spreader so that Eve's feet remained in position. Wrapping Eve's slender wrists in the cuffs, Beth tightened the straps and Martha threaded the carabiner through the loop of the spreader. Eve was in position, and what a position. Eve was so tempting that for a moment I almost regretted choosing to serve John. Bending forward with her back horizontal, her breasts hung down, luscious and full, her nipples engorged and swollen, Beth, kneeling by her head was already reaching for the rich almond oil that would lubricate her hands as they coaxed new heights of sensation from those tender peaks. Martha too had an enviable task. Between Eve's legs, splayed wide and held fast by the spreader, the tight rosette of her anus contrasted with the sweetly open lips of her pussy. Martha's oiled hands were already playing over and around Eve's buttocks, straying closer and closer to the deep cleft between and the centres of pleasure there displayed.

I stepped over to where John stood. "Will you remove my robe?" I asked gently. He smiled, "of course," he said, and I took his hands, guiding them to the topmost button of my robe. With deft fingers, despite his inability to see, he found each button and without undue haste unfastened it. A frisson of desire gripped me each time his fingers touched my skin, however fleetingly, and I remembered why, despite Eve's obvious temptations, I had chosen this role. With the last button undone my robe fell open, John lifted it from my shoulders letting it fall to the floor behind me and then made my knees buckle simply by sliding the backs of his hands from my shoulders downwards and over my breasts. I managed to stay on my feet but the intensity of pleasure from even the lightest touch of his fingers was so great I almost fainted. Now I realised that John was right to be worried about Eve. If the merest touch of the backs of his fingers on my breasts could trigger so strong a reaction in me what would the effect on Eve be when he entered her.

I looked over to where Beth and Martha worked on the tethered Eve. Two pairs of hands were at work. Slick with oil they caressed and teased, fingertips and palms explored the erogenous geography of Eve's body without let or hindrance. Eve writhed and jerked under the sensory overload, the rattle of metal on metal from the stays that held her, underpinning the cries of passion that came at increasing volume from her lips. I needed to prepare John.

John's robe was tied at the waist, it was the matter of a moment for me to remove it and cast It aside. I ran my hands over his torso, feeling the musculature of his chest, his skin was warm and soft beneath my fingers. I walked around him exploring his body, reaching around him from behind. I pressed myself against him, feeling another burst of sensation as I pushed my breasts against his back. This was going to be good. My hands found his cock, already firm but not yet fully erect. I reached for the oil, smothering my breasts and deliciously lubricating my pussy lips. Slick with oil, I used every part of my body to stimulate him and he responded as I knew he would.

Squeezing his cock between my breasts, cupping his balls in my hands while sliding my soaking pussy lips against his rock-hard shaft not only had John groaning with pleasure but also hypersensitised my whole body. John's cock had only to touch my nipples or my clitoris for a few seconds and I experienced what I can only describe as a mini orgasm. And John too seemed to get extra pleasure when this happened, it was as though the flow of his gift had become bi-directional. Not one to waste such an opportunity I alternated between leaning forward, cupping my breasts in my hands and raking my engorged nipples back and forth across his shaft and standing on tiptoe, grasping his cock and playing its tip over my swollen clit. After a few seconds of either movement John's cock would begin to jerk rhythmically, he would groan with pleasure and simultaneously every muscle in my body would contract in an orgasmic spasm of pleasure so intense that I shrieked.

I would have gone on this way indefinitely but it became obvious that John was soon going to be unable to contain himself and after a particularly intense episode where, after masturbating him deep in my cleavage, I managed to get both my nipples at the same time against the twitching tip of his cock he panted, "Hazel, it is time." Fully in the throes of a deep orgasmic contraction and capable of nothing other than a writhing, groaning semblance of acquiescence it took me a moment to gather myself but once I had recovered my senses, I led John over to where Eve was tied.

Wrapped up in my own sensual world I had paid scant attention to what was happening to Eve but it was obvious that Beth and Martha had brought her close to the point of orgasm. Trembling with pent-up desire she whimpered quietly under the caresses that Martha and Beth lavished on her golden, oil covered body. With John in position, Martha used her fingers to open Eve's pussy lips and I guided the tip of John's cock between them. Placing his hands on Eve's buttocks he entered her slowly, deeply, burying the full length of his shaft within her. Eve's body went rigid, and she began to scream; a wail that seemed more like pain than joy and the like of which I had never heard before. John withdrew almost completely before thrusting deeply again and Eve's buttocks clenched, every individual muscle of her behind outlined through her skin. With a shout, John came, his body jerking convulsively as his seed flowed into her and as he did, so Eve began to climax. With a sharp intake of breath and John's cock buried deep inside her, her body became rigid as an extraordinary muscle contraction gripped her. She hung there for a seemingly impossible length of time until, with a great shuddering sigh, she was freed from its iron hold and, like a woman possessed, Eve began to milk John's cock with wild gyrations of her pelvis, screaming and shouting obscenities the like of which I cannot bring myself to record. Every few seconds the tumult of her unruly cries, John's shouts and the rattle of metal on metal would be shut off as Eve's body was overpowered by another muscle spasm, each one seeming more intense and longer lasting than the one before. No sooner was she released from its vice-like grip the frenzied undulations of her pelvis would begin again.

Now I saw at first-hand why John had been so concerned. The strain on Eve's body must have been immense. She was in a state of ecstasy, so profound as to be indistinguishable from pain, driven almost to the point of madness. Even more worrying, John himself appeared to be unable to intervene. He had climaxed, that was certain and Eve had been filled with his seed but he was still firmly erect, Eve held him inside her in the powerful grip of her vaginal muscles. He was in a trance-like state and did not seem to be able to able to break out of it.

I looked at Beth and her face too betrayed her deep concern but it was Martha who moved to intervene. She stepped towards John, taking him by the shoulder. Her touch seemed to rouse him, but something was clearly not right. Martha waited until Eve's body was released from the rictus of a contraction and in the moment of respite before her frantic gyrations restarted, pulled John backwards extracting his cock from Eve's pussy.

Eve folded like a rag doll, and she was left hanging grotesquely from the cuffs around her wrists, her head lolling forward. Beth rushed to her aid while I went to help Martha who was supporting John's weight as best, she could. John remained conscious but was barely able to stand. Between us Martha and I managed to maneuver him to his chair and lower him into it, and then I turned to Eve. Beth was busy freeing Eve's wrists, and she seemed to be recovering. Her eyes opened and she was able to support herself on all fours although her splayed legs remained held by the spreader.

"Free me," she said. There was an imperative in her voice that I found unnerving, nevertheless I bent to unbuckle the straps that held her ankles. It was then I noticed the trickle of blood, running down the inside of her thigh.

"Eve you're bleeding," I said.

"Free me now!" This time it was a command, and a side of Eve that I had not seen before. I released the buckles from around her ankles and Eve rose to her feet. As she stood up, a gout of blood, gushed from her vagina and splashed onto the wood of the platform. She looked at it with an expression of such contempt on her face that I recoiled in shock.

I stared at her, suddenly terrified. The room had turned icy cold. Eve stood in the centre of the platform, her legs and feet spattered with blood. She looked around at us with hatred written on her face and there in front of our eyes, she began to change. Her perfect golden skin mottled and puckered, and her limbs began to twist and distort. The lovely face became a monstrous parody, of itself, hideous to look at. With a withered hand, whatever it was that had been Eve, ripped the silver talisman from around its neck and with a snarl through blackened, misshapen teeth hurled it at Martha. It fell to the floor at her feet and perhaps instinctively she drew it to her with outstretched toes and hid it beneath her foot. The appalling transformation continued; Eve's pert breasts shrank away to nothing and to my horror her sweet pussy lips bloated and pulsated, morphing into a large, wrinkled scrotum while from between her legs emerged a priapic phallus of superhuman length and girth.

Sick with fear, I realised that could not move, some force held me fast and I saw that the others too were powerless, we could only look on with horror as Eve was transmogrified into a loathsome travesty of our beautiful sister. The hideous creature eyed us balefully and spoke in a voice that chilled.

"You fools!" It spat, "what did you hope to achieve with your pathetic rituals? My spawn is no more thanks to your untimely meddling but through your ignorance you have opened the way of existence for me, and I will undo all that you have done, and more."

The creature leered at us, its hand curled around the shaft of its enormous erection, and it masturbated itself suggestively. "Which of you three shall it be?" Its gaze rested in turn on Martha, Beth and I, as though sizing us up. With a shudder of revulsion, I understood its intention.

"I will let you choose," some semblance of glee crossed the creatures face. "Come," it said, "who will be bound to this post? Whose legs splayed with this unforgiving bar? Which of you will fill this house with their screams when I impale their poor human pussy with my proud organ? Come, I lose patience. Which of you is to be the mother of my daemon child?"

Before I could even begin to take in the obscenity of the creature's proposal Beth's voice broke the silence.

"Let it be me," she said.

"No!," Martha and I found our voices simultaneously, but we were silenced by a wave of the creature's vile hand.

"You Beth," the creature stared at her, "how noble. You may console yourself in that at least you need not undergo a long pregnancy, the daemon child will be born within the hour. You should consider yourself privileged."

I found myself able to speak and move again. "Beth, you can't do it, let me. You'll die," I could not repress a sob.

"How touching," the creature sneered. "Well Beth, are you going to let Hazel take your place? She's right you know, you may die, your puny body may not be able to withstand the pain of my penetration, never mind the birth that will inevitably follow. But it matters little, if filling you with my organ kills you, I have Hazel and Martha in reserve."

But Beth shook her head. "No Hazel, this burden falls to me. Let it be done." And, turning to the creature, she said. "I have strength enough for this, foulest of the foul. The Goddess will protect me.

"What about you Martha," the creature grimaced, "are we not to have some touching display of altruism from you?"

Martha said nothing but slowly shook her head. I didn't blame her. It was not her battle.

"Enough of this," the creature snarled, picking up the spreader and opening it to its fullest extent. "You two, tie her, spread her legs wide with this and we will see whether the Goddess cares to save her." He turned to where John remained seated in the chair, still apparently paralysed.

And you, Brother John, as the result of your arrogance, you will have the pleasure of watching the torment of your sisters with no hope of aid from you. It beggars belief that in your folly you thought to thwart my plans. But no, I forget you are blind are you not? Then I will make you see, the better to appreciate the spectacle." The creature pointed a bony finger at John and he winced as though experiencing a stab of pain. But when the creature lowered its hand, John blinked and looked around, it was immediately obvious that he had regained at least some of his vision. His face was ashen, but he betrayed no emotion.

The creature dismounted the platform, handing the spreader to Martha. "Get her ready," it said.

Beth stepped onto the platform and faced the post, leaning forward to place her hands where the cuffs hung from their short chain. Forcing back tears of rage and fear I wrapped them around her wrists and tightened the buckles. The spreader bar seemed impossibly long, but Beth the dancer opened her legs with apparent ease, standing on tiptoe while Martha bound her ankles to its ends. Martha attached the spreader to the platform, and I handed her the pot of oil. She poured a generous helping on to her hands and copiously applied it to Beth's wide-open pussy.

"Get back," the creature ordered, its voice cruel. We had no choice but to retreat, leaving Beth at the mercy of the beast. Its priapic phallus between its hands, the hideous creature approached her, helplessly exposed to its malign intentions. It reached a foul hand beneath her body and roughly fondled her breasts. I saw Beth bite her lip at its distorted fingers toyed with her nipples, but she allowed no sound to escape. The creature grunted and moved itself slowly around, dragging its hands down's Beth's body, which shuddered at its every touch. Finally, the creature took up a position directly behind her and, grinning insanely, pushed the tip of its monstrous phallus between Beth's spread-eagled thighs to rest against the opening of her pussy. Its girth was impossibly large for Beth's tight pussy, she would surely be torn cruelly by any attempt to enter her. Beth recoiled from the creature's intrusion, but even her lithe body could move only a tiny amount. I closed my eyes, unable to witness the violation, as the creature poised to force its way into her.