The Heart Never Waits


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"Oh? Did you cancel your date for our Valentine's dinner? That's funny. Fuck off if you don't like it, Kara. You stroll in here and expect me to fall to your feet, stop my life, and just take you back like nothing happened? If that's what you expected, you're fucking crazier than I thought."

"Stop it. I don't care about her or any other girls. I want you to give me a chance. We're still husband and wife; you owe me that."

"I owe you shit! You messed this up, not me. You don't tell me what I should do or how to act. If you want to be with me, you'll have to get in line and earn it. Where are you staying?"

"I have a room at Motel Six on the freeway."

"Get your things and move into my apartment. It's two bedrooms, and you can stay there until we figure things out. Did you bring the divorce papers with you?"

"No, of course not; I ripped them up. Can you please cancel your date with Patricia and spend the time with me?"

"Hell no, I plan on taking her back to my apartment and fucking her all night long while you listen from the other room. If you don't like it, go back home. I didn't ask you to come here, and you don't deserve anything from me. So, what's it going to be?"

Deflated, she looked at her hands and said, "I'll bring my stuff over and let you punish me, if that's what it takes. I get it, and I deserve it, and I'll do whatever you say. Just promise to give me another chance."

"Nope, no promises from me. Look, let's see how it goes. How long are you here for?"

"As long as it takes. I took a leave of absence from work when I found out where you were. I'm willing to give up everything to get you back. I plan to win you back and prove my love."

"OK, but it won't be easy. Remember what I said? I'm not that guy anymore, and I'll kick you out of my life in a minute if you give me a reason. Like I said, I don't put up with disrespect from anyone, especially the women in my life. Do you understand? This might not be what you expected."

"I understand, and trust me, I'll never mess up like that again. I know what I want, and I want you back."

"Get your things and bring them back to my place. Here's the address; there's a key under the mat."

"Can you drive over with me and help me? The hotel is not in a good area, and I couldn't afford to stay in town."

"Absolutely not; you're on your own. Do it yourself; I have other things to do. Remember, I'm not that guy anymore, so get used to it. Besides, I have to play a few songs with the band tonight; I'm not sure when I'll get back."

"Can I watch you play tonight?"

"Whatever you want to do, I'm not your boss. Watch me play; go find a guy to fuck; I don't care. When you finally get to the apartment, move into the empty bedroom. I'll see you when I see you."

With that, he left $20 on the table for the drinks, left her sitting there in a daze, and finished his shift before heading to the lounge to play a few songs. He could tell her head was spinning from the conversation and the fact that he didn't give a shit about her anymore. After their talk, he wondered if she would show up at the apartment, but he had no intention of getting back early to see her. Instead, after his time with the band, he went to one of the other bars in town, met some friends, and didn't get back until about 3 AM. He peaked in the spare bedroom, and sure enough, she was sound asleep, obviously exhausted from her long drive and the stress of seeing him today with Patti.

Chapter 10: Date Night with Patricia

After a night of drinking and dancing with Patti, they strolled into his apartment at 2 AM and went straight to the bedroom, where he fucked Patti for the next two hours. She was a screamer and always enjoyed his thick cock. Yes, none of the girls complained about his size, and in fact, his size and endurance are what made him popular with the local women. Just like the others, she wanted to spend the next day with him, but he chased her out.

Unlike before, when Old Josh wanted to cuddle and have a relationship, New Josh just wanted to fuck and send them home. He was still amazed at how treating them this way made them want him even more. Damn, these women were fucked up, but now that he learned the secret, he had access to untold amounts of pussy. OK, he became a bit of a dick, but almost all the women he met wanted to be treated this way. He wished he had learned this when he was younger, but he was raised to respect women and treat them special. What a fool he was.

Kara was sitting at the kitchen table when Patti was leaving the next morning. Kara just waved to her as she left with a frown on her face. He could tell she wanted to say something about last night, but to her credit, she just sat there and tried to stay calm. He almost felt bad for what he had done and how she felt, but he caught himself and was not going back to being that useless wimp.

"Good morning. What do you have planned for the day?" He asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"I was hoping we could spend the day together and catch up."

"Sounds good; I have a free afternoon. Let's have lunch."

For the next two weeks, he treated Kara like a houseguest and nothing more. He continued to go out with other girls and not discuss his dates with her. It was driving her crazy, but to her credit, she sucked it up and patiently waited for him to make a move. He fully expected her to give up and go home, but apparently, she was not leaving without him.

She was trying hard to win him back with breakfast, dinners, and her sweet charms. Kara was her old self and the woman he still loved, but he was not about to give in so fast. Finally, after a month of torture, she asked him to take her to dinner, and he agreed.

During dinner, Kara started the conversation, "Honey, I've been here for a month and watched and listened to you with a dozen beautiful women. Are you done torturing me? Are you going to stop being this asshole and realize the woman who loves you more than anything is begging you to take her back? I know you love me, and I accept all the punishment, but how much more will I need to endure? I'll wait, but it would be nice to know how much longer you intend to hurt me."

She had been a good sport over the past few weeks. He brought Kara home on numerous dates, telling her to leave if she didn't like it, but she could stay as long as she wanted. He didn't get any pleasure from seeing her agony, but he trained himself to just not care. The New Josh lost all his emotional ties and now just cared about his own feelings.

"Look, Kara, I didn't ask you to come here. In fact, I didn't want you back, which is why I sent you the divorce papers and left you. On the other hand, I never stopped loving you, and I guess you're right; I have been punishing you in some way, and that's not fair. I really don't care if it hurts or if you're upset, but I'm not enjoying things like I used to when we were a couple. I'll stop seeing some of the other women for a while and see where it goes. I just need to see if we have anything left. But I'm warning you again: one fuckup and you're gone. Just one flirt, one out of the way comment, and I'll throw you out onto the street."

"Oh, Josh, that's all I'm asking for. Please let me prove how much I want us back. I miss our life together, and everything I did was a big fucking mistake. I realize that now, and trust me, you won't be sorry."

He continued to date Patti more than the other girls. She was amazing in bed and satisfied his needs better than any of the other women, but there was no love or deep feelings like he once had with Kara, which he did miss. Over those weeks, Kara became friendly with Patti and even spent time having lunch and shopping together. Apparently, Kara decided to use her brains and strategically try to move Patti out of the equation.

On one occasion, after he was done fucking Patti, she left to get a drink as he relaxed and enjoyed his post-copulation time. He grew tired of waiting and closed his eyes. As he was drifting off to sleep, he felt Patti getting back into bed, but then he felt another body getting in on the other side. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see Kara and Patti both naked and looking down at him.

For the rest of that night, he was the spectator for these two beautiful women, who were satisfying him and themselves. He never knew Kara to be so open or interested in another woman. Since he no longer felt the need to orally satisfy his dates, Patti used Kara's tongue to bring herself off, while stroking his hard cock. To his amazement and excitement, Patti returned the favor, and he enjoyed watching these two sexy girls in action.

After they both satisfied each other, he fucked both women several times that night. It was by far the most amazing sex he'd ever experienced, and he wondered where this might end up, but he relaxed and just let it happen, releasing any emotional ties to either woman. The 'I don't give a shit' attitude was a game changer. It helped him keep his sanity and made the woman crazy with a desire to win his attention. They wanted what he was unwilling to give them. He silently thanked Casey once again for his life-changing videos.

Chapter 11: Valentine's Day — Deux

Ironically, everything came to a head one year after that Valentine's Day disaster. Patti had made plans for a special night with Josh, and he was told to wear his best clothes, and she would pick him up at 7 PM. He was looking forward to a fun night and was ready to go when the doorbell rang.

What he didn't know was that Kara had won Patti's heart and told her how much she still loved him. Kara convinced her to swap places for their date that night. After Kara told Patti her story and what had happened, why she did it, and how badly she wanted Josh back, Patti understood and felt sorry for her and was happy to help Kara in her quest to save her marriage.

You can imagine his surprise when he opened the door to see Kara standing there in that black dress, the one she wore for David. She must have spent the day at the salon because she looked incredibly sexy, and he felt some of those old feelings coming back.

"Hi baby, Are you ready for a fun night?"

"I'm confused. Where's Patti?"

"She couldn't make it, and I'm taking her place. I'm your Valentine's date tonight; let's go."

Kara pulled her car up the valet and waited for Josh to take her hand as she led him into the upscale restaurant. She arranged for the best seating at the window overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. The restaurant was decorated for a romantic evening to celebrate Valentine's Day.

After they were seated and their drinks arrived, Josh spoke, "This should have been our scene a year ago, and none of this would have happened."

"Baby, not tonight. Let's not think about the past; let us just enjoy the evening and each other's company. Tonight, you're my Valentine, and I'm hoping Cupid arrives and shoots you with all his arrows," she said with a wide smile, touching my hand.

They enjoyed the evening and didn't think about the past again that night. He decided to enjoy his sexy wife, great food and drinks, and see how the evening turned out.

The music was romantic, the wine was wonderful, Kara looked incredibly sexy, and Josh felt himself wanting her once again. After dinner, they went to the lounge and worked on another bottle of wine, and as they sat and kissed like high school lovers. They danced to several slow songs and enjoyed being together and intimate again.

By the end of the night, they were both over the limit and not able to drive. The evening went better than Kara had hoped for, and she surprised Josh by taking out a room key for the hotel. She took him by the hand and led him to the elevator, rubbing his cock, kissing him, and attacking him relentlessly.

She arranged for the honeymoon suite with a bottle of champagne on ice. Josh was shocked when he entered the room and saw the rose pedals on the floor, soft music playing, the champagne, the large heart-shaped bed, and the amazing view.

"Wow, you outdid yourself tonight, baby," and then he took her in his arms and threw her onto the bed. For the next unknown number of hours, he took Kara with a passion she had never seen. He was the man in charge — strong, forceful, and in control. She loved this man and what he was doing to her.

He fucked her hard and long and came several times in her pussy and mouth. She swallowed like a dutiful girlfriend, smiled, and thanked him for the great sex.

Chapter 12: Their Future

Josh told her she would have to go back to work because he wasn't ready to start his job and would continue to be a bartender until he decided what he wanted to do. He wasn't ready to cut his hair and pretend to be the old Josh. Josh was dead, and he wasn't sure where his new life would lead, but one thing he was sure of was that it would be on his terms. Kara understood that he was in charge of their relationship and knew how fast she would be out of his life if she ever messed up again. She was committed and eventually convinced him to forget the divorce.

Back home, Jonny the Kid's YouTube reputation followed him, and he was asked to play for a local band, which he did on Saturday nights. Of course, Kara was there to keep the women away. He enjoyed her new-found loyalty and jealousy. He was now the one who was being respected and in demand. He treated her better than she deserved, and their love grew strong. Because of their new relationship, they stayed committed and exclusive. They almost lost it all because of his weakness toward women, which is what ironically turned things around for the better.

Chapter 13: New Beginnings

Six months after moving back to their hometown, they were out for drinks with her sister Karen and husband Donnie at the club Josh was performing at. Everyone knew him and gave them the best table and VIP treatment. He was now the popular guy, no longer the quiet, laid-back husband.

After his second drink, he spotted David the moment he walked into the club and then noticed his face light up when he spotted Kara sitting at their table. After a few songs and a new bottle of wine, Josh felt his presence as David ominously stood beside their table. Looking directly at Kara, he started speaking to her as if she were alone.

"Hello Kara. Would you like to dance?"

The look on her face was priceless. She was scared and nervous, not sure what Josh would do. He found the entire scene entertaining, as even Karen squirmed in her chair. Kara was having a minor heart attack as she looked at Josh for help, but he remained calm and motionless. He didn't say a word and was going to let Kara handle this on her own. To his satisfaction, she quickly answered David.

"Sorry, I'm only dancing with my husband tonight."

Not liking her answer, and with anger in his voice, he spoke loudly, making sure everyone heard, "Really? After all I've done for you two? Your husband doesn't mind me taking you out for a few dances, do you, Cucky?"

That kicked his bad boy attitude into high gear. Nobody, including this asshole, was going to disrespect him ever again. He guessed David didn't get the memo that Josh the Cuck died, and Jonny the Kid was not putting up with any of this. In a flash, he sprung out of his seat and delivered a devastating uppercut to David's chin, using the full force and leverage from his legs. David actually lifted an inch off the ground as Josh felt David's jaw cave in from his punch. He watched, as if in slow motion, as David fell onto an adjoining table, unconscious.

Josh calmly sat down as Kevin, the bouncer, came over and removed David from the restaurant. The staff made sure they were all OK and apologized for the nuisance. The guys at the club covered his story when the police arrived, and David was escorted to the hospital.

Kara gave Josh the sexiest smile, took his hand, and said, "Thank you." He could tell his actions got her excited and made her panties dripping wet. Karen looked at him in a new light and with new respect. There was no doubt that the cuck was dead, replaced by Jonny the Kid, the take-charge guy responsible for his actions. He took his wife home that night and fucked her tight pussy until she passed out. He didn't stop until he was satisfied, and all his anger over David's appearance was released.

Chapter 14: Together Again

Things worked out, and their new relationship flourished. He continued to fuck Kara hard and, on rare occasions, felt generous enough to give her pussy the oral attention she craved. Their sex life was hitting new highs as Kara enjoyed the New Josh, and he enjoyed the new heightened sexual version of his wife. She opened fully to his desires and needs and lived to keep him happy and satisfied.

Remembering that amazing night back in Biloxi, when he fucked both Patti and Kara, he wondered if he could convince Kara to do it again. Several times he asked Kara if she would like to invite Patti to their home for a reunion weekend. That only earned him a hard punch in the arm and another round of hot sex.

They started over with a renewed relationship and understanding. Kara would never underestimate Josh again. New Josh was now in charge and kept his position as the husband — the King of his castle. And as long as his Queen understood that he was the King, their marriage would stay strong.

An afterthought about Reconciliation

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." — C.S. Lewis

Copyright © CindyJohnson. All Rights Reserved

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Well written. loved the exposé of the real Josh as a hideously selfish man who sexually abused his wife and then treated her cruelly.

The story is a great warning to women to really get to know the inner person before you commit to love them.

Kara gave herself totally and was committed to do anything to please her husband. He never really appreciated her and would never provide the security and monogamy she treasured.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

He became a wimp again the minute he told her to wait for him in that bar where he was singing and she found him. I don't get the reciting a novel about when, where, and why .. its done, its over!

LechemanLecheman26 days ago

Love the Lewis quote, very true and a great story - well done.

ImshakenImshakenabout 1 month ago

It was an enjoyable story. It's nice when a marriage succeeds. 5 stars. That said, the premise seems a bit farfetched. A wife going to a stranger to increase her sexual prowess for her husband? Why would she be more comfortable with her self perceived flaws or inadequacies with a stranger than the man she "loves"? Still it's the author's creation and universe we just read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Josh got his balls back by getting back with the lady who cuckolded him.

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