The Hidden Cove


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Jenny went out and sat at a table where the setting sun shone on her. Clay mixed a Santa's Surprise, a drink the Red Dog made during the Christmas season -- Cuban rum, eggnog, a little whipped cream on top, a sprinkling of nutmeg and a candy cane to stir with. The surprise was the double shot of rum.

He took the drink to her table and set it down in front of her, real close in front so his arm brushed a breast. She jumped a bit and laughed. "Naughty boy."

If only, he thought, as he walked back inside to take an order of fish tacos to a couple of different tables. It had been too long since they'd been together. He served the taco platters, then parked himself behind the bar again. Daydreaming a bit, he watched Jenny as she sipped her drink, leaving a bit of the whipped cream on her upper lip. She was looking out at the sunset and stirred her drink slowly with the candy cane. As he watched, she put the cane in her mouth to suck the whipped cream off, then left it between her lips.

Clay started as he paid more attention. With the candy cane between Jenny's lips, and the bit of whipped cream on her lip, it looked a little like she was... He thought back to Josephine in her Santa hat, crouched in front of Joe at the wheel. Damn.

Jenny didn't stay late since she had to work earlier than usual the next morning. Before she left, she stepped behind the bar to give Clay a kiss. When their lips met, she pushed her tongue into his mouth to taste him and reached to touch him through his shorts. Breaking the kiss, she smiled at him. "I can't wait to see you again."

Clay watched her walk out of the bar again, hips swaying, cheeks moving under the tight material of her shorts. She stopped in the doorway and blew him a kiss. His cock stirred.

That night, Clay tossed and turned as images of Josephine sucking Joe's cock and Jenny sucking on her candy cane fought for prominence in his mind. When he woke up, he felt like he hadn't slept all night.

The morning, though, was bright, sunny and already warm when he woke up at 10 a.m. No sign of rain. The house was quiet, everybody was gone. Clay wandered into the kitchen, made a cup of coffee and put together some toast and jam. As he munched his toast, he remembered Jenny saying she had to work earlier than usual. He reached into his boxers and absently fondled himself as he wondered when she'd be done at the hospital. After last night, he really wanted to see her again, get her clothes off and... his mind wandered again to the Jo Joe.

With a few hours free before he had to head to the Red Dog, Clay collected his camera gear, including a long telephoto lens and a light tripod. He'd decided to head up Cliff Trail again; see if anything was going on in the good light today, maybe even see if whales were in the cover or patrolling outside it. Yeah, right, he thought.

An hour and a half later, Clay was at the top of the Cliff Trail, looking down to where the Jo Joe tugged at her anchor line. Nobody was in sight, so Clay pulled out his small binoculars again and swept the surface of the water in the cove, out through the entrance to it and beyond to the sea. Nothing. Anywhere. He sighed.

Sweat was running down Clay's back as the sun rose and shone down. Yesterday's rain made for high humidity; he could almost feel it coming out of the ground around him. He pulled a Coke out of his pack and pounded it back, then ducked under a tree for some shade. Leaning back against its trunk, he dozed off in the heat.

Clay woke up to music. Groggy, he shook the sleep from his head and looked around. Oh yeah, Cliff Trail. The music continued and he looked around for its source. His ears drew his gaze to the Jo Joe, where the two of them were on deck again. Clay picked up his binoculars for a look. Joe, who actually had sunglasses and shorts on for a change, along with his Santa hat, had a portable stereo with him and he was loading CDs into it. Tunes blasted out over the water and up to Clay's perch.

Music chosen, Joe reached into a cooler and pulled out a beer as Clay watched. He sat on a cockpit seat and let the sun beat down on him. A couple of minutes later, Josephine stepped onto the deck from the cabin door. She was completely naked, no scarf, no goofy hat and carrying a tray with a few items on it. "Lunch time," no doubt, Clay muttered.

With Josephine naked, he decided to pull out his camera. He set up the light tripod, attached a camera body to it, then pulled out his 600 mm telephoto lens and fixed it to the camera. He had the tripod set low so he could sit behind it and use the viewfinder. As he focused, his view of the scene snapped into detail.

Josephine set the tray she was carrying down and picked up a wine glass full of red. She looked all around as the sun beat down on her. Clay had an even better look at her now. Her hair was grayish, although it must have been red at one time. Her breasts were large and sagged a bit, but they were nice and full and her nipples were erect, Clay noticed. "Horny again, Josephine?" As she stepped to the stereo, Clay could see her pubic hair was trimmed and that there was no sign of a tan line. Her pubic hair was a pretty dark red. She was little heavy in the hips and around the middle, but she was naked...

Suddenly, Clay realized he was watching through his camera. He began taking shots of Josephine as she stepped to the stereo and changed the music from Joe's rock to quieter, folk tunes. Clay photographed her; full body, her face, complete with mirror sunglasses, zoomed in on her breasts and close cropped on her pubic area. He smiled to himself. "Hi Josephine. Nice to see you better."

She bent to pick something up off the tray, a jar or something, it looked like. She handed it to Joe, who put down his beer and stepped close to her. Clay took a few shots as he reached into the jar with his fingers. With one hand, he reached to Josephine's chin and tipped her head up. Then, with the other hand, he reached to her neck and spread something on her. Sun block? wondered Clay.

He zoomed in tight on Josephine's neck. Joe was putting something red on her. Clay clicked away. As watched and took photos, Joe smeared what Clay now saw was body paint on Josephine's body. With the red paint, he went from her neck down to a breast, below that across her belly and down one of her legs, leaving a red swath over her body.

Clay took more photos as Joe stepped behind Josephine and mirrored his paint scheme on her backside; up one leg, across one cheek, up her back and to her neck. He then reached for a rag and wiped the red off. He then bent for another jar and stepped in front of her again. This time, Joe spread white paint on the other side of Josephine's neck, worked it into her other breast, across her belly and down her other leg, before repeating it from behind.

When Joe again reached to wipe off the white paint on the rag, Josephine said something to him and he stopped, then stood in front of her again. She squatted in front of him and reached to unbutton his shorts and pull his zipper down. Clay followed with his lens as his cock stirred in his own shorts. Josephine began easing Joe's shorts down and even from where Clay was he could hear her laugh as she bared his cock.

Joe had wrapped red, white and green ribbon and a bow around his cock. As Josephine eased his shorts down his legs, his cock pointed at her, the head adorned with the bow. Nice touch, thought Clay; and red, white and green again. Joe kicked his shorts away and Josephine appeared to eye his handiwork as Clay continued taking photos. She undid the ribbons, which now fluttered in a breeze, then pulled the bow away. Uncut like me, Clay noticed. Atta boy. Make that, atta old fart.

As Clay knew she would, Josephine took Joe's un-bowed cock into her mouth as he clicked away, getting the kind of photos he was always jealous of porn photographers for being able to get. His own cock was hard in his shorts as he sat at the tripod.

Suddenly, from behind him on the trail, he heard his name called. "Clay... Clay, are you up here?"

It was Jenny. "Fuck," Clay cursed. "Why is she here?" He jumped to his feet, unsure of what to do. Obviously, she knew he was up here. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Clay...," she called. "I thought you'd be up..."

Clay stepped out from behind the shade tree he'd been sitting under at this tripod. "Jenny," he said, sheepishly. "What are you doing up here?" Jenny was wearing light blue short shorts and a white bikini top.

She walked toward him. "Well, I started real early this morning and got off work early, so I thought you'd be up here and I'd..." Jenny stopped speaking and looked at the bulge in Clay's shorts. Confused, Jenny's eyes moved from the bulge of Clay's cock in his shorts to his eyes. "What are you doing up here, Clay? What, exactly? I came all the way up here just to see you."

Jenny went to step by him and Clay moved slightly in front of her. "I'm just getting some photos, Jenny. You know, for school after Christmas. It's a great spot above this cove and, uh, there's a really nice boat down below."

Jenny took a step past him and saw the camera, lens and tripod, all aimed at the Jo Joe. "There are a lot of boats like that around here, Clay. It doesn't look that special." She looked from the boat to his pack of gear. Seeing his binoculars, she picked them up.

"Hey, I was just about ready to take off, wanna walk back with me, Jenny?" said Clay, weakly. "Then we could have a beer at the Red Dog before I start." His cock had softened in a flush of embarrassment.

Jenny said nothing, but put the binoculars to her eyes and focused on the Jo Joe. "Oh," she said quietly, looking at the boat.

Clay waited.

"Don't let me interrupt your taking pictures of 'the boat'," Clay, she said without looking at him. "I didn't mean to come up here and interrupt what you were doing. I can see now it's important."

Clay hoped Josephine and Joe had gone below on the Jo Joe, but as he looked at Jenny, he knew that wasn't the case. She just stood there, her back stiff, looking at the boat through his binoculars, without saying anything. His mind raced for something suitable to say.

"I think I've got enough shots, we can take off, Jenny. Then we can have a beer, hey?"

Silence as she watched the boat. Clay strained to look past her at what was happening, but couldn't see from where he stood.

"Sit down, Clay," she said, without taking the binoculars from her eyes. "Take some pictures, by all means."

"Nah, really, I was pretty much done with those boat pictures," he said with a lame chuckle. "Like you said, there are other boats around here like it."

"Oh, Clay, I doubt there are many other boats quite like this one. Sit down and take some pictures. Please do."

Clay was torn. He could tell Jenny was mad, but he didn't know if he should just pack up his stuff and leave... But then what would she do? He took a step toward her and looked down at the boat. Now he could see that Joe and Josephine were on deck; of course they would be.

He then shrugged and sat down at the tripod. He looked up at Jenny who was still looking through the binoculars toward the Jo Joe.

Putting his eye to the viewfinder, Clay saw that Joe had finished putting the body paint on Josephine and she was no longer blowing him. She was now covered in red, white and green paint that looked like some kind of weird Christmas camouflage. Clay groaned to himself. A red, white and green Josephine was now on all fours in the cockpit and Joe was behind her, fucking her doggy style, Santa hat in place. Clay watched, unsure of what he should say to Jenny, who stood motionless a few feet away.

"Pictures, Clay, don't forget to take your pictures," she said. "That's what you came up here for, right? Go ahead."

Clay could think of nothing to say, so he adjusted the lens until the pair were filling the viewfinder and he began clicking away, like Jenny said to do. Josephine was looking back at Joe over a shoulder and her large breasts were hanging like large fruit, moving with the rhythm of Joe fucking her as she bucked back against him. He had his hands on her red and white ass to hold her and was happily fucking away, unaware of the awkwardness taking place above the Jo Joe.

Clay took more photos as Joe continued fucking Josephine and then he stopped, pulling her tight against him, and Clay knew he was cumming inside her as he and Jenny watched. He took a few more photos as Joe looked up into the sun and stayed inside Josephine, who was now hanging her head and looking back between her legs. Her breasts were still and Clay could see they were both breathing hard.

He quit taking photos. "Jenny..." he said, looking up. But she was gone. She'd put down the binoculars and quietly left while Clay was photographing the fucking on the boat. "Shit, shit, shit." He lied back in the grass, looking up at the blue sky. "Well," he said aloud, "that couldn't possibly have gone much worse. You've fucked up big-time this time, Bean. God damn horny old folks." But he knew there was nobody to blame but himself.

He took a last look through the viewfinder to see Josephine and Joe lying in the sun, sipping their beer and wine again and holding hands. "Well, at least they're having a good holiday. I imagine mine's now shot to shit." Clay packed up his gear and headed for town and another shift at the Red Dog. As he walked, he tried to imagine giving Jenny some kind of explanation, other than that he was a perv, of course. But he couldn't think of anything.

Luckily, that night, Thursday, was busy and Clay didn't have much time to ponder what he was going to do about Jenny. A cruise ship had pulled into port and the Red Dog was hopping. All kinds of rich assholes were drinking themselves stupid, when they should have been paying attention to their women, Clay thought. Still, the tips were pouring in and he had a lot of cleavage to look at while he worked. Babes and cougars from about 30 to 50 seemed to be everywhere, and a couple of them had been checking him out. If he hadn't been so preoccupied with an explanation for Jenny, he could have got lucky without much problem.

He slept in on Friday, still fretting about what would happen next with Jenny. He really had the hots for her, and had for years. They hadn't fucked a lot, and it wasn't like Josephine and Joe -- it was usually in the dark and over pretty quick with neither of them being real good at it - but he didn't want to give up Jenny or the sex.

Friday night was crazy at the bar as usual, as tourists drank it up and kept the money pouring into the till. The Red Dog was packed with sweaty drunk people, men and women, and as Clay handed a cougar a Santa's Surprise and checked out the cleavage between what he assumed were man-made tits, Hank yelled that there a phone call for him.

He took the phone just as a reggae band started cranking up and he could barely hear anything. "Hello," he kind of yelled into the phone.

"Clay?" said Jenny at the other end. "Can you hear me?"

Surprised, Clay said, "yeah, it's crazy in here and the band's just starting, but I can hear you."

"Well, tomorrow's Saturday," said Jenny.

"I know. I have the day off." He couldn't believe she was calling him after what had happened.

"So do I. You said we could spend the day at the beach. Do you still want to? Or are you going to be too busy?"

Clay wasn't exactly sure what she meant by too busy, but he figured she couldn't be too mad at him if she'd called. "No, I'm not going to be busy. With anything. We should hit the beach, it's supposed to be a great day tomorrow."

"Good," she said. "I'll pick you up at noon. I'll bring lunch. Wear something seasonal, it's only two days to Christmas, you know."

He was about to ask what that would be, but Jenny had hung up. Clay stared at the silent phone for a second. Weird, he thought, but at least she called.

On Saturday, Clay slept in after working late at the bar. When he rolled over to look at the clock, it said 11 a.m. Crap, he had to get ready. He rolled out of bed and hit the shower, taking a lot hot blast to clear his head. Jenny would pick him up in an hour and he needed to get ready. He remembered she said wear something seasonal, though he had no idea what. His sister had an elf hat, but he thought that might be too much like what Joe was wearing when Jenny saw him and Josephine on the boat. Better not to remind her of that, he thought. But what, what would be seasonal? For a moment, he thought of the ribbons and bow Joe had worn on his cock, but he quickly dismissed that idea.

He pulled on his hacked off jean shorts, grabbed a sleeveless red shirt and stepped into his sandals. Then he looked around the house for something 'seasonal'. His mom had all kinds of Christmas crap around, but what would Jenny like, he wondered. In the end, he grabbed his black baseball cap and stuck some green bows on the brim. He took some thin gold ribbon and wrapped it around his shell necklace, then went to the Christmas tree, pulled off some gold garland and pulled it through the belt loops on his shorts.

Finally, he went to his room and got the wrapped present he'd picked out for Jenny. He hoped, man, he really hoped, she'd like what he'd got her. Jenny wasn't big on stuff, he knew, so he'd bought a couple of goats for a village in Africa in her name. He'd wrapped up a small card and the official notice that she'd provided animals for a village in a little envelope with gold foil paper. He really hoped she'd like it. He tucked it under his hat.

Right at noon, Jenny drove up in her old Jeep and honked outside. Clay pulled on his shades and waved as he walked to the Jeep. Looking in the back, he noticed a big picnic basket. Jumping in, he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How are ya, babe?"

"I'm fine, thanks. Glad you weren't busy with anything today." She let out the clutch, pulled away from Clay's home and drove out onto the main road. "I thought we'd head to Baker Beach, there's likely nobody there today."

"Sounds good," he said, and watched as she pushed a CD into the stereo. Christmas carols immediately filled the air. As Jenny drove, Clay looked over at her. She had her Santa hat on again and was wearing some kind of sari dress or something with a belt around it, not the hotter top and shorts she usually wore. Clay thought that wasn't a good sign, although he could still see nipples, so no bra. The only thing bare were her arms and it was like she was trying to show a minimum of skin. Ah well, he thought, this could be a shitty day.

"Hey," he said over the wind coming around the Jeep's windshield and carols. You look good. I like that Santa hat." As soon as he said that, he wished he hadn't, thinking again of Joe wearing one while he banged Josephine doggy style on the boat.

"Thanks," she said, looking over at him. "I see you at least tried." He looked back at her, but couldn't see anything behind her mirror shades.

Baker Beach was about 20 minutes away and they pretty much drove in silence, except for commenting on the occasional house that had lights or decorations on it. Still, thought Clay, the sun was shining, the air coming into the Jeep was warm, Jenny looked good and no doubt had some goodies in her picnic basket.

The beach parking lot was empty as Jenny had predicted. Baker was a good spot, one that locals knew about and not many tourists knew about. Likely, thought Clay, everybody he knew was likely home getting ready for Christmas morning. Whatever. The two of them on the beach was cool, as long as it didn't get awkward.

Clay grabbed the basket out of the back of the Jeep and Jenny took a blanket off the seat. On the way down the path to the beach, he offered his hand and she took it, which was a better sign, he thought. They walked in silence, with gulls squawking above them and the sound of waves breaking on the beach. At the beach, Jenny tugged Clay along the shore and around a jut of rock to a nice spot that had the sun behind them and overlooked another little cove.